
Self-employment Quotes

There are 726 quotes

"I finally found a boss that I like most of the time, me."
"The misery index is completely defeated because you are your boss. You say what you want."
"A paid vacation may come to you, or if you're self-employed, taking yourself on a vacation."
"You are your own boss, you can control your own destiny, this is one of those jobs that truly has unlimited potential."
"The faster way to make money for yourself is to have your own business or own hustle."
"It's a great opportunity, and it's incredible to be able to work for yourself and do your own things."
"It was more of a necessity because I had a lot of seasonal jobs prior to that where I'd maybe be there for three months, six months. I was moving across the country to all of these different jobs, trying all these different things, and none of them really clicked for me. And so after years of doing that, I was very tired. I got beat down, and a little defeated, to be honest, of switching jobs all the time. And so there came a point where I realized, I need to do something for myself. I need to be my own boss and make my own decisions."
"The day I was able to go to my boss at work and go 'I'm my boss now,' was one of the greatest moments in my life."
"I always knew that I wanted to work for myself."
"We're also gonna go ahead and pass the business startup campaign. It's very cheap but it goes ahead and creates more self-employed, reduces socialist, and makes capitalists a little bit happier."
"For ones that are self-employed, I really see that you're going to be really successful."
"Be ready to be employed. Let's say you're self-employed, then a lot of opportunities and lots of growth and expansion in that."
"Some people, including myself, like the idea of freelancing and running your own business. You can set your own hours, be your own boss, but it does take a lot of discipline to work for yourself."
"Quitting a full-time job that you've been in for a long time and going off to pursue your own thing and become self-employed is very, very scary."
"I could discuss anything I want. That's the beauty of not working for anyone."
"You're going to make a lot more money, be a lot more happy, Be Your Own Boss."
"I just wanted to tell you about an opportunity for you to be your own boss and make some extra money on the side."
"Wealth through purpose, life path fulfilled, healer, artist, self-employed."
"Some of you will start working for yourself; entrepreneur mindset."
"Picture yourself happy because now you're making money in your bedroom."
"This is about jobs that you will be doing as a one person gig, so like I like to call it Me Inc."
"Selling your own products can get you that entire pie for yourself."
"A lot of people are making more money, starting their own businesses."
"Being self-employed is the only job where you'll work like a hundred hours a week for the same pay."
"Even if you're sitting there thinking, 'But I don't have something of my own to sell right now.'"
"Bring creativity to your job, maybe you've got a dream about some kind of passion for self-employment."
"Building my own business: all the benefit accrues to you."
"I work for myself, which is a really nice thing to be able to do."
"A pandemic and what about the millions of self-employed people."
"You are both the owner and the employee, but you don't want to get stuck into understanding that you are the only owner and the only employee."
"I always admired successful businessmen and wanted to be my own boss."
"How can I be looking for a job when I employ myself"
"You can be self-employed and that can be a very like great career, yeah, which is why I'm like, unemployed has such a negative connotation."
"By the end of this video today, you'll be able to set up your own professional-looking website and easily sell your own online courses."
"So if y'all have a passion for something like video games sewing drawing art whatever you can do it hello and work whenever you want to."
"Being able to make a living without always working for somebody else... That's been so incredible for me."
"The point is to not have to work for anybody, see that's the point, that's real freedom."
"I really love what I do especially being an entrepreneur and being self-employed and getting to do you know to some extent whatever I want."
"I started attracting an audience of people who were interested in learning how to become their own boss and work from wherever they were."
"If this is your passion, if this is what you love to do, and one day this can be your full-time gig, I mean how awesome is that?"
"You're actually kind of being kind of like a mini entrepreneur or something like that."
"If you ever want to get away from the majority of the white supremacy that exists in your life learn how to not have to go work for a white man anymore."
"When you work for yourself you are in control of your time which is your most valuable asset."
"Man does it feel damn good to be making money online from your own work."
"I'm gonna make my own business and run it fairly."
"Stop settling for being a secretary, that's only a temporary detail on your way to employing yourself!"
"There is no ceiling and that's the beauty of it."
"You can really earn as much; there's no limits with what you can earn when you build your own brand."
"Do work that you love with no limitations, no fear of being fired, no fear of being unemployed."
"If you live in an area with low cost of living no kids no health problems no credit card debt no car payments and you only need 650 bucks a week to live your current lifestyle full-time reselling is looking like a pretty good option."
"You Can Be Your Own Boss, Build your own Mom and Pop Shop, make your own merchandise, be creative, and be the boss of the whole thing."
"Freelance to me is just the most beautiful word, I kind of picture a butterfly when I hear that word."
"This is the year for you to be an entrepreneur."
"You may resign, retire from the workforce altogether, or become self-employed."
"You ain't taking a job, you making your job."
"Destined to do something for yourself, to become a boss or an entrepreneur."
"The first side hustle I like to call 'If you're able to read this then you're qualified.'"
"It takes so much discipline and focus to work for yourself."
"You can work for somebody else and make them rich, or you can work for yourself and make yourself rich. It's a choice."
"Self-employment is the Dark Souls of having a job."
"Take your skills and utilize them in areas that are lacking."
"Do what you do, whatever it is that you do, do that."
"Who's really getting hurt? It's 1099 income."
"If you're considering being self-employed... a lot of the information we talk about does apply... but also applies to just being self-employed."
"I never work for nobody. I never was an intern celebra employee. I started Hollywood a lot from an idea and I worked my ass off until people started believing in it."
"Be your own boss. You're selling hours of your life away for 15 bucks a piece."
"This is the greatest opportunity on Earth to start your own business."
"Stand your ground. If you're looking for something new or setting up your own business, become an entrepreneur."
"Time is money. It's up to you to generate your own income."
"Start your own business as soon as you possibly can because that's where the real money is."
"Even if you're just working on your own if you have your own business you can make way more money than if you were working for somebody else."
"If you understand what to do, you'll jump into real estate, you'll jump into becoming your own business owner."
"If you don't build your dreams, someone will hire you to help build theirs."
"It's easy to do pretty much everything on your own terms. You don't really have to do anything you don't want to do. You don't report to anyone?"
"Be your own boss, set your own work schedule."
"A career as a freelancer might be the right path for you."
"The benefit of moving from an employee to self-employed."
"Your new job is to get a job. Look, if you're going to work for the man... and now you can't work for the man... your new job is that you work for you."
"I feel like the wheel of your destiny's spinning here. For some of you, it's self-employment or entrepreneurialship."
"You gotta believe that you can make money online right now."
"You're never going to work harder for anyone than you will for yourself."
"There is something here very much about maybe starting your own business having success with your own business."
"If I can do this amount for them, I know I can do that amount for myself."
"If you have a side hustle, let's have a side hustle."
"Being your own boss: daunting responsibility, but oh, the freedom! Choose what you want to do."
"It's fully possible to make a full-time living. We do it. I know many people who do."
"I'm gonna be an entrepreneur for the rest of my life, man. Even when it's my time to go, I'm gonna be my own boss."
"This is the time for everybody to start their own business and be their own boss."
"I knew I did not want to work for somebody else anymore."
"I transitioned into doing more of my own thing."
"YouTube and self-employment in general has this unique way of rewarding continued effort."
"I'm saying to you you don't have to work for somebody you could work for yourself."
"I wanted to work for myself. I had a mission and a purpose through clever girl finance and I told myself I was gonna pick my job."
"A rise in teenagers leaving schools and getting their GEDs or high school diploma equivalents, or just creating their own self-employed small businesses."
"No migrant is taking my job because I've created my own job." - Discussion on immigrants in Texas
"Try to strike out on your own, create your own business, your own company, that's all very possible."
"People running their own stores are probably going to work harder and smarter than people who are just punching the clock for a faceless corporate Overlord."
"The multiverse is breaking. Would ninja even work? So true."
"The government rewards 1099s and business people before they reward w-2s and jobs."
"We're just getting other people rich, all we need is a desk and a computer."
"Being able to create my own stuff in my own time in my own way with no bosses to speak up to, no higher-ups to report to."
"I love this: people not working for the Man, people becoming financially independent, setting up their own business, hanging their own shingle. It is very rewarding."
"The future of employment will be self-employment."
"Flipping gives you that entrepreneurial spirit many dream of."
"Working harder than I ever have, but I'm working for me."
"You're going to work harder for yourself than you have ever worked for anybody."
"The new American Dream is to own your own business."
"Most entrepreneurs, they are not actually entrepreneurs. They are technicians with an entrepreneurial seizure."
"If you can use your hands, your skills that pay the bills, you can work for yourself."
"Be your own boss. Make your own destiny. Control your own destiny. Don't answer to people, answer to yourself."
"Your best strategy would be start your own business if you can."
"My worst day at my nine to five will never compete against my worst day working for myself."
"Why not utilize that skill that you already have to start making a really good income for yourself?"
"I see myself now as I'm self-employed. I have created this platform. I'm a businessman."
"You don't need the direct market obviously to make a fantastic living doing this."
"Research is the key... it's a lot easier than 9 to 5 and plus you're doing it for yourself."
"I think it's hella cool that I have complete control over my hours and income."
"Even if you've never thought about doing this kind of work for money, if you wanted to, either consider trying out having your own business doing this."
"Create your own job, create your own flow of money."
"You have a better chance making your first $100 being a freelancer than waiting around for a check from Google and YouTube."
"Starting your own online business will be the most rewarding."
"Every single dollar that you can generate in profit is precious and I truly believe that being a reseller is an amazing thing because you are generating an income for yourself where no job previously existed."
"It's awesome being able to work from home, be your own boss, you know, make your own money."
"You're the boss it's a different kind of work trust me when you work for yourself you can work as many hours as you want."
"Once you become self-employed, you become unemployable."
"I think the quality of your work when you work for yourself is the best it will ever be."
"You are truly your own boss when you learn how to become a consistently profitable trader."
"Eventually, I'm going to work a job that allows me to do that or start trying to find ways to be self-employed."
"The name of the game of being self-employed is that it is very unstable, so you really have to plan very carefully."
"The ability to earn with your intelligence, not your time, labor, or looks, is how you become in control of what you do and how much you make."
"I know for me when I went self-employed, I started thinking about it in February and actually made the jump in March."
"I always had the sense that I just wanted to work for myself."
"Find a way to start working for yourself and don't give up because no job will ever give a shout about you."
"Remember that you are not working for someone else except yourself, and that right there is the biggest blessing."
"I work independently, I'm my own boss, and I'm happy."
"I'm just getting paid more and working for myself."
"When you work for yourself, building structure is so important."
"I'm not a worker I work for myself I'm a boss."
"Nobody tells you what time I have to work or how many hours a day. Only me."
"I feel like working for yourself definitely requires some managing and planning like this and having these focus sections really helps me to plan ahead."
"As someone who's not only self-employed but I have a very front-facing job, I put a lot of myself and my soul into my work."
"You are very organized, very methodical, and therefore you do very well working for yourself."
"If you're self-employed and you have the ability to figure out your own schedule, I really highly recommend a four-day work week."
"What are you already good at? What is something that you already have in your hands that you can make a service or you can make a... you know, give as a talent to provide for other people and charge a rate for it?"
"A lot of you guys are destined to be self-employed if you're not because I do feel like a lot of people will constantly be threatened by you."
"You set your own hours and you can have freedom."
"I'm self-employed, so I'm like, 'There's no protection of any maternity leave here. If I don't go back into this, and I think that's what I was, that's my motive behind it. Like, once it's done, it's done. And now I've got a child to provide for, so it can't be done, you know?'"
"Now I'm experiencing self-employed life in the UK as well."
"I'd Rather Be My Own Boss than be somebody else's employee."
"I don't regret making the leap, maybe it was too soon, but it got me to where I'm self-employed."
"We don't work for anybody else anymore."
"You'll be an independent contractor, so you'll be your own boss."
"Start working for yourself, Be Your Own Boss."
"Having the ability to kind of cut your own paycheck... it's transformational."
"...using your skill set, your information to be able to create something for yourself."
"Save your little money and start your business, work for yourself, or have your little side hustle at the same time. That, I feel, is the best way."
"Self-employed, it's you're trading time for money, but you have more tax benefits."
"Not everyone wants to be an employee. Some people want to be their own boss."
"At the end of the day, when you're a rapper, you are your business. You know what I'm saying? When you're a rapper, you are your business, you work for yourself."
"Once you have the taste of being your own boss, there's no going back."
"You're eliminating some of all these damn employee taxes that everybody plays into."
"Remember when you're self-employed, at the, you're the admin, you're the HR, you're the delivery driver, you're the mechanic, you're the carpenter, you're everything when you first start a business."
"...one of the beautiful things about working for yourself is you can move things around and kind of move things around to fit your life and that is a beautiful thing..."
"If God won't give you a 4-day work week, you just make it happen for yourself."
"Continue to work on what you're trying to manifest, okay? There's something here about you being self-employed that you really need to focus on."
"I'm self-employed. I'm a full-time content creator meaning I create content for YouTube Tik Tok Instagram newsletters Etc."
"Being Your Own Boss, you set your own schedule."
"Days like this I feel so thankful for being like self-employed and working from home because I have the luxury to be able to like switch my week around."
"I'm My Own Boss, I Am My Own Boss one of my dads since 15 16 years old I've been my own CEO."
"So, for me, being my own boss has been one of the best decisions of my life."
"Self-employment suits your disposition and intentions."
"Business takes time to get up so when you're getting a business started you're like the selfemployed person because it's your vision you got to work it."
"When you're self-employed and when you're running a business, it definitely feels like a more equal relationship to how I've ever felt in the past being under a manager."
"You don't need a huge corporation, you don't need a huge studio, you don't need to be co-signed by big businesses to get your word out there, to get paid from your home, to be your own boss."
"To be able to do things your own way on your own time is priceless."
"What's the best part of being a YouTuber?" "What's the hottest part? But it's really nice being self-employed."
"I love being self-employed, being able to do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do."
"Work for yourself and buy yourself for a little while."
"Almost as cowardly as working for the TVA. I'm working for me, and here I was worried that they found a better version of me."
"So anyway, in 2005, I gave up work at Sky Television and I decided to go self-employed."
"I think this is the problem with being self-employed, people think you get a job, you do work, it's all fine."
"I am so grateful to be self-employed."
"As a self-employed person I can tell you, you work one day in your life and that's the day you have to file your taxes."
"Even if self-employment is your only income, you can voluntarily pay class II national insurance to secure a qualifying year for your state pension."
"If you have a loss in self-employment, it's a good idea to inform HMRC so you can offset it against future profits."
"You can offset your self-employment loss against other income to potentially receive a tax repayment."
"If you've made a loss in previous years, you can carry it forward to offset against future profits."
"I remember when I was a kid, I'd never imagined myself actually being able to work for myself."
"You've chosen to be your own boss."
"Anyone in the world has the opportunity to create their own business."
"The stress is always high, but the more you work for yourself, the more you have a healthy routine of knowing how to get through stressful situations."
"If you're self-employed and looking to get a mortgage, you might be a little fearful because you hear all these horror stories of people not being able to get approved for a mortgage because they're self-employed."
"...that's what people ask me cuz you know I'm self-employed I get to make videos for living whatever and people say how do I do it and I say the number one thing that I tell anybody is you got to be self-motivated..."
"I think the biggest part of transitioning from um you know w-2 job to now being self-employed is the mental aspect of it it's just like acknowledging that it's a shift it's a shift in how you think how you operate how you value time how you value your skills."
"I love being self-employed, like I love the abilities about uh, you know, do what I want on my own time."
"If you have self-employment earnings, know the dates."
"The beauty of going solo doing nails is that you get to work on yourself, for yourself."
"If your bank account ain't what it needs to be, that's because you're afraid, you're afraid to step out and use your gift."
"You're a 1099 contractor. You're Your Own Boss basically."
"YouTube can provide that and you can provide that for yourself if you work damn hard."