
App Development Quotes

There are 622 quotes

"Your creativity and groundbreaking apps continue to deliver new and meaningful ways to enrich people's lives."
"If you were a lowly web designer, all of a sudden you can now become a desktop app developer."
"It's just about teaching you how you can have your own portfolio, where you can actually find your first clients, and how you can actually go about making your very own apps."
"It's also though re-energized some of the developers for wear os going forward to release new apps for those newer watches."
"React Native is the best tool to have in your toolbox if you have an idea you want to turn into a real app using your JavaScript skills."
"And now the ultimate question here is how exactly do I get to a different page inside of my application?"
"Building an app is not a foreign concept, it's very straightforward on what we want to do and we just need to code it in a certain way."
"Sony's mobile app is expanding, adding more features like game saves to your wishlist, friend notifications, and more. It's great to see the continuous improvement!"
"Salesforce has this big App Store that all these thirdparty companies build upon... driving more Network effects for customers to use them over competitors."
"We've been working to distill our scanning experience and technology into an easy-to-use phone app, bringing the gold standard photogrammetry straight into your pocket."
"Flutter allowed me to create Patch Me without having to sacrifice on either the app and its functionality, or my family and my time with my family."
"Learn how to build your app's user interface - the screen that the user sees."
"Welcome to CodeWithChris, the place to be if you want to learn how to make an app."
"Pre-selecting a cell upon app launch keeps initialization clean."
"Find real-world problems, create app solutions. Simplify, monetize, repeat."
"With Xamarin.Forms, you code the application once and then build it for different platforms, making our applications completely native."
"Apple didn't attempt to build every app for the iPhone."
"I wanted to create an app where people could rent out their driveways."
"Developers that switch see pretty substantial decreases in app size."
"Apps operate slightly differently and being that iOS is only run on a handful of devices it's often easier to design it for those devices so a lot of times iOS apps are a little bit more robust in my opinion and they have some better features."
"This is great for building my app and rearranging my app. But it's also great in testing."
"App Tracking Transparency: a big feature that requires app developers to ask for permission before tracking you."
"If you have an idea that's not your fundamental idea but it's a little piece of it, great, make an app for that."
"It's going to blow your mind how simple this app is going to be, and you're going to have this app up and running in maybe 20 to 30 minutes or less, I promise you that."
"AppSheet is an amazing application where we can create our own app."
"Flutter allows you to build very performant iOS and Android apps native apps using only one code base."
"Flutter is generally faster because it doesn't have that extra JavaScript bridge to the OEM user interface."
"Flutter widgets are made to look exactly like the stock OEM widgets pixel for pixel."
"That's a fully working notes app with Flutter and Django backend."
"We are going to build out an awesome mobile application here."
"App development: Build once, earn perpetually."
"And, of course, we give you those integrative app experiences."
"But what if the library was the place that you could add all these little mini apps?"
"That wraps up our app, guys. I hope you enjoyed this."
"I'm building an entire web platform with private content, private chat groups, and everything and I am going to be developing an app for this website as well."
"I have this full mapped out app that can be built like right now... with zero coding knowledge."
"Reactive X has revolutionized the way modern developers think about building apps."
"Manage app background behavior for uninterrupted notifications."
"Expo is the best way to do react native by far."
"There are a lot of great apps absolutely coming up all the time."
"An app can't get a user's contact list, say it's being used for one thing, and then use it again for something else, unless the developer gets consent again."
"We took a step back and said, OK, what are some of the major problems that we should take another run at to try to simplify this for app developers?"
"If you were able to get an app deployed today with Node and Firebase Hosting, send us a tweet, because that kind of stuff just makes us happy."
"I'm thinking of calling this application 'Edit Dojo'... editing each other's posts..."
"Siri actually released as a standalone app on Apple's App Store."
"Provider is a really solid, good choice to make, which will hold you in good step as your app grows in complexity."
"I will be building your apps... thank you for sending that in because I got blown away by the amount of emails that I got sent to me and the amount of ideas that I got."
"We've worked so hard on this app because we're passionate about it. We want you to love it as much as we do."
"That app store coming out a year after the phone was announced, so that was the real game changer there."
"If you've built a Flutter app so far, you've probably been thinking primarily about iOS and Android, but with Flutter 2, your app can target four additional platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, and the web."
"Universal app store... eventually be able to have one-click install for installing your wallet."
"Your social adventure awaits with your own custom applications!"
"Toxic empathy can evolve into codependence. You need to meet other people's needs to feel personally fulfilled."
"My goal for creating my apps is to make people's life easier and use technology to solve their day-to-day problems."
"Anything but what we have now for the reminders app is gonna be a gigantic upgrade."
"Epic wants to create the Epic App Store to compete directly with Apple's App Store on iPhone and the Google Play Store on Android."
"Innovate on your shapewear and make an interesting, intriguing look."
"I became a millionaire by running a number of personal apps."
"Now let's add the models that we will work with in this app."
"JavaScript for the win: you can build web apps, progressive web apps, and more."
"Flutter allows you to make an app for iOS and Android... which is insane."
"Competition fosters innovation, so multiple apps with the same exact use case competing with each other on the same blockchain is important."
"The idea of bringing onto an app all your financial needs, that's the long-term goal of it."
"Suunto is going to need to provide more customization on the watch itself, as well as a more robust smartphone app experience to compete with Garmin."
"Prototyping is awesome because before building the actual app you can design it."
"Your app should adapt to different screen sizes with minimal extra effort."
"I think this is a sick app a challenge I'm very happy with the way it turned out."
"In real-world scenarios, building an app can take quite a long time, even in a quick restart, and we hope that this technology saves you a lot of restarts and therefore makes you more productive."
"Apple is essentially becoming a monopoly if you want to build anything digital and go the app route."
"That's awesome, I would love for other people to be inspired by the apps that I've done."
"Beautify is just a framework that's used for building really nice material design apps."
"The app we'll be building lists the missions that have gone on since 2006."
"It's much more realistic, you're gonna see real apps in the app store."
"Firebase Firestore allows you to have such a powerful app with such little setup, guys."
"Even if 10 billion people go into your app, you've got Google servers that will scale and handle that capacity, guys."
"Guys, if you've got beautiful apps like this inside of your portfolio, I'm telling you, it's gonna be a guaranteed nail when it comes to getting a job."
"Hopefully, this has helped you in creating your own web scraping app."
"Their app will attract mainstream social media users regardless of their level of cryptocurrency knowledge, so that creates demand and it enhances their ecosystem."
"Make an app that a million people use. Apps can still make you a ton of money if you can offer a valuable service and bring in additional revenue within the app."
"Finally we can create this app where we can show BLM and national forest."
"It definitely helped to shape my vision of what this app was because I was like, 'wow I've never seen a dude like this dancing like this.'"
"Generative AI app builder lets you create gen AI apps without having to write any code."
"It's probably actually only a matter of time before someone makes an app that allows you to literally escape to a first class cabin."
"If you make a really, really good blog app, for example, you can reuse that over and over again."
"From a security and sharing standpoint, the app maker has two responsibilities."
"Building apps is not some mystical Dark Art."
"Customers always want apps that have the native look and feel."
"Your app is made up of components and controls, different pieces that you're going to put on the screen, and each one of those controls has a series of properties."
"Save your app. You do have to save it. Once you've saved it once, you're in a happy place where you're in version control and auto save, but please remember to save it as soon as you've done anything."
"That's the 101 on PowerApps canvas apps. Remember, it's just all about adding controls, components, screens. Each of those controls has a list of properties. You will learn those over a period of time."
"It became really obvious that many of the developers had taken inspiration from each other or copied the larger and more popular apps rather than trying to take feedback from the users or cater to what the audience actually needed."
"With Flutter 2, your app can target four additional platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, and the web."
"Dart combines a unique set of capabilities for building apps."
"Draftbit promises that you can create any mobile app 10 times faster."
"It's like a superpower when it comes to writing apps."
"Let's go ahead and get started and create an app in a teams environment."
"Once your developer studio is loaded with your first app, you're going to notice that you're going to get a screen right out of the box."
"Buzzy... going to build out the entire app for you with several different screens."
"The table control requires a data source."
"I would like to give the user the ability to create new travel requests or edit existing travel requests."
"So, if you're starting out and you're building apps, you're like, 'Hey, we're just in Office 365, we want to dip our toe in here,' then build on SharePoint."
"Always take it up as a challenge to try it out because more often than not there are ways you can make it work in an app."
"I feel like everybody on this call has just really raised the bar on their understanding of how to build in apps with dataverse."
"If you create the right scaffolding around your app, you can shift your app from one platform to another."
"Firebase A/B Testing consists of creating experiments within your app and letting A/B Testing tell you which option is best for your goal."
"The purpose of the app was to reach as many people as possible and change their lives."
"...along with the app spacious so you can't really make a science fiction game without thinking about spaceships at some stage..."
"I'm really looking at building apps and building web experiences, not just apps, but just internet experiences, mobile experiences that can grow very quickly. But now, focusing more on the users being worth more."
"The app itself was free. I created the ads just as I was told to and tested them myself."
"Create an app that feels intuitive and effortless to navigate."
"Build your app once and make it work seamlessly across different screen sizes."
"Releasing an app to the Play Store is as simple as uploading an apk to your Google account and hitting publish, so there's your answer."
"The developer of the Apollo app posted a really really good rundown of why this is a problem, why what Reddit is doing is so unfair, and the ways that Reddit has misrepresented or even outright lied about what's going on."
"We just launched the 90-day challenge app."
"Model-driven app design provides benefits such as rich component focus, no code design environments, and the ability to create complex responsive apps."
"At least we saw like how we can quickly build those UI and then again now how we can create those collect or clear collect kind of function to build out our data source in the memory."
"So to model business data, you determine what data the app will need and how that data will relate to other data."
"You want to solve one problem when you build an app. Just one problem."
"For this kind of navigation, you would want to use a stack navigator."
"All you have to worry about is getting your app tested and deployed quicker."
"Your app should also follow the principle of least user access to ensure that your app only requests permissions it actually needs."
"We want to make sure that users are able to see them and they are able to interact with them, otherwise our app is kind of useless right?"
"This video is going to be your complete guide to know how you can start developing apps for Microsoft Teams. Let's jump in."
"I hope you are as excited as I am to be building this app while exploring a lot of Firebase's products which in my clearly unbiased opinion has been super helpful in creating apps in general because it significantly speeds up the app development process."
"For some apps, asking the user to create an account before they can start using the app is appropriate, for others it might be better to allow users to try the app before asking them to create an account."
"What is .NET MAUI? It is an open source app platform from Microsoft for building modern, performant, and multi-platform iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows apps with C# and .NET from a single shared codebase."
"If we're designing an app, we can have it kind of go live and onboard a bunch of customers and start leveraging the advantages from the very beginning."
"Do you have a link for your app? Yes, I do I can send it to you and it's only available on iPhone at the moment because I have an iPhone and selfishly wanted it for myself."
"Great wizard-driven stuff, drag-and-drop type tools that allow you to build the apps and workflows."
"I think that's everything I wanted to show you guys in this app."
"You can test in-app purchases right inside Xcode and the simulator."
"Xcode's canvas is a great way to preview your Swift UI layouts easily."
"Congratulations, you have a complete working blog app."
"What are the advantages to you with the FieldMaps app? Well, first and foremost, it's one app to deploy and one app to teach your field workers."
"This is a nice way to introduce powerful authorizations in your app."
"We're gonna learn how to create apps and dashboards. If you've got a Jupiter notebook, you should walk out of here today with, okay, I can turn it into an app, I can turn it into a dashboard a few lines of code and I can share it."
"if you're building an app don't you want as many people as possible to see it and use it yeah you do"
"...they build this app called... it's a warehouse check app."
"So that's how easily you can add a two-level navigation menu to your apps."
"It's way over the top. It's way past the point of what you need to make a high-quality app, but it's beautiful and I'm glad it exists."
"What's nice about app state is that it's reactive."
"Let's have a quick walk around of the app and let's see if there's some tweaks or bug fixes or things like that that we need to look at to make this app even better."
"And now when the app loads we get a list of documents we get a list of restaurants regardless and here when they search for something we're gonna split their search results but we're gonna display it conditionally."
"We pride ourselves on building the most elegant, high-performing apps in aviation."
"This might be something you want to put in your app later down the road as well."
"...now when i come over here, i come into an app run on start i've actually built that collection and here's my collection."
"Efficient memory utilization is a cornerstone of app development."
"Effective memory management is essential for delivering a seamless user experience."
"Memory optimization ensures app accessibility for all users."
"It can save you a lot of time when prototyping your app."
"You can build as many apps as you want. There are no limits. Build as many flows, as many bots as you want. And you can deploy them to your teams with a single button click."
"The power of this is so that you can see that your app is doing what you think is doing it is not you should go and fix it."
"The drawer store allows us to interact with the drawer utility from anywhere in our app."
"AppSheet apps are data driven, meaning that the content users will see and interact with is connected to a spreadsheet or database."
"AppSheet is taking our data and it's reading through it and it's actually going to create an app for us."
"For those who don't know, Curable develops an app that delivers therapy for chronic pain."
"I think that react is putting a new idea about how to build apps into people's brains."
"It honestly just comes down to the app developers."
"Really cool here I get the sequence of exactly what happened all of this happening in parallel right here in app insights."
"Serverless takes care of all the pieces that aren't really the fun parts of building an app."
"Focus on app logic, not infrastructure."
"So if I were to do it again and sort of start from scratch, I think I would just probably try my hardest to focus on one app and put all of my effort into making that app or game as good as possible and continually growing that over time."
"Chilling is evolving into a must-have app for all horror lovers."
"In the months to come in 2023, Twitter will be fully turning into the x super app."
"I'm a big fan of making stupid apps that will just do a job for myself."
"After we finish testing and fixing our app on real iOS and Android devices, we're going to build this sucker for production and deploy it to Netlify."
"I think your app would be killer if you advertise it right."
"If Meta is the gateway for me to make an app once and have it be on every headset, that's a really promising thing."
"Awesome, now you can use this anywhere in our app."
"You have the ability to create your own apps where you need functionality that doesn't already exist."
"By using the power platform and the common data service, you can use pre-built apps from Dynamics 365 or build your own custom apps to give you one single integrated and seamless solution."
"It's just gonna make you a better app builder."
"She is currently developing an app to help victims of abuse get the help that they need."
"You can use everyday words to describe your app's main function, and then Co-pilot uses generative AI to build your app and database."
"Let's get the ball rolling and start building our app by first writing the markup."
"Having this Core Data knowledge is already going to open up a lot of app possibilities and ideas that we can build together on this channel."
"We're going to use all that to build a task manager app that allows you to drag an item from to do to in progress to done."
"This data model is where you essentially define the data that's going to be shown and used within your app."
"The idea of App Builder is basically you take a GUI Builder for your users to be able to build apps."
"My name is Will, I'm on the growth team here at FlutterFlow. I'm really excited to be having this live stream and showcasing just yet another resource for both SuperBase and FlutterFlow users to build extremely powerful mobile and web applications."
"Now that we've covered the key concepts, it's time to build your first app."
"Thank you, now in this video, I'm going to show you how to launch your app on the Play Store."
"Once you deploy, so there's various stages of deployment, there is internal, there is alpha, there is beta, and there is production."
"Let's build this app together and make it great together."
"Learning requires patience if you want to learn how to build your own mobile app with photo flow."
"All those amazing applications you see be it Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter they are all combination of different widgets."
"My goal is to make sure that at the end of this course, you are able to create your own mobile applications."
"Mastering Flutter Flow helps you to go from zero to hero, where you learn Flutter Flow, which is the easiest and one of the most powerful no-code tools out there to build apps without code."
"Siace is becoming an absolute monster of a useful app."
"The goal of this talk today is to give you a quick intro to App Platform and to show you how to build and deploy your first web app on it and also scale along with it as it grows."
"The whole concept is to build this kind of app around bitcoin."
"Step one, you write an app. Step two, something happens. And then step three, you profit."
"The hardest problem in tech is: you write an app, something happens, and then you profit."
"What if you could build an app simply by describing in your own words what the business process problem or opportunity is that you're looking to address?"
"We're in the middle of building an app... it's going to triple our traffic."
"It's pretty common and actually really good idea to make your app publicly accessible so you can use it as a portfolio piece."
"If you can build an app which has the whole world hooked, then I'm sure you can find a way to filter hate."
"So now that we've looked at a demo of this template, we want to show you guys how you can set up your own app."
"You can extend it to do anything that you want for your app, and you can customize anything."
"We are also announcing a new generative AI feature for App Sheet in private preview, adding yet another way to help you build and customize your applications using natural language."