
Life's Mysteries Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"There is more to life, more to the world, there's more to everything than anybody knows."
"We live in a world where the real and the unreal live side by side, where substance is disguised as illusion and the only explanations are unexplainable."
"Our souls innately desire an answer to what is perhaps life's greatest mystery, that which awaits us when we walk through the door into the world beyond."
"The mystery of life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced."
"There's more to life, more to the world, there's more to everything than anybody knows." - Hypnotized Colorado man
"Life is strange and there's a lot to know that we do not know, and it's important to study the margins, to study the things that we don't understand yet."
"Life doesn't always give us closure and in the real world there are many mysteries that may never be solved."
"Life had a mysterious way of showing me what would bring me fulfillment."
"The ending of your days is a human-scaled mystery entrusted to you, not something being done to you."
"It made me nervous, and that was the moment that I had realized that there was more to this world than what we see."
"Destiny and hard work go hand in hand, there are some things that are inexplicable that happened."
"You won't really know how to ask a question until you've learned to question life itself. That's where the art comes from."
"There are things in life that we can't easily explain."
"Science can't solve all of life's questions."
"I think we can all agree that life is strange."
"I'm not saying everything happens for a reason. I'm just saying that one day it'll all make sense, you know? It will all come full circle."
"Part of faith is trusting when life doesn't make sense."
"I appreciate life cuz I don't really know how I got here, dude."
"There's absolutely more to life than it seems like they can see us but we can't really communicate directly with them."
"... essentially he'd had to face up to the possibility that there was more to this life than he was willing to consider and that it frightened him."
"I've always had such a curiosity at what's in the houses that we passed by when we walked down the street."
"Why does it seem that sometimes bad things happen to good people?"
"Sometimes we don't understand why these things are."
"There isn't always an answer for everything."
"We are all born into the world with this past knowledge but most forget it."
"It's 50/50 in a way... I sometimes believe... I like to believe that there's more to life than what you see."
"We run through mysteries of Life all around us."
"I believe coincidence is the real magic."
"Coincidences just don't be making sense sometimes, bro."
"There's more to life than we know."
"We've all been in that place where we have asked the why, when, how come questions."
"I think that God rewards people for certain things because it's just weird how life works."
"Life, let me know your secret, tell me how you color all the empty spaces."
"After all, it's an unusual world, isn't it?"
"We are blind and cannot find the key to all of life's great story until we rise with open eyes."
"There are a lot of things in life beyond our human ability, knowledge, and control, but there is nothing beyond God."
"Two great mysteries dominate our lives: Love and Money."
"When you are reborn, you are reborn knowing that there is more to the world than this, there is more to life than this."
"Life doesn't make sense but we can still have peace because we know God is with us and He loves us."
"I'm ready to go see if we can find the answer to life, the universe, and everything."
"Doctors are the strongest believers in forces greater than themselves because they know how beautiful and how strange life can actually be."
"One who has eaten the fruit and tasted its mysteries."
"Maybe we all have a lemon tree growing in our backyard, and sometimes it blooms and sometimes it doesn't, and nobody knows why."
"Life is full of unknowns... but then you stop, look around, and ask yourself, 'How did I get here?'"
"It doesn't always make sense, and you'll drive yourself crazy asking why."
"When you understand the mystery, you will understand why bad things happen to good people and why good things happen to bad people."
"Each new discovery by archaeologists and paleontologists reveals a new facet of the great mystery of life and the history of our world."
"We might not know those reasons right now, but I do know that the memories we create will live on forever."
"Whatever appears eventually disappears, who is its parent and what does it depend on?"
"It's one of those mysteries of life that you'll never get the answer for."
"I ain't ever going to understand life, but boy howdy, do I love it."
"Let go of trying to figure out the whys of life and trust that God understands more than we ever could."
"There is no love for no reason in the world, no hate for no reason."