
Torture Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Many accused individuals were coerced or tortured into confessing to witchcraft."
"Room 101 is a torture chamber where the worst things in the world await its prisoners."
"The idea of taking 1.5 million people and locking them up until they no longer believe what they believe, forcibly enacting your will on them, is torture."
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power."
"Sleep deprivation is considered a form of torture."
"Torture can't force a broken mind to repair itself."
"When the real word is torture because that's all it was - torture from beginning to end."
"The final one which is undoubtedly the most disturbing: Ionic Cassian was essentially tortured to death."
"Death by a thousand cuts...Chinese torture technique."
"Your sadistic torture trials are when you pay attention, a crucible where you get to see in the plainest possible terms what you're really capable of when pushed to the brink."
"That's torture, that's what happened to Chelsea Manning, that's what's happening to Julian Assange."
"This document will come out and we will see exactly what these allegations are but she so she told me in broad brush strokes that the pattern of the torture that she was hearing about."
"This is all one man trying to cover his own ass so that he can torture people and I do think this has some really Sinister undertones."
"This is one massive scam all in the name of watching people get tortured."
"The big beefy orc boy being tortured by his Venthyr jailers."
"The only country in the world that outright forbids torture."
"Some of the cruelest methods of torture imaginable were inflicted upon the prisoners."
"She got tortured by the American military for revealing information about their war crimes."
"The movie left the American people with the impression that torture worked."
"Fire is the worst type of torture imaginable."
"If you ever keep somebody in solitary confinement for more than 15 days, that is considered torture."
"Torture shouldn't be the solution for any problem."
"No confidence trickster deserves to be tortured as a general rule."
"Waterboarding: Simulating drowning induces suffocation, fear, and distress, widely condemned as torture."
"Forget about whether it's eternal or not. People are being tortured, and that's cruel and unusual punishment."
"Around 4,000 people were arrested, imprisoned, and tortured by the SA stormtroopers."
"I'd rather be tortured by one song than to never hear music again."
"It's torture, it's horrible and horrific, and that's why I love it."
"Geun Tae said it was useless to try to torture him since he couldn't feel any pain."
"the CIA established torture sites around the world in the wake of 9 11 where detainees some innocent were beaten waterboarded and sexually assaulted"
"Is it inhuman, my darling? Is it torture? She's just chilling."
"I can't tell you what it was like not worth being alive. It was torture, absolute torture, being alive."
"Watching a dream die is the cruelest form of torture."
"If you ever wonder if torture is legal, just try the training routines of the eight most elite special forces in the world."
"Torturing people endlessly to 'improve' them turns hell into a saw trap."
"There are many horrific devices of the distant past that were intended to inflict unbearable pain or flat-out kill their target."
"Despite its reputation as a medieval instrument of torture, there is no evidence of the existence of these before the early 19th century."
"Everything they know about severance is a lie, and the innies are being tortured."
"Seriously, this movie's like Chinese water torture."
"This is torture, I love these videos."
"Jimmy was tortured over a number of months... a shell of their former self."
"Chiropractor torture is on theme."
"Silence is the ultimate torture weapon to a human who is resisting life."
"He had an actual torture chamber in the Palace of Justice."
"Just wait till you get trapped in a time share, that's real torture."
"So not only is the transporter potentially the perfect prison, the ultimate form of complete isolation and torture, it could also be a way to just slowly pick you apart over the course of decades."
"Stop the torture and frustration of ordinary hair removal. It always grows back."
"The breaking wheel is literally just a large disc, a pirate ship wheel almost, where somebody is tied to it and then everybody else walks in and then just hammers them over and over again."
"We were deeply paranoid at that point and would take people to secret prisons. Benjam was taken to a prison in Morocco where they took a razor blade to his genitals every two weeks for a year and a half."
"Raina Del Re, just using every part of the ring to torture Princess Ai."
"...a far more effective method of interrogation than torture since it's more reliable and requires an acknowledgment of the subject's humanity."
"Even in the face of unspeakable torture, he refused to betray his principles."
"'Boba hires two Gamorrean guards because he's desperate for staff. He also announces loudly that he doesn't do torture. Well, I mean, he used to."
"...perhaps the person who is tortured to death has a greater dignity than the person who is torturing him to death."
"frank's torture scenes, for example, are very hard to watch as he continuously gets beaten to a pulp"
"The reason we tortured offshore and the reason we tried to keep it a secret is because we knew it violated our values."
"Water torture, like waterboarding, feels like it's just drip, drip, drip for years and years and years, and you're living a lie."
"The house at 2316 Chipman Street became a torture chamber for the young couple."
"Putting an ax in someone's head like Frankie did is one thing. Nailing someone to the floor and urinating on them, that's a whole other level of torture."
"They actually have been torturing the kid in the beginning to make him stay there. It's sick, what they've done to him."
"...torturing children as punishment or as a warning is demonic evil."
"It's like torture, it's exciting but it's torture."
"The Chinese citizens that had been imprisoned were released and they had all had their property confiscated and many had been tortured."
"It's not enough to just say it's wrong or that it shouldn't happen. We need to see real consequences when people commit torture."
"Psychological torture is worse than a physical injury."
"I swear, I tell people, there's a reason that sleep deprivation is used as a torture method."
"There's no set of circumstances concerning a child's behavior that would justify this sort of torturous behavior."
"It's really a form of torture to do that to a child."
"We're humans, you know the greatest form of torture that anyone can have is solitary confinement."
"These included beating suspects, waterboarding, threatening the families of those who had been detained, subjecting them to extended periods of sleep deprivation, and even torment of a far more unpleasant, "private" nature."
"If I couldn't torture you into hating me, then I couldn't kill you."
"If you need a theory of rights to know that torture is wrong or if you think you need rights to ground your judgments that torture is morally wrong then something has clearly gone wrong with your moral sensibilities."
"that's actual malice, that's intentional torture, that's willful caging, it's aggravated child abuse, it's child neglect, and it's certainly false imprisonment."
"The only issue with the verdict form is, I do think that there should be a slot for whether they find it's torturous."
"Torture sets the price of Freedom nearly Beyond reach."
"Torture is a gradual thing in these stories and I wasn't very fond of the fact that it was being forced upon me."
"Deep wounds to her vaginal and rectal areas and like so many other victims, the coroner concluded most of her injuries have been afflicted while she was still alive. Once again, the Dating Game Killer had sexually tortured another innocent young woman to death."
"Sleep deprivation has been considered a form of torture and means of interrogation for centuries."
"One of the greatest forms of psychological torture that a person can undergo is solitary confinement."
"Sleep deprivation is like a form of human torture."
"The worst abomination of man is torture on a large scale."
"It's torture in every sense of the word, not just pain but emotional, and you're forced to live out these horrific lives over and over again."
"During the televised interview, Denton managed to blink a Morse code message which spelled out 'torture'."
"The torture was never in the past for him; it was always there in his head, as real as everything else."
"Eventually everyone present began to feel like they were participating in some mental torture experiment."
"What the [ __ ] is this? Are you trying to torture me before you do whatever the [ __ ] it is you're here to do?"
"It's almost as if the sun has a sadistic side and is getting enjoyment from torturing the landscape and the speaker."
"Being forced to separate feels like torture, because it is torture."
"Many of us died, many of us became mad, but in some of us... the good times, the prisoners of Pitesti endured sleepless nights, beatings, starvation, psychological torture."
"Loving you is the worst thing that has ever happened to me, worse than the commandant's whippings, worse than the trials. It's torture, Elias."
"They were first tortured before being killed."
"The screams won't let anyone forget the horrific torture methods used in the Tower of London."