
Emotional Value Quotes

There are 190 quotes

"I prefer to have the core memories, whether it's a happy moment or a sad one, because those are what you actually care about and remember what's most valuable to you as a human being."
"Cyril's heart sinks at the thought of retrieving such poignant mementos from the fallen, recognizing the weight and emotional value they hold."
"It is so wonderful to be able to press to one's heart such a bit of paper, which two so dear little eyes have lovingly beheld... only now do I realize how indispensable my dear little sunshine has become to my happiness."
"Sometimes the smallest things...take up the most space in our heart."
"I think this bike has tons of character and I have a lot of emotion attached to it."
"Nostalgia is a wonderful emotion...the stories and experiences that helped us learn who we are."
"How you feel is far more valuable than anything that you could buy to show the world how you feel."
"A feeling that humanity values more than just feeling good is feeling seen."
"It's all about the emotion behind the money, not the money itself."
"You have no idea how much this statement means to me, you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."
"Here's a wonderful gift, the best birthday gift I've gotten in a long time."
"You can't buy the championship of the world you can't buy that feeling and that thrill you know what I mean can't buy that."
"A smile is worth more than walking 1,000 miles."
"Your grandmother's cooking tastes so much better because she made it with love."
"There's love in the world... it's such a rare feeling."
"Naturally, it holds a lot of sentimental value for them."
"The only thing that they cannot buy is emotion."
"You just be like, this is the most precious thing in the world."
"They see your value. You brought the ace of cups. They want to offer you some sort of fulfillment."
"What a wonderful token of our friendship. This really means a lot to me, friend."
"Winning a trophy in front of some fans would be just a bit more special after this year, wouldn't it?"
"Love is the ultimate currency. It's the thing we're all trying to attain and feel for ourselves."
"It's not a stupid bucket, it's a wonderful bucket!"
"The real treasure in Uncharted 4 were the relationships we've formed along the way."
"It's really special to have my family here, they've been with me through it all."
"Valuing your feelings opens up everything in your life."
"These pizza bites are worth every penny and all the emotional."
"That's probably the greatest comment I've ever received, basketball included."
"Adding an affordable watch could just really bring back a lot of these feelings."
"Remember, real soul connections are rare. Hold onto them when you find them."
"We do it for those moments which are totally priceless."
"The thought and the love and the energy that you put into it will mean so much more than maybe some other gift."
"You can't measure a gift by the price tag it's all about the thought and the love and the energy that you put into it."
"Any day you receive it...is one to stash in the heart."
"Sentimental gifts can go a long way on a budget."
"Nostalgia... reminds people of those memories."
"The memories people have with these plushies are their true worth."
"It's just stuff but that stuff can bring that awesome memory back."
"This represents the love between Carr and Merit, and in this tiny little object, in some ways, it's perhaps the most important thing from the entire tomb."
"Never want to take that for granted, never want to lose that feeling of surrealness and appreciation."
"Never underestimate joy. Never underestimate the value of bringing even if it's just a moment of joy into somebody's life." - John
"And the fact that it's here with me is all thanks to you and it means the most."
"There is a place for emotion, particularly compassion and altruism."
"I mean, who doesn't like receiving flowers? It's the thought that counts, yes."
"I love you more than a trip to Disney World."
"It does have more sentimental attachment to me than any other car would ever have."
"Videos to me, they're super special. They hold like a crazy place in my heart."
"It's that sort of warm fuzzy of owning the Fluke."
"The sense of belonging that I felt being part of ROH is something that you can't replicate before you have it."
"Our core emotions and feelings aren't held in massive monuments; they're held in tiny things."
"They had a realization about the sweetness you provide and how things could be sweeter and kinder."
"Memories are the biggest treasure that we bring with us when we transition on to the other side."
"It's not so much about the memories, it's about the moments."
"Watches are unimportant to the time they can't speed, slow, or stop it, but as vessels for memories, they know few rivals."
"I would accept the beautiful gift of family land because I think even as you get older just Legacy and ties to family I think it's a really beautiful thing."
"I mainly just want pictures for the memories because they're gonna die soon and this moment's not gonna last for too long."
"How much money, be honest, on the dollar amount, what would you give, dollar wise, to get a hundred hours of content of your grandparents and great grandparents?"
"Connections with humans - that's one of the most beautiful things in the world."
"I think if it didn't feel that way, then it wouldn't have meant much."
"Eight years of great memories. This place will live forever."
"Reggie meant a lot to me, bro. In Indie, he meant a lot."
"I would be much more concerned over broken feelings than broken objects."
"The fact that you guys support us in every possible way means everything to me."
"Your presence is like a dream come true for them."
"You mean a lot to me. It's the first time you mean a lot to me, Sophie. I don't think I've told you that enough."
"The tears are precious and all of that has been redeemed to be offered up on the altar of God when he will wipe away all our tears."
"It’s not the gift that matters, it’s the love behind it."
"I didn't know that it took a dream to realize what a precious gem I had."
"The power of a mother's love for her child is priceless."
"Home cooked meals can be missing ingredients, over seasoned and even burnt to a crisp, but they can still out do some of the finest plates in the world because of one special and not so secret ingredient."
"It's not about the money, it's about the thought. It's the thought that counts."
"It's all about how does it make your heart feel rather than the bells and whistles and numbers behind it."
"Is attaching oneself to another person not the most human thing, the most valuable thing that one can do?"
"This is my sanctuary, my favorite place to be in the world."
"Keeping that memory alive is really important to me."
"Money can buy you a lot of cool stuff but it will never be able to buy you that feeling when someone speaks to you and says what an impact you have had on that person's life."
"It's funny how saying something can give you a good feeling that's really worth holding on to."
"Money can't buy happiness but a holographic Matrix VHS, it can buy a little bit of happiness."
"Mom's recipes and obviously grandma's recipes they say are always the best."
"The best presents don't come from a box, they come from the heart."
"The real treasure, I think, is these feelings."
"I can't think of anything more precious than sharing that with you."
"You can't put a monetary value on people's emotions."
"This is why music is important, this is why intimacy is important."
"You can't put a value on that. That is just priceless."
"God cherishes you as a member of His own body... every tear that comes out of your eye is precious to Him."
"The happiness, peace, and freedom that I experienced because I went through all of the crap that I went through - worth it."
"It's not about performance figures, it's not about how much a car is worth, it's about how it makes you feel."
"Matches don't draw; you throw two guys together if there's no emotional value or people don't have emotional on either side, it doesn't mean anything."
"There's something extra special when the sentimental value is greater than the sum of its parts."
"This car means as much to him as it does to me."
"The thing that holds people back is that they think things have value, they have emotional value."
"If Christ's love is more emotionally valuable and definitional to me than my parents' love, I'm either going to over-adulate my parents or be too angry at them."
"It's just, oh my gosh, it's so special."
"The emotional value of travel is everything. It strengthens bonds, reinforces our sense of self, and grows years after the trip."
"That bear to me is worth a million quid. I love him."
"Oh, it means a lot to us. It really does."
"I hope you know how much you mean to me."
"These European championships they don't offer any direct prize money, but they do offer a once-in-a-lifetime, money can't buy, warm feeling when you win this tournament, I can tell you."
"We're protecting memories, and right there proves it, how precious is that?"
"It's really a beautiful thing and it means a lot to me."
"My song isn't a joke; it actually has a lot of sentimental value behind it."
"The first thing a watch gives you is this moment of happiness, of emotion."
"If you apply your emotion, everything becomes valuable and beautiful."
"That really does mean the world to us."
"This one also holds sentimental value."
"I can't begin to describe how much it means to us, brings it back and looking better than ever before."
"The memories you have with your friend live in your heart, not in a bag."
"Obviously, it has to be the one that makes your heart sing because these are very pricey bags."
"They're gifts from God, this is the biggest tragedy I've ever been close to. This means everything to me."
"They're a big part of my life... they move me that much and they're that special."
"It would mean absolutely everything to me."
"Thank you for watching and supporting me, you have no clue how much it means."
"A broken heart is worth a million times more than a heart that is happy and full of wealth."
"Sentimental value is something on the utmost high."
"Having had an attachment to a worthy object, and having met with a return of friendship, is not to be regretted, whatever grief it may occasion."
"Homes are emotional assets whether we mean for them to be or not."
"The smallest things mean everything to them."
"The off-court moments meant so much to me."
"Some gifts are big, others are small, but the ones that come from the heart are the best gifts of all."
"All my memories are like, I don't have a lot, like everything that I have is really in my heart."
"This is an incredible race; it's really had a special place in my heart."
"These are what I treasure, the only way I measured feelings that I have for this fine old life."
"It's not about the size of the room, it's about the size of the heart."
"This series means so, so much to me."
"Difficult to put into words the emotions you feel knowing that a member of your family has held something like that."
"You want to give something that touches somebody and is really used over and over and is meaningful and purposeful in their lives."
"What matters is a hug, a thank you, a kiss goodbye, a reunion."
"All I could do was stand there and think about how much I love and care for my family."
"This is the most precious thing I have ever seen."
"There's absolute love and value in every single vibration and in every single emotion."
"I felt like the necklace was a very sentimental piece."
"They have everything but they don't have you."
"This last one was a gift from my best friend for my 18th birthday... Russ was my first dog that I ever had and he had a very special place in my heart."
"It's the love that she puts into it."
"Sadness too has a purpose as an emotion that is just as valuable as all the others."
"I feel not rejected but I feel valued, I feel loved, and now we're closer."
"We have our memories; they're real, no one can take that from us."
"That psychological and emotional protection... goes so far beyond money."
"Such ordinary days are so precious to me that they bring tears to my eyes."
"That's just priceless right there."
"It's not the money, it's the thoughts and the love they gave you."
"I feel like although this is something that's quite expensive, you're thinking of it more because of the emotional connection you have to it."
"When you buy something kind of expensive or something that you love and you really wanted, you kind of just remember the moment."
"I love you so much and I value our friendship so much."
"When the gift is given from the heart, you must believe it."
"It means so much to me, like more than you know."
"It's actually the sweetest thing of my entire life."
"Houses, home, memories, they're in the walls."
"That bouquet of flowers meant so much to me, oh my God, it meant so much to me."
"It means something and it speaks to me; there's got to be worth something."
"That is how much you guys mean to me."
"Your heart, especially when you're starting out, means so much."
"My granddaddy put all he saved up in it, and my daddy put his heart and soul into it."
"It was pretty upsetting because this was a birthday gift from my aunt back in 2020."
"It means the world to me, I wish I was joking."
"The fact that you do love it means the absolute world."
"I can just see that Lola is happy and as you can imagine, that just means the whole entire world to me."
"They have a really special place in my heart."
"Thank you, Bob. You mean everything."
"A watch is only made better by an emotional attachment."
"I missed you so much, you have no idea how much this makes me happy."
"It's always nice to be nostalgic."
"It's probably my most sentimental bag in my collection."
"Sentimental gifts are the ones that mean the world to me."
"Family holds immense value, being our support in times of trouble and our happiness in moments of sadness."
"This game meant a great deal to Campy."
"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in our heart."
"A simple 'I love you' means more than money."
"I'm so grateful to so many people... they do care and to me that means everything."
"I can't tell you how much it means and how much I appreciate it."
"A lot of times, that love award is the better award."
"If memory were a canned food, I hope it never expires."
"It means more to me than y'all will ever know."
"Thank you so much, it really does mean a lot to me."
"These films mean a lot to me, for better or for worse, and are a big part of Thomas and friends' history."
"It really holds a special place in my heart."
"It means so much to me, it means the world."
"They felt like you were the best thing in their life."
"I appreciate it so much more than you'll ever know."
"Words cannot explain how much you have meant to me."
"And your heart matters more than your wallet."