
Software Updates Quotes

There are 360 quotes

"Reminders like notes, it's just a lot more powerful in iOS 17."
"Frequent software updates are really important to our users, and at OnePlus, we've always made them a priority."
"I'm not really a fan of this update. I feel like I wasted my money."
"Software updates are one of the biggest ways that Tesla is constantly improving the user experience."
"If you want new features, if you want evolution, if you want to be able to adapt with the times, then you need your .NET version to change over time."
"This update was full of features that we requested."
"We have really big updates coming this year."
"If he had an updated version of Adobe at the time, because the problem was patched, maybe the social engineering side would have worked, but it wouldn't have gotten me anywhere, right?"
"Patches... turn second edition into the game they would have made if they could have made a game from scratch."
"You'll have five to six years of coverage on the iPhone 12 series with iOS updates."
"Pixel exclusive features and years of updates to look forward to."
"Most people report the betas as being better than iOS 14.4.2, for example."
"You've got that gorgeous stock Android vibe with timely updates."
"We're standing behind, we're looking at these FPS from one month to the next, it can go from 22 up to 90."
"The Photos app enjoys several updates as well."
"It's very similar to the previous versions that you're used to using however it probably helps for somebody who is starting."
"Windows 10 released in 2015 has just passed 800 million users."
"Looks like version 11 0.3 will be ready for wide release in about two weeks, many major improvements." - Elon Musk
"Otherwise we're gonna be updating something and this is not gonna show up over here so we're gonna run the ad of balance I'm sorry show the balance that we had before."
"So when Apple sees a an iPhone get a software update and they see oh it has a two-year old battery they underclock the processor they slow it down a bit so that the battery can keep up and doesn't degrade too fast smart right."
"No more time wasted and having to manually export-import-reimport whenever there are changes made in the model."
"Gogan's not a light switch come on now it's a toggle gogan's gonna come over a series of updates."
"Just be patient, take your time, but it's a very important thing to do install the updates to the system before you do anything else to it."
"Tesla's long-term goal and somewhat promise is that the Model Y is currently being produced gets software updates and ultimately will drive themselves in nearly every situation."
"Tesla's regular software updates make your car feel brand new over time."
"You get the latest software and you get impressive internal specs as well as a beautiful high-resolution display."
"Software updates come that not only refine what's there, fix bugs, but also can unlock new features."
"Updating Adobe Reader, Flash, and Java is crucial to prevent exploitation of vulnerabilities."
"Even though it feels like we haven't had this world for a great deal of time, it's been six months already since the 1.18 update came out and we've actually accomplished quite a lot here."
"And I just wanted to mention again, the flickering of the sprites should be gone by the next update you see on this."
"With every new version comes new possibilities, so get in there, explore, and figure out what you can do with them."
"Cyberpunk could still salvage its reputation at least somewhat if the developer can continue to release updates."
"OverWatch 2 is the new thing. Do you think it's okay that they deleted OverWatch one?" - Jake Baldino
"Apollo lets Palantir push the right updates to the right clients at the right times, even if those client machines are sitting on classified networks or networks that don't touch the internet at all."
"You get five years of security updates with the phone... so you should be good all the way up to Android 15."
"Release two of the game's best ever patches."
"A relatively new feature that was added to XD is called blend modes."
"It's really nice when they do get fixed but it's also kind of weird that releases are no longer about when the game comes out."
"Welcome to surviving the aftermath after 11 updates and after a year of being exclusive to the epic game store."
"The match engine has undergone its biggest facelift since 2009."
"There's a new update in the works that will hopefully fix some bugs and issues with the game."
"Microsoft has stated that all non-essential or optional Windows updates will be paused instead Microsoft will focus only on critical and possibly any out-of-band security updates."
"Update your Windows, navigate to check for updates, stay up to date."
"Every update will add cool new ways to do things more efficiently so you can move the blocks around in your Minecraft world in fun new ways but more importantly so you can have fun new ways to spend your time."
"The resolution is handled extremely well in 9.2, genuinely very, very well."
"I think the cool thing though is that they're always being updated... I like that they listen to community feedback."
"The latest update that just came out in October gives a 30% speed boost as well as some new features."
"The car can be updated over the air and make future-proof."
"From that testing, I can report that it's a very solid, a very stable update..."
"I hope this is kind of a kick in the butt to be like okay maybe we shouldn't focus so much on these commands maybe we should work a bit more on survival and you know getting that long-awaited mod API updated and ready to go."
"Big content updates carry so much weight to a product because of all the hype they can give."
"We've made some updates and we're going to be going deep into the code to showing you exactly how we created this amazing intern manager with both purchase and sales transaction and adding inventory with a few clicks."
"We encourage end users to update their devices as patches become available."
"Android Pie grew at 2.5 times the rate of Oreo, and Android 10 is projected to grow at five to six times the rate of Oreo."
"Because we haven't seen that happen ever since push was first introduced in 2019."
"In addition to privacy updates, are also very important whether they're security patches or other updates for a new interface these two the iPhone running iOS and the Pixel running Pixel UI are going to get earlier and more often updates."
"Come on baby, installing features, installing updates, the moment you've been waiting for!"
"Make sure that you run all your updates I would definitely recommend updating windows all the time making sure it's up to date."
"Their solution is to just ninja patching something... just completely worthless."
"Patch 9.1 is focused more on fixing stuff that went wrong rather than introducing new content."
"I just do not like how a patch comes out and I have to say oh no I want a patch to come out and I want to be like yay you know what what's gonna happen."
"True, right? Like they update all of these apps, but Google already has everything compartmentalized so they have very different ways of looking at it."
"If you've updated past 9.00, I hate to say it, but you're not going to be able to do this jailbreak."
"Now with all that being said should you update to iOS and iPadOS 14.5 and I say absolutely."
"That's pretty much it that is iOS and iPadOS 14.5 a massive update you know quite possibly the biggest iOS 14 update since iOS 14.0."
"Captions are so annoying so I cannot wait for this to fully roll out and everybody to kind of implement this into their code."
"One of the great things about using a cloud tool is you always have the latest and greatest."
"Software updates will now start downloading in the background and complete faster."
"The upgraded version of 2K21 receives some serious improvement to the overall user experience."
"The crop tool really hadn't been changed in Photoshop in almost 23 years."
"We have made so much money that we can afford to make these next updates free."
"But it is something where you don't need the day one patch which is still I think largely their goal of shipping a game on disk that you don't need a patch if you want to just jump jump in and start playing it right away."
"Let me know your thoughts on this gigantic update."
"I really like Next 13 to be honest and all the improvements that happened since next 12."
"3.2 is looking to be a very, very exciting update."
"Let's hope and pray that with patches and fixes in the future, that can happen as soon as possible because that is something that's needed."
"Performance updates promised post-launch due to optimization issues."
"Sam's Oh: glitched achievements that they actually patched."
"And how could I end this video without including a new Wine release?"
"First Windows 10 home users can also now defer updates for 35 days same as Windows 10 Pro and enterprise should be able to do that forever if you want."
"The Angular CLI's ng update command unlocks all that the newest Angular has to offer."
"Notion has made enough improvements... that it is now my favorite note taking application."
"I love this new update. I think this is gonna be a really popular update with you guys because now we have color in the mod."
"This is such a big update and I'm so excited."
"Everything we shared on stage today, from UE 5.4 to fortnite Creator tools, is bringing us much closer to this goal."
"What do you guys think of this update? I think it's absolutely amazing."
"Two fundamental redesigns with mail messages Safari oh by the way screen animations for iMessage."
"Just update to the latest version of Android Studio, and you can drag and drop those same examples and run them live."
"For 90% of the users out there... probably not going to affect them too much if they don't want the new features."
"And this is the first Honda product that they have allowed for over-the-air updates on."
"Every extra day of us working on the day zero update brought visible improvement."
"Every season brings opportunities to address long-standing feedback items or even make some back-end changes to prepare for bright futures."
"People are already asking about 1.20, but it might be a while until we see a snapshot."
"Windows 10 update silently turns on news and weather in taskbar links default to Edge, ignoring default browser choice and drives traffic to Microsoft's own MSN.com."
"Dot version updates positively changed FSD in a significant way."
"Performance and stability fixes, a lot of crashes and bugs have been addressed."
"iOS 16 is finally out of beta and it's now available to everybody."
"If you're somebody who hates updating your phone and you don't want to ever mess with that, it'll hopefully do this in the background or when you'd be sleeping."
"iOS 17 beta 2: It's probably the best beta or most stable beta I've ever seen this early on."
"iOS 17 beta 2: Much better than most people expected."
"iOS 17 beta 2: Running iOS 17 beta 2 on my iPhone 13 Pro Max and it has been really good."
"iOS 17 beta 2: Battery has been surprisingly better than beta 1."
"iOS 17 beta 2: My experience has been great."
"Performance has actually been pretty solid for me here on iOS 13."
"Apple may switch over to a weekly release schedule for iOS 15 betas after beta 5."
"iPad OS 16 is finally here with beta1. It's currently available to developers. It will be out to public beta testers in July according to Apple, and then we'll release to everyone in the fall, usually around September."
"It has changed a lot. So many tweaks have been made and now it's actually running much much better as well."
"Easily share screenshots and PDFs without visiting the Photos app."
"One good update could revive a large portion of the player base."
"One UI... every update making this phone even more smooth."
"iOS 15 was way better for new and old iPhones."
"I'm gonna give this update a nine out of ten."
"We've been doing a great job hearing the reports from you and making sure that we fix as much as we can in each of these patches."
"This is probably the largest patch we have ever received for the game."
"Over-the-air updates make Tesla vehicles constantly improving."
"Windows 11 will be updated with a single feature update per year."
"From that point forward Task Manager has had a few kid gloves."
"They are trying to make the update better, and that is good because it was gonna be real real rough."
"When you have a choice, use .NET. Use the latest version of .NET because the .NET Framework, yes, it's still supported, it does not get new features."
"I'm very excited to see it on the live server."
"Tesla's over-the-air updates ensure you won't miss out on the latest features, no matter when you buy."
"Should you install iOS 16.1 RC? If you're a developer or beta tester, you could try it out, but be prepared for potential bugs."
"I think I couldn't be prouder than what the team has achieved over the past few months. This is the largest, the biggest update we're about to ship. It's not only large in terms of size... it's just massive in terms of improvements and fixes."
"This is an indication to me with how big this patch actually is, it's an indication that they're serious."
"Development updates are frequent, interesting, and respond to community feedback."
"It's a real mix bag for something that's not on the high end right now it seems to be an attempt at internal balance change when they also need a buff."
"DLC stands for downloadable content... anything as small or simple as a patch or an update, that's also DLC."
"Version 1.2 will also feature a variety of optimizations to improve the overall gameplay experience."
"Snap packages allow you to have the latest version of an application."
"The changes they have done here are great and there's polish all the way from the boot screen all the way to this point."
"iPhone XR keeps bugging out and slows down every update."
"Bug Rock of the Week: 'Lots of little features, refinements, and additions.'"
"I am blown away by the new masking and selection features... the biggest change I've seen come to Lightroom."
"Patch 1.2 delivered if you had realistic expectations."
"Whenever Chat GPT's model changes and these tools that people are building that are based on it now have to react to the model change, that's going to be interesting."
"Version 12 seems to have fixed 90% plus of the issues people were having with v11."
"I hope you're having a fantastic day since the incredibly huge patch 1.07 has come out and enhanced all of our builds."
"At any point, Apple could push an update that would just break it."
"The ability to update rigs without destroying your entire pipeline."
"This update is one of the biggest updates we've ever seen."
"There's actually a lot coming with this patch considering it's just a small 0.5 patch and it's releasing very quickly."
"It has a ton of security and bug fixes in it."
"Tesla releases over-the-air updates all the time."
"Samsung commits to delivering three years of android os updates."
"This update, I like this update a lot better."
"We're going to be able to roll out fixes and changes much more quickly."
"All Teslas receive these updates so their cars stay up to date far longer than other vehicles typically do."
"Tesla being good at software updates? Really, really cool."
"Cars shouldn't be allowed to be updated over the air. Windows experience has shown that."
"I am absolutely loving the new FaceTime features here."
"The biggest updates came with the release of Chapter 4, overhauling chapters one through three entirely."
"This has been my favorite update in a very long time."
"I would say yes at this point in time because I'm pretty sure literally everyone who should have been able to get an upgrade via Windows update has been notified."
"Tesla has responded to popular demand by allowing a one-time transfer of their FSD software."
"There's just so many nice quality of life improvements."
"We bring to you a plethora of updates and bug fixes. There is something for everyone, so we hope that you all enjoy these editions."
"This is the best update we have had, no joke. The amount of content in this update is actually ridiculous."
"And even though you can get this level of security in Windows 10 today, it makes sense that Microsoft would want to make that change mandatory for what they're calling the most secure Windows ever."
"AMD announced the Fidelity FX super resolution 3.1... improves temporal stability, reduces ghosting."
"One of the complaints for Windows 10 users when they move to Windows 11 is the change to the taskbar. Now the icons and start menu are centered in the taskbar instead of to the left as they were in Windows 10."
"Harvester should be treated like an appliance. There's nothing to manage because everything comes with the OS, and updates come from Rancher themselves."
"There were so so so many leaks and yeah so far it's looking like a pretty good updates."
"The last time they did this was in 2019 which resulted in iOS 13 being a little bit more stable than it was before however maybe not as stable as iOS 12."
"iOS updates should be available for at least a few more years."
"Updates are always fantastic, holiday updates like this are gonna be great."
"Tell me what's your favorite thing about this new update."
"Expect weekly betas from here on out if Apple continues to do what they've done in the past."
"Each version number has a meaning. The patch version fixes bugs, the minor version adds new features."
"Eth coming of age now, they have a new release that has a lot of people very excited."
"Tesla's biggest advantage of software updates continually gets sensationalized in the press."
"Prepare yourself for what could already be the update of the year."
"The Steam Deck is a fantastic product, all quirks can be fixed with software updates."
"Windows is really good about keeping itself up-to-date."
"The iPhone 11 will probably outlast the iPhone 8 in software support."
"Apple did a whole bunch of revisions to the App Store. Now developers must use the iOS API for asking for a rating."
"Updates is great if you're fixing things, having new features, and this is a new feature."
"There's definitely uh so to be fair the hotfix did pull some of the spicy out of it um some amount of those changes that we kind of pulled into the hotfix were ones that we had uh earmarked for 3-0."
"iPadOS 16 isn't exactly perfect... it really does sort of predict the future of the iPad."
"Lots to look forward to this year with 3.17.2 on the horizon just to keep us a little bit more entertained while 3.18 is in the PTU. I am stoked for it all to come along."
"Getting regular updates is such an underrated feature it really is."
"Both of these systems are constantly improving, receiving new software updates constantly."
"They should do a painting for every update, let those artists run wild."
"Each update is kind of like a little present."
"Reliability is fantastic, they get software updates, they have great driver assistance, and we know for sure that the charging network is just awesome."
"Meltdown has very obvious changes that can be made and are being worked on."
"Definitely one of the biggest [features] here in iOS 15.2."
"The approval thresholds were too low when we shipped. That's why they were so horny in the beginning. It wasn't supposed to be that way. We've fixed it since, at least for some of them. We're still fixing a few of them."
"Here's the new best feature with a fitness of four point two seven, wait, I feel like it looks like it got rid of a lot of its muscles or something."
"Most people are actually running on an outdated GPU driver."
"from the improvement of the fsd beta is quite fascinating it's way faster than what i personally expected"
"One thing with Pixel phones is they always do improved software."
"Blender 3.0 roadmap outlines updates to core features and development plans."
"There's actually quite a few new features here in the update manager... so intuitive and easy to use."
"It's always great to get an update for Linux Mint... the developers are estimating that there should be some performance improvement here."
"As for software support, Google offers the best package here."
"This is not the update for me... but is it what we need? I'm skeptical personally."
"I literally have no complaints, this is the best update."
"World updates keep coming, VR beta is now open, and sim updates are coming too."
"Java edition absolutely wins because Mojang and Microsoft can put out snapshots weekly."
"It's good, man. Everything about this update is good. Supposedly they're fixing the kickoff glitch."