
Ratings Quotes

There are 372 quotes

"When we're talking about the narrative, that's what this game does so well, and that's why this game is one of the highest-rated games of all time, ever released, period."
"The Pacific Ocean has 3.9 stars out of 5 stars on Google Maps. Who the hell is downvoting the Ocean?"
"Dave the Diver is the sixth highest-rated game on Steam this year."
"Finn Balor takes the W. Did he bring me those ratings? Amazing."
"I've seen just like 2% of it, and it's a 10 out of 10."
"Mob of the Dead is one of A or S, please overrate A or S."
"You don't win because you have the highest rating, you don't lose because you have the lowest rating."
"It became the highest grossing R-rated film domestically."
"I realized that sometimes a book has an average rating of three and a half Stars not because most people think it's mid but because some people really don't like it, most people, and then some people absolutely love it."
"Alas, the show's fan base was niche, and following a ratings nose dive in season two, rumors spread that NBC was ready to pull the plug."
"That's an 11. when you add in the Cinematic Trail at the start."
"Heather this one actually might be the coolest one I'm going to have to give it a 99.99999 I'm going to give it a 10."
"With everything we saw from this account, I'll give it a 9 out of 10."
"Zero is like a little less rare than a 10 from you yeah yeah a little bit a little bit less mostly shit's like a 4 yeah."
"The rating system is not a measure of skill. It is a measure of progress."
"This song is a 10 out of 10, I'm not taking it back."
"I aim for five stars. I won't tell you what to put. But I aim for five stars."
"Leave a nice review and a preferable five-star rating if you can."
"It's amazing to me how, wow. And I would give that five stars what I just said, but no."
"Did you love it, did you hate it, what would you rate it?"
"Maligor is now a 10 out of 10 legendary lord."
"Overall rating in Battle for Azeroth was pretty good... I'd give it an 8 out of 10."
"Entertainment and ratings are probably the cornerstone, the most important part of our media landscape."
"He is a ratings machine, 3.1 million isn't as much as he might have gotten on an average night all those years ago and 16 but it's amazing for CNN."
"The creme de la creme is 'six out of five stars'."
"He's extremely over, back to being a legitimate ratings mover."
"One extra star in a restaurant review and revenues can go up by as much as nine percent."
"Dragon Ball Z was breaking ratings records before Falconer was even hired."
"Bennett's low rating was changed in the blink of an eye, becoming one of the strongest characters in the game."
"Stray, a game so beloved that it would go on to become the highest-rated game on all of Steam for 2022."
"Honestly man I've got ins on D which is great what do you guys do guys agree out of 10 what do you give this rating for these packs out of 10 out of 10 in form it's gonna be someone average though."
"Could the Saturday show even do Wednesday's numbers? It'll be a challenge, but if it's a better program with stars people want to see, it's possible."
"Bluey is really taken off in these streaming ratings."
"Two out of five because the show is too long."
"What do you rate Avatar? One out of ten, I'd say a 9.9."
"I think the CEO or head of the time of programming at CBS at a certain point during the right before Trump won gave up the cards and said look, Donald Trump winning is good for ratings."
"Fear drives ratings more than anything else... media's goal is to scare you to death."
"CNN's ratings are in the trash and getting worse and this is why it's the only thing they can grasp on to."
"I rate this setup a 10 out of 10 because this is a perfect cage setup."
"In a perfect lobby, Shudderwock is like a four, 4.5 somewhere in that range."
"It's a 10 on the fun scale, it's a 10 on the thematically consistent scale."
"We've achieved the highest rating that you can on Isla Matanceros."
"Season seven everybody give it a one out of 10 rating. I'd give it an 8.5 maybe an 8.7 maybe a nine like this was a good season."
"Should ratings be guiding only and not enforced?"
"Just Mercy... got an A+ from the audiences from CinemaScore."
"This person said, 'R-rated Blu-ray,' and then is this confirmed, 'Oh, we shot all that stuff, it's got to go somewhere.'"
"The vibes 10 out of 10, the crowd 10 out of 10."
"47 down in the ratings from Trump to Biden because Joe Biden, you'll recall, is the most popular president in U.S. history with the most votes and the greatest and everybody just loves them so much kind of weird how the numbers don't show it."
"Bottom line: the rating system has been and continues to be incredibly outdated, and even kind of meaningless."
"Rate these out of 10 here. Let's see... 9.5 out of 10, 7, 10. Very epic, well done!"
"Andre Drummond is a 91 overall, what? Wow, this game."
"What is Batman's fighting skills rating out of a hundred? Batman from the DC extended universe receives a fighting skills rating of 88."
"Contextually, this thing really goes beyond the rating scale."
"I could not be happier with how this was handled. 10 out of 10 gold star, A plus."
"Look all of the conservative channels are going down in the ratings all of them because there's no more trump."
"Near Automata is sitting at an 88 on Metacritic, the highest-rated game that Yoko Taro has ever been a part of."
"If you’re going to get upset over my 6/10 rating, just remember that you’re not getting upset over me saying the movie is bad."
"Fans are more or less in agreement, a lot of nines, tens, 7.5, Cubics, nine point nine out of ten."
"Tucker Carlson beats CNN's entire primetime lineup combined."
"Burger definitely, I would say eight and a half."
"Spider-Man 2 with 94%... it lines up pretty closely with the general consensus about these movies."
"Season 4 debuted with high ratings, making it into the top 10 syndicated shows in the USA."
"Five stars is basically an all-star, it's like deck defining insane."
"The faster ratings move, the faster we're picking up on you."
"The 45 pistol is pretty good, so it easily gets a score of four bottle caps."
"If you guys get me a 90 rating, I don't know how I'm gonna make this a YouTube video."
"A pleasant seven is always better than a [__] ten."
"The Trump bump is driving those ratings home."
"What an amazing result! You've successfully raised the rating up to five stars."
"Mean Girls is obviously going up into God tier."
"I'm totally gonna watch 'Lady and the...' so I guess they better give it like an eight out of ten."
"Dynamite did a 1.032 million viewership, that is up from the 969,000 viewers the show previously drew."
"I really like top five. I really did like that."
"I could see this like being a four or five star read."
"Trends are good because Chibnall, but everything on an anomalous rating."
"Go review us on everything, five stars everywhere."
"Congratulations! Your hospital's been awarded a one-star rating. That's one out of a possible three."
"You know the ones that have a good rating, you're like okay people like this person."
"Nearly 90% of the people who've seen it have given the show an 8, 9, or 10."
"Justice League gets a 1 out of 10 and Zack Snyder's Justice League gets a 9."
"It's all politics, it's all about ratings."
"Throughout its entire run, The Andy Griffith Show consistently ranked as a top 10 hit."
"The average user rating of movies in this table is 4.6."
"The average rating for R-rated movies was 4.61."
"It's ratings... whether it be Austin and Pilman with the shotgun in his home in Cincinnati or the interview with the widow or the tribute shows or whatever, ratings always skeeved me out, never liked them."
"If he goes back to WWE, you'll get a big rating from the [__] casuals 'cause Punk's back, and then they'll go right back to the rating that was two two one."
"The red-hot company that beat WWE in the ratings for 83 weeks during the Monday Night Wars."
"33 million kind of puts all that back and forth about the so-called Wednesday night wars into perspective, doesn't it?"
"Percy Jackson and the Olympians was a rating success for Disney."
"He's going to get ratings for talking."
"Would you believe I made these? No. No. Would you believe they're the worst rated items? Yeah, no, they're the worst rated. Are they? They are, except two. Two were okay rated but I just thought they were really ugly."
"...Honda and Toyota are two of the highest rated Brands."
"Just because it seems to not be rating well right now all it could take is finding the ideal pool of readers to make it soar someday."
"That's right, show it, you show it, you show it, amen. But yet you don't want me to say it, want you to say that's right. Isn't that something? You will show it gladly. Oh, yeah, for Ratings, oh yes, but you don't want me to say it, scared of your ratings will go down."
"The credit rating agencies rated mammoth portions of mortgage-backed securities with a triple-A rating, handing them out like candy."
"There was no precedent for a series that had died in the ratings to be revived two and a half decades later."
"Still the rating keeps climbing high, and it finally took the first position, I think in TVN's history, beating Goblin and Crash Landing on You."
"Although people keep complaining about the plot going a bit out of control towards the end, still the rating keeps climbing high."
"Let us know what you guys think of this film. Do you agree with my rating, seven, or Tom's 6.5?"
"A one-star rating increase just one star increase on Yelp could mean the difference between 5 to 9% increase in Revenue"
"Richard Burton [ __ ] them all with Shark Week having come and gone to bring in Bao ratings for the Discovery Channel Once More The public's appetite for shark-rated entertainment is just as bloodthirsty as ever."
"The second generation model was the first super mini in its class to achieve a top five star ranking from euro end cap safety testing."
"...and let me tell you this has got everybody twisted as of filming this book is generated at 4.68 out of 5 on Goodreads with over 167,000 ratings which for those of you who are unfamiliar is like an absolutely absurd average."
"No one wants to see that but when we got like it's like when those fighters started going and they started doing the show, the ratings that they got were like wait a minute people are watching this."
"Ratings, ratings. If you get enough, once they were able to get and show how many people really wanted to watch this, like oh, okay."
"Turner had promised Bill Watts because Mid-South Wrestling then also he put on TBS on Sunday afternoons. It was getting better ratings than everything."
"The ratings are fantastic and the audience has accepted her beyond our wildest expectations."
"If Tony Khan tried with Rampage and people just happen to not watch it in great numbers, I would maybe have a different opinion."
"Guys, your ratings and reviews go a really long way. We've got to trick the algorithms into thinking this is a quality show."
"If today's ratings hit 1.9 million viewers, that's cause for a big celebration."
"It will be the highest rating in the history of the women's game."
"Sevens were cool, sixes? Overrated."
"Great cast, great movie, nines across the board."
"...Stars don't really mean anything not like nothing substantial everyone knows that the rating system on good reads uh story graph whatever whatever platform you're using it's all opinion based."
"The Powerpuff Girls TV debut in 1998 was the highest-rated premiere in Cartoon Network history."
"I'm really pleased to say that the debate that was not debate but the town halls that were held, simultaneously between Donald Trump and NBC, and Joe Biden at ABC, Joe Biden's town hall wiped the floor, Trump lost very bigly as he says in the ratings war."
"Happy Days was massively popular in its heyday, even managing to occupy the top five shows in Nielsen ratings for three years."
"Five stars. This is my newest favorite invention."
"The tech on this thing is absolutely great. Huge fan of that IIHS top safety pick plus. That's also pretty huge. That's the very best safety rating you could possibly get by IIHS."
"So far, all of my ratings have been four and up."
"M Night Shyamalan's second movie ever to get an R rating."
"Romcoms are back and apparently it's also gotten like really high ratings on Rotten Tomatoes"
"Women's wrestling in TNA in 2006 2007 2008 was outdrawing the men in terms of ratings."
"HBO is just programming, dude. They don't need ratings."
"I have no idea what the ratings will be by the end of the series, but I can't wait to find out."
"Cartoon Network did not initially renew the show after the first season due to low ratings."
"Raw 1000, well it was a little bit of a beast, because they got a 3.86 rating out of this."
"85% good ratings, to me, that's a pretty good product."
"...the show was still doing well in the ratings."
"The Sony gets a perfect score for its flippy-tilty screen and aperture ring on the lens."
"Deadliest Catch consistently achieves impressive ratings on Discovery Channel, establishing itself as one of the most successful cable TV programs."
"The show debuted on ABC in 1960, finishing the season at number 18 in overall Nielsen ratings."
"63% via critics, and 93% on audiences."
"With eBay you just have to see the rating of each seller."
"Repossessed really represents a bygone era when PG-13 could actually be a little spicier, a time before they removed the ratings balls and boobs."
"What kind of lead-in are they trying to keep but apparently failing because Rampage has been sucking pond water in the numbers lately, hadn't it?"
"highest rated basketball game period like period WNBA NBA whatever since 2019"
"There was lots of hype and lots of threats coming from Hulk Hogan and TNA saying how they were going to take all WWE's ratings."
"How do people who view the fights in disgust show up on the ratings? No different than people who view the fights because they want to watch them, bringing attention to the UFC."
"Does it work? It's disappointing to see that even some of the really big media outlets now are rating stuff five out of five based on how it looks and feels, not how protective it is."
"Everyone else loved the book, which that was really exciting. Everyone gave it a 4.5 or above."
"I can't begin to tell you how low the ratings some of those shows get."
"Please give me a five-star rating and hopefully Uber sees this video and takes some notes."
"In television they break down the ratings into what they call demographics and a very important demographic figure is the 18 to 49 agent every 7% of our own we're seventh in the nation in 70 a demographic."
"8.3 out of 10 on IMDb and 87 on Rotten Tomatoes. Amazing scores, amazing scores. I'm so glad people appreciate this movie."
"These are my top four favorites. These four books I completely love, I would give all these books five out of five stars."
"So, if you really become a student of the ratings, bro, it's real simple. You start giving them more of what they're watching and you start pulling away from what they're not."
"This thing touts 37 MPG in the city, 34 on the highway, and a combined rating of 36."
"I saw the ratings went up so thank you very much for that."
"If you can give us a five-star rating on those platforms, it's very helpful, and I would appreciate it."
"Ratings are just a predictor or tracker at the end of it all. It's just Revenue. It's money that makes the real world go around."
"This movie test screened and the studio reported the highest ratings they've ever gotten on a movie."
"...only five aired on Nick due to low ratings."
"Ratings are up 50% from last year."
"Fantasia Land takes 5 points mainly because of Black Mamba, Fly, and Mystery Castle."
"It always seemed like the fail-safe. Whenever ratings started to dip or there was interest that started to wane, let's put Vince back on TV and spike the ratings."
"The special does a 3.1 rating and the company only expected a 3.0, so this head-to-head special has to be considered a success."
"Will Batwan be like the BBC, continues the constant virtue signaling despite terrible ratings?"
"ZipRecruiter is the number one rated hiring site in the US based on G2 ratings."
"For each book you read, you give it a rating for each of those categories out of 10. And I think that's pretty fair because sometimes a book can have a great plot but terrible writing, or maybe a nothing much happens plot but it has a really great atmosphere and vibe."
"Please go and leave a quick rating on iTunes. It really does help spread the word to other traders."
"I feel like action movies have a little bit more freedom, a little more grit and fun if they have the full R rating."
"He's the internet's daddy. Every show he's been in has had like an above 80 rating."
"All the guys being available is what raised the ratings which raised the money which raised the salary cap which raises the lifestyle."
"I'd rate the noodles... I'd rate the wontons like an eight out of ten."
"I think tonight is going to be a ratings bonanza."
"Metalocalypse premiered as the highest rated premiere of Adult Swim."
"Learning from the past show, TMS decided to up the comedy and goofiness to an all-time high in an effort to have more ratings. And it worked gloriously well."
"Getting into the reviews really quickly before I get into the score: 7.6 out of 10 on IMDb and 94% on Rotten Tomatoes. So obviously, critics really love this movie, and audiences really like this movie."
"For adjustable trip circuit breakers, the adjusted setting, not the maximum setting, is considered the rating."
"It has like a six percent on Rotten Tomatoes. Yeah, it's bad."
"I'm gonna be a little tougher with my ratings tonight."
"CM Punk versus Daniel Garcia. The reason why Punk was wrestling on this program is because the ratings have been going down when Punk don't wrestle on the program."
"A game changer when it comes to ratings."
"It just seems that Vince has given up. Dynamite needs to beat Raw in the ratings for Vince to pull his finger out. Maybe that is what it needs to take."
"What number would you give it out of 10? 10? 11."
"It is highly rated by all third party rating agencies."
"Why would she bleed? Oh no, Whitney, we're not gonna get ratings that way, okay?"
"Arlong, definitely the best villain so far. Arlong is like a 9.7 out of 10 villain, you know what I mean?"
"...sometimes books have low ratings but a lot of people have read them, like Wilder Girls and Bunny..."
"...sometimes books have low ratings but a lot of people loved it and a lot of people hated it..."
"It's about ratings, you know Saturday Night Live, they, you know, it's about the ratings. You know, they've had Elon Musk on so I, I just, I just go okay."
"This is why rodeos have no F rating; only firestop systems have ratings."
"She took the show's ratings from the 40s all the way to soaring to number one."
"Their most popular show with another show flagging in the ratings, perfect."
"To have two people already on your roster and female do a 3.4 rating is because they believed Awesome Kong."
"It says more for AEW to maintain that than it does WWE pulling out a higher rating because Roman Reigns was there."
"As far as I'm aware, there is no light fastness rating for graphic pencils."
"I don't need ratings. You watch the show, it's good, it's bad. I don't give a [__] who's watching it as long as I was entertained."
"Ratings are amazing. The rating system is not absolutely accurate, but it is at least a reflection and a measure of chess ability."
"Your rating can fluctuate wildly and it doesn't necessarily reflect where you are as a chess player. It's a little bit like the stock market."
"One of the strongest season averages for the show thus far."
"I think it's important to never fully judge a book based on its rating."
"US airports in general didn't fare particularly well with the highest-rated US airport being Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport."
"The equation was this: If you took Seinfeld's finale and subtracted Friends' finale, that was the numbers for our finale."
"4.5 stars are basically could be a five star on another day in another situation."
"Morocco food is rated higher, it's right up in there in the top 10."
"Wow, this family is so good-looking. If only I could invite this family to be on the show, the ratings must be great."
"The truth of the matter is, that probably would have been the highest rated season."
"The ratings agency are called Standard and Poor. Those are the two ratings."