
Global Citizenship Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"As Global Citizens, we bear a responsibility that transcends escapism, engaging with serious issues doesn't have to be debilitating; it can be empowering, fostering a sense of unity and purpose."
"I see freedom as being a part of this home, this planetary home, and moving around freely, and having access to what you need as you go along."
"No matter where you see yourself in the world, always remember: 'I am the servant of Allah, wherever part of the earth He puts me on, Alhamdulillah, an international citizen.'"
"Global citizenship is the umbrella term for social, political, environmental, and economic actions of globally minded individuals and communities on a worldwide scale."
"Universities have a responsibility to promote global citizenship by teaching their students that they are members of a large global community."
"The world is your home. What time will you be home for dinner?"
"I feel that I belong to myself now and I feel also that I belong to the world."
"Let's figure out how to be bold, fight courageously, and get back to being Americans and citizens of the world."
"Being a global citizen means that there must be some form of global government."
"To truly be a global citizen... strip away national, racial, religious boundaries... find commonality and move forward."
"I was hoping for 'Tear Down the Walls between nations,' just all countries will join as one under Sonic."
"There's people from every country in every country, so if you're launching missiles on that country, you're launching it on your own people."
"Apologize? Nah, I'm just being a good Global citizen... while yelling."
"Education for global citizenship is an essential strategy to address global challenges."
"There's nothing scary out there. We have the potential and we have the capacity to be global citizens basically now." - Nguyen Phi Vân
"If you want to be a responsible citizen of humanity, you have to protect your country and the world."
"Do not limit yourself to your town or country because, let's be honest, it will all eventually come down to this; everybody will need to become the citizen of the world."
"Wherever in Europe, in Asia, in Africa too, everybody wants to be counted as a person."
"Do as Jesus did: never reply to the question of where he was from with 'I am Athenian' or 'I am from Corinth', but always 'I am a citizen of the world'."
"We are citizens of the world and we shouldn't limit ourselves in any way possible."
"Dr King said we got to be citizens of the world house we have we have a relationship with each other."
"It's really important for us to start thinking of ourselves as global citizens."
"The citizens of world states and the adherents of world religions have experienced the feeling of being members of a society embracing the whole human race..."
"You can't really be a 'citizen of the world' without some element of living abroad."
"Maslins have always been citizens of the world."
"We want to be good global citizens."
"Everyone can participate in making our world a better place."
"I want her to have a proper childhood like I had, you know, and just to travel and learn and to be a citizen of the world."
"I think we're all kind of one world and one species and that's what I'd like to see."
"It's about making an impact as global citizens and maximizing our opportunities, it's about understanding that it all starts with us."
"This is not our war, but you're part of this world."
"You are a global citizen. Do you think we have a shot at some point at a global carbon price?"
"Everybody on the planet is responsible for good earth stewardship because everybody requires good earth stewardship."
"The ability to see yourself as a citizen of the whole world."
"Travel makes you a citizen of the world."
"We're all just humans. You belong to the whole planet. The whole planet should be yours, as long as you're respectful."
"The earth is but one country and mankind is its citizens."
"Chance Riser wants the entire world to pay for it."
"For you are the first generation who can truly call yourselves global citizens."
"Access should not be tied to nationality."
"He wants to make Ireland European, not just to get free of the British but to become World citizens."
"I allowed me to feel like a citizen of the world."
"What it means to be a student and a global citizen."
"TCU emphasizes its students being ethical leaders and responsible citizens in the global community."
"I belong to Earth. That means that I will let go of every country the second [ __ ] goes down."
"Independence is my happiness, my country is the world, and my religion is to do good."
"Tom Paine uses the word Patriot to describe the rebels resisting imperial rule and he also enlarged the idea of patriotism when he said my country is the world my countrymen are mankind."
"If you believe you are a citizen of the world, you are a citizen of nowhere."
"I feel more and more like a citizen of this potentially wonderful world of ours."
"We're all just one unit here in this world."
"Go out there, raise the next global citizen for the benefit of everything."
"You're a citizen in the world, and you can't isolate yourself from this problem."
"The world is my country, science my religion."
"We've worked to implement the commitment of SUA's founder Daisaku Ikeda to global citizenship, respect for human diversity, equality, and human rights."
"I am a citizen not of Athens or Greece, but of the world."
"The idea of a law of world citizenship is no high-flown or exaggerated notion."
"Open borders, we live on earth, if you can contribute, double decent."
"I'm a believer of global citizenship."
"Your citizenship of planet Earth supersedes your citizenship of your country."
"Let's take some time and try to understand things from the Chinese perspective and try to be better global citizens."
"We as citizens of the world can do it; we have the way to do it now."
"We must become a united people of the United States, and we must become a united people of the world."
"I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world."
"I want my child to grow up as an informed world citizen, of course knowing how to read and write, knowing how to enjoy all the people of the world and the cultures of the world, and being able to actively participate in our government."
"We are equals, we are people, we're citizens of the world and we sit here as equals."
"Share your culture and become a global citizen."
"We have to start with human dignity and offer that to every single person on this planet."
"Be Global Citizens and think wider about what really matters in life."
"If my theory of relativity is proven successful, Germany will claim me as a German, the Swiss will call me Swiss, and France will declare that I am a citizen of the world."
"As a global citizen, it's not a future tense reality; I have obligations to people I'll never meet and we're both alive at the same time."
"It's nice to be fluent in many languages, being a citizen of the world."
"I am a citizen of the world and everyone in the world is related to me."
"We're all in this together, right, on a spaceship, spaceship Earth."
"To be a good citizen of the world, one has to try to understand the world's problems and look for the solutions that are best for the world as a whole."
"We must feel ourselves members of the whole earth."
"Don't forget that this planet is our home, and its inhabitants are our neighbors."
"A vagabond Buddha is a citizen of the world in the material sense and a boundless undefined awareness in the spiritual sense."
"We are after all simply one world and one people, so live accordingly."
"Quinnipiac truly embraces the idea of learning by doing and offers so many transformative experiences that help you grow as a student, professional, and as a global citizen on and off campus."
"It doesn't matter where I go, I just see very kind, loving people, welcoming people, people that are proud of where they come from."
"The more we think as global citizens, the more likely is the chance of having peace across many nations."
"As global citizens, we have a responsibility to one another in our interconnected world."
"We can love our country and be a citizen of the world."
"We have to earn citizenship in a better world and in order to do that we've got to help to build a better world over here."
"The world is really ours, where we want and where we're loved and appreciated."
"It's this whole idea of global citizenship that together we can come behind a little bit that we do have to make an impact and solve some of the issues like extreme poverty, which should not exist in our generation."
"The world is my home, and all people are my family."
"Don't ever forget that you're a citizen of this world."
"We're all just humans, we're all just residents of the world."
"My kids are ambassadors of the world."
"But at least for an instant in history, I believe that people looked upon themselves as citizens of the Earth."
"We're the citizens of the world now, it doesn't really matter where you live."
"We're all the same on this planet."
"Our first identity is as citizens of this earth."
"The world is my family; we've been taught this since we were little."
"People should have the right to travel where they want. I don't think you should be able to erect boundaries to keep people from visiting our lovely planet."
"...the whole world is our homeland; all humanity our brothers and sisters."
"At our very best we are all indeed world citizens."
"We are one human race; we share this one Earth that we are decimating out of selfishness."
"Learning about the world that you live in makes it feel a lot more like home."
"If you want to think about yourself, if we want to think about ourselves as citizens of the world."
"If you have superpowers, if you have a standing in the world, it is your responsibility. You're a citizen of the world."
"I believe world belongs to 7 billion humanity; each country belongs to the people."
"It required that the common feelings of humanity to become in that moment a citizen of the world."
"Be a citizen of the world, care for other countries, care for other nations, care for the person, not just about your country but about other countries and other nations, caring for the good of others."
"You are a citizen of the world; expand your vision."
"I'm a citizen of the world, thank you very much."
"The whole planet is our homeland."
"You should live now for the citizens of the world. Help me to assist justice."
"You're a global citizen; that drew you to this room, which means that we're all interested in the world."
"We want to make everything feel like home, we want to make the entire world our home and every other person our family."
"For we are after all simply one world and one people."
"You just meet a lot of great folks who really do it's all through the Earth just good, good people."
"We have responsibilities as Africans and also as citizens of the world to think about a more efficient system than what we'll have today."
"Choose to be a kind and compassionate citizen of the world, regardless of the challenges surrounding you."
"I used to stand for America, but now I stand for the world."
"Doing the right thing is very important because as a global citizen we always have the judgment of thinking whether something is right or wrong."
"It is a privilege to address you, citizens of the world, from the beating blue heart of our planet."
"To be a human being means to be able to give, to be a citizen of the world."
"You are a citizen of the world; expand your vision and imagine the world within your heart."