
Elephant Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Don't think of an elephant. Whatever you do, do not think of an elephant."
"A young elephant somehow managed to defend itself from a relentless assault against 14 fully grown lions."
"Everything about the behemoth describes an elephant."
"Elephant as a symbol of wisdom and compassion."
"Elephants can run at speeds of up to 25 mph or 40 km per hour for short bursts when they need to."
"Talking about animal female elephant..."
"Elephants are not like any other animal on the planet. No other creature can boast of such a long flexible trunk, large ears, and powerful legs."
"In African cultures, the elephant is a symbol of strength and power, honored for his endurance, mental ability, spirit of cooperation, and loyalty."
"Elephants are capable of feelings and emotions similar to human ones. They are wise and graceful, thick-skinned but at the same time tender, the power and charisma."
"...a man in Kerala, India was crushed to death by an elephant when he beat the animal so hard he lost his balance and fell underneath it."
"Touched by an elephant: The love story we never knew we needed."
"I like the elephant. It was a nice elephant."
"I'd say good morning there elephant, how do you do?"
"I just love this elephant so cute."
"Elephant who had an accident receives prosthetic leg."
"I got her a card with an elephant on it she looked shocked and asked me how I knew her favorite animal was an elephant yet I can barely remember what I eat for breakfast sometimes."
"Mary is amazing and is an Asian elephant. She's so big!"
"Why is this show like a female elephant? It has a massive trunk."
"The little elephant was so attached to the young girl."
"Floppy, you're the best elephant friend I never had. I love you."
"Suda is described as the Leonardo da Vinci of elephants."
"Elephants are herbivores, it seems incredible that these large animals are herbivores, right?"
"Elephants do not sweat, so they with their ears and with the land they lay on, they refresh."
"Elephants are the animals of luck, so we are getting lucky with them."
"No land animal can 1v1 an elephant."
"The elephant will just ragdoll hippos like nothing."
"The bottom of an elephant's foot is like one big soft pad. This helps an elephant walk really quietly, even though he's so big."
"An elephant has one of the most incredible noses. It's called a trunk. A trunk! His trunk is longer than my whole body."
"An elephant uses his nose to help him talk. Elephants make all kinds of sounds when they're excited or surprised, they trumpet."
"Elephants are really social animals. That means they like to be together; they really don't like being on their own much."
"Elephants are a lot like us, like people. A young elephant stays with his mom for a long, long time."
"The elephant's body is way too massive for the crocodile to do any real damage."
"The more that you look at this thing from as many different angles as possible, the more you start to understand what an elephant actually is."
"The African elephant is actually two different species."
"You could pick up a feather or push over a tree with that trunk."
"Be an elephant right now and don't ever forget what you're watching."
"Elephant hides are actually quite thick and do a good job of protecting vital organs."
"As a gift from the savannah, this elephant has been delivered to her and her clan."
"Elephants are very big and heavy animals."
"What animal has the longest pregnancy at an average of 22 months? The elephant is correct."
"Look what happens when an elephant is freed."
"The African bush elephant is the largest land animal on Earth."
"The largest animal is the African elephant."
"A calm swishing tail like that means a nice relaxed elephant."
"It would be really truly fascinating to know a little bit about his life history."
"Nothing that can put you in a better mood than an elephant."
"It's really very clear to me that the elephant's enjoying itself when it's swimming like that."
"The elephant throws dirt on its back not for good luck, but the dirt actually acts as sunscreen."
"The African elephant is the world's largest land mammal."
"Elephants use their trunk for smelling, breathing, detecting vibrations, caressing their young, sucking up water, and grasping objects."
"We've got a breaching elephant everyone, that's what's going on here, a breaching elephant."
"It's almost like this elephant is performing just for us."
"We've managed to find this big elephant bull."
"That was a very cute little elephant, he did not look happy with that steep slippery slope at all."
"It's a big size difference between a baby elephant all the way up to the six tons of elephant that you get here."
"There's an elephant joining in the picture there."
"My friend Darryl is an elephant I've known for quite a few years now."
"Isn't it amazing just to watch his trunk at work?"
"From African culture, the king is the elephant bull and there's nothing that can really stand in an elephant bull's way."
"We're sitting with a gorgeous elephant bull."
"A fully grown elephant bull, how many lions? I don't think there are enough lions."
"The trunk is used for so many different things, from drinking to grabbing grass to touching one another."
"It's so peaceful sitting with an elephant just watching them feed like there's really no rush in the world at all for them."
"It's been some of the best elephant sightings I've had in many years."
"That is a magnificent specimen of an elephant."
"I finally got what I wanted, I got my elephant."
"You don't draw an elephant once, you draw it like a thousand times to learn how to draw an elephant."
"I've got a memory like a... like a... what you call it? Elephant. Yeah, one of them."
"Holy tusks, that elephant has got long tusks."
"It's beautiful to see the elephant enjoying everything that is getting around here."
"What a beautiful elephant this one is."
"The trunk is the most important organ for an elephant; it's their nose, it's their arm, it's their snorkel, it's their straw, it's everything."
"That was probably the cutest, fluffiest elephant that I have ever seen."
"An elephant, a long journey, either physical or mental, will leave you wiser at the end."
"An elephant bull has the strength to push down and break a big leadwood tree."