
Media Literacy Quotes

There are 616 quotes

"I'm actually very grateful that it happened to me because it allowed me to really consider what the media was."
"In 20 years, people will mostly understand that you shouldn't believe something is real just because you saw a video of it."
"The media's job is to present the different issues of the day. It's up to us to figure out what's true and what isn't."
"Don't believe what you see on TV and don't believe what everyone tells you."
"Think critically, don't get manipulated based off one clip."
"Media literacy should never be about telling people the right way to read a story. Like regular literacy, it's about your ability to read it in the first place."
"The purpose of media literacy should not be digging down to the one single correct meaning, but to give someone the tools to at least look at a piece of media and understand what it's showing them."
"Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms."
"It's important to kind of step behind that and look at the voice of who's saying that and kind of look at the context behind the information that's being presented."
"We should probably tell people to get their information from a multitude of sources."
"People will read a headline, they didn't learn anything, and that's their opinion from now on."
"From disinformation to misinformation, a subtle but significant shift."
"Inform yourself before you let mainstream media make lifestyle decisions for you."
"We have given that person, the American, the permission now to think that it's okay to get your news from Facebook. It's not okay to get your news from just one source of anything."
"Not everything you see on TV or the internet is real."
"Everybody needs to do their own fact checks. Everybody needs to not just listen to the media."
"Those who don't read the news are uninformed, and those who do read the news are misinformed."
"I want this video to change your life a little bit because we're going to look at the powerful tactics Russian propaganda uses, how to protect yourself from them, and keep yourself safe in your informational environment."
"I genuinely believe in the importance of media literacy and consuming things critically."
"I want people to be hyper aware of the amount of propaganda coming at them."
"You've got to stay abreast of what's happening. And don't depend upon mainstream news."
"It would do people a lot of good to think about it a little past what they've read in a headline."
"The bigger risk to me is not that they will believe all the nonsense, it's that they will stop believing anything they see, including legitimate photographs from photojournalists."
"As a kid, my parents taught me not to believe everything I see on TV. Now, I have to teach them not to believe everything they see on Facebook."
"Next time you read something medical in the news, turn a critical eye on it and try to spot any biases."
"Here's some four principles of what you should do when you encounter potential disinformation or whatever: Stop, investigate the source, find better coverage, trace claims, quotes, and media to the original context."
"Never stop learning. There are a lot of sources out there that not just fact check but provide information on media literacy and misinformation."
"Media literacy is essential for understanding the world around you. If you don't have it, you're going to be fooled over and over and over again."
"Media literacy is the ability to critically analyze stories presented in the mass media and to determine their accuracy or credibility."
"If you want to talk about better people, we need to talk about media literacy in classes."
"Don't just read one news source. Read across a spectrum to truly understand what the facts are."
"Stop depending on social media for your news feed and how you get information."
"If you're shocked by this stuff, then you don't understand how YouTube works."
"Thinking critically when you're listening to cable news or the president, regardless of who is in the White House, is probably always a good idea."
"There's so much information it's really hard to know what to believe, what not to believe."
"This isn't MSNBC; let's have a look at Trump's speech and then for ourselves decide."
"All Americans think they're immune to propaganda, but they're not."
"It's very important for you guys as an audience to just be critical of what exactly is going on here."
"Be responsible, take a look at the news, get the proper medical opinions, and take care of yourself."
"People see something on the Internet or...the news and just think it's the truth...until everything is laid out, you can't make an opinion until everything is over with."
"It's important to make sure that information is credible. Always take a minute to step back, look at the information that you're consuming, check to see if it's real."
"You have to be pretty thoughtful about what you're reading in this age of the internet."
"With the increasing availability range of pornography available, it's important that we do everything we can to help young people become porn literate and identify the pornography."
"Understanding the intentions behind information we receive is paramount to preserving the integrity of our discourse."
"You gotta be careful who you follow and always double-check."
"The solution to pinpointing what is truthful information and what is misinformation can be accomplished by you knowing anything that is easily accessible is questionable."
"We need accurate information, truth not misinformation."
"It's definitely time to take charge of your media consumption."
"Be cautious of the information you adjust so that you don't necessarily believe that one specific thing that you see on the news or in social media post."
"It's tricky to draw the line between helpful entertainment and false hope."
"Apparently, the media literacy of the average internet user has been reduced to that of someone who still finds peekaboo entertaining."
"It's important to be conscientious about the information that we're consuming on the internet."
"My whole goal with this video was to show you how easily you can be manipulating. You cannot believe everything that you watch."
"Clear distinction between opinion and hard news."
"It's important to kind of hear a variety of sources so you're not influenced into going down what someone else wants you to do because it benefits their bottom line."
"If you think fake news exists, you have to do some digging."
"Consumers have little or no idea how the information they see has been shaped by the sites that they're visiting."
"Critical thinking is key in today's media landscape."
"If you're going to condemn a guy and hate a guy and believe something about a guy, at least actually review what he has said."
"Ground news is super cool it's a website and app that shows you the latest breaking news stories how biased the coverage is left-leaning right-leaning or in the middle how accurate and factual the sources are."
"It is crucial to separate fact from fiction and rely on verified information to understand the full extent of Epstein's crimes."
"Be careful about where you consume news because you can get spun and told you're a terrible person just for asking legitimate questions."
"Poke holes in your information bubble, you know, take a look at some outside perspectives that are different from your own."
"Everything we see before a game releases is absolutely meant to be taken with a grain of salt."
"In case it wasn't clear, the whole thread was an elaborate hoax."
"You are not a victim to having to get information only from the news or being told what to believe."
"We're in an interesting time, there's so much information available to everybody, but it's never more important that we become more discerning about the sources of the information that we consume."
"Could this be real paranormal activity caught on camera?"
"Let's make sure we don't just have information, let's make sure we have perspective. And I think if we can do that and read ourselves in the legitimate and the credible, we genuinely can make a better world."
"Understanding media and grounding yourself back into reality is crucial as we move deeper into hyper reality."
"We want you to support what we do because we are all about fighting disinformation."
"We need to see when we're being used for propaganda."
"It's important for us as both creators and as consumers of content that we all have a certain responsibility."
"I just want everyone to think more about the media that they consume."
"Overall I just really want people to be as conscious as possible about the content they're consuming and what types of people they're following and who they're looking up to and how much they're looking up to them."
"The goal of this game is to make you question and think deeper about both the messaging and content of the media you consume, specifically games."
"If you're not using those tools with your North Star being how to most accurately assess and disseminate truth those tools actually become clubs against the truth."
"When evaluating new information, we have to read laterally."
"When watching the news, quickly read articles about what you didn't understand."
"I'm just really good at spotting the ones that are badly written because they don't work on me."
"Every image you see you have to wonder where did it come from what was the purpose of the person posting this."
"Thank You Taiwan for a government and administrative system that can professionally and correctly judge the news."
"Regular people are now giving a chance to rate information to fact check it."
"Don't believe everything you read at face value, look deeper."
"Fake news phenomenon: time suck, confusion, blunting ability to discern real news."
"Fact-checking sites abound; don't be abjectly lazy, check the veracity of news."
"You've got to find good journalists, you've got to do your research."
"The problem here is that if you, the viewer, cannot with confidence define what an influencer is, then you're far less likely to be able to tell the difference between valuable information and marketing. And that's actually really scary."
"It sometimes pays not to believe everything you see on TV or in the newspapers."
"We have to understand propaganda and learn how to combat it."
"You're the ones that are being used the worst because you believe this, the rest of us at least have our eyes open and we can have we have the tools to fight back but you're in the most danger Trump supporters absolutely."
"The fact that like people don't realize that this woman was using this story to push her book and make money is crazy to me."
"Don't accept everything you see as fact and don't expect people on YouTube to be truthful or unbiased."
"Critical thinking is the only thing that stands between you and being taken in."
"Ground news offers a transparent way to read the news, with access to over 50,000 sources across the political spectrum."
"Yeah, but you're right Toby, it's very interesting. There's [ __ ] you never really know what you're reading is true and there's so much that we probably think is true but isn't."
"You aren't immune to propaganda, but the first step to counteracting it is recognizing it."
"Once this Association is accumulated enough the lies between film and reality aren't very far separate for those who don't receive an education that teaches them what these tropes are and how they affect people's thinking."
"As long as an entry point for a kid is framed as this is make-believe, this is fantasy, this is people who are, you know, know each other and are playing pretend and wearing costumes, and it's not okay to do it in real."
"Linux Mint is fully featured right out of the box."
"The irony of Don Lemon, a gay black man, having to sit through diversity training is almost too rich."
"There's one scourge whose virality is only increasing: fake news."
"News doesn't just appear on your Twitter or Facebook feed, somebody needs to find it by discovering and gathering facts that no one has seen before, verifying them, and then writing them down into a coherent form that we can understand."
"Understanding the biases, political leanings, and funding sources of the news that you consume is crucial."
"Comparing multiple sources is almost essential if you are going to avoid echo chambers in media reporting."
"Maybe both things are allowed to exist. Maybe we can trust people to be aware of the media they make and the content it comes from. And who am I kidding?"
"I truly believe this is a must-have service in our Modern Age of misinformation Bubbles and Echo Chambers."
"Stay curious, stay inquisitive, and most importantly, remember to check your sources."
"AI literacy is joining media literacy efforts these days and it should be a part of curriculum."
"Russia's propaganda plays very well with people's overconfidence as to how they view their media literacy."
"It's not enough to say, 'Oh, I'm going to read some conservatives and some liberals.'"
"Destroy many of the pieces of misinformation."
"Trust reputable sources, don't go looking for... fake clips from other conflicts being passed around."
"People better wake up and do some research on their own instead of buying what comes across on the screen."
"We learn to watch the news with a Discerning Eye, analyze their rhetoric instead of blindly taking on board their propaganda."
"There's so much misinformation out in the world right now and not just about vaccines."
"Find your news from a reputable source." - Dr. Pierce
"You really do have to look at both sides. You cannot just rely on One Source or the other."
"This is propaganda and this is why you have people much more willing to understand and take in this propaganda than actual facts."
"Be kind to yourself, and what you watch on TV, right? Don't get programmed, don't believe in other people's."
"This should serve as a friendly reminder to fact-check your information, cross-reference sources."
"It's very hard to differentiate between what's real, what's fake, what's being manipulated."
"No matter which side you're on, you should embrace honest news."
"Believe anything you see, everything's manipulated, bullshitting us."
"Ground News is a fantastic tool for sifting through the daily misinformation and bias."
"Starting kids young help them developing good money habits."
"You have to teach kids how they're gonna be targeted by the media."
"Full stop completely correct... you would do yourselves all of you a huge favor by making sure you go and watch conflicting news."
"Always do your own research, watch different videos, don't just watch my video if you like foundation recommendations."
"Different sources don't just have different levels of credibility, they also apply different standards."
"Educate people to be more resilient and better able to spot fake news and recognize hate."
"It really doesn't actually matter. All that garbage that you read on the internet is absolutely not true."
"People have to be really discerning and look for sources, and not always just focus on whatever they would have reinforced what they already think."
"We can't control what other people think but we can take responsibility for our own information sources."
"Don't let yourself be manipulated by petty small stories."
"Content warnings are a useful tool in distinguishing between media that exacerbates trauma which can exist with appropriate content warnings and legitimately harmful media."
"Don't believe everything you hear especially in the media."
"Differentiation of news versus opinion is valid."
"Is it incumbent on us to guard you against this journey or is it on you as the viewer to decide what ideas and which people cause you to draw your online i as an individual?"
"What values is this video promoting? What are they trying to make me believe?"
"Understanding multimodality allows us to properly decode the media we consume and detect misinformation."
"Get much more sophisticated in training young people to distinguish what is fact and what is fiction while telling our own story far more compellingly than we have."
"How do you look at a piece of newspaper report or study and figure out is it total [ __ ] or totally trustworthy?"
"Do your own research is deposing a lot of their narratives real fast."
"People want information, they want to know that it's honest, they want to know that it's accurate."
"Find your voice, find good journalism, find good political commentators who are out there giving you the truth."
"Distancing yourself from the hype is crucial."
"This is not quick bait. This is not a drill. This is a big deal, and it's not fake news."
"You just have to remember to always like verify your sources."
"That's the whole thing about the channel too is never listen to me i present something i'll give you the links you chase it down if it resonates with you in your telescopic view or your microscopic view whatever great if it doesn't then move on."
"People never read beyond the headline, people never read."
"People tend to believe the first thing they read or hear and with so much disinformation on the internet it's then very hard for them to change their minds even when presented with the facts in black and white."
"Never trust what you read without fact checking for yourself."
"We have to counter the misinformation and disinformation."
"You can't just take article or PR at face value. You have to do some research."
"The media doesn't decide what the truth is, you and your own research does because we are the media."
"One of the things that I try to emphasize... is for you guys to not just focus on what you're being presented but also focus on why you're being presented a particular story."
"When you see something that seems too good to be true, your first thought should be to check reliable sources."
"Don't just rely on trailers because trailers are marketing tools made by the corporation with the express intent of getting your money from you."
"Don't just believe what some internet personality tells you, get variant kinds of opinions in the matter."
"The three main issues I hold with these videos are the following: inconsistencies, sources or lack of them, and presentation of expressions."
"I'm very truly not sarcastically grateful that I have gained media literacy skills and also critical thinking skills."
"Viewers can only make their own minds up if they're given all the available facts."
"Do not allow the media to normalize this for you... you absolutely have questions that need to be asked."
"It is safer for a kid to read a reliable source that has been approved and purchased by a media specialist rather than to be misinformed by a non-credible source." - We need non-fiction books that are inclusive.
"Real news is based on real events and facts. Fake news is based on misinformation and often political spin."
"Understanding the bias in the media is incredibly important if you actually care about solving the problems."
"It's worth it though because by using the tools that I've equipped you with in this video you'll be able to watch any 2000s era horror anime and instantly recognize a lot of tropes and stuff..."
"Y'all better stop believing this [ __ ]. That's all I gotta say."
"You have to dig around. If you're watching the mainstream media, if you're reading their articles, you're not getting smarter, you're actually getting less informed."
"It's okay to 100% fact-check people. Just because a quote-unquote ape says something or just because mainstream media says something, that doesn't mean they're right or wrong."
"Don't take all your advice from a single source... look for corroborated info across multiple platforms."
"Ultimately, what I'm saying from all this is to try and think critically about the media you consume."
"Whenever you see this claim 'America alone in mass shootings' or 'America leads the world in mass shootings'... have a scan through the story and look for the source material."
"Not everything you read on the Internet is true, not everything that we believe in our culture is true either."
"Just because you read something, really question it."
"Please do not believe everything you read on the internet."
"Bottom line, get your news from the news. Don't believe everything you read on Facebook; those posts aren't always true and accurate." - Allison
"When a story cannot be confirmed by any independent examination, then we have to be careful."
"If you like this video, you might also like my video about why conservatives fall for fake news."
"Everything I've seen, everything we were taught to watch out for authoritarianism, read 1984, it's not Republicans doing it right now, it's just not."
"We're up against some big forces, and social media can be used for good, but we need to be more informed."
"We need to find reputable news sources and do our homework."
"They're not fact-checking or challenging any of their ideas."
"Inform yourself. Check the sources people provide you with."
"It's up to you, the viewer, to decide who's telling the truth."
"When you study a scene like this, you’ll be able to understand American movies and TV effortlessly without subtitles."
"Propaganda bad, ideology bad, information good, critical thinking good, objectivity good, spin bad, narrative coercion bad."
"Don't believe everything you're reading in the newspapers."
"Separate the facts from the fiction, the observation from the story."
"Separate the facts and fiction and watch out for the salacious headlines trying to draw you into their worldview."
"In today's world of fake news misinformation, what we all need are credible sources."
"But here's why I don't believe this specific report."
"We need to be able to discern between propaganda and reality."
"Part of our work is to say we need teacher education and media literacy."
"You should be trying to watch as much as possible getting your information from as many sources as possible."
"I hope that what I do on apologia is an attempt to demonstrate why specific claims are probably not correct and allow the viewer to come to their own conclusions."
"The best way to combat bad information is good information."
"Understanding the truth behind headlines is crucial in navigating health information."
"Introducing folks to life outside the cable news paradigm can be non-threatening with a gentle approach."