
Western Culture Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"The fascinations with the unseen and this fascination hasn't gone away, although religion to a large extent has died within the Western world."
"The fundamental idea of the individual in the West isn't predicated on rights... it's predicated on responsibility."
"People in the West are so dumb that we've become so prosperous that we now think going back to primitive ways of living is more healthy."
"Western life gets a lot of negativity thrown at it, very often, but there is a certain degree of liberty and freedom that compels you to be able to be creative with your life and experience the world around you fully."
"The central animating spirit of the West is something like the spirit of voluntary association, the spirit of voluntary cooperation."
"The West became a guilt-based culture, where one's sense of morality was a personally driven, practical relationship with God or one's personal sense of morality."
"Everything is uncertain but, in my opinion, at least the one thing that can keep the West alive and keep it going is faith - not even faith in God, but faith in our own ability to exist and do good."
"Our Western culture is the least tyrannical society that's ever been produced."
"The West is founded on the principle that the individual is sovereign."
"Liberals celebrate the West's unique moral, philosophical, artistic, musical, and literary achievements."
"At the center of the West, there is this heroic impulse: your life matters, you are on an adventure, and you are the hero at the center of it. But you need to center that within the institutions that allow that to not just be destructive."
"Reason was invented by Western values that want to perpetuate themselves and dominate the world."
"To my amazement, a vast number of people in the West do not appreciate the West."
"The fundamental low resolution grant narrative that we've oriented ourselves around in the West is one of the sovereignty of the individual."
"Freedom of speech is the bedrock of Western liberties."
"The west was always queer as hell, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"It's the privilege we have been in the west compared to other countries."
"Everything that we enjoy in the West that we think is normal is actually absolutely not the norm around the world."
"It's a tragedy. The west is a good idea, but the people we have put in charge of this very, very good idea are [__] incompetent imbeciles."
"The three-piece suit is the traditional means of conveying seriousness in western culture."
"It seems the West has essentially lost the tragic sense of life."
"The West tends to promote individualism, even within its socialist framework."
"If you want to damage and criticize the western way of life... the way you do it is not by saying that what we're doing today is irredeemably bad but to say that essentially you know we were slave owners we were plunderers..."
"They literally make huge misconceptions about the West."
"Our country is dying western civilization and culture is dying right in front of our eyes." - Ben
"We increasingly live in an America and a West where only heroes and madmen are willing to describe the world honestly."
"In the West, we know the price of everything, the value of nothing."
"There are things in the West that are still sacred, and that is one of them."
"There's nothing more Western than robust debate and free thinking."
"The modern Western Society is trying to break up the family unit."
"Free speech is a principle. It is a social and ethical principle that applies to Western cultures."
"It's almost like a demonic trick that Christianity has so transformed Western culture that now Western culture says, 'Oh, we are better than the Christianity that formed us.'" - Owen Strachan
"Christianity built the Western world. So many of the things that we value, they come to us through years and years and years of Christian thought and Christian service."
"Every element of western cultural traditions and heritage has to be racist because it's western."
"The West urgently needs to shake off its lethargy."
"We have a great cultural inheritance here in the West. It's the greatest civilization ever in the history of the world."
"Well, we should also note the miracle I would say the miracle that our society in the west is structured so that people can fail and fail and fail and then succeed without having to die as a consequence."
"It's really not about Columbus, it's about the value of Western civilization."
"In the 21st century Western World, people who call themselves atheists are generally speaking also humanists and freethinkers."
"This demoralization across the West goes back to the Holocaust and the Second World War, in fact, I would say it goes back further, it goes back to the trenches of the First World War."
"The single worst thing that has happened to the West over the course of the last 70 80 years really since the end of World War II has been the decline of religion in the West."
"Pointing to a malaise at the heart of Western culture."
"We live in a time period, in a nation, in a section of the world in the West that was so heavily impacted by the Christian worldview."
"The lack of intact families is a real problem in the West."
"Part of conservatism is to conserve the greatness of the Western tradition."
"One of the really good things we could do in the West... keep our democracies."
"Ideas matter more...different ideas...that's why the West is so beautiful."
"It's difficult to understand in the Western context where religion is something you go to church to practice."
"Everybody's gonna have a God, whether you like it or not, and for a lot of people, God is them, is themselves, so I think that's the issue in our society, and I think it's plaguing Western societies, period."
"The rate at which we are consuming things in the western world is not sustainable."
"The epitome of Adventure for Western explorers."
"Science arose in a Western Christian milieu for Christian and indeed biblical reasons."
"In the West, we are much more engaged with life as it is right now, even if we don't understand exactly what it is."
"Western culture idolizes individualism and self-love."
"Some people in this Western system, man or woman, they need somebody to talk to mentally, they are struggling."
"Much Western Christianity had forgotten some of what the Gospels were all about."
"The spiritual crisis overtaking the West is the most serious since the fall of the Roman Empire."
"People are interested to know about Westerners."
"He's a great man, Mr. Scott. The West will grow and prosper with the help of men like the Lone Ranger."
"Only art could give us a revivification of Western culture."
"You have to be careful if you've got a Western background because this is what happens to a lot of people who play around the psychedelic chemicals."
"The West has fundamentally changed its social imaginary."
"The violence of the West and it's the violence I'm after most of all that's what will sell my photographs professor."
"He created the genre in the west anyway."
"The west could rediscover the culture of pragmatism."
"The recovery of Orthodoxy in the West is well underway in our Western right parishes."
"We in the Western world have the most, and we're not happy."
"Exploration of the self has been such a characteristic of the western world."
"Our Western civilization has really become so much about the self and about the ego, and here's a tradition that says you can't be human by yourself. As soon as you hear that, you know it's true, right? I mean, we're all human in relationship, we're all human in community."
"The fundamental institutions of the west are solid, philosophically and practically."
"Surely Western culture is the most challenging missionary frontier of our time."
"The Quartetto Italiano... they strike me as the absolute summation of everything that is wonderful in Western culture."
"The city of God by St Augustine next to the Bible is the most significant book in shaping Western history and Western culture."
"In Western culture, it is better to be truthful upfront about everything."
"The Bible is probably the most important spiritual resource in Western culture."
"What made the West great was... the good ideas that were in the West."
"We're the original definition of what those Western values are."
"The West is a very powerful mechanism for generating well-being and insight and fairness, but it is a very fragile mechanism."
"There's something about the West that gets in your blood."
"And it has been said that there is nothing that is more distinctive to Western art and architecture than the acanthus leaf."
"The Carolingian Renaissance was a time of significant change as the vision of Charlemagne transformed Western culture."
"...he slowly hacks away at the bogus one that has been erected by Western intellectuals over the past decades."
"This is the beginning of the whole Western tradition of freedom of thought, freedom of movement of an individual."
"The whole Western Spirit can be understood as an impulse towards the individual, individuation, individualization, the realization of the individual sense of selfhood, individual agency, individual freedom."
"Roosevelt's adoption of Western life remains a major piece of his legacy over a century after his death."
"The film keeps expanding its fan base in the west."
"Prosperity is not a given, it is a product of the things that we have been very lucky to enjoy in the west and the values that we have are what has allowed us to build it."
"I began to do ceremonies for the ancestors, something that I realized was missing from the lives of westerners."
"That vision, Isaac Newton's enormous leap of insight, rose to stand among the greatest achievements of Western culture."
"To me, the Native American is the symbol of the West, and it's the romance side, it's the beautiful side, it's everything that I believe the West is."
"Arabic language and literature had played a fundamental role in the emergence of Western culture."
"America's great cowboy artist, Charles Marion Russell, captured for all the West he had known and loved."
"People oftentimes forget, but like for Western fans, you know, like we had our Wild West here in this country, Australia had arguably an even Wilder West."
"The ethic of democracy or human rights has become fundamentally a part of Western thinking."
"The ultimate reality or the ultimate aspiration of human life in many respects in the Western thinking is romantic love that lasts forever."
"The 19th century saw a fundamental shift in the relationship of Western culture to the past."
"The West was built on one great model: every man for himself."
"It's only when we step outside of our Western world that we begin to get an entirely different understanding."
"The West is not what it was before; the American dream is no more what it was."
"The overthrow of the teleological world was one of the greatest revolutions in Western history."
"They wanted to go to the west, they wanted to go to a western country."
"I have grown to appreciate the origins of Western culture from the Classical period."
"Liberal is pretty much what a lot of people are in the western world; they like to ask questions, generally they believe in relative freedoms."
"Our relationship with nature, by and large in the West, is broken."