
Venture Capital Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"I want every little girl to think that she has the option to work in venture, not necessarily go into it, but have the option to."
"Now, if you wanted to raise money, venture capital firms are sitting on boatloads of cash and they're competing against each other to get the best investments."
"Our mission as a fund is to try to produce a few of these companies that can change whole industries for the better."
"The way to stay in VC is ABC: Always Be Closing. So every single VC Fund has multiple funds in order to stay with the fund, you have to be successfully closing deals, making money for the fund. Otherwise, you'll be booted from the next one."
"Seed stage and venture capital investors expect you to 10x the valuation of the business within five to seven years."
"It's not the era the VC bro you can't go out in every game is that what that that leads called or whatever I couldn't pronounce it."
"FTX raised a whopping 1.8 billion dollars from notable investors."
"Venture capital is in a golden age right now... disrupt the stock market."
"If venture capitalists, if future investors begin to see every potential MMORPG as a scam then we will be robbed of any potential future game we could have had before it even gets off the ground."
"Nebula has over 650,000 paying users, a $50 million valuation, one-hundred staff members, and it did all of that with absolutely zero dollars of venture capital funding."
"We have backing from C Fund, Alameda Research, Double Peak."
"The goal of this is to basically decentralize what is now giant privately owned platforms that were financed by venture capitalists."
"They say that you can't reinvent the wheel, but if you're backed by enough Venture Capital cash, you sure can try."
"VCS are definitely going to want to know why you're different than everyone else."
"VCS poured in 41 billion into crypto in the past 18 months."
"It's not hard to raise the capital, but those use cases, it's those kinds of use cases that are really the edge of AI, that like tip of the spear has to be light and fast."
"What's next is this venture fund that I've created with my partners."
"Universal basic income is like venture capital for the people."
"Venture capital is a 250 billion dollar industry that takes your money whether you know it or not and puts it into promising startups like FTX, Theranos, and WeWork."
"The reality is, most of the companies, most of the startups that you can think of, could not exist if it wasn’t for venture capital."
"Experienced investors are very much prepared to lose their money, because they are not looking for 1x or 2x returns on investment, they are looking for that 6000x, unicorn, that life-changing win."
"When I was running after the VC money, when I was running after the media, when I was running after figuring out how to get a quiet by Groupon, my days were a furnace of distress and anxiety."
"I'm not necessarily saying that Angel Investing in Vision capital is bad."
"Venture capitalists: the original freedom riders, trigger innovation, propel us forward."
"Investing in startup companies... Higher risk comes with higher potential return."
"Polygon is surviving on venture capital money."
"Do I get it? Is it a big market? Is it fundable? Remember, VCs are the judges."
"That VC money is drying up left and right and the problem with VC money drying up left and right is that so many of these Silicon Valley companies and companies in general are funded through VC."
"Is he one of the most shrewd investors and businessmen ever with a vision of the future many people just aren't yet appreciating, or is he a lucky gambler destroying venture capital and manipulating markets?"
"They've got really heavy VC influence and uh moonbeam you know just looking at how you know harvest moon as a kind of initiative has gone I think that that just goes to show you what moonbeam has as a future."
"Helium raises 111 million in token sale led by Andreessen Horowitz."
"A few minutes after cold emailing Mark Cuban, we had a half a million dollar commitment."
"Silicon Valley investors treated her like a rockstar."
"Decentralized venture capital empowering the community."
"VCs are in the VC business to make 50 times their money."
"I do have a fund... If you have a cool idea that solves a real problem and you're like an insane founder that's super Mission driven, send me your deck."
"Bill Gates is investing in chickenless eggs."
"This is by the way the Venture funnel you can actually check it out go to crawlerventures.com this is a place where we are investing in early stages of crypto projects and this is absolutely explosive for the next bull market."
"Venture capitalists are looking for moonshots, companies that have the potential to explode so big that their investment of a few thousand dollars can make them into billionaires."
"You can in the smaller venture funds probably put in fifty thousand dollars."
"Andreessen Horowitz raises four and a half billion dollar crypto fund to take advantage of bargains in down market."
"The biggest secret in venture capital is that the best investment in a successful fund equals or outperforms the entire fund." - Peter Thiel
"We are the closest you'll find to a venture capital firm in the public equity markets."
"Riot looked at IMT's books and saw that this is an organization that has been completely VC funded."
"Pakistan is on the right track to be over a billion dollars in venture investments."
"Venture capital allows you to grow fast, gain market share, and not necessarily have to worry as much."
"Synthetics raised another was it 12 million dollars yesterday from like Coinbase and some of the best funds in the world are buying Coinbase at these current price levels."
"No one should be surprised that athletes are getting into venture capital deals."
"Venture capitalists invest, not to change the world, but for low prices and rising future values."
"There are more VCs serious about investing in black companies than there were 18 months ago."
"Tyson Foods through its Venture Capital arm... funded clean meat cultured meat research."
"My mission is really to spread venture capital and entrepreneurship around the world because I've seen what amazing things it did for the Silicon Valley."
"Blockchain companies this year are being inundated by a record amount of venture funding."
"Sixth Man Ventures raises $145 million for crypto fund."
"If you could leverage tokenization to make investment into Venture Capital more accessible and as well to provide some degree of liquidity, I think that would be definitely something very beneficial to individual investors."
"I think VC is our best shot at digging out of all these problems and that it does attract some of the best people."
"Just working with the greatest VC funds and founders out there, I think is going to be an exciting journey."
"We sit in these seats as venture capitalists, and I think if a founder came to us and said they were going to try and start a game and ship it on console, we would be like, 'What? Why?'"
"Most really wealthy clients that I have either got it from their parents or they got it from what's called Venture Capital."
"The best VC deal flow comes from having a wide global crypto network."
"Raising venture capital only makes sense when you have a huge addressable market and are absolutely sure that more money can actually accelerate your growth."
"The entire art of venture capital is the big breakthrough ideas."
"VC in the early stage is not at all cash flow-based investing. It's actually options investing."
"If you're an entrepreneur with a startup company idea and you need venture capital, you go to Sand Hill Road. Your 20th one tells you yes, you got nineteen noes and one yes and you're still good to go."
"They speak for Silicon Valley and Venture Capital whether they admit to it or not."
"'I'm not at liberty to discuss specifics without your grandmother's presence, but I'm not the typical venture capitalist. I'm more interested in expansion but in the right way,' Nick explained."
"If you take the same method of Angel Investing Venture Capital about 10 to 20% of big Winners we think about that same percentage will do very well."
"You don't have to be a VC with great deal flow. You can find these great projects."
"VCs are like everybody else; they make the same mistakes."
"VCs don't really do a ton of valuation work, and that makes sense actually because you know the companies are so young like how can you properly model when they're like cash flow negative and all that."
"So then I joined a startup with some uh classmates from Stanford we raised some Venture Capital that's how I learned about the Venture side of things and then eventually as they say I I joined the dark side and became a venture capitalist."
"VCs are terrified of saying anything critical to founders because they don't want the founder to say something bad."
"One of the most important pieces of feedback a really good VC can give a Founder is what do you need to achieve where the rest of the world will appreciate you."
"The entire work of a VC venture capital is to find the one unicorn that justifies the 700 other companies you dumped a million dollars here and 10 million dollars there into that went nowhere."
"I do think the next few years are probably in Venture Capital going to be the best vintage years in the past decade."
"I'll talk about this in a little bit in terms of follow-on so a lot of BC's say it's really important to follow on in your winners to maintain your ownership percentage and we'd actually argue that that's a fool's errand."
"I am an equal opportunity poor man's crypto venture capitalist. Meaning I throw little stacks of money at tons and tons of things with the expectation that 90% of those things I throw money at will go to zero."
"Venture capitalists can help with hiring and building a team."
"We are at an extraordinary point in the development of the industry, driven by direct-to-consumer business models funded increasingly by venture capital."
"506b versus C, basically, the difference is this is like most Venture Capital funds can't really talk about that they're raising a fund and they're very highly regulated."
"If you really want to learn more about Venture Capital, it's going to be through reading books. There's a couple of really great books I will link to them down below."
"Before diving deep into venture capital, broaden your understanding of financing options. - Tim Ferriss"
"Venture capital is a lot like sex he said when it's good it's great and when it's bad it's still pretty good."
"Fund sizes have grown in venture, and you need to make really big bets in order to return that fund."
"Chris is a seasoned VC who knows how the game is played but most importantly, was one of Jack Dorsey’s biggest allies."
"The danger of how attractive Venture Capital can be: we never seem to learn our lesson or we forget it after 10 years. People get too excited, they put too much money in, and it breaks everything."
"You can make a lot of money as an early stage Venture investor... 50,000 check made over 250 million dollars when Uber went public that is a 5,000 times return on your body like think about putting in fifty thousand dollars and getting 250 million dollars back."
"VC firms exist to give out money."
"VCs don't value companies, they price them."
"All the entrepreneurs that I knew that had started their businesses and hadn't gotten VC funding were doing extremely well, and almost all of the entrepreneurs that I knew who had started businesses and gotten Venture Capital funding were doing badly."
"Revenue has its own funding it's easy to get wrapped around the axle of what do VCs care about VCs care about companies that make money if you make money VCs will care about you."
"Venture capitalists won't fund bank branches. They're just not interested in that. They want highly scalable."
"But around about the time of Gutenberg, we started to see the rise of a merchant class who really believed in investing the idea of their future on Earth, venture capitalists and such people were to prove very useful to Gutenberg."
"Maybe it's okay for companies to grow organically rather than being hugely venture funded in destroying all their competition before anybody has a chance to compete."
"You really get excited around it. All the smartest people are now going into it plus the capital from smart venture capitalists means that there's no stopping this movement of peer-to-peer computing, more transparent world, all the DeFi applications that are being built."
"The reality is there was no better place to be than Venture Capital... if you had a good idea, you would have the cash flow to eventually fund it, and valuations have followed."
"For every pound of venture capital given to a new business, only a penny of that goes to women."
"I never wanted to be a venture capitalist but I realized that when you're actually incubating something and putting it together you can make a tremendous difference."
"Success in venture capital and of course now enormous literary and even cultural fame."
"It's a very delicate balance between your VC partner... and your partners at the VC firm."
"It's called the Rule of 40, and I used it through my career in Venture Capital as well as an equity analyst."
"The first venture capital in its early stages."
"The best VC investors have been around for decades and can be great sounding boards for entrepreneurs, especially during the toughest of times."
"Venture capital firms are typically divided by the stages they invest in, which include pre-seed, seed, early stage, growth stage, and stage agnostic."
"The best VC firms are extremely well connected and can help entrepreneurs with things like recruiting top talent or making introductions for key business relationships."
"Venture capital is great for those who enjoy forming relationships because so much of the work is people driven."
"It's the first tokenized venture capital and launch pad on Cardano."
"Venture capital, we invest in private seeds, Polaris tier holders will be able to get allocation in direct private seat investments."
"If you can do two of those three things, then essentially, and do them really, really well, like world-class, you can be a venture capitalist."
"At the end of the day, venture capital is very much like a people business."
"That gives you a great sense of how venture capitalists work, what their incentives are, and this is going to help you pick the right venture capitalist for you."
"I think it's gonna empower both venture businesses and normal, just run-of-the-mill sustainability simple $200,000 a year lifestyle businesses."
"Venture capitalists create and destroy hundreds of billions of dollars every year as they invest in speculative technology startups."
"I think that some of the best experience you can get prior to going into VC is on the startup side."
"Entrepreneurship and its twin venture capital has changed dramatically but subtly."
"You have venture capital, you have early stage venture capital here."
"At SV Angel, we invest in the people first."
"Venture capital funds invest in startups, technology companies."
"Think of your penny stocks as a venture capital investor would."
"The world needs less venture capitalists, less capital, and more entrepreneurs and more talented people on the management teams."
"We know ventures are a power industry, we know it's the top 1% of companies that deliver the majority of the exit value."
"The company attracted venture capital very easily and Holmes herself became a media darling."
"We need to be willing to roll up our sleeves and find venture managers that have been overlooked in the ecosystem."
"Early stage venture is power-law driven and it's the tails or the edges that really drive those returns."
"It's the man behind the narrative. Right. It's going to attract a lot of attention, a lot of VC interest, a lot of market activity."
"Many Venture firms recently raised Mega funds... this can lead to an overextension and a lack of accessibility and responsiveness to portfolio companies."
"If you take money from Benchmark you are almost guaranteed your next round of good terms."
"The Venture business is an intensely personal relationship business."
"Our job as venture capitalists is not to see the future but to see the present very clearly."
"Every venture capitalist, when they open their mouth in front of a microphone, is talking to the entrepreneur they haven't met yet."
"Venture Capital as a historian is first of all an idea about the way the world works and particularly the way that Finance works and its relationship to the Innovative economy, to growth, to job creation."
"I went to 85 venture capitalists... and I was turned down by 85 venture capitalists."
"The emergence of venture capital changed the motivation from crisis to profit, making venture finance the cycle of innovation in Silicon Valley."
"I think it's because those are the places where, if you think about California, the tech industry, they need basically cheap money to sort of fund all these crazy startup ideas."
"Whether LPS can trust valuations from VCs today is a very relevant question."
"We're able to take a business that shouldn't have raised venture... and actually make it a sustainable business that'll be going for five or ten years at least."
"Andy chose... to spend some time with some of our students... and to talk about life and talk about starting companies and talk about venture capital."
"A lot more value has shifted from the public markets to the private markets and venture capitalists."
"If you get in early and you're right, you have the extraordinary privilege of helping fund amazing founders building iconic companies."
"Venture capital is controlled really only by a few dozen venture firms."
"Only 1% of companies that get created get venture capital, and only out of those, only 1% makes it to unicorn status."
"There is a very long process where the VC investors need to work with the project in order to support them and make them become successful."
"Did you know out of the 700,000 businesses started every year in the U.S., only about 2,000 of them raise venture capital?"
"Coinbase's venture portfolio is a hidden gem."
"Venture capital is a game of trying to be in these moonshot companies."
"I decided I wanted to be a venture capitalist and they told me, 'Kid, don't even think about it, go work for 20 years.'"
"It's my personal passion to really sort of take entrepreneurs from either the very early days or like the early days to get them to graduate to series and series B's."
"Venture capitalists are looking for a 10x, 20x growth."
"We invited Venture capitalists and capital providers because you can't build companies and create a startup ecosystem without VCs."
"A pitch book is basically a PowerPoint presentation used to pitch to the Venture Capital funds or the angel investors on why they should invest."
"We're seeing 70 million invested into the space by VCs just last month and I think there is much more to come."
"It's been really great to see both the shift in Silicon Valley and people recognizing that maybe venture returns should be aiming for long tail outcomes."
"We are coming out of one of the busiest Venture Capital years in the history of crypto."
"If you want to be a VC, watch 100 pitches. After 100 pitches, you'll see the pattern."
"Sequoia is the GOAT, so of course they're going to be up there."
"Every five years the world changes and you have to become a new VC."
"It's not going to be the sexiest project; they're not going to have as many VC relationships."
"At 22, he was a venture capitalist, raising from 500,000 to 15 million."