
Indiana Jones Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"It's possible to find the Arc of the Covenant, a historical relic, which is a central plot device in Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark."
"In all seriousness, Indiana Jones is just about as good a fit for Lego as Star Wars was, with its memorable characters, adventurous spirit, and enormous pop-cultural impact."
"That's right, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It's going to be good. I have faith."
"Fantastic theming that immerses you in Indiana Jones's stories."
"Overall guys, this is my favorite of the Indiana Jones films."
"I think the Last Crusade is my favorite Indiana Jones movie... I might change my pick after you guys give yours."
"Risk is why I love Temple of Doom so much. It's because it's unapologetic for what it is and it took a lot of chances."
"The healing power of the Grail is the only thing that can save your father now."
"I love Indiana Jones. People who know me, like, I'm obsessed with Indiana Jones."
"Raiders of the Lost Ark is the best thing ever put to film. No debate."
"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was one of the movies that led to the creation of the PG-13 rating."
"In the scene in which Indy and his father tried to escape in a Zeppelin, Indy throws Vogel out of a window."
"Last Crusade has more emotion, genuine stakes; it humanizes Indiana Jones more than any of the films."
"Indiana Jones is a really solid iconic trilogy."
"It kind of ended with the reveal for the first time of the new Indiana Jones game."
"Apparently there's an Indiana Jones rope display that has a sign that says do not pull the rope but the not portion is crossed out."
"Within seven years there will be a new Indiana Jones."
"Helena represents everything Indiana Jones once was, a jaded Rogue more concerned with chasing fortune and Glory than doing what's right."
"I love the new Lego Indiana Jones Temple of the golden idol set."
"Otto Rahn was really the real Indiana Jones."
"Unlike a lot of movies, Indy 5 actually has a four Act structure to it."
"Indy's arc across the five films is rediscovering the decent person he always was."
"Indiana Jones is the hero of my youth."
"I felt like the puzzling Indiana Jones."
"Lucas wanted the show to be educational because he thought that Indiana Jones could have lived through a lot of the biggest events in history and could have met a lot of important people in history."
"Indiana Jones was an American imperialist thief. All we take is pictures."
"Indiana Jones at the ripe old age of 64. Pretty good actually."
"Another thing that made people so harsh on this movie was the weight. A fourth Indiana Jones was as mythical as the Ark of the Covenant itself."
"It's fine. I will gladly lose part of my life if it means I can be engaged with a secret. That's the Indiana Jones way."
"Indiana Jones is a rip-roaring adventure that feels like a roller coaster. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull feels the most like a theme park ride, making it a winner."
"This could be a set really for anybody, as long as you're a fan of Indiana Jones."
"Not only does Indiana prove his knowledge of theology in the tasks, he also proves himself worthy of the cup of Christ."
"Considering how much of a beating Indy's body has taken over the years, we're amazed he can still walk, let alone ride a horse with so much skill."
"That should be the if they make an indiana jones reboot that's what it should be is him breaking like bezos's house and [ __ ] those dudes up and taking those paintings dude and being like it belongs in a museum."
"At the moment, I'm working on Indiana Jones Five, which Harrison Ford, who's quite a bit younger than I am, I think, has announced will be his last film. So, I thought if Harrison can do it, then perhaps I can also."
"Even the outdoor queue has things to look at and props to find - the truck from the very first Indiana Jones movie, the Dominguez Palm Tree, the snake statues welcoming you into the ride..."
"I really loved Indiana Jones movies so this one was also really, really great."
"Indiana Jones hides in the lead-line refrigerator to shield himself."
"...Indiana Jones has always been... he's always had a positivity about him and optimism that he can win the day that good will prevail..."
"Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny has been able to pass the worldwide gross of Raiders of the Lost Ark."
"Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is a classic and probably my favorite after Raiders of the Lost Ark."
"Harrison Ford became a star to me and especially as Indiana Jones in my opinion he's never looked better."
"This is 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,' which is an awesome title."
"Indiana Jones and his friends and enemies have certainly had quite an adventure in the toy aisle over the last four decades..."
"In the film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, what is the title character searching for? Holy Grail."
"Indiana Jones is a great character that is flawed and I love him despite that, and in some ways because of it."
"Every scene I felt like had a moment where like 'oh that's Indiana Jones, that's like an iconic scene.'"
"Just the pan around the house of seeing Indy, this teacher, but also this adventurer who's so obsessed with the journey."
"Essentially Kermit dressed as Indiana Jones."
"Indiana Jones was almost undefeated, they just had to make a fourth, you know it's undefeated, we already know it's undefeated."
"You don't want Indiana Jones to be any different at the end of the movie."
"...I'm a big Indiana Jones fan so when I was a kid I was a little obsessed with archeology..."
"I love the classic Indiana Jones kind of look."
"We're going to watch Indiana Jones, that starts three o'clock now, starts at quarter past three, so we're gonna go watch Indiana Jones' epic stunt spectacular."
"It was very Indiana Jones with very light-hearted PG-13 type of horror."
"I think Temple of Doom's great, it's a little bit grimmer."
"They had the young Indiana Jones Chronicles like the TV show back in the '90s, and that was pretty good fun."
"I love the idea of swinging around like Indiana Jones with a grappling hook."
"The moment I saw this tank design, I knew a complete Indiana Jones toy range representing the original three films was finally within reach."
"I still hold that Raiders is a pretty perfect movie."
"That's exactly what Henry Jones said in the Last Crusade."
"Leaders have a name: the Indiana Jones Adventure."
"Indiana Jones is like some of your favorite films, top 10."
"The best example of that is the end of Indiana Jones."
"I think Indiana Jones looks great, and it is now one of my most anticipated games of 2024."
"Who's it going to be? Right here, Indiana Jones by SH Figuarts is the best import of 2023."
"Last Crusade... you got this one could be as good by adding the dad to the mix."
"I love how much they have captured the entire mood and style and everything that I think of when I think of Indiana Jones."
"I absolutely love how they redid Indiana Jones and updated it, that was incredible."
"The only throwback movie that I've ever gone to the theater to see was Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade."
"This is absolutely like all-time Indiana Jones."
"It's great to get back on an Indiana Jones Adventure."
"It's all the Indiana Jones films are the template of every adventure film that has ever come since."
"Archaeologist Indiana Jones races against time to retrieve a legendary artifact that can change the course of history."
"It was his last crusade the second he entered the room, 'cause we knew Indiana Jones would meet the Temple of Doom."
"Disneyland's Adventureland does have Indiana Jones and that is a major point in its favor."
"Indiana Jones is an enhanced motion vehicle dark ride based on the popular Indiana Jones film franchise."