
Mythical Creatures Quotes

There are 385 quotes

"Have you not heard of the mighty Cornish war elephants?"
"She decided to introduce herself to him, saying that her name was Conid, one of the last Cat Spirits alive."
"The dragon is probably one of the better-known mythical creatures on Earth."
"You have the Giants, and you have the little people, and you have Sasquatch or Bigfoot, and they all seem to be sort of connected and related."
"The Tarasque is supposed to be this unkillable creature that pops up out of nowhere and destroys towns. It's this very cool thing that people like to fight."
"When you attack it and you defeat it, it doesn't actually die. It's just like, 'I've had enough,' and it goes and hibernates again to come out and destroy a town later."
"The creature's size, long arms, and distinctive hooves make you wonder if this was a mythical creature or something from a different realm."
"Gorochu, with its god of thunder attributes, conveys a powerful and divine force."
"In most versions of stories associated with the Kappa, it is described as childlike but disproportionately strong."
"Mythical Pokemon...rarity wise that's exactly what mythicals are."
"An entirely different beast, something ancient, eldritch, and haunting."
"No, that's not my nickname. This is actually one of the most famous mysterious creatures said to wander from Florida to North Carolina and even Arkansas."
"At the very doors of heaven, in the sanctum realm of the gods, in front of every conceivable hero known to man, the Dragonborn slew the devourer of worlds and ended his reign of tyranny before it even began."
"Sasquatch can exist and that's true, and apparently does because the Dogmen are real."
"The hook island sea monster...an enduring Marine mystery."
"A fortress named Shoshanna Bear, all fur, which translates to Fang Mountain, the bastion of beasts."
"Ifrit's legacy spans across realms, evolving from the flames of myth into the fiery embodiment of power."
"Tlingits have stories of creatures similar to the wendigo or the skinwalker."
"The Book of Giants: a surprisingly action-packed story, imperfect creatures not so unlike us humans."
"A light-bringing unicorn, a contrast to a bile-inducing dragon."
"Marco, the Phoenix: flames of revival, healing, flight - a true marvel."
"Chupacabra, a monstrous creature that attacks animals and consumes their blood, characterized as the southern equivalent of the Sasquatch."
"What differentiates them is also the reason that I love mythical zone devil fruits."
"Mythical zones... have a special ability as well dependent on the kind of mythical creature your fruit allows you to transform into."
"You can feel when it's Ogopogo weather," witness Connie Marlow informed Mary Moon. "The lake is very calm and limpid and the weather is hot."
"The Knights of Zamor, better rivals of the Giants."
"Dragons have been with the fantasy genre since its beginning."
"Once in a great while, a domovoi appeared as the head of the household, while the real person was in bed snoozing away."
"Monster Hunter creates a place where mythical creatures are real and affect society."
"Dragons are weapons of mass destruction, they’re like the nuclear bombs of this world."
"Despite the werewolf’s widespread appearance in folklore, I’ll admit I haven’t really given the werewolf the attention it deserves—until now."
"This humanoid Marine Beast off the coast of Antarctica estimating it to be around 65 to 100 ft long for reference that's around the same size as a blue whale"
"And then last but not least, we do have the creature that isn't presently activated in the game: sheepsquatch."
"Every Native American tribe in North America has a story about the giant hairy smelly giants in the woods."
"Hook Island is a small island off the coast of Queensland, Australia, and it's a popular vacation spot for people down under. It's known for beautiful beaches, clear waters, and uh, a giant sea monster."
"That's the Holy Grail in the world of researching Bigfoot: the Patterson-Gimlin footage."
"El Chupacabra: A lizard-like creature with green scaly skin, large bug-like eyes, wings, fangs, and quills running down its back."
"The Ozark Howler: A large creature with black fur, glowing red eyes, and often said to have long horns, capable of emitting a terrifying howl."
"Surprisingly, after reviewing the footage and external evidence, the commission came to the conclusion that the monster was real."
"Dragons are coming to ESO. It's the introduction of dragons to Elder Scrolls online finally."
"Dragons always win. They just do. You can't beat an airforce in medieval times. And, oh wait, they also breathe fire."
"It was a massive creature resembling a gorilla, it had red eyes and stared intently at them."
"There's a lot of famous cryptids out there, obviously, you've probably heard of Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, Himalayan Yeti."
"The manticore: a lion's body, blood red, with the face of a man and a scorpion tail."
"Serena overpowers a multi-continental threat Pokemon and captures it."
"Most fantasy novels regard dragons as intelligent and sensitive beasts that can be allies of humans."
"There are still mysteries surrounding detailed descriptions of sea and lake monsters provided by observers over the centuries."
"Ghosts don't leave tracks, so with a Sasquatch, even tracks, you're totally right."
"SCP-1000: It's like Bigfoot, but the kind you can't look at."
"SCP-1000: They made things we still can't comprehend."
"You can't trust a zombie. They're always wrong."
"I don't believe in bigfoot or fairies or unicorns because there isn't sufficient evidence."
"Professor Willow needs your help uncovering a strange phenomenon that's happening in your area that we think might be related to a special mythical Pokémon."
"Legendary Pokémon: the rarest and most powerful Pokémon of them all, worshipped as gods in some regions and sought after by evil organizations in pursuit of world domination."
"Real or not, the Mothman is more famous now than ever."
"Literally every single one... mythicals are just the beyond burger of regular burgers when it comes to comparing them to legendaries, sometimes they taste better."
"The Beast was reportedly eight or nine feet tall with his shoulder lane for 4 to 5 feet."
"Welcome to my bloody palace tonight I'll be telling you the story of ghouls, ghosts, werewolves, werecats, succubi, and vampires."
"The little people resemble smaller versions of Native Americans, usually measuring between two and four feet tall."
"The little people's mischief can very quickly turn into open violence."
"North America has its own monster, known as Sasquatch or Bigfoot."
"Imagine trekking through a dense forest and finding a great stone temple full of monsters."
"Maybe the Dunwich monster isn't just one specific being... maybe it's a bunch of different pre humanoid beings across the world."
"I heard in the tavern that Sigismund flew down on a dragon, that the humans have horns and hooves."
"It makes life more exciting to believe in mythical creatures... it gives a little bit of magic to the world."
"I really love the animal myths and legends, like the bestiaries. The idea that you can tame a unicorn by taking a virgin into the woods and a unicorn will put its head in her lap."
"Holy go, go, go, come on! Wooded Goblin under the moonlit forest canopy of British Columbia."
"Me and my team are totally devoted to the discovery of a Bigfoot and it's common it's going to happen it's right here we're on the precipice of it I can feel it."
"We instead fight them, even defeating the sacred beasts that come afterward."
"Loch Ness Monster captured on drone footage by wild camper in Scotland."
"Golems are essentially animated creatures that are made of inanimate matter they have no conscience and they act similar to robots."
"The Ice Dragon is a cut creature with such a size and design so intimidating that it lives up to its mythical namesake."
"The Storm Dragon herself could be present in a city so woefully underprepared."
"The two dragons walk side by side through the flooded Paddy."
"Mermaids aren't meant to be super friendly. They're meant to lure you into the sea and kill you."
"A horrifying giant worm creature that will exist in your nightmares forever."
"I just see them as these like mythical amazing creatures..."
"Are you saying that what we've got here is the first civic dragon? That's evolution for you, should do well too."
"The first man in thousands of years to kill a White Walker and defend."
"Ninetales can serve as a powerful weapon, capable of burning out a small island nation in the Pacific Ocean."
"The creatures are descendants of the House of Habsburg."
"The one you can't talk about: SCP-096, a sort of Lord Voldemort in the anomalous world."
"Mermaids are the coolest mythical creatures of all."
"But I think Sasquatch is related to some of these."
"There is something truly captivating about the dragon."
"Before that, he had absorbed the abilities of the Black Wind Panther."
"That was pretty funny anyway, yep, there's a lot of Sasquatch sightings in the state of Alabama."
"The unrivaled overlord, the Supreme guardian of the entire Northern realm and the revered beast of the double moon Clan."
"Do you believe in the Loch Ness? Maybe after looking at this photo it'll change your mind."
"What stepped out of the mouth of that cavern... still gives me nightmares to this day... it was like a bear and a wolf and a man put into one."
"A suburban fantasy world with mundane mythical creatures."
"If giants walk the earth, sooner or later that too will be discovered."
"If you're out there playing music and laughing and singing that seems to attract the beast."
"Fizzerban managed to gain the aid of a unicorn."
"The creature is the Congo's own personal Nessie."
"The sacrifices were not in vain; they allowed the dragon aspects and their allies to focus their wrath on Deathwing."
"Real life Sirens: eerie, animalistic, and luring."
"Back in the day, if I stumbled upon this trail cam footage, I'd debunk it without hesitation. But at this point, when scientists are trying to resurrect woolly mammoths, the likelihood of a dinosaur roaming around is not impossible."
"These creatures far from the usual birds had huge wings that looked like those of a bat but on a massive scale."
"Some will never believe in Sasquatch until they see one or have a personal encounter."
"And because of what it means to be a dragon, the audience will know to expect something powerful and important no matter what shape it is."
"Why shouldn't you be afraid of the basilisk?"
"The photo shows a creature unlike any other known to humankind—a large, muscular, human-like physique with long hair and arms."
"Hidden under the ocean are the biggest animals on this planet, sea monsters."
"I'm so happy that we can come back together to rage about the fact that they've told us these were dragons for 10 years."
"Talking about strange creatures, in certain cultures, it is a common thing to believe in dwarves, gnomes, and fairies."
"In some sense, it's no wonder that such creatures have had such enduring power and imagination."
"The stories go back of the Yeren for centuries. Chinese scholars and poets were writing about the existence of hill monsters in these hills of Shennongjia in the 5th century BC."
"Humans love monsters: dragons, werewolves, vampires..."
"Imagine a creature that is a combination of a snake, a crocodile, and a horse."
"Even in the trailers for 'Secrets of Dumbledore', there is a water-winged phoenix that shows up."
"Could there be a Bigfoot in the Amazon? A creature that for the longest time has been said to roam the rainforest of Brazil?"
"Enchanting legends, the bard and dragon were."
"What if Cthulhu existed today? It's not too far-fetched to say he likely does."
"Modern scholars commonly accept that the Leviathan that is alluded to is a primordial sea serpent which God battled at the beginning of time in order to create the universe."
"Winter is here, ladies and gentlemen, as well as the Night King and his army of the Dead."
"Why do you think people are so fascinated by dragons?"
"Can you believe we don't have a Pegasus Pokemon yet? It's an extremely well known and well-liked mythical creature that seems like an easy thing to make a Pokemon out of."
"Wrong. Yeah, a lot of the times they have that preconceived notion that unicorns are a mythical fairy tale that they're not real."
"I wouldn't be surprised if the colossal squid works part-time as a gatekeeper for hell."
"The dreaded star dragon is hands-down the biggest game-changer for the High Elves."
"The dragon represents the force of raw nature wherever it manifests."
"Katie uses appraisal on them and believes they are summoned beasts artificial creatures created by the ancient race to assist them."
"No one's gonna tie back that unicorn the unicorn is not a horse it has no owner okay it's not like you're gonna go on a carnival ride and ride the horse no the unicorn is a unicorn it does its own thing it just runs around free."
"You win this time, Mothman. But I'll be back."
"The most terrifying of them all are the grandfather's an order of ancient evil that are so impossibly powerful that our hosts of parasitic bugs follows them wherever they go to feast on those that they slaughter."
"There's just not enough information; it seems like they talk about the dragon, they talk about the serpent, they talk about all these different things but then there's nothing there."
"Whatever her purpose was she was likely very important as she is literally seen riding a legendary Pokemon in both pieces of art."
"Some people believe that Bigfoot and other creatures like him are lurking in many of Earth's forests."
"Fox sang his phoenix song, and the magic of his music touched the soul of everybody who heard it."
"The lycanthrope or a werewolf may be one of the more likely creatures to be real."
"Kyogre and Groudon got in trouble for causing severe storms and scorching the entire world."
"Dragons have innate courage, tenacity, and intelligence."
"100-foot Megalodon washes ashore, sparking controversy."
"Even though I've never seen a Bigfoot, I've always believed in them."
"There is nothing in el bear fierce, and even monsters that outmatch an owl bear in size and strength avoid tangling with it, for this creature cares nothing about a foe's superior strength as it attacks without provocation."
"An owl bear's main strategy for defeating enemies is to bear hug them, crushing bones as it beats them in the face to maim and kill."
"I'm telling you right now, it could possibly be Leviathan."
"It's a land of fairy tales and folklore where witches, munchkins, and anthropomorphic animals rub shoulders."
"This creature is absolutely terrifying imagine being a sailor in like the 17 1800s your ship is lit by candles and lanterns and then out of the darkness a hippo sized armored bear climbs up on your boat and just starts slaughtering people."
"Dragons can love. Perhaps this love and powerful emotion is part of what makes them so loyal."
"Mermaid steals fisherman's meal... tail fans out like a costume."
"Snakes are often considered baby dragons, and Chinese dragons are always paired with their precious pearl."
"What sets this tale aside from the others is that the existence of the creature was validated not only by the soldiers who encountered it but also by those who helped to recover the remains."
"Dragons, you can't get more fantasy than dragons."
"This photograph matches the typical description of a Bigfoot. It has a large brow ridge that many eyewitnesses have described seeing and also has ape-like eyes."
"The possibility of the Hairy Man existing is just too strong to be ignored."
"What do you guys think though? Is that really a chupacabra or is the farmer simply seeing things that are not there? Share your thoughts in the comment section."
"Witnesses have described the creature as a giant upright ape or even a hairy human standing over 8 ft tall and possessing a powerful robust build."
"Finally coming into number one we have one of the most famous NYC urban legends: behold the legend of the sewer alligators."
"For comparison, this is a normal Cyclops, and then this is a Cyclops on steroids."
"Unicorns are beautiful, they're strong, they're unique and so fabulous and real with awesome."
"The creature was easily 10 ft tall, its body incredibly thin like a stick figure come to life. The most striking feature was its limbs, two long spindly arms that dangled from its torso."
"Darkrai, the master of dreams, causes endless night terrors to any dream it enters, making it practically the boogeyman of the Pokemon world."
"Could this be a glimpse of a mermaid, a legendary denizen of the deep?"
"Mermaids appear in the folklore of many cultures worldwide..."
"There's still a very good chance that there is some sort of mythical creature outside Fort Zancudo."
"The Yakumama is described by the indigenous peoples as being a huge snake that grows up to fifty feet in length, with a head six feet wide that catches its prey by spitting out and flopping it like a water cannon."
"Mermaid sightings have become so common in Israel that the mayor of a coastal town has even put up a bounty for anyone that has irrefutable proof."
"Damn oh furiously mermaid sightings have become so common in Israel that the mayor of a coastal town has even put up a bounty for anyone that has irrefutable proof."
"How to spot a serpent person: sudden Fury when confronted."
"Bloody Angels are vampires. On the outside they look very pure, very angelic."
"This is the true allure of the Sasquatch, a creature that is in harmony with this epic wilderness."
"Maybe the bigfoots were the friends we made along the way."
"A mysterious gate suddenly appears in Ginza Tokyo through which mythological creatures led by men in roman armor emerge."
"It is not often that I'll come across a monster of song creatures spoken of in the hymns of the colossals religious texts by accident."
"The Goatman is described as a creature with the head of a goat and body of a Man."
"I had the guts to go toe to toe with a dragon."
"The monstrous animal was called the almasti."
"Apparently going to multiple websites like this, the Beast is real."
"Yeah, there's a dragon...but you can triumph."
"The knockers or knackers of Cornish folklore."
"The idea of the creatures being both helpful and harmful."
"The dragon, I love the mythical dragon a lot."
"Lord of the Rings... gotta be some orcs in there."
"Everybody needs an iron golem in their lives."
"Eventually he becomes the strongest of all creatures and befriends an SSS ranked giant dragon."
"With determination in his heart, he dashes towards the Kraken."
"The best mythical Pokémon is Marshadow. Of all the small cute mythicals, this is hands down the best one."
"Deeply loyal, they’ll bravely protect their owners against even the most fearsome of foes."
"Tame a dragon, that's a pretty ambitious thing to want to do."
"Dragon caught flying over mountains in China."
"A Sasquatch could easily snatch us off a trail, snatch more than one of us if it wanted to. It's quite possible that there was a rogue Sasquatch probably a male who was operating outside the normal range of Sasquatch Behavior."
"The Great Steppenwolf appears inside the sanctuary along with an army of insectrons."
"Some of these gigantic winged creatures may have evolved or adapted into our modern time."
"A phoenix is by far the strongest bird ever thought of."
"Phoenixes are definitely my favorite mythical creature."
"Trolls truly are fearsome enemies, these three-eyed ape-like monsters have powerful arms to tear you into and claws sharp enough to disemball you with a single swipe."
"Something set in an ancient middle eastern setting plus like a secret city what more could I want honestly maybe there are dragons if they're dragons then it's perfect."
"Here kitty-kitty in IX: Pillar a zombie tiger with a brain rotted tiger."
"I believe we have just witnessed the death of a fire dragon."
"Of course, much like the rest of the world, the Appalachian Wilderness has many stories of monsters lurking in the forest shadows."
"My son had a face-to-face greeting with the yeti."
"Their tears also have insane healing properties even saving Harry from the deadly basilisk venom."
"These great birds were a great help when they came to the aid of the forces of good."
"From hairy monsters to skeletal pale humanoids, skinwalkers, Windigo, and werewolves..."
"They have a thing for big monsters, giant beasts."
"Out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent."
"It's only when the prince points out that attacking him is tantamount to the humans declaring war on all werewolf kind that the lieutenant freezes in his tracks, silently contemplating the truth behind Pierre's words."
"I'm thinking what can be more beneficial in a war than dragons?"