
Roots Quotes

There are 820 quotes

"I lost myself, but I'm happy to say that I'm re-gathering it. I'm finding my roots again."
"Always take time to appreciate where you're actually from."
"With an open heart, pay homage to where we came from and having the best fans in the world."
"In the whispers of the wind, in the murmur of the river, lies the song of the earth, calling us to return to our roots."
"You cannot be strong anywhere if your roots are not strong."
"You're finally returning to your roots, and you guys are planting the seeds."
"Always remember where you come from. It doesn’t mean that you stay stuck there, but it is the source, and we only have one source each and every one of us."
"Religion and spirituality are quite different from each other, though the roots of spirituality are very much in religion."
"It's very important not to forget your roots and where you come from because that's end of the day what makes you."
"Resident Evil 7 takes us back to its survival horror roots."
"Family bonds are inseparable. No one can break them. They are the most important roots we have in this world."
"I love North Philadelphia; it's home. It's where I come from, so my roots are still there."
"Apex Legends at its core is a movement game with its roots from Titanfall."
"I think we're returning to the roots, to the place where we belong. About time."
"Your roots are intertwined, the only thing that will untangle your roots is your conviction of faith in God."
"It's a really interesting time, it's a really good moment for Hertha Berlin. It feels like back to their roots moment."
"Rooted in something really profound and really meaningful it really is."
"Just remind yourself where you come from, that is powerful."
"Whatever comes after the root will not be strong, because that's where what comes after the root gets its power."
"Root which I root which is similar to a farm which in that they also have really strong leadership abilities their leadership comes out in the form of being able to put down roots and start a family."
"The roots of individual liberty start with Christianity."
"I think it's always important to remember your roots and learn about your culture."
"Make sure he never forgets where he came from and he never doubts that he is loved."
"Embrace change, but never forget your roots."
"Even if they don't really live the lifestyle of a poor person, they still know where they came from."
"Remember where you came from and don't forget whose you are."
"Roots placed and foundation laid from the very beginning of my life."
"You got roots in Louisiana." - Daniel Cormier
"Thrall is going to go back to his roots... this will influence him greatly."
"So many people fail where they come from... it's important to go back to where you came from, find what you are or what you were and nurture that."
"Always remember where you came from because if not, you're gonna have to spend a lot of time digging back up to the surface."
"Islam is practical, it deals with problems from The Roots."
"It's good to go back to your roots every now and then."
"Salah has never forgotten his roots, unlike other players who often forget their families and villages when they become wealthy."
"It's important to remember where you came from."
"It's so crazy...you got to go back to where it all started before you feel normal again."
"Ozzy Osbourne's new music brings him back to his roots of dark haunting lyrics mixed with epic guitar riffs."
"Don't ever sever the root which is spiritual."
"This is home, this is where my family is, where my roots are."
"I never lose that, you know, because the Bible said... I knew where my root was."
"We've really planted roots here with community and friends."
"You are maybe choosing to learn about your ancestral roots and lineage."
"Remember your roots, Critic. Remember your roots."
"The roots of Aztec civilization reach deep into the past."
"Always remember where you come from, that's the most important. Don't forget the people that have helped you and don't turn your back ever."
"...it's naive to think that the entire root system has no sensory or cognitive aspects to it."
"I will never forget where I came from or who I am."
"Remember where you came from but never lose sight of where you're going."
"No matter how far away from home you get, you can always come back to it."
"It's really important that that is strong like the roots of a tree."
"Don't never forget where you come from."
"Exploring your roots is giving you knowledge and wisdom, leaving a legacy."
"The roots that touch you in the right ways, those are the ones you want to connect with."
"You can't forget where you come from, no matter how big you get."
"Rock it, love it, be it, but never forget where you came from."
"Without history, we are like a tree without roots."
"I just moved back to Jamaica from Toronto in May and the reason why I moved back was because of legacy."
"I'm excited to see if we're gonna go back to our super Indie roots and make this feel like the first."
"Y'all need to remember your roots. You need to remember where you came from."
"This is a style that will continue to be popular well into present times—you know, you got to know your roots."
"All I can hope for is for DC animation to get back on track and get back to its roots on why it became so beloved in the first place."
"But Kenny and Butters never forgot where they came from, like I'd say a raisin."
"Sometimes people say that recycle but sometimes the recycle is good because you have to keep some people in tune and in mind say this is coming from that, that is coming from that you know so you have to know the root of the music."
"Your future spouse is definitely someone who will not forget their roots, no matter how high or how big they make it."
"Someone needs to care a little more, show a little compassion when it comes to their roots."
"The only reason we would walk away from our faith when we walk away from a people or a place is if our faith was very much rooted in that people and that place."
"Just like they say, you can take the man out of the mountains but you can't take the mountains out of the man."
"Here's a quick reminder of what your roots can do if you let them have really good soil to work with."
"Wherever you grow up will always feel to some extent like home."
"The roots of some of the most powerful American works of art are in family life."
"It's good for you to know your history and to know where you came from."
"I want the world to know that even though we lost a lot of our culture, we're still kind of in touch with our roots, and that's what makes us good people is that we never forget where we came from."
"Always remember where you are coming from."
"Always love making a four ler video ties us back to Our Roots."
"You can take the girl out of Seattle but you can't take the Seattle out of the girl."
"...you have to really find your way and in order to do that, know where you come from, know your roots, and know yourself and always pray."
"Don't ever forget where you came from. Stay humble and I'm going to give back to where I came from."
"You can take the kid out of Massachusetts but you can't take the Massachusetts you cannot."
"Humans are the same, we need to be connected to our roots, we gotta meet our soul, we gotta meet our power."
"Roots are the foundation of the tree, hidden, secret, ferocious, brave, strong."
"It's an environment in which the awareness of our roots can awaken."
"Regardless of what you achieve in life, I think it's always gonna be the place where I grew up."
"Root yourself in reality; visit your parents, talk to your grandparents if they're still alive, revisit your birthplace."
"We are all indigenous to Earth, we all come from this place, this is our roots, this is our home."
"It feels like she's talking a lot about that here not knowing your purpose but just trying to come down here and have some fun and you know again realign yourself with your own roots."
"He accepts this new phase in his life but he never forgets his roots."
"The Americans never had any proper Catholic roots."
"I really know where I came from and that to me is the most wonderful thing that have come out of this story."
"You don't forget where you come from. You don't forget the hard times that you had."
"The further back into history you go, the more you can explore these roots."
"Never forget where you came from."
"From my perspective, I pretty much made my mind up that at some point in my life, I'm going to be moving back to Africa."
"It's very important for me to get home to Derry as often as possible. It's not always possible to get home every night."
"I'm proud of you dog, I'm proud that for one you still trace back to your roots too."
"Knowing your culture, knowing your roots is a major part of that process."
"Square roots ask the question of what number times itself equals a given number."
"You always look back to your roots, you know? This was your passion so much back when you were a teenager starting out, you lived it."
"Nearly every word in Arabic is based on a combination of three letters that together form a root."
"Small town people, they more or less grow up and die there, so I do understand."
"There's no need for us to forget. I love it. I love where I come from, I love how I grew up, I love my past."
"The root of the problem is that most people misunderstand success."
"You got to know where you're coming from to know where you're going."
"We stay here because of friends and family. If there were no ties, we would pick a different state."
"Remember your roots, your star seed origin."
"I don't forget where I come from or who I am. That's what keeps me going every day."
"Always know where you come from, you come from the dirt you come from the mud kid."
"It's good if we stay true to the roots of what's most essential and then we can reach out from there and bounce back safely."
"I just have to keep running toward my dream and remember where I came from."
"You can take the kids out of Essex but you can't take Essex out the kids."
"Cherrytown is my life, this is my roots."
"I've had very nomadic phases, but sometimes it's kind of nice to plant the flag."
"Having put my roots here in Alaska is really important to me, and I definitely think that this new boat is going to help us keep living this lifestyle. Maybe even have kids."
"Our destiny would be to find our roots, chemically and biologically, among the stars."
"You have to have that nest. Roots include also extended family, grandparents. You know you have ancestors, an extended family, cousins. So in the healthiest sense of it, those are the grounding roots that are the basis of a healthy, harmonious life."
"Don't forget where you came from. Too many get up there and they forget what it was like at the team level."
"We can deal with the old maple's roots."
"You always try to remember where you came from. That'll help you moving through the ranks."
"You know, that was a whole nother world, and they sent me right back, you know, group home, foster care [__], you know. But you know, majority of my life is Brooklyn, you know. That's where my influence comes from, that's where my roots are from, you feel me?"
"It was all about the same thing which were the roots of what ails us and those roots are the seeds of trauma falling into a soil that lets those seeds grow."
"Root training is when the roots reach the bottom of this big hole here, and what happens is they kind of air prune. And what that means is they die off when they touch, come into contact with oxygen, and the plant then sends new roots down."
"...when those roots penetrate soil and go deep down below the somewhat depleted topsoil they're able to grab and draw out more vitamins and minerals..."
"Connections are always important. We always find our way back to the roots of our own personal story."
"Having known the mother, we may proceed to know her children; having known the children, we should go back and hold on to the mother."
"What seems to me to be God's way of working is that in every generation, there are people who come up who really are interested in going back to the roots of what faith means, and how you live it out faithfully."
"Remember who you were and where you came from."
"You go back to the basics, you go back to the roots."
"It's very, very important to know where your roots are, where your energies come from."
"If you plant your Roots deep then you can grow your tree high and bear beautiful fruits and people can even benefit from the shade that you offer."
"so you feel like the bay is more home for you yeah no the bay is definitely home cuz that's you know that's where I spent I say like where you're from is where you grow up so like me you know I I did end of elementary middle school high school all in the Bay Area"
"No matter how far you go, this will always be your home."
"Your roots are in this book. That's amazing, isn't it?"
"Just remember where you came from on the path."
"No matter how far I go in life I take Cleveland with me because I couldn't be me without Cleveland."
"It can be easy to forget its roots and the fact that in its very first film it offered up this excellent final fight."
"I never forgot where I came from, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's healing the historical traumas that came down through our people but is also so much more, connecting to the positive life-giving roots that we all have."
"Ultimately, your fourth house is your roots and your home."
"A people without knowledge of themselves are like a tree without roots."
"I would never forget where I came from."
"The best of advice that Elvis ever gave me was: 'Never forget where you came from. No matter how successful you become at whatever you may do, never forget where you came from and who you are.'"
"It's where it's calling you to your roots right now, to really flush the system and come back to yourself."
"It's very good to often go back to the roots, and the Bible does teach us things that are surprisingly timely and extremely relevant to the 21st century."
"I tapped into my roots and tapped in that bond with her. That's just one example. Another example is I did an extraordinary essay for Vanity Fair for Graydon Carter on Gone with the Wind."
"This is my home so this is the place that I've known my whole life"
"Different value traditions can indeed produce a more general, mostly also more abstract understanding of their common features without losing their roots in the specific traditions and experiences."
"When you talk about hip-hop and you talk about rappers, one thing that's really important for a lot of these guys that a lot of kind of middle-class America and I feel like they have lost is where you're from."
"Never forget where you started, but also always remember where you're going."
"I want to get back to some of those roots of discipline and hard work."
"Stay humble; one of the most dangerous things in life is to forget where you come from."
"Just always remember where you come from."
"I am not here for the views grab, the Philippines is my parents' home country and I want to know more about my roots."
"So he left the synagogue, left the organized religion, and started teaching, discipling, and preaching in a place called the school of Tyrannus, a secular place, a non-religious environment. That's where the church really took root. That's what really started it."
"So if you have a square root in the numerator, you need to set the inside equal to or greater than zero."
"The radical isn't the person who sort of wandered off into the deep weeds. The radical is the person who goes back to source, who goes back, who goes back even farther."
"You need that little challenge to be like, 'All right, I need to come back to my roots.'"
"It's always good to have young people come back to the place where they were born."
"Always remember where you came from dude, stay humble."
"I think it's important to remember where you came from and that is no matter where you end up, you can't forget the times when you were down."
"I just wish that businesses would never forget the roots that they came from, especially if they started in PLG, and have a sense of when to swing the pendulum to the right direction and correct it when it's the right time."
"A lot of people become a bit successful and they forget the roots and things like that I don't want to be that guy."
"But never forgetting where we came from."
"Purple Roots, it's called. It's a part Color Purple, part Roots. It's about a black hair salon in the Depression-era South. Yeah, all Black cast."
"Roots are saving up more nutrients preparing for the dormancy in Winter."
"You have no fruit without the root."
"That's how you know you have to remember where you came from. Yeah, you know, remember your roots."
"Yes, because that's where I was born at."
"After a year away from traveling, this trip reminded us of our roots."
"What I love about marrying somebody that young and that connected to your roots... is that you constantly have this reminder of who you were and who you've become."
"True change for the human being is possible if we return to the root of our being."
"Our Journey Begins of course in ancient times." - A journey through history's queer roots.
"It gives me a sense of my roots and a tradition that I belong to."
"I feel like every tail roots from something so right."
"Never forget where you're coming from."
"A lot of artists get big and don't remember where they come from."
"Back to my roots, back in beautiful Melbourne with my own tribe."
"This is becoming like a hub for Filipinos especially that are trying to understand or reconnect to the roots."
"Our roots are primarily here in the US, but we certainly go abroad."
"They will never forget where they came from."
"You can take a girl out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl."
"...gotta let them know where we come from..."
"I'm coming from the smallest house but I'm coming from the biggest home."
"You can take the girl from the res, but you can't take the res out of the girl."
"Even if you lose everything, your roots are still there."
"It's a real return to their hard rock roots."
"Communities were moving along these roots."
"I was never ready to be permanent, but I knew somehow if I ever was ready, I wanted to plant my roots here and always with you."
"Again, at this concept of extraneous Roots, this is a tremendously important topic."
"There's something about it that brings us back to our roots, just feels right when we're out there in nature enjoying god's creation and doing the thing that it was ordained for us to do."
"Where you're from is where you're from, no matter where you've moved if you've moved, don't matter if you've moved where you're from is where you're from."
"You have to know where you come from to understand which direction you're going."
"We grew up in Denver it made us who we are that's our spot."
"We don't forget where we came from."
"This mixtape is so special because I really had to go back to my roots."
"It's kind of helped me stay humble through the whole thing too, just of where I came from, where I started."
"I think you should never forget where it all started."
"To be rooted in this community, you're giving yourself to something."
"Sweet peas do have a fairly aggressive root system, they produce a lot of roots, they need a lot of space to grow."
"No matter how far you go, you will always have a place here to return to."
"Even with our struggles, we never forget home."
"I've never forget where I come from, and it's always there."