
Homesteading Quotes

There are 439 quotes

"We homestead to feed our family the best quality food that we can, and we know the best way to do that is to raise it right here."
"We have our homestead homie group on Facebook... we're all sharing stories about living on the homestead."
"In 2020, homesteading and gardening was the fastest-growing niche on YouTube...surpassed the beauty category."
"Permaculture is the idea that everything within your homestead in some way supplements or complements everything else."
"Homesteading is where you're doing a lot of activities to provide food and various provisions for your family."
"I wake up between 4:30 and 5:00... I was up before 4:00 this morning, and it's because I was excited to get out here and now once again, full-time be homesteading, gardening, being with my family is the biggest thing, writing, doing the things I enjoy."
"Homesteading is about self-reliance and independence from the system."
"If you want to get away from cities, if you want to start homesteading and taking care of yourself, being more individually responsible, you have my tremendous respect."
"Homesteading has been one of the best decisions we've made for our family."
"The family's shared dream is to buy a small homestead with a big garden and keep chickens."
"Being more of a producer than you are a consumer... really fits the homesteading mindset and self-sufficiency mindset a lot."
"Homestead heroes: Building a thriving community."
"Survive and thrive in the future with proper prior planning. Go back to homesteading, go back to nature. You become healthier, happier."
"Thankfully though our homesteading was passing the test and because of the work we had put in we had meat and vegetables and eggs and it was a very secure feeling."
"Homesteading is really just kind of living off of the land, having a piece of land that provides you with some of life's basic essentials."
"You only need a little bit of space, but honestly, if you're even looking to get started on a bigger scale, you don't even need an acre."
"Accept responsibility if it's your dream to homestead."
"I think if you were a full-time homesteader, you would do those things way more."
"Rick Austin's books are a great way of learning how to set up a survival homestead."
"There is a renewed interest in self-reliance and homesteading."
"Get to a homesteading event and be around people like you who are doing what you're trying to do, which is grow your own food. There's just an energy that you can't describe."
"Root cellar is a must-have on the homestead."
"Meal planning on the homestead is very different than meal planning at the grocery store."
"Here on our Homestead we have an eighth of an acre of growing space and we grow all of our vegetables and berries for an entire year."
"We're currently looking for land."
"When you think about homesteading, you can use just about everything, including waste."
"My dream is to teach people about the traditional mountain ways, survival skills, and homesteading skills back to nature."
"The milk cow is one of the top most important animals on the homestead."
"Homesteading with kids is the best. They're so enthusiastic, they bring life to the project."
"Spring starting up is a big deal when you start homesteading or living more self-sufficient especially if you live in cold climates like we do."
"...homesteading and living towards self-sufficiency I would say is a lifestyle that is one of the most rewarding Lifestyles that you might be able to be a part of."
"Homesteading is a commitment you and your family make into a lifestyle change, a lifestyle where you decide to stop falling into the trap, the scheme of convenience that the world is trying to sell us on each and every day."
"Using these little floor sweepers as um manure catchers is one of the greatest hacks I've ever found for my Homestead."
"You have your shelter and then the last thing is the protection."
"I'm gonna help you build the foundational structures of your homestead."
"In this video, I'm going to show you what that looks like start to finish: building an off-grid homestead from the ground up. And not some fantasy Hollywood version, but what it's really like."
"I think that's one of the great things about the American frontier homestead spirit: you just get your hands dirty and you figure it out."
"Hopefully, it inspires people to do good, to make the change, whether they are into homesteading or whatever is being shown on there."
"We've actually sat here and written out our plan for next year, like our goals and our plan for homesteading."
"That's how much it costs to power your homestead with one of the cheapest solar systems on the market."
"If we wanted more milk we could just simply kick the calf off and get more milk we decided to add these additional milk goats to the homestead just kind of as a way for future trade and barter."
"An essential permaculture project every homestead should have is a way to make compost."
"A freeze dryer is something that, after you've been kind of gardening for a long time, getting into the homestead thing, and you really want to preserve a lot of food for a really long time, freeze dryer is what you want."
"It's almost like a snowball effect. You see that success of trying your first homesteading thing, and that gives you the confidence and the courage to try something else."
"I yearned for a life where I could be building something for myself, especially homesteading."
"You can have a piece of land as a home base and then you can take travels and trips out of it. That's exactly what I'm going to do. No, I'm not going to be on my land all year. I don't think ever."
"...you're Gonna probably going to end up getting a lot more solar having a lot more comfort in a homestead than you will ever will have on the road..."
"If you enjoy this video and you want to learn more about our journey of starting an off-grid homestead from scratch we have a lot of fun projects coming up."
"It's really easy to get overwhelmed in this homesteading self-sufficiency lifestyle, believe me, I know this for a fact."
"It does not matter what size Homestead, you can make profit."
"Pumpkin is a great base crop to grow because it provides your homestead with a whole lot of food on just one single vine."
"Simple sufficient life on a homestead away from civilization can be exciting and fulfilling."
"Our bandwidth to grow food here on the homestead is enough for 12 to 24 months."
"It is phenomenal when you actually price out what it is that you can produce on your own homestead even with a very, very small garden."
"It's kind of rare to tell you the truth because you at least when I was at homesteading events and people would come through the line where are you from and then I would you know then say are you going to be buried there and there people are almost thrown off."
"There's never been a better time to get into farming or homesteading."
"You almost have two lives, wanting to stay and build my own farm and homestead but also getting out and seeing more of what other people are doing on their homesteads."
"Acorns offer another self-sufficient option to the homesteader looking to provide for their animals needs directly from their own land."
"Meat birds are just the perfect animal for a small Homestead."
"If you're planning on bringing ducks onto your homestead, that means that you're going to have to deal with brooding ducklings."
"These homesteads are for people who delight in watching the moon rise over purple hills."
"I think we found the breed that is good for small homesteads."
"I'm definitely ready for step one of turning this into like a little Homestead."
"Your infrastructure will absolutely determine how nice of a time you have homesteading."
"Arkansas is a wonderful place to homestead."
"...there's always things to do well the homestead like just the land."
"One of the things in homesteading that brings me so much joy is the feeling of abundance... nature is just so generous."
"Homesteading to you might be about survival food security or a simpler way of life."
"When I talk to people who are interested in homesteading and ask what it is like I usually tell people that you can expect to be in survival mode for about 3 years."
"If you have been thinking about the idea of starting your own homestead or growing your own food I highly recommend that you just take the leap and go for it."
"If your homestead is also going to be a business, diversifying your revenue streams are a must."
"I feel like the cottage/homesteading and farming lifestyle is something very appealing to my age group."
"The joys that large-scale homesteaders are experiencing, we can too."
"We are a family of eight living in Illinois, living on a homestead, also canning and preserving and stocking up and becoming more resilient every day."
"One of the ideas of homesteading is to be more self-sufficient."
"So what we're trying to do here on the homestead is have a sustainable method for everything and for each system to feed the next system."
"Homesteading is a phenomenal way of doing that because you know you have to pick up the responsibility, you have to persevere through challenges."
"I think as you guys start to Homestead or if you are homesteading now you're going to realize too that there are things you're going to try there's going to be parts of some things that you may really enjoy but this is all a learning experience."
"Please like and subscribe. Come back and see us again at Coal Country Homestead. Welcome, friends. We can't wait to see you again. So thanks so much. Have a great one."
"You're going to work hard to be able to homestead."
"There is no such thing as too many buckets on a homestead."
"Even though it is hard work being a homesteader and being very self-sufficient and providing for yourself, there's something really beautiful about living in the seasons and having the fire going."
"Homestead rescue came in and they basically changed our lives."
"Cows have become our favorite I call it the Cornerstone Animal on our Homestead so really this cow the mini Jersey but also we love our guarantee our breath Moon Yeah breath."
"My husband and I are planning our escape to the country in the next four years, but until then, you'll find me small space gardening, food preserving, and learning all the homestead skills I can and sharing them with you."
"During the day I work full time outside of my home but at night you can catch me digging my hands in the dirt or dough, turning our eighth of an acre town home into micro homestead."
"Always do your research. I don't recommend a homestead for somebody who is on a low budget."
"Homesteading means feeding your family. Farming means making a profit."
"...there's so many great presenters all things around homesteading and being self-sufficient that you can watch from the comfort of your home."
"They have a lot of added benefits to a homestead."
"Living a simple life, cooking real food that is good for your body, and growing it too, homesteading or growing your own food, going back to your roots is for everyone."
"When you're thinking about a homestead, you know, you want to try to keep things relatively simple."
"She raises her own goats and makes her own soap."
"This is just a small snippet of the things that you will learn and get all of the recipes that we used to can well over 400 jars here every single year on our homestead."
"I'm getting into this whole homesteading journey that I have dreamed about all of my life."
"What does it cost to manage a homestead pantry? I'm going to be 100% honest, it's the truth. It is what does it cost to have a pantry of this size."
"There's not much that can truly be standardized with the cost to grow your own food."
"We do not grow our own food, preserve our own food, to save money. That was never a reason that we started homesteading."
"Ultimately, sometimes as a homestead, you're gonna throw things together that maybe didn't plan just make it work ultimately that's what we do here we just make it work."
"That's the beauty of homesteading is it doesn't have to be one way it can be however you however you want literally however you want."
"Every day that goes by on the homestead, we're making more and more progress."
"Raising your own chickens is all the rage nowadays."
"People today call that homesteading, but for you it was just a way of life, just self-sufficient."
"Even if you don't work off the homestead, homesteading is a lot of work."
"We are building an off-grid homestead from scratch here in North Idaho."
"Welcome back to our very snowy off-grid homestead that we are building from scratch here in North Idaho."
"Good morning and welcome to Rose Red Homestead."
"We became homesteaders to be self-sufficient."
"Isn't that why we're doing this homestead thing? To have a healthier life for our families and to be independent of more things, including the grocery store."
"They left Corporate America to homestead and start a family business."
"Well good morning everyone, welcome back to Po Boy's little homestead."
"I gift probably half of the eggs that come from my girls away."
"Two years ago we purchased this abandoned cabin with the goal of transforming it into the homestead of our dreams."
"This is the growth of a house, the growth of a homestead, and the growth of a family trying to make it on their own off the grid."
"Thank you for watching us; this is how it's done at Deep South Homestead."
"Good morning, friend. Welcome back to Acre Homestead."
"Welcome back to Living Traditions Homestead, this is one of my favorite times of year."
"Good morning friends, it's Jessica from Three Rivers Homestead."
"Regaining laying hens and gathering up those first fresh warm eggs makes our new homestead feel even more like home."
"Thank you for joining me on the journey from Lockdown to Homestead."
"We've built a lot of beds here at the Homestead."
"If it's your dream to have a hobby farm, homestead, piece of land, raise your babies, homeschool, be one of those freaks... I want you to know that it's possible."
"You can homestead, we can help, you can do it, this dream is yours."
"Alliums is one of the better antibiotics that you can get and use on your homestead that is a natural antibiotic."
"It's a great way to connect with other like-minded homesteaders and families."
"Building a homestead from scratch, building an off-grid house from scratch, it has been a long year but things are finally starting to come together."
"Self-sufficiency is the number one reason we really wanted to come and move out here and start our own homestead."
"I find having dogs on the homestead keeps predators away."
"God put us people that want to homestead a desire in our hearts to make something beautiful out of very little."
"Hey friends, welcome back to Aker Homestead."
"Last year was our first year heating our house exclusively with wood, and we absolutely love it."
"Part of homesteading is trying to figure out how to save money while getting big projects done."
"All right, I think it's official, let's become suburban homesteaders."
"Homesteading universally was a family way of life; it required the will and the commitment of the complete family."
"Keep sharing because the more people that see our story and hear our story, maybe the more homesteaders we'll have."
"Hey, good morning guys and welcome back to our off-grid cabin build here on our homestead in North Idaho."
"We've naturally developed a homestead, 2 years in the making, and it has been well worth it."
"Welcome to our homestead today we are continuing our series on our solar system."
"Welcome to Rose-Red Homestead, it is toward the middle of September, and I have good news and bad news and good news."
"Living the hidden homestead life is the life for us."
"Hello friends, it's time to take a look back at everything we accomplished and everything we learned this year on our arid Homestead."
"For the last 2 years, I've been on an incredible journey of learning how to build my dream home and homestead from scratch."
"It's an even better feeling to know that you can provide that for yourself in a sustainable way on your own homestead."
"Welcome to Rosebud Homestead, today we're going to do something really fun."
"It's one of the pathways on the way to zero waste on the homestead."
"Homesteading is a mindset, it is striving every day to be as self-sufficient as you possibly can be."
"We strive for a homestead that supports a healthy, diverse, and sustainable ecology."
"Let's get the message out there, you can homestead, you can make a change."
"I'm building a homestead; we're gonna have animals and we're gonna have food."
"Our goal is to have our Homestead and everything that we do on here manageable by just the two of us."
"The life that homesteaders lived was definitely not the easy road."
"When people say they're the gateway drug to homesteading, they are not joking! You will fall in love way faster than you ever thought possible."
"We're always adding on, doing new projects, bringing on new animals."
"We homestead, we farm, we tour farms, and we have a good time."
"Welcome to the Rested Garden Homestead."
"I'm seeing more and more people talk about wanting to Homestead, and I think that pendulum is starting to swing."
"Welcome back to the kitchen, guys. My name is Rachel, and you're at that 1870s Homestead."
"When you buy a homestead, you really got to pay attention to the soil."
"Homestead because you want to, because you love it, because you want to give something to your children."
"Our dream is to create a homestead that will sustain our family and the natural world around us."
"Well friends, this is it. Here is my July 2023 small Homestead Garden Tour where I am sharing the journey with you as I am learning to grow and produce and preserve as much food as possible to feed my growing family of 11."
"We're a young couple who started our own off-grid homestead."
"We're renovating our Homestead off-grid and we're sharing the journey here as well."
"I think I just may have revolutionized homesteading when it comes to raising quail."
"We are proud homesteaders and Preppers building a Life and Legacy of self-sufficiency."
"A homesteader is a person whose heart and whose focus is in the home."
"For me, this is one of those jobs on the homestead that's really exciting."
"We're building an off-grid homestead right now, so we need these things for our marital life."
"Welcome to the Field Day Homestead."
"We take backyard homesteading to the next level."
"Welcome to Rosebud Homestead, it is a beautiful April morning up on the Colorado Plateau."
"Hey everybody, it's Brad with the big family Homestead, and in this video, I'm going to share with you how we got into our Homestead for zero money down."
"We got our home, our Homestead for goose egg baby, zero money down."
"Good morning guys and welcome back to our off-grid homestead that we're building from scratch here in North Idaho."
"If you're seeking more information about gardening outdoors and homesteading in the country, then check out our new channel over at Flock Finger Lakes."
"We're systematically moving that direction slowly, you know, getting the things that we need and building up this property to turn it into a small farm for me and my wife to be all run."
"We want to be able to have a place where we can sustain ourselves."
"This is going to be our first food growing effort on our new homestead."
"You don't need to live on a property like ours to homestead."
"Good morning, welcome to real life on the homestead."
"Homesteading is prepper extreme because you are actually producing your own food."
"We're getting chickens; this will be our first animal on the property."
"Enough from the crazy chicken lady, I'm going to show you all what we have so far on the coop."
"One of the most exciting parts about this coop is it is barely costing us any money."
"We're taking these 32 acres of raw, undeveloped land and converting it into our own off-grid homestead."
"Our goal here at Deep South Homestead is to be able to walk out the door 365 days a year and have something fresh to eat."
"I was able to actually make a full-time living from my homestead."
"It has turned out to be such a blessing here at Deep South Homestead."
"It's the journey that makes it so fun, and enjoying the building process as you build your homestead is key."
"When I do homesteading, I feel like this is what I was created for."
"The spirit of homesteading is to learn to use and make the most of what you have."
"We're such huge advocates of just taking a step back, prioritizing, and not letting the homesteading community make you feel like you're not a legitimate Homesteader just because you're not doing it all."
"Don't box yourself in... There's no black or white way to do anything in homesteading, gardening, farming, or whatever you want to call it; it's all gray."
"It's just something fun to have on the homestead, all these different fig flavors."
"We're Riley and Courtney Casey. After traveling for six months in a truck camper we built ourselves, we fell in love with North Idaho and purchased 20 acres of raw off-grid land."
"We're going to walk you through our current setup of our 60 acre Homestead."
"We're still growing, we've only been on this property for a year and a half so we still have a lot of learning to do."
"Hello everybody and welcome to the Terraform Homestead."
"Hey everybody, welcome back to Living Traditions Homestead."
"Your garden needs to be practical and as a homesteader, our goal is to really feed our family."