
Cunning Quotes

There are 465 quotes

"Cunning is the ability to think outside the box, to understand that any problem has a solution."
"Then the Grinch made a wonderful, horrible plan."
"That's so deviously cruel you can't help but respect it."
"He would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling Hatsu."
"He's very smart, very cunning. Couldn't made a bad mistake in my opinion."
"I'll hide my candy in here. I'll win this round for sure."
"Monkeys are typically defined by being tricksters."
"Because what's scary about Hoka isn't the raw strength of his powers, it's the skill and cunning with which he uses them."
"Entrepreneurs get a little too smart for their own good."
"Some play the system with masterful artistry."
"They are all so wickedly intelligent and devilishly cunning."
"Make friends with fear, you'll be even stronger and more cunning."
"He had mastered the art of delivering the fatal blow with a purr and a smile."
"He's the guy that spread the rumor that City and the Villa had equalized and it was three all. That's genius."
"Sometimes you gotta play the fool for the fool who thinks they're fooling you."
"Slytherins are masters of strategy and long-term planning."
"Cunningness can reveal shortcuts even in the toughest quests."
"You must defend yourself, you must be smarter than the average bear."
"They used it to lure all the giant crocodiles from a lake they were supposed to clear out into a trap. Smart."
"Agents believed a woman from Reno who had befriended him brought him wire cutters."
"There has to be no better master of loopholes and forward thinking than Jr. Johnson."
"She's a clever man, your Hand. I've known a great many clever men. I've outlived them all. You know why? I ignored them."
"He's a clever man, your Hand. I've known a great many clever men. I've outlived them all. You know why? I ignored them."
"It's hard not to have a smile on your face when you fool some conniving bastard not once, but twice, and then somehow also talk them out of his position of power."
"She is certainly showing how cunning she is early on what a queen."
"The revenge I came up with was an amazing plan."
"The ghoul is a legend distinct among his kind for his cleverness and cunning."
"So Hermes makes his debut as a trickster underdog wrangling an improbable victory through cunning and trickery."
"They convinced their North Korean bodyguards to leave the room and then they got on the cab."
"I intentionally went low with my speed record initially to lure these two architects into doing my trial and error for me."
"Sometimes you just have to play the role of a fool to fool the fool who thinks they are fooling you."
"I'm just saying, you know, my goal was to get rid of Matt right away because he's freaking... he's a freaking friend. Get rid of the smart people, keep the sheep."
"I wanted him to know that he was outsmarted by a 15-year-old."
"Devious individuals are cunning and plot to achieve their goals, sometimes behind others' backs."
"He is the freaking king of grift. He knows how to sell it."
"Wario's size tablets are actually quite the shrewd method of reducing your potential prison time if ever busted with these pillies."
"But these bastards manage to outsmart them all."
"Smart person defeats a smart person by outwitting them."
"The plan this snake put in motion really was Savage."
"He was a mastermind because he managed to keep himself afloat and always stayed under the radar. You gotta respect him for that."
"There’s nothing better than outsmarting an intruder."
"Be the good guy with an iron fist inside a velvet glove."
"Who doesn't love rogues? The rule-breaking, dirty fighting, sneaky, slippery clique of foxes."
"He knows that Paulie is just gonna do exactly what he did. Paulie's crazy but he's crazy like a fox."
"Finally, you must learn always to take the indirect route to power. Disguise your cunning like a billiard ball that caroms several times before it hits its target."
"If you're stupid enough to cheat, be smart enough not to get caught."
"I guess he thought it was smarter than the police."
"Ricciardo steals some races because of his guile."
"Zoroark is a swift, powerful, and sneaky son of a bitch, just like a real fox should be."
"You're no longer susceptible to being bamboozled. Instead, you are the bamboozler."
"I liked my Lex Luthor when he doesn't get caught... He's so smug, his superpower is that he's smarter than everyone else."
"Very interesting, very devious, very clever."
"Here's a little lesson in trickery."
"She was like a wolf, crafty and ravening."
"These ‘Lutheran chickens,’ whilst avoiding the enemy’s grappling hooks, were able to approach at close enough range to deal enormous damage with their guns."
"Remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow."
"You like to be underestimated because then you're always going to win in a room."
"He was just a master of manipulation."
"He's as sly and Machiavellian as Petyr Baelish."
"They are cunningly charming, whether for good or for ill."
"It would take a coyote, a trickster, someone as cunning as the things that stalk that house."
"He's fun, cunning, and conniving, acting as someone you can easily love to hate."
"When the gods decided to unleash a devastating flood to wipe out humanity, Enki, driven by compassion and cunning, went against the divine plan."
"He's cunning and able to cover his tracks."
"Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost within reach."
"It was your cunning that was to bring you undone"
"Big doesn't always mean strong, and there's always a way to use your enemies' size against them."
"The agile and cunning, aimed the bully's fist at the floor."
"Jihun's cunning nature became evident; he was willing to go to any lengths to ensure the success of his political career, including eliminating anyone who could threaten his reputation."
"A spot of kleptomania does the trick."
"Addiction is cunning, baffling. It comes at you from every blind corner."
"...if not for Harley's foreshadowed Joker level cunning his fear toxin empowered demon bat form would have beaten a squad amped by hack Yellow Lantern and Lex cortech only against Four villains."
"It was a game. Despite his age, his infirmity, his close to 40 years behind bars, Alcala was still the master manipulator he'd always been."
"His grand plan during the film certainly takes the cake."
"Those Lannisters knew what they were doing."
"...a master in manipulation and deception."
"What they didn't realize was that they were looking at something else: a pile of loose floorboards underneath his duvet designed to trick them."
"But Odysseus would again display all his genius by devising one of the most famous ruses in history."
"Holy [ __ ] that cold-blooded murder, dude, he played that very smart though, you have to give it to him, that's [ __ ] genius, playing it stupid, get close."
"Ivar's cunning and strategic prowess outmatched his foes, proving that cleverness can triumph over brute force in the game of conquest."
"Silk's intelligence cunning and unbridled ambition would prove to be a lethal combination on the streets of DC."
"Additionally, Lady Tremaine is a very cunning yet soft-spoken antagonist, which adds to her a layer of creepiness not often seen in Disney villains, especially during this time."
"He is a cunning tactician and master strategist."
"Foxes are often depicted as wise, crafty animals who outfox their adversaries using cunning and charm."
"I went to Chuck E Cheese to lie and say it's my birthday to get free pizza and it worked baby."
"Stephen managed to withdraw around forty thousand dollars from several ATMs before his accounts were frozen."
"Sometimes you got to be sneaky, think like a predator not to prey."
"You're very determined and very cunning, and you have really good hair."
"Wording a contract in just the right way or finding a loophole so that it doesn't come back to bite you requires a type of cunning that anyone can enjoy and appreciate, as long as they're somewhat fluent in legal ease."
"The ice dragon was famous for its ruthless strength and cold cunning."
"Any way to survive in the Bisan family, Seal must be cunning."
"Asmodeus is exceptionally crafty, cunning, and ruthless."
"They are cunning, but they are called crazy."
"Our killer was in no rush. This crime was planned a long time ago, planned down to the smallest detail so that Audrey strange should be hanged by the neck till she was dead. It's cunningly planned by someone who thought themselves clever."
"Count Olaf would take care to stay out of sight as he planned his next move. He was far too clever to be captured by the likes of Mr. Poe."
"I complied but you see I had an ace up my sleeve."
"Emperor Palpatine is the Star Wars universe's most cunning villain."
"Sensoy seems as evil as the Devil Himself with how manipulative and cunning he is while having such senseless and evil motives."
"You've got it, my dear. Surely you didn't think I would allow Lady Margaret to retain the genuine diamond when I felt reasonably certain that an attempt would be made to steal it."
"Clever scheme of his, evidently coming to an old New England town and kidnapping the local Gentry to hold for ransom and hiding them away in some old deserted house so conveniently protected by superstition."
"I had won it and then it was time for me to tell that schmuck that he'd been played like a FID"
"...Luke was also very cunning and resourceful... holding grudges is also something befitting of a Slytherin..."
"The scammers are getting smarter at what they're doing and they're going for the Gusto."
"Good for you babe high five I cheated the system you did cheat the system"
"He possessed the cunning of a fox, navigating the treacherous world of organized crime."
"What's the most genius 4D chess strategic move you've seen someone execute at work or in life?"
"You were banking on you being more ruthless than the villain."
"He's mysterious and cunning, charismatic and clever. He's driven, he knows what he wants and how to get it."
"Maka's whole story is about her outsmarting and manipulating people."
"She played everybody like a fiddle."
"You're a kind person, you could be devious at the same time."
"Ivar was cunning and tricked King Ella into giving him land."
"Troy will fall, not to speed and strength, but to cunning, my lord king."
"In fact, they’re so good at their jobs that they survive exclusively on their ill-gotten gains without putting any effort into getting their own food."
"You'll make your real friends, those cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends."
"She is the perfect combination of strength and cunning."
"Sometimes you gotta have a little cleverness in your game."
"Wangle: If someone has wangled some first-class seats, they've accomplished or attained something through cunning means."
"One must be a fox to recognize traps and a lion to frighten wolves."
"Be a smart cheat. Ain't nothing worse than a dumbass cheater."
"Cue the Revenge. I marched in there right after her and said, 'Oh Karen, I just realized that my report has some numerical errors. Let me have that report back and I'll get you a revised one,' all the while staring at the CEO with a slightly raised eyebrow as I left."
"He's clever, and that could be more dangerous."
"A delicate web work of forgery, bribery, chicanery, and falsehood. It could only have been conceived by a mind as brilliantly crooked as my own."
"Somehow, by cunning or by politics, we will escape this trap and triumph."
"He just knew how to maneuver the internet in ways, sometimes more devious than others, right? So that was just like a genius way to do such a thing."
"Moghedien is difficult, and not only because she is Forsaken. She hides and takes no risks. She attacks only where she sees weakness and moves only in shadows. If she fears defeat, she will run."
"But you know that old Grinch was so smart and so slick."
"Maul kills Qui-Gon Jinn - the smartest thing Palpatine himself probably doesn't even realize he accomplished."
"Sauron's cunning is best demonstrated in his corruption of Numenor."
"I'm just gonna say, sneaky. Okay, be sneaky."
"Hags are masters of manipulation, often using their cunning to deceive and control other beings."
"Gideon was one of the most cunning and intelligent characters on the show."
"The devil is more clever than he is thought by some, and he knows then he meets his match."
"We can never match his cunning or his talent for deception and diversion."
"I'm the kid that shows up to the table acts like he's completely illiterate dumb doesn't know what he's doing and then I surprise everyone."
"You told the serpent that his head was to be crushed, and his head is where he formulates his plans."
"Cunning beats knowledge, 'twas ever thus."
"Frith's promise: 'Be cunning and your people will never be destroyed.'"
"Wow, that's diabolical. Very, very smart. I like it."
"Did you really think you would hit me? No, because I wasn't aiming for you."
"We have to cheat. That is the aim of the first exam," he thought as it finally clicked. Smirking a little to himself, he first answered the questions he did know."
"Puente was one of the coldest and most cunning female killers the nation has ever seen."
"Imam Ali says, 'By Allah, Moawiya is not more cunning than I am, but he deceives and commits evil deeds. Had I not been hateful of deceit, I would have been the most cunning of all men.'"
"You don't become a criminal mastermind without a little grit, determination, and creativity."
"Dealing with Dre is like dealing with a mastermind at what they do."
"To protect the Sheep you gotta catch the wolf and it takes a wolf to catch a wolf, you understand?"
"Anoi has better chance of outsmarting L as evidenced by volume zero. This guy's intelligence is absolutely insane."
"Smart of him to do, really smart of him to do."
"I'm an empire but I thought quite no cannily I thought I can use this."
"Unfathomably selfless, brave, and cunning."
"Robbie Keane was just... very clever, very sharp."
"He was kind of like a that level of Evil Genius."
"I'll never give up my tricky ways."
"Marcelo is setting traps over here."
"I played this stinkin city like a harp from hell."
"I believe I have a strategy that I suspect might outwit this starving rapscallion."
"Asterix was shrewd, cunning, and clever."
"I have given my soul for my cunning."
"Lincoln is scheduled to be executed in the electric chair whether his brother's life can be saved all depends on whether this rat has the cunning needed."
"Billy, you're good at taking advantage of people."
"But he clearly also was clever at targeting lots of very vulnerable victims as well."
"Art sneakily pickpockets the keys to his bike and gives it to Robin."
"He's playing us all and I don't care what you say he's very shrewd."
"One of his strengths was using his cunning, wit, and intelligence to outsmart people on multiple occasions."
"A twisted mind, a hole cutting a wire fence, and a corpse in a storeroom all added up to freedom. But only for the one who had it coming."
"...a deviant monster he was also very sly."
"The seemingly childish and foolish act now appeared to be nothing more than a clever ruse."
"he busted you just messed up to it oh that was cunning bro dang was like I'm not scared I can slide through everybody in this room except badra ah" - Anthony
"He's a cunning strategist who screws with the minds of the sane and insane alike."
"She always manages to outsmart those who try to steal her skin, whether in town or by trying to break into her home."
"The devil plays chess not checkers."
"That's very sneaky. It's cool. That's kind as well as brutal. I like it."
"Wasn't there a guy who put his nudes in a desk he sold on Craigslist? This [__] big brain."
"They are manipulative and cunning, skilled at using their persuasive charm to lure others into their web of deception."
"Kong from Godzilla vs. Kong relies on cunning and strategy."
"But I outsmarted them. I let them think they were bribing me, so they believe me."
"Urahara is an individual who always has a trick up his sleeve."
"The harlequin character served as a comic servant known for his cunning and cleverness, using wit and mischief to outsmart his Masters."
"Bill Cipher is a con man, someone who knows how to get what he wants no matter how long the con itself is."
"The lady looked like the victim but she was very clever and a scary one as well."
"He felt like he had outwitted me or something."
"Littlefinger is just the most conniving, manipulative, on-the-spot, shooting-from-the-hip, freaking dude you'll ever meet."
"He's a rogue. He says whatever he thinks will work."
"You gotta almost respect Lord Baelish's abilities to pull this all off. He's a dangerous dude without even being there."
"They always go down to that crafty."
"I wish my people could see her cunning."
"Grievous was able to outsmart the Jedi in Maul several times."
"You don't get this far without being able to have a couple of tricks up your sleeve."
"The demon's think they are smart, the Vaishnavas are smarter."
"She thought she could outsmart us. She was almost as good as Arturo except that she had a need to try to explain things and in doing so she let little things slip."
"That malicious compliance was really good."
"He grinned, his brain set to work to try and evolve a plan to use these bright disguises."
"To Vernon Roberts, the wily bastard who wasn't quite wily enough."
"Survival of the fittest, but it's also survival of the shrewdest."
"I realized I had to outsmart the insane mind that had trapped me in its web of madness if I wanted to get out of this terrifying nightmare."
"A happy ending. Nobody outwits Gargamel and gets away with it."
"The success of the Navy SEAL teams is largely based on cunning."
"Cunning means the ability to look outside rules and boundaries."
"Well, there are none of them clever, and I dare say they will easily fall into the trap," said the princess.
"This man is turning into the count of deception."