
Rainforest Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"This year a coalition of conservation organizations banded together to save one of the world’s last pristine rainforests, preserving 367 square miles, or 950 square kilometers of land from deforestation."
"For the rainforest and the river are interdependent."
"The Daintree Rainforest possibly the oldest rainforest in the world."
"The reason for not destroying the rainforest is that they are the most extraordinary expression of what this whole cosmos is about."
"To save the rainforest would be one of the best solutions against climate change."
"The gimpy gimpy is unnervingly a common plant in the makeup of the rainforest areas of northeastern Australia."
"The Amazon rainforest is the largest one in the world and actually accounts for more than 50 percent of what remains of our planet's rainforest."
"Here, ancient rainforests stretch as far as the eye can see, and are home to an incredibly diverse range of wildlife."
"It's beautiful, amazing; you really feel like you're in the middle of the rainforest."
"In the morning time in the tropical rainforest when it's damp and cool, hummingbirds are up and about, hungry and desperately hunting around visiting thousands of flowers in quick time."
"I just think that's like such a good cause and I know the rainforest is such an important part of our planet."
"The sounds of the rainforest are constant but ever-changing. It is calming, beautiful, and comforting."
"The Bosmer are native to the southwestern province of Valenwood, a lush region dominated by a vast sprawl of ancient, impenetrable rainforest."
"I suspect it for many of you a thriving ecosystem represents a rainforest in which there are lots of species of animals and insects and ferns and flowering plants beneath this dense canopy of trees."
"The bullet ant is the true king of pain of this rainforest."
"Why is it called a rainforest? We call it the rainforest because it's a forest and it rains a lot."
"Hidden within the darkness of the Costa Rican rainforest a legend exists beneath the ancient canopy."
"Most of the indigenous communities are much more conservation-minded. I mean, indigenous communities are by far the best stewards of the rainforest."
"The Tarkine is amazing, it is the world's second largest cool temperate rainforest."
"This rainforest is older than the Amazon in the world right, yeah. Which is so cool."
"Imagine walking through a rainforest, there are a lot of lush white flowers all around you, there are little rain droplets on the green leaves, there's a mild earthy scent all around you, that's what this smells like."
"The noises of the rainforest are just incredible. It's absolutely alive."
"I see a lot of worldwide legislation coming to save the rainforest."
"The Indonesian rainforest is home to one-fifth of all plant and animal life."
"Give the orangutan a break. Is there no end to the rainforest being cut down by companies that Nestle partners with to get their palm oil for their chocolate?"
"The survival of orangutans is in our hands. Let us stand together united in our commitment to protect these magnificent creatures and the rainforests they call home."
"Their Discovery has inspired a new wave of curiosity about what the Amazon rainforest really looked like millions of years ago."
"The Amazon is the world's largest rainforest."
"This right here is worth the cost of the rainforest."
"The Brazilian tree hopper is an exotic and visually captivating insect found in the rainforests of South America. Its appearance is nothing short of extraordinary, featuring elaborate structures that give it an almost otherworldly aesthetic."
"The rain forest is full of little innovations like this."
"You almost feel like you're in your own little Tropical Paradise back here. It's like a rainforest."
"It's incredible, sitting in a treehouse with the rain in the rainforest."
"Lamington National Park, recognized as a World Heritage Site, is famous for its breathtaking rainforest landscapes, numerous cascades, and unique wildlife."
"The rainforest is unspoiled, which is what makes it so unique."
"Tropic World, launched gradually in 1982, 83, and 84 for 10 million dollars, claiming to be America's first simulated rainforest in a zoo."
"The rainforest is the source of a lot of our food, medicine, and other common products, revealing that tropical rainforests can play a part in our lives every single day, and we don't even know it."
"The temperate rainforest is as rich in wildlife as the Amazon."
"Primary consumers in the tropical rainforest ecosystem feed on plants and other vegetation."
"This is the largest rainforest left on Earth."
"This dirt landing strip that we're landing on in the middle of the rainforest is one of the only ways these indigenous groups are able to have a connection to the outside world."
"Rainforests are also extremely rich in productive living systems, providing us with oxygen."
"This is the Daintree Rainforest, it is the oldest rainforest in the world."
"The future of our rainforest relies upon the unity of our efforts."
"It's so dense that a drop of rain falling from the sky takes 10 minutes to touch the ground."
"The Malayan kalugo can be found in the rain forests of some Southeast Asian countries."
"We learned that kalugos can glide through the air over long distances in open spaces in the rainforest."
"We went to the rainforest and helped the hornbill find its nest."
"It's green and spicy, honestly the vibe that I get when I smell this, I imagine being in a dense rainforest under the shade of a tree."
"This is the first part to the rainforest of the new botanical garden I'm building."
"This is a very transportive scent from Olympic Orchids, it basically smells like you are trapped in a rainforest."
"The Bowron lakes are situated within the interior wet belt, the only inland temperate rainforest on the planet."
"The tree kangaroo genus inhabits the rainforest of the island of New Guinea."
"One of the most precious things we have in the world is our rainforest."
"In the heart of Africa, they lie, the evergreen rainforests, every animal unique, every plant incomparable, every meter a new world."
"Daintree Forest in Australia is the oldest rainforest in the world."
"The Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia is famous for its 1,000-year-old cedars."
"It's like a damp earthiness, like walking through the rainforest."
"The existence of a temperate rainforest in Antarctica approximately 90 million years ago."
"Wrangle is a rainforest, so the woods are thick, wet, and foreboding, but mossy, plentiful, and eerily beautiful."
"You are surrounded through a rainforest with over 700 species of plants and over 350 species of birds."
"She had picked up very valuable survival skills for being in the rainforest."
"It's really like being in a rainforest, which is incredible."
"There's only one rainforest in the lower 48, and that's here on the Olympic Peninsula."
"David and I can already feel the effects of the rainforest room as we sit here; it is super relaxing."
"The center of Australia is mainly desert, but taking a closer look you will realize that there are lush green rainforests in the northeast."
"These are really well-adapted survivors here in this rainforest."
"After a strong afternoon rain, the tropical forest looks amazing."
"When it downpours like this in the rainforest, you can actually use that to your advantage."
"The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world, so diverse it's home to a third of all life forms on Earth."
"The canopy is the most productive part of the forest, it's a Land of Plenty."
"We're going Sky tramming through the rainforest."
"Over half of all known plant and animal species are at home in the rainforest."
"Despite being the largest rainforest on Earth, much of the Amazon jungle remains unexplored."
"These rainforests are crucial to the surrounding ecosystems as well as the survival of humans."
"In the misty rainforests of Central America, it's not all violence and bloodshed; the most vicious murderer can be a mother too."
"The Amazon rainforest is mainly found in Brazil."
"Monkeys to Tropical Fish, they all live with me here in the rainforest."
"Preserving these rainforests is vital to the planet."
"It's called a rainforest for a reason, so you've got rain coming down on top of you, you're going through streams and rivers quite often."
"The rainforests are connected with this belt of rain and cloudiness."
"In the middle of a big rain forest, where everything grows."
"Feel like I'm in the rainforest; it's nice, right? Serene."
"It feels really good to be back in the rainforest, just with so much moss and water everywhere."
"It's just really nice to be back in the rainforest."
"This is heavy, like a very cool spot, how quickly that just changed from the open woodlands into the rainforest. Unreal."
"This is the feature that makes these environments rainforest really, the fact that you have all of that vegetation just growing on top of each other."
"The rainforest is home to almost half of the world's plant and animal species."
"Protecting the rainforest is one, but then you could benefit from it too."
"The Rainforest Cafe allows people to dine in a noisy rainforest full of animatronic animals."
"Thailand's rainforest with its lush beauty attracts tourists like magnets."
"It's literally like a rainforest here."
"The tropical rainforest has trees, trees, and more trees; these trees create a canopy on top of one another."
"Rainforests are also home to an incredible diversity of animals."
"The light rain only feeds the base of the mountain; more dense jungle grows."
"The rainforests of Guyana are immaculately well preserved and protected."
"One of the characteristics of a rainforest or jungle is the fact you have a lot of decomposing matter on the ground, and it becomes spongy."
"Canada's West Coast features quite a unique rainforest, one whose biodiversity has always fascinated ecologists."
"Rainforests are home to over half of all living things."
"I think like a jungle one though, where you're often like in a rainforest kind of environment, would be rad."
"I believe there's a small population of them living in the unexplored rainforests; let's try to find one."
"The Earth's tropical rainforests contain perhaps 80 percent of the planet's vegetation and as many as 4 million different forms of life."
"You definitely see why they call it the rainforest."
"We live in the Tongass National Rainforest, which is a temperate rainforest."
"The Amazon Rainforest is the biggest rainforest in the entire world and it spans nine countries."
"In those rainforests, you actually have half of the world's species of plants and animals."
"The rainforest is just like the lungs of the air, really helping us breathe."
"I was just trying to do something good; rainforests are good."
"We're in a rainforest, bro. We are in a rainforest, that's dope."
"It feels like we're riding in the rainforest, all this beautiful green nature."
"You could visit the Amazon rainforest."
"The theme of my bedroom is Rainforest slash jungle."
"That's why we sometimes call temperate rainforest 'Atlantic Forest'."
"The tropical rainforest climate is constant at between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius."
"Most vegetation in rainforests sheds its leaves at different times, providing a constant source of biological matter."
"Rainforests are bewilderingly complex collections of animals and plants."
"The processes that maintain the variation in the rainforest have a surprising amount to do with the processes that maintain variation within our own species."
"This region of Amazonia is home to one of the largest outstanding and undisturbed rainforests in the world."
"The rainforest of Drippity Droppy Plop, it's a special kind of forest where it rains every day."
"A rainforest is quite a magical space, where so many animals live in one place."
"Rainforest Cafe simulates a real rainforest; you'll experience a simulation of a rainforest thunderstorm."