
Kidnapping Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"She was one of the most famous actresses in South Korea, and now she had been kidnapped and held captive in a mansion with no way to escape."
"Nigerians should not be concerned about the issues. This is not time for who is here with their son or who is father with this. Look at what happened yesterday, people are being kidnapped."
"I was saved from a kidnapping simply because of a right-place, right-time scenario."
"Could you imagine being like, 'I was kidnapped in a garden and he wanted me to be his little butterfly'?"
"We have heard horrific stories and cases of young children and teenagers being kidnapped and ripped away from their own home by a stranger. In some of these cases, these resilient children and young adults are able to somehow survive and manage to escape down the road."
"A kidnapping can shatter a family, bringing terror and heartache without warning."
"The Stockholm syndrome is based on people sympathizing with their kidnappers."
"You get thousands of hours of new enthralling content on Acorn TV for a fraction of the cost compared to most streaming services at just $5.99 a month. That is a deal!"
"Michael Sams had been planning the perfect crime for over a decade before he kidnapped Julie Dart and Stephanie Slater."
"In kidnapping cases, a quick response can mean the difference between life and death."
"He then kidnaps them and then convinces that he's their real dad."
"We really believed that this was a kidnapping attempt."
"From what we've researched, it seems that not unlike other kidnapped victim parents, these parents simply wanted to bring their baby girl home."
"Charles Urschel returned home safely after nine days of captivity."
"By mission 8, Nero's girlfriend gets kidnapped and at this point his impatient style of play and angry frustrated demeanor starts to sync up more with the challenges he's facing."
"We firmly believe they were kidnapped in the early morning hours of August 2nd."
"Bonnie and Clyde did kidnap quite a few people and some of them were actually law enforcement people."
"Police now believe they had a kidnapping on their hands, and with no communication from the kidnapper, they feared they might also be looking at a homicide."
"You're in a town where two teenagers have been kidnapped... she's like a cat."
"I don't think these girls ever had a chance of going back home... These girls were never going home to begin with." - Insights on the grim reality.
"I'm scared, I'm [__], you know? But I also know that kidnapping is a business over there. They pick you up, you pay, they let you go."
"Kidnapping at common law literally meant that you simply moved or held somebody against their will with the use or threat of force."
"She informs hajime and shirasaki about aiko's kidnapping by the nun."
"Dread coursed through my veins. It was real. My parents had been kidnapped."
"I still can't believe that I was almost kidnapped."
"Not a traditional example, but remember: he only kidnapped Bob because he wanted to keep eating his delicious burgers."
"In 1974, a man attempted to kidnap Princess Anne. He shot three people before telling her to get out of the car. She replied, 'Not bloody likely.'"
"I'm desperate, you see, it's my son, he's been kidnapped."
"Turned out that many years ago, Duncan had kidnapped her."
"I started screaming at them. I screamed and I hollered, and I said, 'Please stop, please stop!' They walked over to where I was at and looked in the hole. And I said, 'I've been kidnapped.'"
"Despite a genuine belief by many Californians at the time that the lynching curbed kidnapping, the opposite proved true."
"...they still held the belief that Amy was alive and being held against her will."
"I want to play a game. I'm over sh*t, bro. I'm going to be kidnapping 41 today for 24 hours, y'all."
"I ain't kidding Valentine I'd like to kidnap you."
"He heard a car out on his Cove he walked down to the mailbox and there was a letter placed in his mailbox which was a kidnapping Ransom letter."
"I'd be like, 'No, we're staying longer. We're staying like forever. I'll kidnap you and Rania and we'll stay here forever and live happily ever after with the wilderness.'"
"He's just trying to survive and he's kidnapped or something like that."
"She regularly took babies from patients at mental hospitals, stole children from the street, and even paid doctors and nurses to give her newborns and tell the parents they had died."
"Unfortunately, shortly after Poof's birth, he was kidnapped by the Pixies and anti-fairies due to his incredible powers."
"It's just walking into a room and taking somebody. It's a real bloody work of art."
"I'm so afraid of getting kidnapped and taken to a different country."
"I didn't kidnap you. It's not like we're two consenting adults going for a midnight drive."
"Kidnapping is a serious and terrifying crime that leaves the victims traumatized for months and in some cases years after the fact if they're lucky enough to survive their ordeal and return home safely."
"The whole experience of somebody bursting into your home and tying you up is terrifying. To have your daughter taken and not know where she is is indescribable."
"Fortunately, they all managed to survive and the kidnapper was arrested a few days later."
"The train kidnaps people, forces them to work on their problems, and deems what is and isn't good for the person without their input."
"I was kidnapped and he just played Slipknot the entire time. It's like, I just can't listen to it."
"So what happened? The gang put the bag on my head. They drove me to the forest, and it was night. It was really cold. They beat me."
"This would be a perfect time to snatch the kid up right like I know this is like the movie where Voldemort comes back but um I guess it just missed him there."
"Tento was kidnapped by the mujina bandits."
"I got paid I got a stack to kidnap your mother four grand mama rat."
"Kidnapping does not depend on a location, and you also were the victim."
"Kidnapping is a major offense. But my whole reason before he went down the whole thing on that, so kidnapping is punishable with 35 to 48 years, he got nine."
"Thankfully, the kidnappers weren't evil and little Luna was unharmed."
"In March of 2016, the woman who raised Zephany was arrested for kidnapping. During the trial, it was revealed that the kidnapper had suffered miscarriages and was desperate to have a child of her own."
"The stagecoach was held up. Your grandson was taken away."
"Powell agreed to help kidnap Abraham Lincoln."
"Deke sure is a nice guy because I don't know if I could say that stuff about the guys that kidnapped me."
"Dove never imagined she'd get kidnapped while visiting her aunt in Mexico."
"This story takes place in Chowchilla, California in 1976... the largest mass kidnapping in U.S history."
"Eight days after the kidnapping... 22-year-old Richard Schoenfeld turned himself in and less than a week later... Richard's brother James Schoenfeld and their friend Frederick Newhall Woods IV... who were both 24... were captured."
"My kidnapper's returning me after listening to me talk about shrimp for two hours."
"If you provide them the means to stop the kidnap gangs that are grabbing dozens or hundreds of girls regularly to put that fire out."
"Factual facts: don't ever kidnap somebody, that's bad."
"If I get kidnapped, I think they'll bring me back pretty fast."
"We're taking your little sister. If you want to save her, don't tell anyone about this and wait for the next instructions."
"James McBratney was a man that had a crew, and they were kidnapping mobsters and holding them for ransom money."
"Julie Weflin disappeared and was likely kidnapped while working at a remote electrical substation in Spokane, Washington."
"I'm worried," Joe said. "Frank, if Slagle and his gang have captured the professor, every move we make may endanger the lives of three people."
"It's all a trap! They kidnap Inej. That's how the book ends!"
"...the first step for the people in the room is to figure out why someone would kidnap these seven specific people..."
"I've been kidnapped. I'm going to be killed," I thought to myself.
"This is a trap; they're trying to kidnap kids."
"You should have fought twice before you kidnapped Kobe."
"We have your daughter," demanded $118,000 for JonBenét's safe return, and vowed to call with more details by 10 a.m. "tomorrow."
"The first Ransom note demanded fifty thousand dollars for the return of the baby and included some unusual misspellings."
"Imagine that one day your parents were kidnapped, so you end up becoming a God just to get them back."