
Consolidation Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"1996 Telecommunications Act which took us from 50 giant media companies down to six."
"Our economy will emerge from this crisis even more concentrated and consolidated than before."
"The merger would lead to consolidation and would set a harmful precedent in the gaming industry of acquiring large Publishers rather than encouraging organic growth."
"It's a consolidation of power... from the individual into the hands of global elites."
"Consolidation doesn't mean prices not going over. It's up, down, up, down, up, down."
"Just putting it all together to really solidify everything that we've learned."
"All things you dream of are wrapped up into one book."
"The media is only owned by a few companies and they only are owned by a few people."
"The sweet sauce here is when we consolidate these two together into a new consolidation loan."
"After achieving victory, know when to stop. Resisting the urge to push further and halting to consolidate gains distinguishes the powerful."
"Big tech is going to have to consolidate and those valuations are going to have to come in."
"To avoid the entire region's economy shutting down, the government organized the consolidation rail Corporation better known as Conrail."
"This homework will also help you solidify all the knowledge that you got from this course."
"Essentially, the price is just consolidating in this sideways price range right here in this triangle pattern."
"Consolidate your bottles, have less air in it. It's highly effective and efficient."
"In the last 20 years, it all seemed to come together and there were huge advances."
"It's going to have to happen, M&A. There are far too many of these things, and they can't get investor institutional coverage because they're too small."
"Stuff is gelled down, yeah, over that."
"I think 2024 is the year of consolidation."
"Your faith becomes consolidated... it's a knowing."
"A wedge pattern is a period of consolidation where the price forms a condensing structure that could be identified with two trend lines."
"The great opportunity for the United States at the end of the Cold War was to consolidate Europe."
"They saved us in 2008, but they don't talk about what was the cost of them saving us. And there's many costs. But one of the ones that I think is rarely discussed is that consolidation of equity into fewer and fewer hands or fewer and fewer controllers."
"With everything, all the moves that take place in the marketplace start from a measure of consolidation because that's where the markets are building orders."
"Consolidation is when price moves inside a clear trading range and shows no willingness to move significantly higher or lower."
"the moment you have success or Victory that's the time to step back calm down reassess where you are and in fact consolidate and not go ahead because you're you're headed towards a disaster otherwise."
"Things are coming together, things are coming together."
"Everything we've talked about all wrapped up into one."
"Darth Sidious is the one who really benefits from all of this consolidation."
"But when we make a course, we put it all together in one place."
"I have lots of messages for you but they're all compacted onto one page."
"You need some way to take what is obviously some very diverse systems... and transfer all of this back to one consolidated point."
"Consolidation is great, higher lows over this are great, higher lows here also keep us bullish."
"Everything is now in this one single Hub, which is absolutely fantastic."
"I hate this consolidation of wealth."
"Consolidation really does tend to yield the best results."
"So even if we have consolidation here and we have price doing crazy stuff between this swing high and this swing low I'm still considering this Market in an uptrend unless we break and close below the previous major swing low."
"We keep this as just a landing place for all of it."
"It would be great if it somehow Consolidated here and gave an opportunity to buy more."
"So there are two conditions when it comes to the markets: there's a phase when the market is trending which would be the expansion, and there's a phase when the market is consolidating, which is the consolidation."
"The process of transferring information from short-term to long-term memory involves encoding and consolidation of information."
"Just go a week without any bad news and a break of this consolidation higher."
"Any consolidation up here has to be bullish."
"I've been very clear that my worry has been about under enforcement. Unfortunately, I think there were missed opportunities in the last few decades where all too often entire sectors were allowed to consolidate."
"So fast forward a little bit here you can see the stock is still consolidating around that view up area I'm gonna stock like this I definitely use a five-minute chart."
"Manchester University is an amalgamation of various institutions."
"This gets project management out of your inbox and it brings it into one central location for you to manage and also stay on top of your projects."
"We made an effort to consolidate the plethora of information about magic mushrooms available on the world wide web into an all-encompassing source of accurate facts."
"...the church is imploding and it's realizing that a ward... with 200 active attending people... is better than eight wards where there's only 30 or 40 members attending."
"I'm pretty sure that so much Tech consolidation has happened that it's like what are you gonna put the toothpaste back in the tube."
"I hope you found it helpful, especially since I included all these topics in one video rather than spacing them out across five or six videos."
"Consolidations are always good because what it means is the market is priming up to enter that expansion phase."
"The first thing and the most important thing you can do is try and consolidate your superannuation just down into one account."
"Try and consolidate all your super from all your different jobs you've had in the past all into the one account."
"I feel very confident that we are in a consolidating phase that is getting close to resolving itself where the overhead supply is going to be exhausted."
"The computer circuitry is consolidated to a small module."
"If you have the subtraction symbol between two separate logarithms, that will allow you to consolidate these logarithms into a single quotient."
"...he spends the next 50 years of his reign... consolidating all of these kingdoms which had originally been divided."
"There's been a continual consolidation in both banks and investment banks where the number of firms shrinks and the ones that remain are bigger and bigger."
"My goal for this video is to consolidate separate information to create the general timeline of the Empire, which will help paint a better picture of the entire Malazan Empire."
"The first part of the 20th century was to see consolidation by the railway companies, the first decade being regarded by many as the golden age of steam."
"If 40 years of consolidation has taught us anything about health insurance, it's that big is usually bad."
"It's possible that our economy will emerge from this crisis even more concentrated and consolidated than before."
"Religious freedom remains a missing link in the movement from democratic proceduralism to democracies that are truly consolidated."
"Consolidation is actually preparation for the next move up."
"The size of the next move is equal to the size of the consolidation."
"However, while it took William the Conqueror only a few years to consolidate his rule over all England, his successors would need over 200 years to bring the princes of Cymru to heel."
"Can you please write a book? Can you just condense all of your ideas into one place?"
"It's like a consolidated collection of his ideas, of his themes."
"Consolidations are where the big explosive trades come out of."
"When Hadrian came to power, he broke that tradition and saw consolidation of the empire as his goal."
"The best trades come out of consolidations."
"It's a complicated book, so complicated that I feel it could almost be consolidated into like 36 pages because the density of each poem says so much."
"Every new consolidation, if we're expecting price reaching down to our higher level support level, that's why we do our analysis on the highest level."
"It's all consolidated into a user-friendly experience giving a complete view of our relationship with the contact."
"During the topical consolidation, while losing queries, if you are gaining the traffic, it means that you are becoming more relevant to a certain topic."
"The combined accounts use case allows users to merge multiple separate accounts into a single account."
"In about five years, Netflix, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Google, Hulu, it'll just be like seven companies controlling everything."
"If you have two pieces of pretty similar content, they would be better as one single article."
"Every single new industry goes through these three phases: birth, growth, and then market consolidation."
"It's easier to just do it all in one go instead of having to log into every little thing every single month to track it."
"If we consolidate gains the right way, then we don't have an insurgency to counter."
"The beauty about where we currently sit is that there is time for consolidation and then a retest of those higher prices later in the year."
"The tighter the consolidation, the better it is; the lower the volatility in the consolidation, the more explosive the move is."
"The PMO is a repository where all individual project status reports are received and then will consolidate and produce the organizational reports."
"This series of events marked Otto's consolidation of power across Germany and Italy, setting the foundation for the real Empire."
"Ashoka consolidates the Empire and creates what you have is the largest Indian Empire up till this point in time."
"The more you can consolidate it, the more intuitive and sustainable your workspace is going to be."
"Everything is in one spot and it's all together."
"He was an individual who had the vision, the foresight to take a company or companies and put them together under his own name."
"They reduce the total cost of ownership by consolidating power, cooling, and maintenance required for running servers in a single place."
"When you buy stuff and then consolidate it, you end up spending a lot less on shipping."
"Combining it into one big plant was totally the move."
"Make sure the overall goal is to consolidate."
"The more effort it takes to retrieve, the more effective the practice and the more powerful the consolidation."
"I just decided to put everything in one spot and that's why I recommend that you do that as well."
"Consistent planning throughout the entire enterprise allows detailed plans to be automatically consolidated."
"I think we're going to see more multi-generational housing, people consolidating."
"If you can consolidate your position, finish your development, then you have a very strong center."
"Itana the shepherd who ascended to heaven and consolidated all the foreign countries."
"A master budget is just a term used to define the overall pulling together of your budgets into your financial statement."
"We're looking for those places where we not only cross over but then we rest or consolidate, we get an entry relatively close to our stop loss, and we have a winning trade."
"Eventually it's just going to be the SEC and the Big 10, that is to say ESPN and Fox, and eventually they'll join forces too."
"It's so much easier in some ways and it just consolidates everything into one nice web interface."
"Religion provides a form of consolidation for the alienated."
"If you're designing a new language, you really should not invent; you should consolidate features that have established themselves for a long time."
"Juarez was re-elected president in 1867, and with fewer direct challenges to his authority, he started consolidating more power."
"African democracy is blossoming, it needs to be nurtured, it needs to be consolidated."
"Consolidation settlement is important in fine-grained soil like clay."
"It's going to be a period now of consolidation and then making sure that each step that we take is sustainable in the long term."
"This is a major period of consolidation and expansion, building upon the economic success and the soft power successes of the 9th century and 10th century golden age."
"Chart patterns put all the buying and selling into perspective by consolidating the forces of supply and demand into a concise picture."
"It was really just kind of a human response to the idea that mutants were consolidating in a singular location."
"The market works like this: you have big expansive moves towards the upside and then you consolidate."
"It's almost as if every energy, every decision, every event, every experience that you have ever had is all consolidated into this moment."
"You're getting this consolidation which is starting to look pretty good."
"I'm merely consolidating into the things that I can have more conviction in."
"Considering this consolidation, the excess pore pressures dissipate so that the soil can obtain the necessary shear strength to continue the construction process."
"Creating a website helped me to kind of combine everything I'm doing in one place that I am completely in charge of."
"The agencies of evil are combining and consolidating; they are strengthening for the last great crisis."
"This is about consolidating what you have so far, using it to fuel the fire within."
"It's nuts that we've had a generational leap that will reasonably let you consolidate machines that are five to ten years old, entire racks at a time."
"Consolidated statements give an idea of the entire business family."
"I'm excited to continue that; I do like having it all in one place."
"I just hope that we get to the point where all the other random streaming services kind of die out and they get consolidated."
"During sleep, memories are being consolidated, so things that happened during that day are being solidified in your mind."