
Seize The Moment Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Carpe diem, seize the day. Carpe momentum, seize the moment."
"This is the time when you need to say it, you might as well enjoy nights like this."
"The moment is now; embrace inspiration and prioritize love."
"We have to grab that moment and don't let it go and communicate messages that are very positive."
"This is like something you just gotta do. When am I gonna be here again?"
"Now is the time. Now is your moment. Today is that day."
"Don't wait to say I'm sorry or I love you. Seize the moment before it passes."
"This moment will never come again. Carpe Diem, seize the day baby."
"This particularly unique moment will not be here forever, so get in the game, take advantage."
"Live your life, burning woods, live it well."
"You get one shot, opportunity comes once in a lifetime."
"Life is really like, hey, you got to take a hold of it and live it."
"I believe in really living and enjoying and doing what you want now seize the moment."
"You've got to take that because life's too short."
"If there's ever an opportunity to seize the moment you want to seize the moment and take advantage of it."
"This is your hour, and I pray right now that nobody misses his own and her own catch-up moment."
"Life's too short and you've got to grab what you can while it's there."
"If it's kicking off, you know, just try and embrace it and enjoy the moment because it's gone."
"Seize the moment, don't postpone Joy."
"This is why we went to California. Seize the moment, you know? Find the joy today because there can be joyful moments in many of our days, and we don't want to miss them."
"Life is not that serious we're here for a split second and before you know it bada bing bada boom our time is up so make the most of it."
"Seize the moment when you got it because you'll never see it the rest of your life."
"Why, yesterday never was. Tomorrow's only a dream, and today is nearly gone. So hurry it up and let's get going. We'll sleep when we're dead."
"Seize your chances. Seize your moments."
"The great opportunity has come to the lion, now it just has to grab it and get close to the baby giraffe."
"Seize every moment and every opportunity."
"It's one of those rare occasions that you just got to grab it when you can."
"We know the time is short we blink and then it's gone so we better make the most of what we've got."
"To make hay while the sun shines, take advantage of an opportunity while it lasts."
"It's telling Dawn about Brian Silver. Oh yeah, well, it only goes to show you, isn't it? If there's anything you want in this life, grab it while it's going. You don't know how long you got, do you?"
"Tomorrow is not promised, so live your life to the fullest."
"You got to live while you can. If you like doing something, do the hell out of it while you can, 'cause it could all end."
"So, if you're happy and content with your life right now or you got something that, maybe it's a hobby, maybe you like going fishing, you like going fishing, do it, go do it 'cause you never know when you're not going to be able to do it."
"You get one shot at this gig right here. Life. One life, that's all you got. One life. One shot."
"No more pacing ourselves, no more waiting for the right time, no more waiting for the opportunity."
"Level four: there's no better time to do it than right now."
"Don't miss it, today only comes once."
"Walk means to make use of the opportunity, to seize the moment."
"This is an opportunity you do not want to miss."
"You gotta live every minute like it's your last."
"It's literally all we have, so take advantage of it."
"It's time to start seizing the moment and really taking advantage of life."
"Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think."
"Take advantage of this situation because you may never get back to this point again in your career."
"The music, the moment, you got to never let it go."
"When the cookie tray comes around, take the cookie because you don't know when it's going to come back."
"That's when you breathe in those moments, you just need one that you take."
"As a World Series player, you don't get the opportunity very often, so you've got to take advantage of it."
"This is the moment, the time we all need to seize this moment and make this happen."
"Strike while the iron is hot, it will never be hot again."