
High Standards Quotes

There are 280 quotes

"The most surefire way to raise your standards is to surround yourself with people with very high financial standards."
"Perfectionism defined as a combination of excessively high personal standards and overly critical self-evaluations."
"The excellence seeking perfectionist are the people with ultra-high standards for their work. They're constantly trying to make their work as good as it can be."
"You shouldn't feel like that because obviously, if you set high standards, certain things aren't going to meet those standards. You just have to keep pushing, and then eventually, you will end up with something that you're proud of."
"We need another top-class performance; we need our highest level."
"Excellence is being able to perform at a high level over and over again."
"Daggerfall triumphantly raised the bar for what computer role-playing games could be."
"You're deserving of somebody who is actually great, who is actually amazing."
"Promising this is the most impressive luxury sedan ever."
"I think one thing that sucks about being the best is... anything short of stomping your opponent is a huge failure."
"He's the closest thing that you've probably known from as Cristiano Ronaldo in terms of professionalism."
"Quality on top of quality on top of quality."
"It demands that much more. It means that much more. It's one of the best I've seen in a long time."
"Now this is a high quality, affectionate sequel!"
"They've set a new standard for all games to strive for."
"This is just really high-quality stuff, I really like it."
"They are the standards that all other watch brands are measured to."
"We set the bar high, we challenge our assumptions, and we take nothing for granted."
"Baldur's Gate 3 has raised the bar in almost every single way possible for an RPG to raise the bar it is that good and I cannot recommend it enough."
"The car has to evolve on its deep-rooted heritage, it has to deliver an immediate visceral impact, and lastly, it has to be out of your league like the Ferrari F40 rightfully is."
"It isn't just his defending, he's setting up attacks."
"It doesn't take anything less than a masterpiece to create a franchise of this magnitude."
"Dedication is what you need, record breakers but no if you want to beat the best and you want to beat the rest, you've got to be ruthless."
"A high value woman... I'm looking for divinity in a woman."
"AW has some high freaking standards right now and that is a very big four out of five."
"Your father's actions were in keeping with the highest positions of military service."
"Every single video is going to be extremely high quality."
"It's not magic at all, the magic of high standards and high support is not the 18 words, it's taking you seriously when you're vulnerable."
"We can actually add new language features, and the bar for adding those is high."
"The standard for this club is first place and trophies, that is the standard."
"Victoria and Albert's is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It's AAA five-diamond rating is thanks to this signature restaurant being the creme de la creme of signature restaurants that you have to dress up in your best duds for."
"You're not impressed by superficiality; high standards define your interactions."
"Don't lower your standards at all. Keep your standards goddamn high and make yourself work hard enough to deserve the standards that you set."
"The highest form of morality is following the truth."
"This GPU is doing like 60 plus FPS all of the time."
"If you truly believe that God exists, the demand to live in congruence with that belief is incredibly high."
"George St Pierre is the greatest MMA fighter of all time, he set the standard unlike any other."
"It was an undertaking of the highest precision."
"The fact that CD Projekt held themselves to a higher standard in turn we did as well."
"This is the real competition. This is testing ourselves against the best."
"They're among the best of the best of the best and they've absolutely raised the bar with what's possible."
"If you aim for anyone lower than a top-class to world-class manager, you're always gonna be behind."
"Fourth place is unacceptable. You need to get first place, second place, or a trophy."
"Tesla has set the bar up very high for premium electric cars."
"Chavi's mentality is perfect for Barça because he is very demanding. That's what we need."
"Surround yourself with people who believe in you like you believe in you."
"I'm scared to death because I've set the bar so high."
"You should be high maintenance and have high standards so that these kinds of people want nothing to do with you."
"Fans hating on Arteta for having high standards, it's crazy."
"Another player added to the world-class caliber at Liverpool."
"Princess Mononoke really pushed up the bar when it came out."
"Cristiano Ronaldo's fitness levels and speed are ridiculous."
"I don't respect people who don't bring their A game."
"We must reject low achievable standards and raise the bar to the point that makes most of us feel uncomfortable."
"You're not settling for anything less, you're that boss."
"You're never going to be happy with a mediocre girl like that... keep searching, keep looking."
"It's time for breakthroughs, breaking limits, puncturing expectations, and setting new standards."
"You set the bar high for anybody, everything you put your hand to, you make sure you do it right."
"In terms of build quality, this one is in the upper echelon."
"The music in the Mega Man franchise is literally required to be good at this point and this soundtrack goes above and beyond."
"Level up or leave them. I would replace him with somebody ten times better."
"Competing with bright essence challenges others to live on the same level."
"There's practically nothing about this vehicle that is lackluster."
"We don't do basic on this channel, and I will only give you the highest quality content."
"It really does blows you away. It's done on a Disney and Universal level and yeah you can really tell standards are very high throughout the park."
"Having high standards means that you are happy to have nothing until the right people and circumstances manifest."
"This is the best class card for good reason."
"High value men don't carry themselves by evoking violence on people because of words."
"Elden Ring is a masterpiece tarnished only on the tiniest level."
"People who have high standards for themselves and who crave success are repulsed by the thought of settling for a life that is less than what they are capable of living."
"Be radically open-minded but not easily persuaded. Fight any temptation to lower expectations and standards."
"It's all well and good having the ingredients to make a five-star kind of Michelin star meal but if you don't have the skills and the know-how to craft it you're not going to be as good as Gordon Ramsay."
"I think the most important thing is like we really did try to hold ourselves to a pretty high standard of integrity."
"Bloodborne kind of broke me... it completely raised the bar."
"Their colleagues were applauding a team which had demonstrated the highest form of professionalism at every level."
"Literally every other level in this game is either an eight or a nine or a 10 out of 10 in my book."
"Rhonda was the realist on the highest level."
"I mean the guy really takes care of the elite of the elite."
"This is America's Next Top Model, not America's Next Average Model."
"High expectations for yourself; deep commitment to your goals."
"Seek high quality but not Perfection. It's okay to have high standards but be absolutely ruthless in your self-analysis."
"I've stayed at Four Seasons all over the world. They're fabulous hotels that define luxury."
"Live the life, continue to be the successful woman you are. Stop dating down, stop marrying average, stop going low, aim high."
"The need for precision and care has never been greater."
"This game nailed Guardians of the Galaxy and I just can't really imagine a Guardians of the Galaxy game being much better than this."
"To replace one world-class player with another is incredible."
"Massachusetts: boasting a human development index higher than all but one country in the world."
"One of the first kpop songs I downloaded this year, actually APink set the bar way high with this comeback."
"The Lord of the Rings raised a bar to a height with its objectives in world building that few others have even come close to touching."
"We're not making a watch, we're making the Swiss watch of kitchens!"
"I set really high standards and goals for myself and so, you know, I think about the end product as much as I can and what this is gonna look like eventually."
"Everything has been improved on to a pretty surprising degree and this game would have a perfect score for me if it weren't for one pretty big downside."
"Everything they've ever done, they've always done to such a high caliber."
"You're not accepting anything less than absolute magic."
"Everything was just at the highest level on this project."
"If you want a top tier man, you gotta be a top tier woman."
"Don't ever settle for less, just keep striving."
"My condolences to their friends and family I'm sorry you had to go through this and I hope you get Justice."
"And here it is implemented at a 10 out of 10."
"There's nothing wrong with holding high standards in love. In fact, doing so will save you from a lot of heartbreak and disappointment down the line."
"Ronaldo epitomizes us. He demands we win the biggest prizes. Second place is not good enough."
"We finally done it, we built a five-star restaurant."
"Last of Us Part 2 sets a new bar for what we should hope to be able to achieve going into a new generation of consoles."
"Chevy managed to reset the bar yet again with the all-new third generation Colorado."
"I'm one of those people who strives for perfection, even in orbit."
"I always aim for a high standard of detail and accuracy."
"You'll quickly be struck by the sheer depth of quality on offer here."
"Why should I accept mediocre? I've seen Arsenal be great."
"Set your standards high when you're training."
"Surrounding yourself with high achievers creates standards."
"Quality players bring out the best in their teammates as well, and Bruno's single-minded focus on very high standards bleeds into the expectations he has of his teammates."
"That's like looking down and seeing Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant."
"The Witcher 3... just an extremely high quality game."
"I think we have shows like double or nothing and all out... that are at the very highest level."
"ENTJs... leading by example and expecting people to match their high and sometimes exacting standards."
"Strong and independent women often have high standards and a low tolerance for nonsense."
"You want to know what you can do for your counterpart? Be your highest level self as often as you possibly can."
"Fnatic deserved the win, absolutely, but I want one where both teams are playing at their ceilings."
"Expect the best. I'm going to demand nothing less than the best."
"A high value man for us is the virtuous man."
"I like to complain, okay, I have high standards for this stuff."
"Overjoyed Sullivan tells iruma he will receive only the best food, clothes, and accommodation."
"It goes far beyond that as this incredible level of detail has set a new gold standard."
"Grace doesn't lower the standards. Grace is a better motivator for people to actually reach it."
"I want us to celebrate the best of us but also demand more of us."
"You're coming off as an empowered person, holding yourself to a high standard."
"Excellence is not an option, it's constantly assured."
"I value myself more than I can value the 50 best women on the planet."
"When they do something right, this is very right."
"Columbia is going to be a tough one to beat, absolutely gorgeous."
"You just make a really good rib that's gonna be one of the best you've ever ate."
"Extreme accountability will really get you far."
"It ain't like soft ones, yeah, you know what I'm saying?"
"The Fold was designed for people who live life to the fullest, people who hold themselves to a high standard and expect the same of their devices."
"I am extremely critical of myself and I set a very high standard for myself."
"It's like a catch 22 because when you come in your pro debut at your absolute best, you've set the bar so goddamn high."
"The union is going to be very solid, very traditional, and it's not going to be any games. No games because you, as a Cancer Rising, are probably going to have very high standards in your partner."
"...if you're feeling stuck if you're going through a challenging time you're not actually stuck..."
"Alicia crushed it and so I feel like the bar is set high."
"Hold yourself to a higher standard."
"His intensity to everything and attention to detail was incredible."
"You have to be a person of excellence."
"Salah has set the bar really high and he's allowed to be criticized when he falls below it."
"People who have high standards are always trying to learn and grow."
"Perfectionism is a personality trait or behavior characterized by setting extremely high standards for oneself and striving for flawlessness in various aspects of life."
"Bull's-eye's not good enough anymore."
"Golly, that was a phenomenal music video! Every like 10/10. He's setting the bar high!"
"There'll never be anybody like him. He set the bar so high."
"Mars in Virgo can struggle with a fear of inadequacy and a constant need to be good enough, leading to high standards for themselves."
"If this is all for a 12-part series, I hope this is the most bomb 12-part series that anybody has ever put out, honestly."
"In that way he's no different than Superman, or Atticus Finch – he sets a standard so high we'll probably never truly reach it."
"He's very much like a yeah, it's just so high standard everything, whatever."
"That's a testament to how high these guys are going."
"The bar is high. I can't mess it up."
"They're both high quality outfits."
"We are about to throw them into the deep end of service in a busy two Michelin star restaurant."
"I really think that all in all, this is one of the best animated films of all time. It's a watershed moment, a watermark for where the bar being set really, really high."
"I guess since I am an inherited kid, I'm not going to settle."
"I've never dated somebody that wasn't in the top 3%."
"You're someone who knows what you're worth, and you set high standards for yourself."
"Nothing but the best, baby, nothing but the best"
"You have to operate in excellence."
"I just wanted absolute uncompromising visual and audio perfection."
"The overall quality of the series in terms of its production values is really quite high."
"It was unbelievable, I don't think anyone could have pulled off anything better than this."
"From the very first steps on stage, it's clear that the standard is exceptionally high this year."
"The quality of the cars was truly outstanding."
"The level of cookery is topnotch."
"If your standards and requirements are set, if your standards or requirements are high, the guy that wants you is gonna climb the bar."
"Anything less than a conference finalist appearance is a failure."
"It's like taking care of a Ferrari, not a Volkswagen."
"If you're a fan of The Last of Us, this is a follow-up that matches that quality, that high bar in just about every way you could ask for."
"You have to expect that you're going to have to perform at a very high level."
"A high caliber man is really looking for a place of solace, a place of rest and peace."
"Excellent is the standard, isn't it? Let's be elite today."
"Treat yourself as if you are royalty, a queen, and you should be treated like that and do not accept less."
"Do I want a high value man or a high quality man? Those aren't necessarily the same thing."
"The level of these fighters, the level of the event, it's amazing, it couldn't get any better."
"Set your sights higher, increase your standards, and expect more for yourself. Don't settle."
"In order to achieve high standards, you need psychological safety."
"Every K-Pop song and music video I've seen is just set that standard that high."
"The standard at Hopkins is not what we did last year; the standard is winning National Championships at this place."
"You must remain ever-vigilant and only allow people into your inner circle who have the same high standards, drive, and desire for greatness."
"The standard here in Japan is just so high."
"When a real robot professional takes on apple picking, you can rest assured that the job will be done to the highest standard."
"It's at a level that people once deemed impossible."
"Even those incredibly high expectations were blown away."
"It's a Marriott resort at the highest level."
"I might have to hire the standards of S tier because these ones are really good."
"I'm turning this into a 10 out of 10 all around."
"Ensuring the highest level of independence and travel comfort."
"I am somebody who will always ensure high standards are adhered to at all times."
"I will accept only the best from you, Percy Jackson."
"Their success set high standards for the club and made them one of the top teams in English football."
"I must say everything in this park is done to a very high standard."
"Arle raced continually over a number of seasons, met practically every challenge that was set to him, and set a standard that has not been equaled."
"If you're going to this prestigious school, then you should be held to a higher standard."
"Dream big, set your sights high, do not settle for less than what you deserve."
"This is a higher level of work that I'm not accustomed to, but better believe she has adjusted and this house is no match."
"The bar is set really high right now."