
Breeding Quotes

There are 619 quotes

"Hybrid vigor is the recognition that you take two purebred critters and breed them together, they often have extraordinary capacity."
"Don't stress too much about making one perfect pal; it's about getting two perfect Pals you can breed together to create one eventual perfect pal."
"A lot of today's top kennels has used BGK's The Rock's blood because they know that it produces size and a perfect temperament and beautiful dogs."
"Wouldn't it be cool to be able to breed the dogs together and get some kind of mixed coat variant?"
"They breed very easy, but they look fantastic as well."
"She's a dog that we've bred in-house. She has this great ball Drive, she has great food drive, and she definitely has great Fray drive."
"It's basically any shrimp that doesn't fit my line breeding goals or journeys and I just throw them in there."
"They're really pretty easy to breed and they're one of the isopods that seems to exhibit parental care."
"One of those purposes is mating or breeding, and that's the job that a rooster has in a flock."
"Shout out to all the breeders out there making seeds."
"English bull terriers have a lot of self-control and non-aggression those traits have been encouraged through generations and generations of breeding so they are actually known as a patient tolerant calm and collected breed."
"The numbers, the ethics, don't just breed for the sake of breeding."
"Now that they have access to food and they also have access to these beds it should make it so that they start to breed more."
"Animal activists and veterinarians have criticized profit-driven breeders for knowingly breeding dogs that are highly likely to suffer from health problems."
"All the guppy breeders I know depend mostly on live baby brine shrimp."
"A secret part of the station... entirely focused on breeding Metroids."
"All that was selectively bred by human beings via recombination, genetic recombination plant breeding."
"The goal is to have a female that either looks just like the male or another male that looks just like the female."
"The Oval Charm increases the chance that two Pokemon are going to successfully make an egg."
"Sometimes the Pokemon hatch from an egg will know unusual moves called egg moves."
"Breeding is effectively the same: you get strong, compatible, you train them up, and then you are good to go."
"The Destiny Knot will make it to where five stats IVs will actually carry over from either parent into the offspring."
"The Masuda method increases the chance of getting a shiny Pokémon while breeding as long as the parents are from different regions."
"Don't please breed us down to a few excellent types... excellent for what?"
"But at what cost? From a kitten with two faces to a miniature horse, let's look at 15 horrifying pets we've bred into existence."
"Another fun fact is that this is the only Pokemon MMO on this list that lets you traditionally breed Pokemon for competitive battles!"
"This girl is a pretty chunky girl too and I'm excited to be breeding it again I've been breeding them for many years but this year I'm really focusing to try to prove some cool ones."
"Beefmaster bulls provide the best of both worlds." - Pam Minich
"Sometimes breeding can lead to some extremely unusual consequences."
"This is what you work for, and even more so when the little tortoise, when the hatchling comes out, it is you feel like you've broken a secret code."
"They breed winners, they breed success, they breed dogs."
"Humans have been Crossing and breeding fruit for Millennia to make them more appetizing for humans."
"If you plant blue hubbards together with blue hubbards, you just keep getting blue hubbards."
"Only the best animal should be kept for breeding."
"Breeding was introduced in these games and works like it does in real life."
"Dogs have been bred for a very long time to be empathetic towards their human owners."
"Inbreeding depression may eventually bring whatever genetic inadequacies they may have had v-rex was still capable breeders."
"These frogs are happy as a clam, they're breeding, they're living healthy lives."
"But in this short amount of time this breeder in Europe was able to produce this purple Galaxy tomato beautiful purple gorgeous tomato."
"I only want to keep my very, very top show quality horses as stallions."
"I want the bull that got 56 calves. I don't care if his ribeye is this big or this big. I want that libido."
"Better calf survivability, better weaning percentages, better breed ups, and better longevity."
"The index does the math for you. It tells you how all those other traits affect your financial outcome."
"The index does the math for you. It runs it through a budget and it tells you this Bull's progeny are going to make you more money on the ranch and the feed lot or over the whole cycle."
"Dollar profit helps us make our cow herd better. And if our cow herd's better, our calf crop's better."
"The Brewers Association was formed to benefit not just the breed but the breeders."
"You don't use a pedigree to determine what's a good pig, what the pedigree tells you is what are your chances of producing as good or better pig in the next breeding."
"Resilience is bred from adversity."
"These European breeders just do a good job, they really care about the quality."
"I concentrate on shrimp, mainly playing with improving genetics in things I like... There's a lot of good breeders but also a lot that are not as good quality."
"But by the same token, there's all aspects of us that like a bit of conservation, yeah? This is, for me, a long-term project. I'd like to say in the next 10 years they'd be in a position where they can start breeding."
"We got a few from Alex with the intent of reselling them, and this has to be the easiest endler I've ever bred."
"The macaroni penguin is the most numerous species and is the fifth and final species to breed in Antarctica."
"The shell dwellers have bred a few times."
"Our goal is to, you know, get a lot of baby or smaller predators so we can grow them out."
"When it comes to breeding, choose quality animals."
"The demand is greater than any of us can keep up with at this point so there's tons of room for more breeders to come in."
"There's nothing like raising your own queens, and the best part is you're not just getting run-of-the-mill stuff, you're picking from your best colonies in your yard."
"I have a bunch of guppy fry from a previous spawn all from the same mom that we're going to put in one of these tanks."
"Humans have been breeding crops of fruit to make them juicier, sweeter, bigger, and just fuller of sugar."
"I really wish we could breed watches just like he breeds horses."
"So yeah, in a nutshell, we just covered inbreeding, line breeding, and hybrid vigor."
"It's important that we pick a rabbit for replacement that is of higher quality than the stock we're using now to keep the quality of the herd moving forward."
"Breeding the slippery fish is extremely difficult because its physiology, spawning behavior, and life history still need to be better understood."
"The legacy of the Barbara family is its elite purebred Hereford breeding program."
"My grandad always bought registered Bulls and it was really easy to do because within just a few miles of this place there was a thermal successful purebred operations."
"Genetics are very important to us. We pay very close attention and try to buy high-quality replacement heifers and bulls for our breeding program."
"It's a bit of a gamble when you're breeding. You think you're gonna get one thing, sometimes you get what you think you're gonna get, other times you get the dice."
"The combination results in a breed which unites the traits of two highly successful parent breeds."
"...if you have a reduced genetic diversity it does put the whole population at risk of survival and there's three key things that could reduce the genetic diversity captive breeding and inbreeding which kind of Link together genetic bottlenecks and the founder effect."
"These guys are just not bred in this country whatsoever. If we can produce our own, then it's got to be better in the long run for everything, for the hobby, for the centipede, for all of us."
"...I didn't know the yawn could be that little, but these guys I think are going to be ready to sell unsets in groups of like maybe six or eight."
"...this next tank might be one of the most important tanks in the whole fish room."
"Crested geckos are really polygenic. What that means is you want to breed basically if I have a patternless red Gecko and another patternless red Gecko and I pair those two up they're going to produce really red geckos."
"Excited to start seeing them breed too."
"Most of the discus that we keep around are between 1 & 2 years of age, those are the best breeding sizes."
"...so we're going to see how many of these guys will actually breed now."
"She is beautiful, can't wait to breed him this year hopefully."
"When you breed these more of sometimes weird side effects come out."
"It's a low volume of water really isn't it but you can probably see there look the filter floss doing its job it's already gone Brown and the water is looking great."
"Fingers crossed we can get hundreds and hundreds of babies I see no reason why we shouldn't because breeding Guppies is one of the easiest things you can actually do put them in a tank male and female you will get babies."
"I started with somewhere around 60 fry and over the next couple of days dropped to about 30."
"We bought out a wonderful breeder of crested geckos and gargoyle geckos. So these beautiful, beautiful geckos came from a great breeder at the show."
"They're bred and raised by German breeders and the folks in Germany they pay their workers more."
"I want to try to breed all the fish that are in there."
"I'll use these little floating breeder boxes that you buy at Petco. I think they're kind of designed for guppies cuz they come with a little splitter and a little tray at the bottom that fry can fall through but I take the tray and the splitter out and I just use the whole thing."
"You will not regret getting a captive-born baby raised up by a knowledgeable breeder."
"Bearded dragons and Northern blue tongue skinks here in the United States are all captive bred because of Australia's super strict export laws."
"We've added so many caterpillars to our yards we've added the birds that require those caterpillars particularly when they're breeding."
"...they breed select mares to select Jacks and they get these awesome mules..."
"So it's literally that easy, you just need males and females in a tank, a spawning mop, and you're good to go."
"Raising your CPD fry really comes down to a balance between two factors."
"It's a big responsibility, you know dog shows were developed originally as a comparison for breeding stock."
"This breed came from a combination of black cocker spaniels and Sussex spaniel strains."
"Forget traditional carrots, leeks and potatoes. Vegetables today are getting a modern makeover thanks to breeding methods which mix two different plants to produce something completely new, known as a 'hybrid'."
"You are getting something right if you're getting the right result each time, that's my tetra breeding cycle."
"There's always been great bucking horses, but I think the genetics nowadays are going out through the roof."
"Selective breeding is how farmers make evolution happen really quickly."
"Always picking your individuals who want to breed and breeding them together."
"Making gorgeous and healthy animals takes effort from the breeder. It takes having an idea of the animal you're working with and how their genetics work."
"Because we've baptized them, we believe that all who are bred should get bred." - Video
"Some breeds of dog go in and out of fashion, challenging the breeders to keep up with changing demand."
"You want to see better kids every time. And from that kid, if you happen to retain and breed them, you want that kid to be even better than that doe or buck."
"It really depends on when your goats are kidding."
"We've never had a calving problem here, Dexter's are known for easy calving."
"We help mom birth the puppies and the day after they've welt out we start doing specific things every day with those puppies."
"It's rewarding to not only breed just one pretty looking cow but to build a solid foundation to grow that family."
"We put in a lot of work and a lot of thought goes into the breedings and the genetics of this herd so we're very proud."
"Modern breeding has created plants that are dwarf and productive."
"The genetics that Circle F offers, that's really what has drawn us to their animals."
"You take these Brahmin bulls and cross them back on both Storrs cows, you're gonna have high birth weight, high weaning weights."
"We're trying to make an animal that we can put into a breeding program that's going to give them the high marbling, consistency, ribeye, the tenderness."
"One of the reasons they chose Brangus as a breed of choice is the fact that the Brangus female is one of the most sought-after replacement females."
"With that said the reason that they are so popular is due to the selection pressure that's put on them to put a product all the way if you will breed to the plate not only breed to the environment but breed to the plate."
"Our focus is to breed performance cattle with low birth weight and good spread."
"We breed Brahmins through Brahmins, get these full blood downs, but we also breed Hereford bulls and Angus bulls back to these Brahman cattle to get these F-ones because just to fit different people's programs."
"This one's called Clean Sweep snow bank and it was selected and bred for leaf spot resistance."
"You're trying, let's say if you're breeding for zone nine and 10, you're saying I want more of those crisphead styles."
"It's a big lab and normally these big dogs don't have trouble having puppies, but she does."
"90% of the females that we catch they all go back because they breed."
"We cannot breed greatness through fear."
"The joy of bringing life onto Earth, you know, breeding them, putting mates together, and watching these eggs hatch."
"But do you know what? When you struggle and struggle to breed something because it keeps going wrong, and then you manage to get it right and everything works in the right way, it is such a wonderful feeling."
"Now another reason you might want to do water changes is because say you have a tank where you have some fish that you want to spawn."
"...the more we can do with captive breeding programs the better it's going to be for the wild populations."
"We had a really, really good hatch, probably about a ninety percent hatch rate."
"...looking at these eggs, how nice and fluffy and perfect they are, I'd say all of these look absolutely perfect."
"Their desire to hunt and their trainability has been bred into them over the years. They make a great hunting companion."
"My goal and my hope is that by keeping these fish I can find success in breeding them and then share that information and that knowledge with you via these YouTube videos."
"These are the l471s. They're not breeding for me yet, they haven't reached full sexual maturity yet, but they're getting pretty close. Looking forward to the time they start breeding, it's going to be great."
"I had a lot of fun raising these little damsels from eggs."
"Most breeders aren't getting rich. They're following their passion with integrity."
"Feed them well, keep the water stable, and they will breed."
"...these guys are small and captive-bred which actually fixes most of the issues that most people would have with a caiman lizard honestly in a lot of ways this lizard is absolutely perfect."
"Celestial eye goldfish are a more than 200-year-old breed originating from China or Korea."
"The Izumo Nankeen goldfish was created in Japan around the middle of the 18th century."
"I've been having so much fun breeding quarries lately, they're really, really fun fish to breed."
"He's definitely the best, you already know. Like I said, he's a master breeder. He's been doing this for how many years? You would say about 50 years now?"
"Try to support captive breeding programs."
"I need to get to that level where I know I can start. I'm a credible breeder."
"These are l397 red tiger plecos, there are quite expensive and all the ones in here are babies."
"If you're interested in breeding, Guppies are easy to look after."
"Look at the colors on her, full breeding dress."
"That's terrible and sad the great news is they're easy to breed in captivity and we have tons of them."
"Jacob employs a clever tactic: he places freshly cut rods from Poplar, almond, and plain trees near the mating animals. This results in the birth of offspring with the desired markings."
"The Japanese are probably leading lots of really, really good work going on there, lots of incredible breeders."
"I try not to resell snakes because if I resell it, my name's behind it. I need to guarantee it's healthy, I need to guarantee its genetics."
"For a first-year sire to get a horse to the Breeders' Cup is a really big deal."
"The Thoroughbred, the product of centuries of selective and judicious breeding."
"As you can see, this is another fish that I've been able to breed quite successfully."
"Oh my gosh, eight black-headed python eggs. This is the first time I've ever produced."
"I have big plans for her in the future, and I think she's going to make some incredible animals."
"It was the cross-breeding search for ever higher more disease-resistant alpha hops that inadvertently led to the creation of new more aromatic varieties."
"Look at that beautiful lizard, beautiful blackthroat monitor that we hatched right here."
"Plants were initially bred for their oily seeds, which served as a food crop."
"If you're going to be breeding, you want to keep good records."
"The beauty of selective breeding."
"Meet the Tamaskan, a new breed who was created by breeding the same dogs that make up the Northern Inuit with husky wolf dog mixes from Finland."
"Hybrid vigor is when you cross two different breeds and you get the best of both worlds."
"The American Bully was created with the purpose of being a family companion dog, and absolutely not a working or fighting dog."
"Using only the best dogs with the best personalities and sweetest natures in order to produce a gentle and loving animal who is totally safe around small babies, pets, and children."
"This is the most incredible reptile breeding facility I have yet seen in Europe."
"Successful pollination is essential when breeding plants on a commercial scale."
"I just love the subtle colors of a lavender, and when you mix that with pied, you get the dreamsicle."
"We're into the phase where we're starting to see all of our new varieties come on, a lot of the varieties we bred ourselves, they are all things that have great flavors."
"They're also a more docile, nicer breed of pig."
"All the fish you can see in here were bred by me."
"I'm super excited about this. This is my new shrimps, and I hope they're going to breed me a big colony."
"Our breeding philosophy is simple: no breeding operation, just like no human, comes without a great mother."
"They're a great fish for beginners that are trying to breed a fish."
"Dogs have been bred over hundreds of years to be with us."
"CRISPR Cas9 gives plant breeders a tool for making a precise single change to a genome."
"One of the remarkable things that's happened during the last 20 years or so is that breeders have developed really fantastic varieties."
"If you have something that works, you keep it pure, and you safeguard your lines."
"What do I look for in a Holland Lop for breeding? You want that typical Holland Lop type, almost bulldogish, big fat heads, nice top line, nice and compact."
"It's amazing that when we selectively breed, what we can produce."
"Captive breeding is so important."
"The Turkmen horse, with their speed, stamina, and loyalty, were also bred for horse racing."
"This breed is known for its dark colored eggs, but what makes it even more popular amongst breeders is the fact that it is so rare to come by in the first place."
"I'm actually the first person ever to actually hatch Katinga cherry heads out."
"They're ready to go and we're gonna put them inside of here safe and sound, give them a little Nest box, and hopefully, we'll start getting some eggs."
"A little bit of luck goes a long way to breeding good ones."
"He is the best horse sired by young Australian phenomenon I Am Invincible."
"I breed for dogs that like to do things with their owner, that are smart and have good temperaments."
"We look to the future, and I believe we have a very exciting young group of stallions."
"I love hatching eggs, it's so much fun to get Sulcatas, Radiated tortoises, all the different species I keep here."
"This blue-eyed lucistic king cobra... has been about a year in the making."
"It's true, Ken was the first person in the world to breed the congales Frog himan ayis curtipes in captivity."
"Northern Dancer, the most successful racehorse and stallion bred in Canada, could have been a greater bargain."
"The Mediterranean was a really good place for them to breed, with favorable conditions like prey abundance and space to move around."
"You read the best to the best and hope for the very best."
"Every single pair on this wall either has eggs or offspring, very successful."
"Nothing goes along expected lines in life, let alone with the genetics of DNA and breeding."
"...by selecting these desirable traits and breeding animals together that have these desirable traits, you bring about offspring that has a significant change from the generations that have come before it."
"This is such an exciting clutch too."
"Creating new hybrids using the plants in their collection is a big focus."
"No one is more committed to sustainability than the breeders of U.S. registered Holsteins."
"Behind every good bull there's a story, early mornings and late nights, hours spent pouring over pedigrees and genetic test results."
"Rear Queens from your survivor colonies and this helps maintain locally adapted stock."
"You have more chance if you breed from a family."