
Polyamory Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"You can love and be romantically interested in more than one person at once."
"I would love to be in like a poly relationship or something like that but I couldn't do it."
"Polyamory means that I have space to move through my life in the most authentic way possible."
"If it's in your heart, you can achieve it. Until it comes to having multiple loves, all of a sudden, 'Don't do that.' Yeah, give a [__], if that's in your heart, don't achieve that, you're dirty, you're wrong, you're foul."
"Different cultures, different practices, and even in Seattle and across the world, we have a thing called polyamory when it's consensual."
"Polyamory is an absolute recipe for personal growth."
"It's possible for a man to actually love two women."
"Is there a future where polyamory is the norm?"
"The only polyamorous relationships that actually work are ones with guns."
"Society doesn't have very tolerant views to polyamory."
"It's not cheating on your wife if you're polyamorous."
"Congratulations to Bo Burnham ladies and gentlemen who's in a poly relationship."
"Instead I replace it with the word even a lot of polyamory people don't know which is compersion, which is like the opposite of jealousy."
"Polyamory is defined as the practice of engaging in multiple romantic and typically sexual relationships with the consent of all the people involved."
"Polyamory is like each partner provides you with something that makes you more whole. You don't only put that on one person."
"I think it baffles me how polyamory is looked down upon so much when cheating is so readily accepted."
"A polyamorous relationship is appropriate for raising a family."
"Polyamory is fine as long as you are being open and communicating with people and not trying to shame a person into doing something that isn't for them."
"I definitely think it is absolutely possible [to be in love with more than one person at once]."
"This is the ideal situation... dating two people."
"You can love more than one person at a time."
"Polyamory challenges the norms of monogamy, advocating for love without limits."
"What is cheating in a polyamorous relationship? To me, just lying."
"Polyamory is about respect, not whoring around the city."
"Polyamory is about respect and proper foundation in relationships."
"One person can fulfill all your needs, and that person is you."
"Polyamory is not something you do for your kids to have a better life. Polyamory is something you do for yourself because it is something you want."
"Good poly advice: no jealousy, open, honest, equal negotiation."
"Polyamory is not just about sex; it's about forming connections."
"Poly's pretty much different for every single person that does it."
"It's okay to have multiple connections and still love the person that you're with."
"Polyamory means committed non-monogamy, openly loving more than one person at the same time with the consent of everyone involved."
"Polyamory may sound extreme, but for some, it may be a more honest and satisfying way to love."
"Poly isn't just a way of loving, it's a way of living."
"The literal definition of polygamy is acknowledging that one can be in love with more than one person."
"I don't personally believe that I was put on this Earth to just be with one person but I'm honest with the people that I'm with."
"I also do think or kind of worry whether this guy is even polyamorous at all or he just used it as an excuse because he was emotionally cheating on you with this woman."
"...polyamory is like a rejecting of the scarcity model of Love wherein if I give love to you, I may not have enough left over for you. It's thinking of love as something abundant."
"So, wouldn't it be better if from the beginning she had the love of both men? Why not? She deserves it."
"Love is strong, but there are boundaries, right? That's why I'm poly. I believe in honesty, so I'm thinking, hey, you could have had whatever relationship you wanted. You should have said these things in the beginning, right?"
"Polyamorous relationships only work if both Partners feel comfortable, cared for, and are having their needs met mentally and physically."
"The best polyamory book I've ever read, portrayed in such a healthy, positive way."
"Polyamory does not work as well for men. It works better for women because women, when they get into a polyamorous relationship, have so many more options than a man does."
"Polyamory and polygamy are actually based on unity, on actually creating family."
"It's just not simply just about sex when it comes to polygamy or polyamory."
"You can love more than one person at a time. I've seen it."
"I think once somebody has the capability to have that many partners, you're kind of just like, 'Oh, you're pissing me off, or I don't like this one thing about you. It's like I can, why not just replace you?'"
"If you have too many partners, you're constantly comparing your new partners to the hundreds of lists of what you had previously, and so it's the, 'No one's ever good enough.'"
"The value of polyamory and what I just said to these guys is like I think of it more as like being in right relationship."
"Can someone feel consummate love for more than one person? That's a very good question."
"It's a whole different landscape for I Jo who can now enter the school ground knowing full well that he's dating two women at the same time with their full consent."
"I think you could love more than one person at a time."
"If I'm going to be in a polyamorous relationship, I want all parties in. Not just one."
"I believe that it's possible to have a deep deep intimate connection and love and sexual connection and emotional connection with more with more than one person and maybe it's not for everyone and maybe everyone's hearts and souls."
"I feel like I have better understood poly relationships with you guys because I was, like, not involved but very much involved in a poly relationship, and it was so dramatic and very envious and just so toxic, and then you guys just made that [__] look so healthy."
"The beauty of having two wives and the family that we have is the fact that we can keep growing, being able to contribute to each other."
"One of the best perks of being in a poly relationship and having multiple people, genuine multiple people, is if you have a family and you have kids."
"I'm polyamorous. I have sex for fun too. I have multiple partners who I love, so I'm not monogamous."
"Not the a-hole. Some poly people, especially those new to the lifestyle, can be like some vegans—really annoying and aggressive about it. Proselytizing and haranguing anyone who doesn't convert."
"Polyamory and monogamy are different but equal."
"You see people looking at three people in love, you just know don't you, love?"
"I think it's possible to love more than one person in your life."
"People are capable of loving more than one person at the same time."
"I think I'm polyamorous... there's something that I have to discover here."
"Polyamory is okay. Monogamy is okay."
"A man can't be faithful to one woman, so let's entertain polyamorous relationships."
"I never thought I could love more than one person at the same time."
"You can be attracted to more than one person."
"We never really sit down and decide between the two of us, this is what a relationship looks like when you rocking with multiple people."
"We have known a lot of people that we've had to cut out of our lives who use poly as an excuse to be a terrible person."
"It's turning it so that real polyamorous couples that are happy and healthy and enjoying life are looked at like they're freaks."
"Jealousy is a good feeling. You want your partners, even if you're in a poly situation, there are rules that poly couples will follow, polyamorous couples will follow meaning that there's consent and premeditation and discussions beforehand."
"Chris announced his sweetheart search was over, stating he was in a loving polyamorous relationship with three other people."
"Can love more than one person at once, you know."
"I'm definitely going to try to get into a poly relationship."
"Every relationship in polyamory is different, and that's the beauty of it, yeah."
"When polyamory is bad, it's really bad and when it's good, it's really good."
"We know you can love more than one person at a time."
"But I do sometimes wish that polyamory as a label was really reserved for people who felt a similar sort of revulsion towards monogamy that I do."
"But I haven't seen it yet. And usually when it does work, it's in situations where either the partner is really, really, really, really, really into seeing their partner be with other people or the person is asexual and has no interest in having sex."
"I have come to the realization that polyamory is going to be who I am for the rest of my life. That's me. That's who I am."
"Polyamorous is when it's involved with you get to have that person. We basically, we all love each other so it doesn't matter. I could bring in another person, you right, Jasmine, okay?"
"If you are considering polyamory, if you are considering opening up a relationship, I implore you to do your research. I implore you to not dive into it, to understand why communication, consent, and respect are pivotal for these to function."
"Things were tense for a little while but eventually she calmed down and realized that I have room in my heart for more than one."
"Polyamory is a valid dating relationship model when done ethically."
"You could have relationships with multiple people and love people on many different levels and it doesn't mean that anyone is better or worse than anyone else or that anyone is being replaced or that anyone means any less to you just because you have someone new in your life."
"I choose both of you, of course, I'm okay with it. Actually, I'm incredibly happy about it."
"Live life to the fullest, find love even if that means being with multiple persons, and protect that which you hold dear."
"One of the great things about polyamory is you might see households that have six parents living together raising two kids."
"Loving and having the ability to love more than one person."
"It feels really good and joyful to see someone that you love also being loved by other people and experiencing happiness with other people."
"In a polyamorous relationship, you have communication and you have consent, which cheating lacks."
"For people who can maintain healthy polyamorous relationships, I honestly find that quite admirable."
"I love them both, and I know it's really hard to wrap your mind around it."
"I can love my partner but I also enjoy the company of other people."
"If you have a certain philosophy on love and sharing it between people and being comfortable with yourself, that's polyamory."
"No one said you can't love two people at the same time."
"The word polycule is a synthesis of polyamory and molecule."
"If you want to live in a polyamorous relationship, you can; there's nothing stopping you, you just can't get married."
"Love in its purest form can be given to multiple people without having any effect or impact negatively."
"Reverse harem romance is where we have one heroine and she has a harem of men."
"You're allowed to have feelings for more than one person."
"You can love more than one person in your lifetime."
"They also communicate really well, and there's a lot of consent shown in the relationship, which is especially important when it comes to polyamory."
"Many practitioners of polyamory note that feelings of jealousy ultimately give way to compersion or the feeling of joy in a lover's relationships."
"I can feel love towards more than only one person."
"I'm madly in love with both of you."
"I think you can love multiple people at the same time, right?"
"As long as you're happy, it doesn't matter how many girls you love."
"Polyamorous relationships are 100 percent valid."
"We're talking about polyamory today, like specifically our own experience with it."
"Should people have the right to marry as many people as they want and be in as many relationships at one time as they want? Why not, as long as it's consensual."
"After they were able to get past their jealousy and envy, the wives could stop fighting amongst each other, they learned to love this relationship and love each other."
"Listen, I can love you both, that's the thing about love, folks."
"If you're polyamorous, isn't the point you have feelings for multiple people at the same time?"
"I feel like it's very possible to be in love with multiple people at once."
"It's a polyamorous romance between Dracula's Brides, so it is fantastic and beautifully written."