
Plea Quotes

There are 1535 quotes

"Please, Maddie, if you see this, please come home. Please be safe. I love you very much."
"I've come not to ask for your help, but to plead for your humanity."
"To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve."
"At his trial, Saldivar shocked everyone when he pled guilty in order to avoid the death penalty."
"No, no, wait, please. They mutated me, turned me into a monster."
"I am pleading for life, understanding, charity, kindness, and infinite mercy that considers all."
"Turn me back to human, only Iris can do that."
"We call on President Putin to end this unprovoked, unconscionable war against the Ukrainian people."
"The entire world is pleading with Putin to stop."
"Good news on a different front... Russian State TV pleading with Putin to end the war."
"I'm begging you to help me because I'm as much as you're hurting inside, I'm also hurting inside."
"Please, for God's sake, if you can, stay free."
"Please I'm sorry I'll never come back... please just let me go."
"He's pleading with us... we can fully trust him."
"Your silence is reprehensible. We beg you to do the right thing and help us bring Gabby home."
"He pled guilty to get a load of this [__] boys."
"Please stop. You're hurting me and you're hurting my family."
"I'm on bended knee begging you to please vote in the elections."
"Please move on" - a plea for closure in a public forum.
"Embraced for imperfections" - a plea for acceptance.
"You came to rescue me. Please don't make me regret it."
"If you must leave, could you just take me with you?"
"Just hope that people can leave us to live our lives."
"If you really love this country, please consider supporting us."
"Why are you constantly beating me? Please stop, you're hurting me, I can't breathe."
"I'm begging you by the grace of God please get our people out."
"I wish they would come forward and explain themselves and if you're not a suspect at least come forward and say what you've seen."
"Please bring her back home, Slater, come home, please. We miss her so much."
"You were the love of my life once, please don't take this away from me."
"Won't somebody please think of the children?"
"Don't do it, don't be selfish, please don't be selfish, I beg you."
"2024 is totally out of control, would somebody please make it stop?"
"Courage, accept me, my lord! I did everything it took." - Steve
"I throw myself on the mercy of the YouTube court."
"We can't let everything go with our dad, but we just ask for your help."
"Please God please tell me that you had nothing to do with that murder."
"We're not asking for pity but we are asking for understanding."
"Give the man a chance for Christ's sake, man."
"He just turned around and was like please take me back."
"Stop [ __ ] with me, alright? Just leave me alone."
"Former President Donald Trump pled not guilty to 34 felony charges after he was placed under arrest."
"We've stood up for you but please listen to what we're saying work with us please don't make the challenge any greater we need your help."
"God damn, have a little bit of [ __ ] empathy, dude."
"At its core, it's a plea for humanity, a plea for compassion, a plea for sanity in a world that seems to have lost its way."
"The creepy man who was on my back porch please don't come back I'd rather not meet."
"Period. Bottom line, these people are pure evil, Julian. As simple as that. And for them to endorse and support what took place on January 6 and give lip service, we can't ignore it."
"Please, please, please, that one will top that hurt really bad."
"My name is Ryel. Please liberate me from this jail. I have precious little time."
"I'm speaking today not necessarily as your CDC director, or not only as your CDC director, but as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter to ask you to just please hold on a little while longer."
"Before God and God filled him with his faith so likewise I came to the end of the road and said Lord unless you fill me with your Holy Spirit unless you."
"We aren’t monsters. Somebody else take the floor… please."
"If it's God made there ain't nothing man can do except pray, all right dear God please stop the climate change."
"I'm asking that you end this, that you end me."
"Ken pleads with the scientist to help them get Anna back."
"But we're just asking, please just bring her home. Let her go if you have her, 'cause this is just, you have family."
"This is deeper than a qualify, please don't take another life, until my black brothers, we can never let our brothers die."
"Why can't we just live in peace and harmony?" Goku pleads.
"The bear stood on her two paws and begged Zeus to have her original shape back."
"It was a long-form desperate plea from artists using the medium of puppetry to beg the world to learn from the mistakes of the past."
"Please come back to me, please," she sobbed.
"Somebody please make it make sense."
"Please come back and visit, please, it hurts."
"I love you so so much, just please listen to me."
"I love you, baby, give me one more chance."
"They had to escape to Sydney and ask whoever found the message to take care of their child."
"Alisa then pleaded with Noah to become the king of their asylum and others joined in begging him as well."
"Oh my God, my God, is there a God? If there be one, deliver me, save me, succor me, pardon, pity, mercy, save me!"
"How many innocent people, how many of my friends have to die before you stop?"
"Please... we need you to hope again."
"Never give up on me, on this connection, please."
"You are the king, you can't leave us tonight."
"We are in prison; please come and save us. We tried to escape but failed; we were beaten."
"I asked him to please let me see my daughter again."
"I love you, please give me another chance, we belong together."
"George, wait! George, you're so grumpy."
"Sanctuary! Please give us sanctuary!"
"I'm begging you to allow me to return to the world of the living with my beloved."
"Please Goldie, will you be my Princess Anna? Please, Goldie, this play depends on you."
"We need it for the FBI, come on. Please, please, please."
"Help me please, I don't want to be alone."
"Please let it be over, please God let it be over."
"I saw Caleb in a heated argument with Tessa Caleb if you don't tell Ellie the truth I will you know it's wrong to keep her in the dark about this I'm begging you Tessa please don't tell her"
"Because I need your help more than I've ever wanted anything in my life before."
"Subscribe please, I'm begging you."
"Give Christopher Harris his mother back."
"Please promise me one thing: don't die."
"Honey Bunch, please don't do this. Come on, you know we're meant to be together."
"Thank you for watching and please, please, please let me write for your show."
"If my daughter means anything to you, you'll help me get her back."
"My mom has been kidnapped and I need your help to rescue her."
"I've never reached out here before but my wife is in her hour of need your help could make all the difference in the world."
"Lord help me. Lord help me. Lord help me."
"God, if you're real, oh, please prove yourself to me. And if you prove yourself to me tonight, I promise I will do anything you ask."
"Please, General, can you help us?"
"I always choose you. I know you love me. I want to love you back. Please help me."
"Please, for God's sake, go and touch grass."
"I must tell my mother, the mark, please help me, they're going to kill her."
"Your person is saying, 'Please stay with me, do not leave me'."
"If anyone sees this chicken in a bowl please return."
"Vegeta begs Goku to avenge their race as Frieza must die by a Saiyan's hands."
"Goku pleads with Vegeta not to kill Ginyu in his body, but Vegeta prepares for the final blow."
"I beg you, if you have any sources inside al-Qaeda, please help us." - Cofer Black
"Please, please stay with me. I am so in love with you."
"Just talk to me. I ask for so little."
"Relisha stepfather among those speaking through tears I just want my baby back."
"Give me my son back, tell the truth, give me my son back."
"In the aftermath of his online affairs discovery, Thomas had begged his wife not to leave him."
"I know I probably don't deserve your help, but I'm asking for it anyways. #Desperate"
"Buddies, we need you, we need you to stay healthy. It's too much time and money."
"We cry for peace, we cry for peace."
"Don't come for me, please don't come to me."
"He's my dog, he's stuck in the hole, and I really want him out, please, that's all I'm asking for."
"Desperate, the woman begs the champion to save her son."
"Please help me get my father please."
"Oh man, oh my god, please let me come."
"I come to you seeking aid," Nolan said, his voice echoing in the cavernous space. "The precursor machine threatens to reshape the galaxy."
"The unknown entity that had haunted our nights was George, a man lost in time, his whispers a plea from the other side."
"It's like hell, let me out. Hello, hello, let me out."
"I want to marry you. I want to marry you. I want to marry you. Please be my wife. Please. Please. Please."
"Please come back to us Annabella."
"My plea is for anyone in authority - indeed, anyone - to help out and bring in and give a license to a fool, fools like me."
"Göring pleaded not guilty and put forward a strong defense."
"Help me please help me like please help me."
"The streets are still in the mess, oh man, and we need your help."
"I'm begging you, man, I'm not gonna get... I'm not gonna hurt anybody, Jesus Christ, please help me, man, please, [__] help me."
"Please Mr. Anderson, you must help me escape."
"She begged him to give her a chance to become a model."
When Cam was asked if he had anything to say, he replied, "I was asked at the start of my trial if I were guilty and I pleaded not guilty. I plead not guilty now."
"Please, you have to come to the hospital with me."
"The love of my life is you, Cassie, and I want you back in my arms, please, please come home."
"We offer our hands to you, America, and ask you once again to come with us along the path where the grass is still green, the air is still pure, and fish can still live in the waters."
"I implore the police and the district attorney's office to leave my son alone and to search for Peter's real killer or killers."
"Don't die. I love you. Please Eric please do not die."
"...often growled at Skywalker, 'She won't survive without my help, we can defeat them, Anakin, listen to me, please...'"
"Just let me live. That's all I want. Just let me live."
"Friend, come on now. I just need you to put the key in the lock and let me out."
"Dear Lord, please, please bring Carly home to all of us. And if someone has you, get away. Be strong and get away. And I want to say to that person, let her go so she can come back home to where she's very much loved. Find it in your heart to let her go."
"Please give me another chance. I love you. I have always loved you."
"Save her life, save her life, please."
"Please don't leave me. I love you so much."
"dear god help me and send this devil back to the ground"
"I'm stuck in the puddle. Oh, help me! Help me! I'm stuck in the puddle!"
"Please don't go," Spider-Man calls out.
"Goten struggles to accept the situation, pleading with everyone for a solution."
"It is not a unity of religion we plead for but a unity of religious people."
"Please consider giving me another chance to make a real life here, to make this place my home. Thank you for your time."
"Oh, for crying out loud. You know, you guys could be a lot more helpful."
"Return to me, my son, have mercy on me, have mercy on he who came to save you."
"Help me, Clarence, please! I wanna live again!"
"This was a very unfair trial and a lot of people... were just pleading with the governor of South Carolina."
"David, please, you don't have to go."
"Plead with God to confirm your election, even as a secure child of God."
"Please do good, please be good. It's what the world needs."
"Cancel us if you will, please don't."
"Please, please, please save her life."
"Give her a chance, Braun, please, for the people."
"She pleaded not guilty to first-degree intentional homicide and third-degree assault."
"Enough of violence, enough of war. Can we see peace, please?"
"Please bring me home. It's like that person crying, 'Please bring me home.'"
"Bro, save me, three. This is the second time."
"He begs her for help, warning that Asgard is in danger."
"Kill me before I hurt anybody else, kill me."
"Father, please. I know what I want. Let me live my life here in Paris with Marinette and my friends."
"Over the years, Lauren's heartbroken parents, Charlene and Robert, appeared at press briefings and even offered a reward of one hundred thousand dollars for their daughter's safe return."
"We need your help, we need your help, help."
"Just stop killing each other. It helps."
"I'm not going home now. You listen to me, Johnny. Please, let me stay."
"Speckles becomes desperate, begging his son to wake up."
"What do you want? What do you want? I want that match that I deserve Hulk. I want one of these, whatever you want, you can have whatever match you want, I got the match, just give me a break, okay? Yes, yes, please!"
"Sir, put the camera down. I'm like oh do you think put the camera down kinda got to play into that a little bit right now like please help me help me I got kids to feed."
"Just give me a chance, give us a chance, a real chance."
"so Tesla if you're listening please give us some Power share with the rest of us slowly EV citizens we'd really appreciate it it would make our life a lot more tolerable"
"Our world is in dire need of saving. So we beg you, o brave heroes, please lend us your aid."
"Please, I pray. Let us free. We don't like it here. Yes, I agree. Please, let us get back home."
"I am calling on all true mothers and Nigerians at large to please come to my aid so that we can bury my son."
"He was crying in a way I never heard someone cry before and asking for help in a way that was like directed to the skies."
"If these were the last words she ever spoke to her mother, she didn't want them to be screamed. She begged, 'Please, Mom, please wait for me. We'll water the plants together.'"
"O Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure..."
"I've got nothing to say, I'll let you in, but just please leave my wife and my child alone."
"I don't want to drown, please help me."
"The world is yours, the new Heaven and the new Earth. In your new world, my children, let there be freedom and let there be pity. That is all I ask."
"Someone has got to believe me," pleaded Pruny.
"Octavia pleaded with her brother."
"Please, save the Union, whatever it takes; we need a new national compromise."
"Your honor, please don't give them a chance to take another beautiful human being out of this world."
"She begs that she and their daughter need him, finally admitting that she’s been scared all this time."
"I'm sorry to be selfish but I could really use a miracle right now."
"Please, let this be what heals him."
"You're a damned fool let me stay."
"I want to cry. I just want to cry. Please."
"Can I come home? I'm just begging, can I come?"
"I put a desperate plea out into the universe."
"Rescue me from their ravages, my life from the lions."
"Please Mr. Cruel, let her go safely without harm. Please Mr. Cruel, send her back into her family's arms."
"You've got to help me find her. You're my last hope."
"Please be over. Could this please be over?"
"Thanks for saving my life, so I'm here to ask you to save my life."
"One thing before we sign off guys I'm almost to 12,000 subscribers so if you're not subscribed to me if you don't mind if you hate me don't subscribe or if you just if I'm like nails on a chalkboard for you but otherwise if I'm tolerable and um I only need like less than 200."
"If you're watching this and you're an extraterrestrial alien with advanced technology that could probably help us come on help us out."
"Lady Tsunade, please help him." - Shizun