
Obsolescence Quotes

There are 336 quotes

"These language learning models become severely outdated in the course of months, even."
"For the first time in local mail history, I had to take down one of my videos not because what I said was wrong, or because I had a take that was too hot, but because when I made the video last night and scheduled it to upload today, it was already outdated."
"Software jobs as we know them, whether they be testing or development, will be completely obsolete."
"I'm a computer programmer and have been for 20-plus years, and I was getting very tired of the nature of the industry where everything goes obsolete all the time."
"Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is such a dramatic improvement that it nearly renders the original game obsolete."
"The more your creation relies on current knowledge, the worse it's going to age when that knowledge becomes obsolete."
"I probably need to do a new one, that one's so old."
"To change things, you build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
"Build a new model that makes the old model obsolete."
"As modern ways of life creep into every corner of the Earth, the skill of animal tracking is becoming obsolete."
"Your stupid old canvas trifold wallet... that thing's a worn out relic of a bygone era."
"A computer is obsolete as soon as you open the box it was in." - Weird Al Yankovic
"The number one job of any executive is to make yourself Obsolete and I'm all about that."
"A lot of old high tech devices that are barely functioning, often maintained through ritual more than true understanding."
"It's dying today... most online services probably won't stay up."
"A crisis in Ukraine is developing, and I don't think people in the West yet understand how grave the situation in Ukraine is becoming."
"Your files sitting on that hard drive on your computer, their time in this world comes to an end. That hard drive will eventually fail."
"The old guard is going to fail to innovate and they're going to disappear. They're ineffective companies."
"Their titles could be scrapped, their medals could be scrapped, no one will care about the centurions anymore."
"Don't let people tell you it's time to upgrade."
"I'd like imagining tomorrow's technology for many reasons, but including the fact that if it's good enough, it will make everything I think as modern today look old."
"I come to you this week with very sad news: apparently they're not making the 12-inch ruler any longer."
"Molex, why is that still a thing... Rest in peace Molex I hope never to see you again."
"We don't change systems by obsessing about the old one. We make them obsolete."
"The very concept of the light bulb... is pretty much over."
"This old system might not be the system that takes us into the future."
"The most endangered thing are the really old legacy tanks."
"Just because you bought the latest greatest device doesn't mean it's the last one you'll ever buy."
"Large and bulky in comparison to the sleek and thin screens of today, most people think of CRTs as useless unwanted space-wasters that you couldn’t pay someone to take away."
"The gas stations that they exist today in an ideal world are going to be 99% obsolete."
"16 gig now is going to last you until the next upgrade."
"If you do not innovate your product, you will be obsolete from the market."
"Create a better system, the old one will become obsolete."
"Hackintosh is already dying even while Apple is still selling Intel-based products."
"Witness the end of an age. The clans scattered to the corners of Nozgoth. This place has outlasted its usefulness, as have you."
"Are all reviews of 3D Blast made before 2017 obsolete now?"
"The advent of machine guns effectively now made war horses obsolete."
"It's only a matter of time before they all go the way of the floppy disk."
"Keys aren't the only things that smartphones are slowly making obsolete."
"This is not new... it's run its course and change definitely needs to happen."
"It essentially died out and Google did not support it anymore."
"It's strange to see them go away when another system for Microsoft is coming out this year."
"Cards continue to get outdated man I do this stuff for Content."
"The audio jack will eventually become obsolete, but Apple will try way too hard to make it obsolete way too quick."
"Loading times are essentially a thing of the past now."
"A final thing on this: the Act is basically 154 years old, it's dead."
"World War II proved... the battleship was a dead issue."
"The iPhone 4s isn't the only device Apple has killed."
"New technology makes old technologies obsolete. What if that old technology is your memory?"
"What I'm worried about more than any things that human beings are going to become obsolete..."
"For anyone spending, even businesses spending fifteen hundred dollars on a headset today, you don't want it to feel like this is not going to be top of the line two to three years from now."
"Has technology made humans obsolete? When the car was invented, it made the horse obsolete."
"Cable news is a dinosaur, it's dying and only very very old people are watching it."
"Our good old duplicator tree is kind of like the one here with the duct tape. It's not always so necessary, I suppose. It's been a pleasure using them, but I feel like they're kind of a thing of the past."
"University lectures are an obsolete practice inherited from the middle ages when books were scarce."
"Cuba's electric grid is old, inefficient, and obsolete."
"VAR needs to disappear like the VHS videos, it's just rubbish."
"The gas side of things is a major problem for Russia because they've grown used to sending all of that gas down the pipelines those pipelines will very quickly become redundant they will be obsolete soon."
"It's already too late for legacy automotive manufacturers."
"Cannons are a little bit obsolete in today's most air superiority warfare."
"The old grid operated kind of like an old Timex watch."
"By the time our kids are 18, college may be obsolete."
"I just don't know if this camera really has a place in the professional video world anymore."
"Windows 7 has had its day it's finished you need to move forward."
"The headsets we're gonna look at today make all of Razer's previous wired headsets obsolete."
"The value of the entire inventory supply of this company has been made worthless because of the rising efficiency of the modern world."
"It's more about already made statements... about to be drawn obsolete resulting in a breach of trust and credibility."
"I don't believe it's impossible, it's obsolete."
"Quite clearly, that magical technology that came along, firearms and guns, didn't make hand weapons and people that use hand weapons obsolete."
"You still don't get it, the 1990s 1980s style of politician is dead and gone."
"Our outdated hardware threatens, ironically, to end us."
"Nobody wants to deal with mechanical hard drives anymore, at least not for productivity machines."
"Anybody who won't change will get left in the dust."
"Booster 5 is just obsolete at this point unless something bad happens to booster 4."
"If you think you know everything, the day you think you know everything is the day you become obsolete."
"It's like on an older version of Java that doesn't even exist anymore."
"Barney holds a discussion with the Expendables, regretfully telling them they're not the future but relics of the past."
"In an economy based on endless growth and planned obsolescence, there's only too many eager folks ready to sell whatever will make us feel like we finally made it."
"There really is no reasonable circumstance under which I would continue to recommend the i7 7700K frankly for anybody."
"This gargantuan aircraft owned by a 67-year-old Saudi prince may end up seeing only a few years of service."
"If only the internet wasn't just about to take over and revolutionize the market entirely, leaving all those thousands of stores pretty much obsolete."
"The Green Knight does all of that in spades and that is why it's not only the Arthurian film we need right now; it could even be the best dramatic Arthurian film to date."
"But while the hotline has served the United States and Russia well for nearly 60 years, in our modern world of instant communication, the system is beginning to look like an outdated relic of the past."
"Internet Explorer will no longer be accessible on Windows 10 in 2022."
"We're all trying to push the ball and kind of because really, these other places are really obsolete."
"It was phased out because people knew how to use technology now, but it will never not look good."
"The final problem that faced Ellen's Energy Adventure was that as time went on, the attraction became dated very quickly."
"The days of the sailing ship were almost over."
"It's over for internal combustion."
"Religion is really gonna be a thing of the past very soon, just like nobody worships Zeus anymore."
"New technology becomes old technology."
"Just because today's featured items were deemed obsolete does not necessarily make it true."
"This is the exclamation point that says nobody needs to build battleships over again nobody needs to worry about big guns on their ships maybe ever again."
"We will continue to see kits over the years being taken out of service retired or gotten rid of and like I said it's only because they're not selling they're making a new one."
"Cursive has become an outdated skill that is rarely taught today."
"...at the current rate of innovation it can quickly become outdated which is kind of scary how do you plan for that how you phase out older printers and when do you plan for Replacements."
"These greasy developers are destroying malls almost seemingly with planned obsolescence and precision."
"After a while, technology moves on."
"So McDonald's using this model of ice cream machine would be like if we all still use the original Motorola Razr phone with no internet connectivity and barely enough texting capability to break up with your girlfriend."
"For 'that which ceases from use has prepared the way for its own retirement."
"The obsolescence of traditional PDAs loomed ever closer with better and better displays, cameras, and cellular functionality."
"Man, what do you need to print out these days? It's rare that I ever need to use a printer, and if you do, it's like, 'Oh man, that company's so outdated because you have to print something and sign it, like DocuSign, come on, we have DocuSign now."
"He couldn't take advantage. He was a gentleman in a world that has no further use for gentlemen."
"There were structural changes that were affecting the relative value of line-of-business functions, and whole categories within typical corporations were essentially being made obsolete."
"Eventually, for whatever reason, the Department became obsolete, and it was swept from the record so completely that most people have no idea it ever even existed."
"...the combination of the antiquated remote control system and the poor quality of the display it's just very old-fashioned..."
"...here's one of my many comments on technology: by the time you figure out how to use it, it's obsolete."
"Hush little baby, singing to you, Papa's gonna buy you an iPad too, when that iPad's obsolete, Papa's gonna buy you an iPad 3, when that 3 don't work no more, Papa's gonna buy you an iPad 4 and on it goes, okay."
"It's designed to be replaced, it's designed to take you to the next replaceable thing."
"By the time you master a new system it's obsolete."
"The war changed the b-58 was made for a mission that no longer existed even just a decade later from before."
"Old hardware such as graphics cards from 7 years ago are still prevalent for a lot of people even today."
"This bike doesn't exist in 5 years time."
"This is firmware 1.0, that is old firmware."
"Anything that is pushed needs to die."
"Things are changing all the time, so just like that video that I looked at a while ago back from 2020 that's now pretty much out of date for most of the information in it."
"The United States, we are still using stuff that's 50-plus years old."
"They got to where I couldn't find parts for them, couldn't keep them going."
"Nobody likes to be told that what you spent years of your life learning is becoming obsolete. Nobody likes to see that a young kid who started to mix a few months ago can outperform your years of experience."
"...very few people will be mourning the loss of the personal CD player."
"The dew line was completed and until the mid-80s was the first line of defense against Russian attacks. But time and technological advances have made them obsolete."
"And why not? After all, they're none of them the latest thing."
"By the time the stadium had been abandoned and then demolished, it had far outlived its usefulness."
"Even with repairs, it'll take at least a month. By the time a month passes, it'll all be old news."
"Round barns, once deemed ultimately practical, became less and less useful."
"To be honest I think we run a risk with any synth we buy that's out of warranty any synth we buy where the original manufacturer doesn't exist anymore where there aren't spare parts anymore and there's no servicing anymore we run that risk."
"Half of everything you know will be irrelevant within two years."
"For the first time in more than a millennium, the state is on the way out."
"The Imp limped along until the mid-70s but its days were numbered."
"Even modern submarines which break down in the years could become essentially useless, reduced to just so much expensive scrap metal."
"There's no more typewriter, Ally. There's no more of this stupid predicting the future stuff. And so yeah, it's no longer with us. It is dead."
"WordPress is really starting to show its age."
"...the old Covenant is fading, obsolete, and passing away."
"Historically, capitalism is obsolete. We are far past the point when capitalism has ceased to fulfill its historic purpose."
"Planned obsolescence is the counter thesis to the main thing capitalism is trying to sell us. The main thing capitalism is trying to sell us is absolute [__], it doesn't work."
"It seems lead acid is officially dead."
"It's time for them to leave too. They're extinct, they ain't got no value."
"It's kind of sad to see it go, but we all saw the end of the iPod coming."
"I mean, we used floppy disks like this, for crying out loud."
"I just don't understand how people can keep letting this go on. I mean, something outlives its usefulness and... and you destroy it."
"It embodies everything that is cool with today's technology, but in about five years nobody's gonna care about it."
"Hey, look at this bait. This bait don't work no more."
"The more you resist change, the more you will become obsolete."
"There's no excuse to be walking around with some old flip phone from five years ago."
"Who the [ __ ] has cable? No one even has cable anymore."
"When you have something that revolves so heavily around technology, it becomes instantaneously dated."
"Once it’s smarter than a human, conscious or not, it’s at that point that we have gone obsolete."
"Marketing, the way it is changing so dramatically, unless you constantly upgrade your understanding and your skills, you will become obsolete pretty quickly."
"But even the relatively small and easy to use compact disc was too much as the entire idea of physical media was being challenged."
"We're not working on tape anymore."
"It definitely doesn't get used as much as it used to."
"...when something is obsolete it just starts collecting dust and all of that sort of thing."
"It's kind of like a car dealership selling a used car that they don't make anymore."
"Textbooks can also become very outdated."
"That's so old literally a fossil."
"The Super 8 in yard is nearing the end of its operational career with the French Navy despite its Advanced Weapons Systems the 18 yards impending obsolescence is a reminder of how quickly defense requirements change in an era of mounting technological advancements."
"People are still trying to fleece people out of money for really old kit, and that's just not worth it."
"Your time has passed. You were epic while it lasted but you just couldn't cut it."
"Is AMD FX still relevant or should we be attending its funeral?"
"It's amazing how really what a short space of time something can go from maybe even secretive that we're not even allowed to know about to absolute outdated junk."
"These aeroplanes were obsolete and the order came through to dispose of them."
"Many viewers draw the conclusion that shortwave number stations are obsolete and there's nothing to hear but this isn't true; there are still many stations originating from countries such as Taiwan, Russia, Poland, and Cuba which transmit numerous times daily, 365 days a year."
"NFTs are the horse-drawn carriages of the investment space."
"They move up to get newer stuff and then the old stuff gets sold off."
"...what I put in this video will probably be outdated in about a year or so."
"Steam technology was not the future and was the presence and quickly becoming the past of railroad technology; diesels were the way forward."
"Electric cars are kind of making gas cars obsolete."
"Manuals are a dying breed, they've been a dying breed for the last several years."
"Data must be periodically checked and removed when obsolete."
"It's an enchantment that has outlived its usefulness."
"No good typewriters are ever going to be made again."
"...they've made that flip 4 feel dated."
"We're gonna be like the old VCR when the DVD player came out."
"The term Mainframe today is at best nebulous and at worst totally obsolete."
"It's inevitable because every technology becomes obsolete once they've pushed the envelope as far as they can with audio and video they're going to have to go on to the next logical Frontier smell a vision."
"So time has moved on and the KLR sort of been left in the past and I don't think that Kawasaki has done quite enough to sort of keep it up to date with all those other competitive bikes."
"Cable is just a thing of the past."
"These things only live so long, we're long overdue."
"This is programmed obsolescence to snap this thing right in half."
"How many people know how to use them anymore?"
"It's not easy; most of the company you don't have a clear list of what is obsolete."
"Taxes for revenue is obsolete. We do not need taxes for revenue. We need them for other purposes."
"Art won't be obsolete until Humanity dies."
"There will be a day sometime in the near future when this guide will not have to be published."
"The anti-tank gun just isn't really required."
"With the digital world, night vision, night scopes, day-night scopes, and thermal imaging, unfortunately for the poor old lamp, it's been consigned to history."
"Just the way that they operate and work is a little bit old and clunky for my liking."
"The 1893 may be one of the shortest-lived Swiss rifles because it fairly quickly fell out of favor with the government."
"In today's world, people are looking for the latest cars, the latest tech, the latest fashion, and after a year or two, things get outdated."
"I don't even know if I still have a checkbook."
"Avoid a tight fit for form and function, which is always a recipe for technological obsolescence."
"Once that fire stick popped in my head, I was like, you know what, I was broke before, and I saw DVDs. Now, DVDs are obsolete."
"'Nobody uses it much but nobody's ever revoked it,' Trey said solemnly."
"Payphones... pretty much everyone has their own phone right now, so there's no need for payphones anymore."
"Old laptop: plus 10 Nostalgia, minus 100 usefulness."
"What really use do we have for those drives anymore these days anyway?"
"You fail because you're too competent with the paradigm which is now out of date."
"There aren't many good retirement options for tanks."
"Our ability to make battleship armor has actually pretty much disappeared, not because we've forgotten how, but because the demand for foot-plus thick slabs of incredibly high-quality face-hardened steel has somewhat diminished."
"The aim of every charity is to make itself obsolete."