
Ayahuasca Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"I'm grateful to Ayahuasca for giving me the insights about stuff I needed to fix."
"Ayahuasca doesn't just heal you of the trauma of the past, but also past lives and gives you a clear vision of your life's purpose."
"Several origin myths of ayahuasca claim that these plants are the ones that instructed the humans on how to make the brew and they did so not through human language but through psalm."
"Ayahuasca can be like ten years worth of therapy in one night, because when you're in therapy in the West, you're engaging the intellect, but ayahuasca makes permeable your unconscious."
"Every Ayahuasca experience is surprising in its own way."
"Ayahuasca is a tool that can help us heal ourselves."
"Human usage of ayahuasca goes back at least one thousand years."
"Another story of Ayahuasca completely changing somebody's life."
"For me, Iowaska is not recreational in the sense of being fun and relaxing. It is hard work and very demanding, but the exploration, insights, and cleansing make it very worth the effort."
"Ayahuasca is an expression of the consciousness of our Earth."
"Ayahuasca is the plant of guidance and the plant that teaches."
"Ayahuasca helps you purge that out, vomiting this way, crying, sweating, everything but also energetically."
"Ayahuasca is not a cure. Ayahuasca is a medicine. Ayahuasca can only assist you in your healing."
"Ayahuasca will live within you forever. Once you do ayahuasca she's with you forever."
"If you feel like there are things about yourself, like your self-worth, that you need some assistance with, use Ayahuasca to kind of address those things."
"Make sure you do Ayahuasca with real shamans. Ayahuasca with a shaman who this medicine has been passed down to him for generations."
"Ayahuasca: a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things."
"Navigating the complexities of the self with Ayahuasca."
"Ayahuasca: more than just a trip, it's a transformative experience."
"Ayahuasca: a journey into the unknown realms of the mind."
"Ayahuasca was a transformative experience for me."
"I can think of many people who this would be transformative for them to experience."
"What is ayahuasca? Ayahuasca is a plant medicine."
"What a shame, yeah, all this is going on and they're gonna arrest somebody for healing with Ayahuasca, what a shame."
"People do ayahuasca for lots of reasons. The main reason is they want to deal with past trauma and things like that."
"The most powerful thing with Ayahuasca is you being able to surrender."
"I mean it's medicine they say you do 10 years of therapy in one night of Ayahuasca."
"If ayahuasca was to be described as a religion or a faith, it's all about the earth and all of the beings in it, but in an experiential way."
"Ayahuasca works in a way that it might not feel comfortable there and then in the moment, but months down the line you'll notice the benefits."
"Through ayahuasca, I felt so still for the first time in my life."
"Ayahuasca helped me come to terms with my own death."
"Ayahuasca helps pull up the roots of emotional trauma."
"Ayahuasca is not going to change your life by itself it'll give you the opportunity to change your life."
"People opening to that awareness of what their true nature is and who they really are and the more people that can do that it's happening like why is ayahuasca is spreading across the world right now."
"He was evident that ayahuasca isn't some new-fangled recreational drug trip. Actually, it isn't a drug at all. It's medicine."
"He described how ayahuasca was a deep psychological healer for him in ways that he thought were impossible."
"He's going to go on this spiritual journey with ayahuasca to figure out what he wants to do moving forward."
Ayahuasca, a Quechua term for "Vine of the Soul," contains more than 90 different plant species from 38 plant families and has been described as having antidepressant effects.
"Ayahuasca is a plant which opens many avenues and dimensions of consciousness."
"The perfect state in which to come to work with ayahuasca is a state of complete acceptance, minimal expectations, and a willingness to completely surrender to the process."
"It's a gift that keeps on giving long after one has taken the medicine."
"Discernment in the ayahuasca experience is very important... to distinguish between an activation of one's egoic desires or wishes... and receiving deep spiritual guidance."
"Ayahuasca... teaches one how to access these realms of consciousness and the inner guide that goes beyond the mind and beyond the individual ego."
"Ayahuasca is different from other psychedelics."
"Ayahuasca doesn't give you what you want; it gives you what you need."
"Ayahuasca talks about integration."
"Ayahuasca... translates to vine of the Soul or Vine of the Dead, which is really cool."