
Political Stability Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"Democracy as you know is under threat around the world."
"Governments fall when the people do not have confidence in those governments."
"The Kremlin is worried about significant domestic discontent."
"Assaults on sovereignty destabilize, assaults on sovereignty impoverish, assaults on sovereignty enslave."
"American democracy is in a really fragile state right now; it needs all of us standing up to protect it."
"Our democracy came dangerously close to catastrophe."
"Eleanor set to work raising the king's ransom whilst keeping the kingdom united as news of Richard's capture threatened political chaos."
"At the heart of our Republic is a guarantee of the peaceful transfer of power."
"Canadian democracy didn't happen by accident, and it won't continue without work."
"But the reality is more complicated. Elections sometimes represent the greatest threat to an autocrat’s tenure."
"If we lose faith in the Constitution, we won't just lose elections, we'll lose our country."
"This election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral."
"If this operation was indeed intended to panic and divide the Russian leadership, then it has failed in its purpose."
"The government in Moscow remains stable and in full control of the country."
"Maintaining the golden age ensured Hatshepsut the support and loyalty she needed to rule."
"Democracy is not a football you don't throw it around."
"Perhaps more than ever, it is our job to stop giving ear to political arsonists who would burn down our institutions and intensify our divisions."
"The LDP remains the governing party today, much like it has mostly been since 1955."
"Lebanese leadership: Has it changed? Some left, some are still around. But the situation remains the same."
"Joe Biden is the comfort food of American politics."
"Economic stability leads to political stability and a more functional economy."
"We are living through chaos, and that is no way to run a country."
"This is an election about whether there will ever be an election again."
"We now need stability and unity, and I will make it my utmost priority to bring our party and our country together."
"They have just hamfisted in a ruling that disrupts everything about a stable representative Republic."
"The peace of the republic literally is at stake."
"If we don't get a kind of global safety net or a global plan, the economic and political consequences could be catastrophic."
"I decline to do so. What I would actually prefer to see is the status quo of Ukraine restored to its sovereignty and integrity." - Advocating for peace
"The reign of Henry VII brought to an end a period of massive political instability."
"Power changed hands via the ballot box democratically and peacefully."
"This is a dangerous moment for American democracy."
"Governments are incredibly brittle, just like we saw with the Soviet Union or the Eastern Bloc."
"Africa doesn't need strongmen, it needs strong institutions."
"We can't allow the Good Friday Agreement that brought peace to Northern Ireland to become a casualty of Brexit."
"The reform is necessary and we will carry it out – but not at the price of civil war."
"It shouldn't surprise us that Trump's approval hasn't diminished at all."
"Full healthy democracies do not experience Civil War."
"Getting rid of the filibuster would make, and I quote, our country, a banana republic where if you don't get your way, you change the rules."
"Democracy is based on the idea that the losers don't need to launch a civil war because they have a chance to win the next time."
"Lee's authoritarian rule stabilized Singapore, curbing violence and setting it on a path to prosperity."
"The real danger... is 2022 or 2024 when we may see people begin to change the results of the elections."
"Autocracies are far more fragile than they appear and when the tide turns it always turns very quickly."
"Sovereignty and mobility are crucial in a period of political volatility."
"He's trying to legitimize his leadership... stability, courage."
"There is nothing more important than the peaceful transfer of power after an election."
"The peaceful transfer of power that has helped define our nation for more than 230 years was carried out."
"Ultimately if a large minority of the population no longer has faith in rule by the people for the people, how long can that system survive?"
"You don't want to break institutional norms."
"You can't fix Joe Biden's chaos with Republican chaos."
"America is really ready for a boring administrator, somebody who just gets stuff done."
"Former Obama officials seem to have quietly made their peace with the sputtering attack on the legitimacy of US institutions."
"If the top seven members of the Politburo Standing Committee have fled Beijing... What does it mean if the public finds out these members have fled?"
"For those praying for Putin's downfall, just know this: 'Russia always ends up rebuilding itself.'"
"This is America. Our Constitution can withstand anything."
"I don't foresee some popular revolution toppling the regime."
"Without the support of the troops, you're either deposed or you're dead."
"The scariest thing about a second Trump term is that there will be no guard rails."
"I think the essence of Bhutanese monarchy itself will not change because it's the relationship between the king and the people."
"Democracies can and will push back against autocracy."
"If Donald Trump loses the election, there will never be a peaceful transfer of power."
"Will the upper chamber respect the will of the people in a nation known for its steady diet of coups, crackdowns, and turmoil?"
"Our democracy barely survived the first Trump term; can our institutions withstand another one?"
"You just can't have a functioning democracy without a peaceful transition of power. That's critical."
"We're talking about probably the most dangerous period in modern American history in terms of the stability of the actual regime."
"Our democracy, let's face it guys, it's hanging by a thread."
"How do we, as a country, deal with the fact that one of our two major political parties no longer believes in basic democratic norms?"
"Our democracy is strong; he can huff and puff, but he's weak."
"That bleak scenario would result in a weak and hollow president and would thus be ruinous for the American political system."
"Trust in Zelinski remains stable, despite some decrease."
"We need to respect the democratic institutions of this country... bolstering the institutions of our democracy."
"Understanding population demographics is key to stability."
"The Empire is gravely wounded and only High Rock and Cyrodiil remain under their total control."
"You need these things that politics can't shake or corrupt or change."
"We can never normalize the ending of democracy."
"Even if the party that I voted for didn't win, I always used to say, well, at least we don't riot and do violence. It seems like the party that I don't vote for does every time."
"This brings in happiness. It's like, it's freeing to you, the truth you discover is very freeing."
"You're finally going to be free of ancestral karma and it's going to allow you to walk in the light of truth and be inspirational to other people, oh my goodness, Aquarius, wow."
"We live in a democracy not a banana republic."
"Just don't vote for chaos. Just stay where you are. Things are actually improving."
"Europeans really do want stability and peace in Europe."
"The current ruling party of India will retain power, they will be re-elected in 2024."
"They provide this continuity in terms of head and state."
"Our republic lives to see another day because I just don't know how our democracy could have withstood four more years of this chaotic administration."
"More political instability will be the equivalent of more economic instability."
"President Trump has several times refused to commit himself to a peaceful transfer of power after the election."
"We have to ensure that this madness does not continue and is never allowed to happen again."
"You cannot erode further confidence and faith in the government."
"Internal counter-revolutionary activity has not crumbled anarchist societies; external invasion has."
"Amlo is one of the world's most popular leaders and has consistently been so since he came to power."
"India is not just the biggest democracy, in a way it's the most well-established democracy."
"We need to have confidence in our elections."
"The peaceful transition of power is fundamental to democracy."
"A disease unchecked, mass protests, and a president unwilling to pledge support to electoral democracy."
"The need to make certain that the president of the United States, if he loses this election, will abide by the will of the voters and leave office peacefully."
"Civilized democracy only works if you have the principle of losers consent."
"American democracy's always been tested; it's always under test every single day."
"Without us there, other democracies can creep into fascism."
"Our democracy is confident, robust, and aware."
"Presidents come and go, what makes America are our institutions."
"The situation in brotherly Czechoslovakia is normalized."
"Since the end of the Communist era of 1990, visitors have experienced a secure and stable environment that has been the focus of well-established democratic institutions, making Mongolia paradise both for business and leisure."
"When you have a good power and you use it and you stick with the policies you have enacted instead of running scared, those policies will become accepted."
"Democracy is fragile, and the only way that we can keep democracy going is by having each and every one of us get involved."
"Candidates who dispute the results of a valid election... pose a danger of interfering in future elections."
"Democracies only function well when the truth is acknowledged."
"Stepping into power as a teacher, sharing wisdom."
"Democracy is fragile... we need to worry about unprincipled men seizing power."
"The very fabric of our democratic republic is about to be tested."
"Putin's Throne, which refuses to budge, is beginning to rock."
"That's where dialogue starts is to say well do we share the same end goal do we want the country to totally collapse into a bunch of different fiefdoms and have them war against one another."
"If Xi Jinping is losing control over the central government, the regime is in danger."
"That's how democracy works. Ghana was way ahead of Nigeria on the freedom index for a long time for a simple reason that it went from one election cycle to the other replacing the government in power."
"Peace and security remain the priority for the people of Mali and the Sahel."
"Ethiopia's prospects for long-term stability hinge on dialogue and politics."
"But if history has taught us anything, it's that Alberta will remain ungovernable."
"The only way to stop a health or Skelter all the way to hell for Pakistan is to hold a free and fair election."
"November 6th ain't nothing to sneeze at or November 7th if your guy loses bad things might happen but the country is not over."
"It's the erosion of democracy that brings us closer to civil war."
"Authoritarian States always seem secure up until the moment that they're not."
"Democracy can be destroyed if there is no discipline."
"The odds of America slipping into a civil war type scenario over the next 10 years is around 30 percent."
"The people of the country need to understand how close we were to losing it all on that day."
"When there is moral rot within a nation its government topples easily but with honest and sensible leaders there is stability."
"Switzerland is unique among the nations of Europe—it stands as a multicultural and decentralized Nation found in the principles of mutual respect and support."
"Hopefully nobody loses their head over anything, you know, hopefully we have nice peaceful transitions of power and everything is amicable."
"The best thing you can do for this and pretty much for anything else that matters is to make sure the Democratic game is not broken."
"Our republic will not survive. We must correct course."
"What's really happening with Turkey is that President Erdogan is concerned about internal stability and territorial integrity."
"We enjoy a standard of living, a level of equality, and a degree of political stability which has never before been seen in the history of the world."
"The peaceful transition of power is the bedrock of a democracy."
"Rumors of Kim’s death are an accidental reminder of how bad things could be, and how much stability is worth."
"Americans have to be reassured that America is not a Banana Republic."
"Democracy is the safety relief valve. If you convince people that their votes don't matter, they become radical."
"We will fight back against your cowardly attacks on American citizens and property." - President Ronald Reagan
"Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos." - John Marshall
"Woke is a destabilizing force and a perfectly sustainable regime does not want destabilizing forces running rampant throughout it."
"Attacks on our democracy and attacks on our election system that are baseless are terrible for our system of government and our way of life."
"The success of their offensives depends significantly on internal political stability."
"A strong democracy depends on a strong economy."
"It's much harder to regain democracy once it's lost."
"We have never come close to having a serious meltdown in our political system like never."
"How do you establish some degree of stability and then as soon as you have open elections not have a horribly corrupt left-wing government that comes in?"
"If this was the most organized attempt to overthrow the government then you should actually feel kind of comforted."
"It's doubtful that a referendum on the monarchy would even result in a vote for republic; the current system is not even like it's against the wishes of the public."
"Despite political instability, Israel in healthy state for coming economic storm."
"This is the easiest way possible to prevent an entirely predictable constitutional crisis."
"Bharat has survived as a democracy without a coup."
"Secondly, democracy prevailed—there had been fears that the election would lead to unrest that did not happen."
"Democracy can't survive it cannot survive not a joke can't survive when one side believes there's only two outcomes to an election either they win or they were cheated."
"Democracy is stronger than organizations like ISIL."
"One of the things that separates a stable state from a fragile state and then a failed state is the government's monopoly on the use of force."
"Democracy dies when there is chaos, when the body politic can't find a way to compromise and agree on anything."
"The only thing that holds democracy together in the end is a belief in the integrity of elections."
"If you join a campaign to overthrow a constitutionally elected government, you are a conspirator, a coup conspirator."
"A peaceful transfer of power politically is crucial."
"Alabama certainly seems solidified."
"...Barbados stands out as a shining example of political stability in the Caribbean."
"...Dominica has demonstrated commendable political stability within the Caribbean region."
"...Aruba is considered to be the fourth most politically stable country in the world."
"...fostering political stability these countries have created an environment conducive to economic growth, social progress, and the overall well-being of their citizens."
"...political stability requires continuous effort in addressing challenges such as socioeconomic disparities, corruption, and governance issues."
"Democracy cannot survive political extremism."
"Interestingly, it is the only country in South America right now that has a reasonable government, a reasonable president."
"Anything that undermines the foundations of Democracy in America or elsewhere is a risk."
"The disappearance of that shared culture in two countries with radically different electoral and constitutional systems shows that whatever your Constitution says on whatever your electoral system without a shared political culture you're lost."
"Her 22-year reign was a time of prosperity and political stability."
"Membership to the EU was seen as a way to bring economic prosperity and political stability to the region."
"Let the country settle down into a peaceful atmosphere and when once a stable regime is formed and the right authority is accepted, then let this question be dealt with on the principles of equity and justice."
"Authoritarianism isn't stable in the long run."
"She encouraged political stability... a force field around which good behavior within the political establishment was encouraged."
"A UBI is much less susceptible to electoral pressure."
"The most stable political institutions are democratic institutions and independent competent courts."
"The Peace of Europe depends on it."
"Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world."
"It's the countries that don't have any protests that you have to worry about."
"Africa is moving in the direction of political stability."
"When you vote, make sure you vote for the right party that brings stability, that brings certainty."
"The Umayyads had a realistic power base."
"Security and stability will need to precede political progress."
"Democracy is in good shape here in this legislative building tonight."
"Our democracy is more focused on the center, and that's a very good thing."
"He was beloved by his people and he used his power to stabilize Rome."
"All bets are off. It's very hard to see how long the Putin regime will last."
"The very purpose of a Bill of Rights is to remove certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy."
"Mexico has become more politically stable and this year Mexico's economy has grown quite strongly."
"There is no coup attempt underway in Turkey."
"The country needs a period of stability."