
Wake Up Call Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"If this isn't a wake-up call, then nothing basically is."
"Normal people continue to wake up, and that's a theme I really want to make of the show."
"I hope it's a wake-up call to the nation that we need to make these critical infrastructure investments."
"This could be a great wake-up call for a large amount of people."
"The incident should serve as a wake-up call to other refineries, especially those that have hydrofluoric acid alkylation units."
"We need a wake-up, we need a spiritual awakening."
"It's given a lot of people a wake-up call which I think they needed."
"It's all just a prank... Wake up, everybody!"
"It's time to wake up out of your slumber, even if you think you're awake, you're not."
"You can schedule a Mickey wake-up call from your hotel room. It's free and super fun!"
"Americans are going to wake up, what they need now is leadership."
"The 2008 financial crash was a wake-up call for many Western governments."
"Maybe what this will do is be a bit of a wake up and smell the coffee call for them to really innovate in terms of performance."
"Lose three of your friends and almost die, that was my wake-up call." - Travis Barker
"It's like a slap in the face, get your act together."
"It's time for you to wake up, time for you to get yourself together."
"Longzhu's playstyle is gonna be such a wake-up call for a lot of Western teams."
"This is going to be an interesting wake-up call for the comic book industry."
"America needs to pay attention because God may give us exactly what we want. America, this is your wake-up call."
"This conversation is not an accident. Nothing happens on accident. Everything is for a purpose. This is a wake-up call for you right now."
"When do you think people are going to wake up to, 'Oh [__], I'm being made to feel this way intentionally?'"
"Recognizing what's happening, having it almost in our face, is not necessarily a bad thing. In the long term, it can actually just be sort of a wake-up call."
"Europeans are really going to have to wake up."
"The bottom line is Americans need to wake up."
"Saturn return is eye-opening, it's a wake-up call."
"India are crowned as champions of ICC Champions Trophy 2013."
"When you start losing millions, you'll wake up."
"I think this should be a massive wake-up call."
"When bad behavior becomes the expectation, that should be the biggest wake-up call for you to get it together."
"They don't love us, wake up, wake up, wake up!"
"This judgment card is very important because I feel like this is going to be the wake-up call that this connection needed."
"I think it's important that people wake up and get prepared while they still can."
"When you feel tired, maybe this is your sign to wake up."
"Wake-up call. Something is being announced to you."
"We are at a very do or die time. Either we wake up or we're going to continue to suffer."
"It is a massive wake-up call... to guarantee the security of supply and affordability."
"People need to wake the f*** up, time is running short."
"The failure of the money is going to be a real wake-up call for a lot of people."
"When does history teach us anything about what it takes to wake up a population? I think you're right that things are happening, signs are accumulating that we are in deep trouble."
"The shock win of 28-year old socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez should be a wake-up call."
"Maybe Pelosi could be a good example to wake this country up."
"That kind of stark realization that your actions have consequences and you're about to suffer those consequences right now, that is a splash of cold water in the face that care and coddling cannot replicate."
"Tesla’s decision to move into Cathode production is a wakeup call for the industry."
"The hour has come, people of God, wake up from your slumber."
"It was a wake-up call to the chilling reality that nuclear weapons could end the world."
"I just hope that this is something of a wake-up call."
"And if January 6 doesn't prove it and if today with Kevin McCarthy...can go down and pal around with the guy who tried to destroy American democracy and get his own vice president killed if that isn't a wake-up call what is."
"You need a strong shot of wake-up call just like espresso."
"The wake-up call is coming, it's knocking on your bubble, your shell."
"I'm representing out of SoCal, oh child, please pay attention, I'm known for getting nice, probably 'cause I'm waking y'all up like a iced coffee."
"What's happened now... shouldn't just be a wake-up call, it should be a fire on fire."
"The church must wake up or it will lose this divine opportunity."
"We need some type of gut punch or some type of near-death experience to wake up humans."
"We are okay, this is going to wake us up, is going to give us a renewed focus."
"That loss really woke us up and said, 'Hey man, we got a special team here.'"
"It's probably a wake-up call for them that they need to move with the times more and understand more about mental health."
"You're stuck, you're like a fly in molasses, and 2021 was your wake-up call."
"It's just unfortunate that this wake-up call came at the cost of so many lives."
"You literally woke them up, honey."
"You're still sleeping? I've been up since 4:30. If you keep doing this, you're gonna sweep your life away"
"I'm glad I saw this photo because is it like a wake-up call for her? Oh no, whatever it takes to motivate our girl maybe this was a good thing that she was seeing."
"Sometimes it takes a wake-up call."
"Somebody just got to pop the bubble or life will pop the bubble."
"When they mess up, they already know they've gotta get it. This is your wake-up call. Sometimes the wake-up call is when they don't care, they don't like you more. And when you figure that out, you're only gonna hire your standards and stop messing with guys like that."
"People are not taking it as a wakeup call. I think it's a wakeup call for everybody."
"Society will get a reality check."
"It was the wakeup call he finally needed."
"It was the best and worst car accident experience because it was a wakeup call for me."
"Your life is not a romantic comedy. Wake up and accept reality."
"The goal of this video is not to shame, but to be a brutally honest cold shower that will wake you up and get you to make something of yourself."
"But it wasn't good, not good but it wasn't horrible either way, it still was a big eye-opener, a big wake-up call."
"Her scornful words cut through his self-pity better than a slap across the face may have."
"A great wake-up call to explore sobriety now."
"Reality hits like wake up, they're done with you honey."
"This is a wake-up call for you and your person."
"This was a wake-up call for you, this whole situation with the karmic, wake up honey."
"Everybody Gotta Die everybody got a day to die you feel me it's sad I hope [ __ ] just see this as a wake up call"
"A major wake-up call to the promotion."
"That's exactly what the church in post-modernity needs - we need a jarring wake-up call."
"It's been a huge wakeup call for him."
"I'm here to breathe fire on you all to wake you up so you realize what's really happening."
"Your person feels like they're having a wakeup call, and you have been the one to deliver that to them."
"All of a sudden, the endorphin release that I got from that was the fuel. Now you've woken me up. It's like a drug."
"Prison for me, it was a wakeup call."
"The collapse acted as a pivotal wakeup call for bridge inspectors and engineers nationwide."
"Wakeup call. It made me realize my priorities."
"You leaving them has been like a really big wakeup call."
"it did feel like a second chance and a wake-up call that had to happen and that was like meant to happen for me in this moment"
"Society, wake up! Wake up! Like, snap out of it, man! The world is yours, you can do whatever. You don't have to do the things that you think you have to do because, you know, snap out of it!"
"It's not until you get hit in the back of the head with something that you weren't thinking about that you wake up to the fact that that should be what you focus on."
"I ran it all away. What was the wake-up call? Was it the accident?"
"I think this summer certainly for the Northern Hemisphere it will be a wake-up call."
"I think all of this has been a wakeup call for us. We're hearing you."
"Yeah, that was, you know, I lost that job, and it was a bit of a wakeup call."
"444 isn't about keeping you on autopilot, it's a call to wake up and steer the plane forward."
"The wake-up call is for us to take responsibility for our lives on this planet."
"The air Florida disaster was a wake-up call to the aviation industry."
"John Belushi's death was literally sobering. The death of his friend and hero was a message to get his own life in order."
"You heard it today, y'all. This is your wake-up call."
"And before i was living in nepal it's kind of far it's the difference it is and so in nepal it's kind of safe because uh it's uh it's okay it's not so dangerous but kiev was when this war started and my mom called me at it was 4 am i was sleeping i got a call."
"One of the biggest wake-up calls was with the London terrorist attack in 2005."
"You've been wasting your entire life away. It's about time you snapped out of it. How much longer are you going to keep living like this? You're such an anti-social bum, doing nothing valuable all day long. Don't you feel ashamed?"
"Somebody today needs to be a modern Paul Revere and tell us to wake up."
"The attack on Prometheus was a wake-up call. We need allies and we need them now."
"I feel really lucky that I've got another chance, and I think today was a wake-up call for me."
"Finally he gave me herpes so I would wake up, listen, and make changes."
"Herpes is kind of a wake-up call, it's like [ __ ] I have herpes, it hurts."
"The David report served as a major wakeup call for Swiss watchmakers and is often credited with catalyzing a change towards more efficient production methods."
"Real war is a better wake-up call than nearly dying in the Chunin exams."
"You better talk to Whitey, he knows how to scramble. What you gotta do with this? You're the man out there looking bad, making me look bad. You better wake up, you better scramble."
"Take this as kind of a cold bucket of water on the head."
"Pandemic was the rest in peace of the people that died in the pandemic, first of all, and then, I think the pandemic was an eye-opener for people."
"A real wake-up call coming from the fans."
"It sucks that I needed that to wake me up, but it was a really good wakeup call."
"I'm glad that this is happening, maybe this will be a wake-up call."
"I'm hoping it sends a very clear message to everyone that it's time to wake up and take responsibility."
"Some people need to get hit between the eyes with a 2x4 just to get their attention."
"Maybe this is the last desperate ploy of Gaia to sort of hit us upside the head and say, you know, wake up, you monkeys. You're really screwing things up."
"It's one of those situations where I needed something really bad and serious to happen for me to wake up and realize how bad that thing was."
"This should be a wake-up call. You need to be getting all your books on Kindle and so forth."
"Times getting hard, times changing, y'all better wake up."
"It's very important bro because I've not met one successful Trader that hasn't had like a really big wake-up call."
"Sometimes we need a punch in the mouth to get us moving."
"When you wake up, you'll realize I've done you a big favor."
"It's morning, your night is over. It's morning."
"We're killing our own earth. That kind of shock can wake up the whole of humanity."
"Nick and Becky's wake-up call came just in time for them to save their house."
"People don't want to see, they're like, 'Oh no, that's not real,' and it's like, we have to wake people up to the reality that this is so real."
"This video is not to judge anybody, it is not to condemn anyone. It is a wake-up call."
"It was clear before the pandemic came along that the dominant economic model was not delivering the goods to the mass of the population it was very clear and and people were waking up to that fact."
"Nobody really listens until you get hit in the head by that two-by-four and then if you survive that hit that's when you start things start telling."
"Every night that you're asleep before I get home, I will wake you up in a way that has proved very popular in the past."
"I think this is the wake-up call for the last remaining Logan Paul haters."
"If you disagree with any of this you are delusional and that's not me trying to be mean to you it's me trying to shake you out of how much this company and your upline has brainwashed you you deserve better you deserve to be paid for your time and your butt looks great."
"A lovely wake-up call and the misty morning is absolutely beautiful."
"This is a really tremendous, unprecedented spiritual wakeup call for Jews, Christians, Muslims, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, you name it."
"I love being scared. You have to scare yourself. You have to have that little pinch because it's a wake-up call."
"The country needs a serious wake-up call."
"This experience has been a huge wake-up call."
"Covid was the whistle. If we're not awake now, we're going to wake up to the shaking."
"It's going to be a really good wake up call for ree Walsh."
"It's a blessing to be up, we are here, man. Love you guys, thank y'all for tuning in, man."
"This was when I really hit a professional and personal low and it was also when I had a health scare and so I say unfortunately but fortunately it was the wake-up call."
"This is a kind of wake-up call for humanity. We are not kidding around. How about you stop kidding around and wake up?"
"Sometimes we need a wake-up call or a reminder as to some of those things that we might be doing that is crippling us financially."
"It's a good curtain raiser to say hello, we're awake, and we're alive again."
"Genetics... it's not a death sentence, it's a wake-up call."
"It's been the biggest wake-up call for me, mate."
"Wakey wakey, it's time to wake up."
"This is a wake-up call to get serious about privacy and national security concerns."
"If this is not a wake-up call for us, then I don't know what is."
"I think it's going to serve as its own wakeup call."
"Rise and shine, my beloved princess, it's time to get up."
"Good morning, Harper family! Wake up and come on out here!"
"Moral of the story, if you want to be successful, you have to get up, get the [__] up, get up!"
"This is the biggest wake-up call in my life, like you gotta pay attention."
"It should be a wake-up call to us about how we run our society, what we value."
"Thank you for being the best alarm clock in the world for giving us very little sleep."
"If you're not going to wake up, I might kiss you."
"My blood pressure was just out of control, and I got hospitalized."
"It was just an important wake-up call, I think, to all of us."
"The scandal... serves as a wakeup call, a reminder that the system must be held accountable for its failures."
"I'm over here! I woke up to the sound of people calling my name."
"This is gonna be your life if you don't get your act together."
"We need to basically wake up, we live in a global economy, we live in a global world."
"Judgment in the tower together... represents like a major wake-up call, a major revelation."
"Guys, guess our dreams fell asleep, there's no passion in the comatose."
"If you are not madly in love with your life, this is your wake-up call for a change."