
Eloquence Quotes

There are 714 quotes

"He possesses those virtues of being both eloquent and forthright, never hesitating to say directly what he means."
"Martin Ling's book on the life of the Prophet is the most eloquent book of Seerah in English due to his mastery of the language, despite having a few inaccuracies."
"The eloquence is there, the eloquence has never left. The charm, the humility, but the elegance is a constant battle."
"History won't judge us just based on the eloquence of our words but by the power of our actions."
"Elizabeth is often remembered for her clever and poetic turn of phrase."
"Your content is fantastic, you're an extremely eloquent individual."
"He has done so with wit, panache, and a sumptuously exquisite use of language."
"This was a well-spoken, dignified address to the American people."
"He very eloquently put the case that the royal family are known for their service to the country."
"There's something very eloquent and wise about the way you communicate which just moves them every time."
"There's a great romance in being able to have the right saying at the right time."
"Fists were doing the talking as he knocked out Latif MMA and kept his title intact, mate. What a knockout that is."
"We cannot forget about victims there has to be a deterrent if you're going to have laws and we're going to arrest people if there is no deterrent what are we doing."
"I've worked in Broadcast News with some of the biggest names for 25 years and haven't come across someone as articulate as you."
"Telling a story that no one should ever have to tell but doing it with such grace bravery and eloquence."
"Your choice of words would be effortless and articulate."
"We must be gifted with words if we want the full treasure of life."
"Labour articulated social patriotism eloquently and powerfully."
"With such uncharacteristic eloquence that English courses in France in the 1920s required their students to memorize it." - Arthur Currie
"There's an art to saying a lot without saying a whole bunch."
"He had that way of talking, it felt like poetry."
"The dialogue from those films was ripped straight from the pages of Tolkien, which is why it always sounded so elegant, eloquent, and almost poetic."
"She made an art form out of saying difficult things brilliantly."
"Your show was a very commendable, compassionate, astute, and eloquent recap of a life well-lived yet taken too soon."
"This was by far the most eloquent and detailed explanation of Star Wars as a whole."
"It's beautifully flawed, it's a very, very good point and very eloquently put. I like beautifully flawed."
"He waxes eloquent, his working vocabulary is impressive."
"He is probably the most eloquent educated football fan I've ever seen."
"The perfect mix of eloquence, humor, knowledge, candor, and humility."
"Jesse really does have a way with his words."
"Yo, your speeches, you sound like Denzel or so. Wow. I don't know, whatever you got, my [ __ ] feel that dude." - Caller from Tyler, Texas
"Her voice, a blend of journalistic integrity and poetic grace."
"He said, 'Let's get out of this town...' The three words are smoothly connected, there are no breaks between them, the sound just flows right through that phrase."
"You have such an amazing way with your words."
"He's very eloquent, and he's not going to have that ego."
"Areopagitica is the most perfect expression in English of the defence of freedom of speech."
"Your mouth drips with honey and brightens the countenance of humanity."
"His eloquence as well and his composure showing just the right sort of touch of emotion for everybody to be able to feel compassionate towards him."
"His strong, eloquent writing style lent itself quite nicely to the children’s fable."
"I think that the art of speech is the answer I think to all totalitarianism."
"The more restrictions placed on a design, the more eloquent the design."
"The book of Hebrews interprets the book of Leviticus more eloquently and more authoritatively than any others."
"Graceful and impressive, so very well said, graceful."
"Weave is served best with a dash of eloquence."
"His words have a sweetness about them a beauty and an elegance like a towering tree they bear fruit from above and their roots plunge deep they rise above those around them and none can rise above them."
"The guy is brilliant and he's so thoughtful and so well-spoken."
"He's saying what most of us are thinking except he's doing it in a more factual, logical, and eloquent manner."
"Words are wind and the wind that blows exhales across the Narrow Sea seldom blows them back."
"Well-timed silence has more eloquence than speech."
"No subject was taboo; his fiery and eloquent delivery political sermons to me and John with particular attention to the plight of the black community."
"We shouldn't be imposing our ideas of what we should have been on the past; we should allow the past to speak for itself, and when it does so, it speaks eloquently."
"His logic, his utterances, his words were like beads, like jewels coming out of a necklace, calculated, worked on, prepared, polished one after the other, it would flow magically."
"You're so well spoken, wow, why wouldn't I be? I'm a grown man."
"The importance of a leader to speak eloquently, both privately in a room with other leaders and publicly is really important."
"Presidents need to be eloquent and articulate because they have to sell it."
"...from time to time we find ourselves engaged by the slow, thoughtful speech of a character... because they actually have something worth saying."
"Lincoln was sort of just going to give a few remarks as an afterthought, but he used that opportunity to remind America in under 275 words in less than two minutes of talking just exactly what it was they were fighting for."
"He's well-spoken, I think if he's not the best talker in the business right now, he's one of them."
"The ability to speak well, the ability to have confidence to speak when you're in a minority and the consensus is against you."
"When he spoke, people felt as if exactly the right amount of words were used."
"Odysseus had a silver tongue and Charmed everyone with his words."
"Every time he opens his mouth, beauty comes out."
"The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly."
"I got me gift for the gab from now then."
"The Quran is an amazingly eloquent and masterful fusion of poetry and prose."
"Your voice is coming through as very beautiful, the way you communicate to others, the way you just speak, the words you use, that is seen as very beautiful."
"I feel like people are always impressed by the grace and dignity with which you speak."
"The Book of Mormon speaks with a Divine language in eloquence that rings of divinity."
"Action is its own form of eloquence."
"She was articulate, smooth as silk, intelligent, extremely well-spoken."
"The eloquence of Bursby's speech is enough to calm them down."
"You don't have to carry the burden and the weight of all other women you speak so wonderfully and eloquently."
"She's so well spoken, I just love her."
"The speed at which his brain works and how his mouth, like, there's something that you can't - it's almost like a good car wreck when he's talking, you just listen."
"His amount of few words that make you fall in love with him."
"You guys are very well spoken, I feel like you guys think your words through before you speak."
"When you want to talk fancy, you just sprinkle it over anything you say."
"When you are trying to impress people with words, the more you say, the more common you appear."
"The articulate lawyer presented a strong case persuading the jury with her convincing arguments and eloquent delivery."
"His words are like Precious Jade."
"He makes very big impact with his speech because he's gifted."
"How dare they demand answers from her so eloquently!"
"The ones that love us never leave us. A principle that we're all pretty familiar with, but that was just really eloquently put."
"This is like a lot of what I've been thinking but it was it's been put into really beautiful words."
"He is eloquent and persuasive; and once his words had even power over my heart: but trust him not."
"Marion does an extremely good job of eloquently showing how terrifying it can be to be stopped by the police while maintaining a calm and respectful tone with the officer the whole time."
"he's a more eloquent villain than just about anybody on the list."
"Your words are like light coming out."
"Your person thinks of you as very smart, very intellectual, someone who knows how to use words to your advantage."
"Your voice is your gift and a lot of people that might have a debilitated mercury might be jealous of this energy that you have."
"Whoever kisses it is endowed with eloquence for life."
"The book of James is very interesting because it is a very eloquent book it is the most classically written book in the New Testament maybe second only to the book of Hebrews."
"Libra moons, you guys are notorious for having beautiful voices, speaking eloquently, being very elegant, and also being light."
"I find the gen z guys and girls to be much more eloquent and confident on this topic than we were, and I applaud you for that."
"...he's a great talker, he's a great promo, he's a smart talker, if that makes sense. Yeah, he's always clever, you know, whenever you actually follow what he's saying, it's a very clever path to how he gets to where he's going and I enjoy it, good promo."
"I've talked to a few nfjs and they're actually kind of self-conscious about the way they communicate and I don't think they understand how eloquent they are, how motivational they can be, how inspiring they can be."
"There was sweetness also in the tones of her voice, and her tongue, like an instrument of many strings, she could readily turn to whatever language she pleased."
"A good talker is the one who carries words as tools of artistry, and Ray is that."
"The College of Eloquence Bard brings logical approaches to social interactions with a cultured High Society flavor."
"I'm sorry. Really, you are so incredible. You knocked Equivalent Exchange flat on its butt in just a few words."
"Only the most skilled talkers can talk when they don't have it."
"Malcolm X was an articulate, patient, honest, and unapologetic man. One of his many compelling features is that he makes public speaking look easy."
"She just had such a way with words and such confidence with it as well."
"He was an extraordinary orator but he was an educated mind."
"...becoming more eloquent and having a better vocabulary so a lot of you say that I use the same words and exquisite is my favorite and it will remain my favorite but becoming more eloquent and using different words for different meanings..."
"I loved the fact that she was peopling the stage with nothing but words."
"Imagine being such a good poet that the receiver of Revelation is still amazed by your eloquence. Subhan Allah."
"The most honest of men is the one who thinks and acts best, but the most powerful is the one who writes and speaks best."
"Develop a conquerors dialect. Everybody say, 'speak well.' Even if it's not well, speak well. If it's not going well, speak well. If you don't feel well, speak well."
"You have the gift of the jab and the gift of the gab."
"She's got an educated tongue, you know."
"He was an extremely eloquent and they can fit easily into your father's living room after dinner sipping a wine or a brandy."
"Have you ever heard Donald Trump talk this eloquently about anybody?"
"The simple eloquence of her reply impressed him so much that dismissing the nuns he ordered her to speak to him fully of all that had passed between her Divine master and herself."
"Your words can bring people to tears, bring people to Revelations, and you're very honest."
"I love listening to people who I'm like, that's what an educated person sounds like."
"He knows how to talk, he knows how to serenade his way around."
"Leaders are warriors but also poets. We lead through persuasive and poetic speech."
"It is a grand thing to have a way with words."
"Eloquence in public speech is a lost art."
"You are a joy and a word wizard and you are just fire."
"The more you know, the less you need to say."
"You're one of the greatest public speakers that exists."
"I feel like you guys really carry yourselves as very well spoken."
"I admire the way they can just say what they think and it's worded perfectly, you know? Do you know the Stephen Fry types and all that? Love that."
"The Gettysburg Address marks the end of the culture of classical eloquence, burying it alongside the soldiers in the National Cemetery."
"The guy, he's always on time. That's another way. His pronunciation of words, that's a [ __ ] beautiful inspiration. He never messes up and it's honestly like poetry whenever he speaks."
"I thought Jordan Peterson was a new breath of fresh air, very eloquent and poignant. I think he was talented at conveying his message."
"May our words drip like honey, love, passion."
"Honestly, I had to admire the man’s eloquence."
"He's the most incredible talker I've ever heard."
"They talk a good talk, like a master painter."
"What we need is persuasive and eloquent accounts in praise of frustration."
"Turn night into day, new into old, turn white into darkest gray, led into gold. Yes, gift unto your tongue fine eloquence."
"The gift of jab is the ability to speak with eloquence and fluency at a high frequency."
"You're very well spoken and you have a large vocabulary, which your person finds very attractive."
"Some people think you're very articulate."
"You're really well spoken for your age."
"That guy spoke a lot of sense, he went through that absolutely beautifully actually."
"It's like conducting a symphony of words."
"He has such an amazing way with words."
"There's something about that it just kind of rolls up the tongue."
"Her responses to questions and her conversations were quite articulate."
"Put in extra effort to be well-spoken."
"I want my man to talk to me like he's applying for Harvard University."
"Lincoln's second inaugural address... spoke volumes."
"The sheer beauty of the speech carries us along."
"You could have a way with words, it's like people take what you say and don't know how to respond."
"I've never been more eloquent in speech."
"I'd rather have eloquent failure than boring success."
"How's that for eloquent and how's that for heartbreaking?"
"With everything that's going on in the world, and you certainly saw that in what was an eloquent speech in his second language."
"God can say more in moments than most preachers can in a lifetime."
"There's passion, power, strength, and wisdom in his words, and it carries across the screen so well."
"It's your ability to speak at length and develop your ideas."
"Sadly, we live in a world where the people with the loudest voices are not well spoken."
"Her vocabulary was her strongest suit."
"It's like poetry, it just rhymes."
"You guys are so intelligent so well spoken."
"You have this powerful voice, this powerful way of speaking the truth in a way that others can stomach and withstand."
"Expert at making people clever speakers."
"To be able to say something like that is the mark of a perfectly educated man."
"What oft was thought but ne'er so well expressed."
"They make everything you read sound better."
"She's a really eloquent science communicator."
"You speak well, Doctor. You should have gone into politics."
"What is this vocabulary? This guy's vocab is exquisite."
"He spoke it in such an artistic way."
"Leslie is so kind, knowledgeable, well spoken."
"I also love really well written sentences."
"How do you like really compress a sentence and be concise but be also let it flower."
"You have like a silver tongue or like a sharp tongue... it just like hits people's Spirit, your voice hits people's Spirit."
"Adams’ eloquent defence of Washington’s neutrality policy made its way to the president’s desk."
"You seem to always have the right words to say."
"Words fitly spoken are like apples of gold in settings of silver."
"Mario Cuomo said it himself best: 'You campaign in poetry, you govern in prose.'"
"I got away with words and made that [__] sound good."
"Their heroism amid the bitter flames pleaded with resistless eloquence in behalf of the gospel."
"Everything sounds more true with an Australian accent to it. The scriptures sound better, everything sounds more eloquent and wiser."
"Gene was never at a loss for words in any situation, at any time."
"One of the best speakers that I've ever seen."
"It's so good, the rant is good but it's still so restrained and charming."
"He was mighty in words and deeds."
"Eloquence can uplift, elevate, stir anger without referring to anything real."
"Douglas could express that with a kind of prophetic voice and an eloquence better than anyone of the 19th century."
"It's so good and it's so well said."
"Eloquency is anyone who could structure a statement that is short, concise, and to the point."
"Martin Lings book is the most eloquent book of S in English and that's not surprising because Martin Lings was a professor at Oxford on Shakespeare."
"The only person who has made more money by saying as few words is Stephen Hawking."
"I was really quite moved by the eloquence of the lecturer"
"I'm sure you'll agree that Lord Ricketts tonight in his wonderful lecture is clearly not only that adult in the room but also able to command it."
"People love that speech and it's beautiful and perfectly done. It's just the way that Isaac explains things and her speeches I love and stuff. I just love her. I think she's great."
"He captivates you with his word choice, always sniper accurate yet evocative and often surprising."
"He says, 'It is to be feared that in the course of a century some gifted man like Paul, some splendid order who will be able to buy his eloquence to attract crowds of thousands who are ready to hear and be carried away...'"
"Kurtz's ability to articulate lofty ideas, noble sentiments actually obscures the darkness of his deeds, of his behavior...his eloquence hides the truth of his moral monstrosity."
"He's been received really, really well. Speaks very eloquently for a young man and comes across as nice."
"Jeff Goldblum radiant like a Grecian goddess. You make me proud to be a citizen of America and the world. Group the opalescence of the... I mean, I was just like, yes, everything you're saying."
"The gift of speech becomes very magnetic."
"...the guy was a fantastic talker..."
"Every accent every emphasis every modulation of voice was so perfectly well turned and well placed that without even being interested in the subject one could not help being pleased with the discourse."