
Psychic Abilities Quotes

There are 216 quotes

"Would you rather be telekinetic or telepathic?"
"Pisces end up like straight-up, some of them end up like psychic more."
"The reality of remote viewing was effectively proven beyond a doubt."
"People have innate psychic abilities, and you can develop them if you want to."
"Being psychic is not enough... The real power comes in actually understanding the structure of the universe."
"I see your like psychic abilities getting deeper and stronger. Your intuition."
"Some of you may find that your intuition or abilities start to increase more... whether it be mediumship, clairvoyancy, whatever you want to call it."
"All of us have multiple psychic gifts and abilities, however, there is typically one that is strongest, the most dominant, which makes it your psychic power."
"What they found over 23 years of experiments was compelling evidence that psychic abilities are real."
"Despite all this, what they found over 23 years of experiments was compelling evidence that psychic abilities are real."
"The alpha state, a calm expanse of 8 to 12 Hertz, serves as a serene conduit between conscious and subconscious realms, making it an ideal state for psychic cultivation."
"Enhancing psychic abilities is akin to embarking on a transcendent journey, one that goes beyond mere sensory experiences."
"You guys are probably one of the most powerful manifesters I've ever seen."
"You are spiritually and psychically gifted; use those gifts to change the world."
"Your psychic skills - born to be healers, teachers, a guidance to society."
"Psychic powers are real and you can develop them to various degrees."
"Meditation... can really help you in receiving messages of any kind or developing your psychic abilities."
"We all have access to our psychic mediumship abilities."
"Trust your intuition, your psychic abilities. If you feel like something is off, act on it."
"Activating this third eye energy is going to allow you to activate your psychic gifts."
"Many consider his prophecies to be the strongest evidence of paranormal and psychic abilities ever recorded."
"Because you're healing, you're actually getting very in touch with your psychic gifts."
"Scorpio moons are probably one of the most psychic water signs out of all three besides Pisces I would say Scorpio Pisces moon or the most psychic."
"They are allowing these abilities to come back, the psychic abilities to return and become amplified."
"The real power isn't in gaining psychic abilities."
"Telepathy and heightened intuition will become the norm."
"Psychic gifts, astral traveling, lucid dreaming, and Pathak abilities."
"Being psychic is listening to your gut feeling; you're being psychic."
"You become more psychic when you're abducted a lot of people are endowed with psychic abilities they never had before."
"Each and every one of you is spiritually gifted to some capacity. Incredibly intuitive, empathic, psychic, mediumship, channeling energies."
"Telepathy, psychic ability, intuition - all traceable to the quantum world."
"Your dreams are trying to tell you something so please pay to your dreams guys because you guys aren't work holes and you have extreme psychic gifts."
"Incredibly, some experts believe Boo's response may have been triggered by psychic abilities."
"Your guides are going to share their psychic gifts with you."
"Whoever you are, you chosen, so you got some type of psychic abilities possibly."
"That's why telepathy goes well beyond just speaking communication."
"The power of the sororitas in their faith is not confirmed as being necessarily a direct psychic manifestation of War power."
"The Eldar were master psykers, they were insane."
"You have a power, a spirit animal around you. You're profoundly clairvoyant."
"Challenges make you stronger, embrace psychic abilities."
"Remote viewers are able to view things in both the past and the future."
"Psychic abilities can be turned on and off, managing energy is key."
"The force is usable by anyone and from the remote viewing stuff, it's pretty clear that you can develop these abilities."
"Using its psychic power, Gotharita arranges pebbles to form the shapes of constellations. Some people believe this Pokémon came from outer space."
"Used his incredibly strong psychic abilities to help save the day."
"You have a strong intuition and psychic powers."
"For whatever reason on your own personal journey and path at this time, spirit is saying focus on your Clairaudience; all the answers will be found there."
"Your psychic power will be enhanced, leading you to surprising decisions."
"Jean Grey can siphon psychic energy to power herself up, even from Galactus."
"White scars are actually pretty down with the psychers oh really they they have they were instrumental in establishing the librarians remember him."
"They're exceptionally intuitive, very psychic. They're opening up to their inner world, discovering a new way of being."
"Remote viewing is so easy that even a physicist can do it."
"There's no limit to what the psychic mind can do."
"You are very, very intuitive at this time and you have a lot of psychic gifts."
"A very good remote viewer can be expected to make contact with a target about 60-65% of the time."
"I've always wanted to use my psychic gift for good, you know, to help people."
"Overall, this person was very attracted to you but there's like a lot of deep-seated like karmic stuff going on this person that you guys couldn't see even though you guys have these strong psychic abilities."
"You're deeply psychic; the impressions can be deeply healing."
"Aquamarine has long been a healing gem associated with the sea and also with stimulating psychic abilities."
"Plan for the future while living in the present. You are always supported by Spirit. Your psychic abilities can bring you Prosperity."
"You're a person who can see things through dreams and you can see the future."
"Telepathy will come easy to some people, they won't know how to shut up, watch."
"It is possible to channel messages... without you sitting in a meditative state."
"Trust your intuition, a lot of you are psychic, and you don't even know it."
"Everybody has psychic gift; it's not something that's just made for special people."
"I guess it could be a pathway to reroll two psychic tests for one model if they do have a really bad run of casting."
"You're powerful, you're strong, you're born psychic, you're born an empath."
"Pisces... very psychic they're good to get a reading from what else i like about i like being friends with i like converse their their conversation i like their conversation i'll put it that way."
"I think there are psychics out there that are good at what they do, I think they do have that extra sense, it's kind of like an enhanced gut feeling."
"Remote viewing is real like many other psychic phenomena... it is indeed spiritual."
"Everyone really is psychic and everyone has some degree of intuition."
"The frequency of the third eye chakra supports our intuition and our inner knowing, our imagination, and our psychic powers."
"Many believe that these obscure objects have healing properties and enhance the psychic abilities of the people around them."
"You're going through a huge expansion."
"So if you're paying attention to your feelings, that is a channel to your psychic abilities, right? A channel to your higher self."
"Your psychic abilities are going to be able to save you and actually prove these individuals are liars."
"Your psychic abilities are guiding you, pay attention to your intuition."
"The point is, as soon as you quiet your mind, learn to connect with your body and communicate with it, ask it how it's feeling."
"The more that you learn how to connect with your body, the more easily those psychic abilities will come to you."
"So just release fear. Let it go breathe deep. If you feel any kind of fear, you're just going to keep releasing it and opening up to the development of your psychic abilities."
"The more that you do that, the more that you train your mind to shut up for a little bit, the easier it's going to be for you to develop these psychic abilities."
"Hillary decides given the level of resources team psychic hover at their disposal they should focus on them first."
"We're all born with psychic gifts and intuition; it's our inner compass."
"Life path number 11: you have extremely high psychic abilities and any spiritual pursuit is going to come very easy for you."
"I have mentored right now currently over I think 300 people in the gift of the seer."
"Because of this, Yoshiro is back to fantasizing about these ladies like he'd done before becoming a psychic."
"As you align with the Fifth Dimension, you may notice a significant increase in your psychic abilities."
"There is a need to let go of overthinking and overanalyzing to fully access psychic abilities."
"Speaking words of love to yourself and others raises your vibration and activates psychic abilities."
"My psychic abilities are zero and I'm unloading."
"You have a hidden talent that has to do with mediumship."
"If the fact that my sister is coming through this card today talks to me about, you know, she's kind of like right on that border of she wants to connect and open up these kind of abilities but at the same time she's not not completely sure."
"Trust in the signs and remember you are psychic."
"There's going to be some significant opening for you in your psychic abilities, receiving signs or messages, something emerging into your life from the subconscious waters into the real three-dimensional world."
"Everybody has this gift. We all are psychic."
"I feel like psychic abilities that make a lot of game is fun."
"the ability to communicate with people who also have the shine without actually opening your mouth you can do things with your mind you can see things that aren't really there"
"People's psychic dreams are going to go through the roof. People are going to be able to talk to animals."
"The kind of information that you were able to channel...was so specific."
"This person definitely has some touch of the supernatural. They are strongly intuitive and psychic."
"The upside is they're very psychic, they're very intuitive, and they sense things accurately."
"Clairvoyance, telepathy, these are your birthright."
"The Queen and King of Cups emphasize listening to your intuition and finding emotional stability. Trust in your psychic abilities and inner knowing."
"Psychic powers are extremely vast and varied in their applications and presentations."
"Astropathic communication is an exhausting process that requires as much work to transmit as it does to decode."
"Embrace your psychic abilities, embrace your gifts."
"Every Grey Knight is a psycher, a bearer of a mutation that sets him as much apart from other Space Marines as his genetically enhanced body sets him apart from humanity."
"Batman being...maybe Batman's psychic."
"For those tapped into their intuition, psychic abilities, and mediumship, get ready to expand. For others, it's time to wake up."
"Especially if you got a psychic not just a regular tarot reader and somebody knows how to use their psychic abilities, those cards ain't gonna lie, bruh."
"Your intuition is A1, your psychic abilities are A1."
"Defense department took a different approach, they believed that soldiers could be trained to become psychic."
"Your psychic and intuitive abilities are very attractive and intriguing to them."
"Somebody now has had developed some type of spiritual or psychic gift, or just become more intuitive."
"You're super psychic, but your power is in your ability to feel, empathize, and embody."
"My psychic abilities are growing every single day."
"The first step to tapping into your psychic abilities is to turn that rational mind off or at least turn it down just a little bit."
"Most people wouldn't think that lucid dreaming pertains to psychic abilities."
"Eventually you will get to this point where you can turn your psychic abilities on and off at will."
"You are going to be highly psychic."
"Your psychic gifts are heightening."
"2024 might be more trippy, but you might also notice a heightened intuition or psychic abilities."
"Your future spouse has psychic abilities."
"Telekinesis has more of that timeless feel to it."
"The abilities utilized by psychic individuals are incredibly vast and seem to be limited only by the individual's imagination or specific skill level."
"Psychics, wait a second, doesn't that mean they can see the future?"
"Katy is a great classical physical medium a psychic who has the ability or apparently the Billie's a gift which she has where things happen which unexplainable physical things."
"Even if you came through into this incarnation with everything closed off, your psychic abilities closed off because of the wisdom you already have of incarnating on earth and the human body and reaching that point, it would always break through because of your strength."
"Everybody has psychic abilities; they just don't know it."
"Everybody will become psychic in the near future."
"I've helped thousands of people around the world because of my psychic abilities that came from the near-death experiences."
"I'm a psychic picking up a lot of energy from you."
"Telepsychics and the state of trance."
"David Morehouse was part of it, but Morehouse claims he was no ordinary secret agent. He was a psychic spy for the CIA."
"Mugwort tea is amazing when it comes to dream work and psychic powers."
"Telepathy, mediumship, clairvoyance."
"Pisces, especially Pisces moon, is the most psychic of the signs."
"A strong intuition and psychic abilities; many angels in human form possess heightened intuition or psychic abilities, allowing them to sense things beyond the physical world."
"If you're psychic, you may have abilities such as intuition, the ability to predict the future, telepathy, reading thoughts, feeling others' emotions, and more."
"If we learn to harness the power of these tiny antennas in our brain, who knows what kind of psychic superpowers we might unlock."
"You're ridiculously spiritual, you're ridiculously intuitive, you're very psychic."
"The following book, Your Psychic Powers and How to Develop Them, was originally written for circulation privately among the members of a number of psychical and spiritualistic societies in New York and vicinity."
"Every student of psychics... desires to know how to develop his own powers and faculties."
"We are all more or less mediumistic or psychic and need only to cultivate our powers in order to develop them and bring them into maturity."
"Mewtwo is one of the most powerful Pokémon, defeating its foes with the power of its mind."
"I do believe humans have abilities that could be rendered as psychic or extra sensory perception."
"He is unlike any psychic we've ever seen; his readings are real, raw, and 100% no BS."
"I'm paying more attention to it, learning about my sight and myself, and I hope someday I'll be able to use it to help someone else."
"Being psychic means being intuitive."
"Telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition... those three are lumped together and what's traditionally called extrasensory perception, ESP."
"Everybody can develop psychic abilities if they choose to do so."
"Shade of evening... allows for more telepathic abilities."
"If I didn't have Psychic Kids when I was younger, I don't think that I would feel as positive about my abilities."
"Ultimately we all have the wiring to be able to access psychic ability or higher knowing experience."
"Oh my God, so Lonnie might be psychic."
"You become unstoppable... your psychic gifts help you in your journey throughout life."
"Follow your intuition, follow your instincts, follow your psychic predisposition."
"He's naturally very spiritual, naturally very psychic."
"You could definitely be a healer, very much so psychic, very very you could be a medium, a reader."
"Listen, just because you have these psychic powers and abilities, it doesn't mean you're any less of a human than anyone else."
"Everybody is a psychic because being a psychic starts with your intuition, and everybody has it."
"You are a powerful seer, you are a powerful psychic, you are powerful period."
"You're very intuitive, psychic, you're very powerful."
"You are a psychic, and you utilize your psychic abilities every day."
"I've seen spirits since I was very young and my friends think I'm actually psychic because I have so many experiences."
"The third eye chakra comes from the pineal gland in your brain and this is the source of all spiritual and psychic ability."
"Remote viewing is the ability to see things that are far away from you physically, to know things you shouldn't be able to know."
"You're ridiculously psychic, ridiculously intuitive, my goodness, you're full of energy, use it to your advantage."
"High Priestess, wow, Pisces, that's exactly what the High Priestess can do, she has psychic abilities, her intuition is on point."
"You were born with psychic abilities and gifts that can be recalled and cultivated to help yourself and others in this journey."
"Being psychic really means that I am tuning into and reading what would be called an aura or an energy field."
"Your power of focus, telepathy, intuition, and inner peace will be greatly amplified."
"Jean Grey is considered to be one of the most powerful psionics in existence."
"Some of you are psychic, some of you are highly intuitive, and you're supposed to do something with that; it's your destiny."
"You're definitely somebody that's psychic, very intuitive."
"Take time to rest, dream, and renew your strength. Embrace your psychic abilities; you carry the shaman within."
"Experiencing new beginnings when it comes to your own psychic powers and visions."
"Angel of psychic abilities, your intuitive and psychic abilities are strong at present."
"I feel like somebody is like, you the kind of person that could be very psychic, very intuitive."
"Your psychic ability is going to be really firing on all cylinders, Scorpio, and you are an extremely psychic sign if you allow yourself to tap into it."
"He's basically a psychic who can cause psychic pain and delusions."