
Life Uncertainty Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"There is no guarantee that you're going to live to see tomorrow, but there is a guarantee that death is coming."
"We're all struggling. We don't know what the [ __ ] we're doing in life. We're just winging it."
"It's like you don't know what's going to be next in your life, basically. Like you're gonna have trials and ups and downs, but it's all to get you to the next place."
"There are no certainties in investing or macro or anything in life, but there are definitely probabilities."
"Nothing's promised if you just do things the right way."
"I couldn't have predicted where I was gonna be five years ago and I'm not sure I can predict the next five years either but it's just exciting knowing that I have so many different options that I can take."
"Life is uncertain. You don't know what's coming next."
"You know, life is never 100% and we never thought we'd be going to something like this."
"Let's just enjoy it a little bit, we're heading into the weekend."
"Nothing is ever guaranteed in the stock market, much like in life."
"Life is really short. You never know what's going to happen, or what can happen."
"Even though I'm healthy today, I could die tomorrow."
"At 56, you don't know, okay? I mean, I understand some people don't fully know sometimes..."
"I don't know what's next but you'll be able to handle it."
"None of us know whether we're going to see tomorrow none of us know nothing is guaranteed."
"Representing better than any other series, not just ones about music, but in general- the times when you’re wandering, your drive is shakey, if pointed in any specific direction at all, and you just… don’t know."
"Who truly knows how many times you were minutes from death?"
"Life has never looked so uncertain as it does right now."
"You never know, you know, when you go to bed at night, if that's going to be the last time you see the sun."
"There's no security in life, only opportunity. The only way you can guarantee failure is to be so afraid of failing that you don't try anything at all."
"You never know when things are gonna change in your life."
"You're not guaranteed tomorrow, so go for your goals right now because you don't know what's gonna happen."
"No one is safe, nothing is sacred, and Anything could happen."
"Life is just... these brief moments of kind of peace until the next accident happens."
"I'm not sure if I regret it. I feel like I don't know about a lot of things anymore in my life, but hey, that's okay, that's all part of growing up and moving forward."
"Nothing in life is certain... everything is a possibility."
"You ever get out of high school and realize you have no idea what the hell you want to do with your life? Turns out just kind of waiting and seeing where life takes you can really only get you so far."
"It's drifting, and you just never know what's gonna happen."
"We're always talking about how you never know where you're gonna be, you're never gonna know where you're gonna end up."
"We don't know how many more days we have left."
"Don't feel guilty if you don't know what to do with your life. Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't."
"Tomorrow may never come for you. Tomorrow is never promised for anyone."
"No one knows what they're doing. We're all just muddling through life trying to figure everything out."
"Loss happens, failure happens, sorrow happens. I can't always control where I'm headed either."
"There's a lot of uncertainty for some folks."
"Most importantly, none of us are promised our next breath here."
"Nothing in life is guaranteed. You can get married, you can have kids and be miserable as hell."
"You're not guaranteed any time on this planet. You don't know what's going to happen."
"I'm not gonna say every situation looks terrible, but you don't know everything."
"It's okay to not have the answers because oftentimes there is no answer; it just is and that's part of the journey."
"It's the mystery of your life; you just never know."
"It's okay to not have everything figured out in life."
"I don't know, it's like you're not supposed to exactly have the answers."
"No one will ever guarantee how long you can live for."
"Nothing in this life is guaranteed."
"You're not guaranteed tomorrow, you're not guaranteed the next moment, or the next paycheck."
"You don't know how long you've got, so you know, made me want to try and be a better dad."
"Tell your family, tell your loved ones that you love them, because you just never know."
"Tomorrow ain't promised to you, so make sure that you got something to fall back on."
"You have to be on point at all times; anything can happen to anybody, you're not invincible."
"Tomorrow's not promised for none of us."
"People say that life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're going to get."
"The only security which we can have is in insecurity."
"There are no guarantees in life, my friends."
"You never know when it's gonna be your time... nobody is promised tomorrow."