
Education Value Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"The truth about education... on average, it's a great investment."
"Is an aerospace engineering degree worth it? That's what we're going to be talking about today."
"Education is education is the foundation for any change."
"The greatest part of the population right now are people my age, and a lot of people my age don't have anything to do. If they would just go and mentor their...because the kids need to see evidence that education is going to work for them."
"You read the great classics, scientific and literary, historical, all of that, you'll get educated."
"Education provides the tools that will allow you to use that liberty for something worthwhile."
"I don't care about a degree. Can you do the job?"
"College, a key aspect of the American dream, receiving a college education has long been seen as critical to living a good and prosperous life."
"Education is the best equalizer, education is the best investment, education is the best inheritance."
"College is not a waste of time at all. It shapes you to be an expert."
"Community college graduates provide more security for their families, invest in their local schools and businesses, and they bring needed skills to our workforce."
"Going to school is work, undeniably. Being paid for it would be acceptable."
"Specific fact-based knowledge is what actually enables us to do the things that learning General skills is supposed to."
"Most of all, if people are thinking about going to college and especially if you're here in the States and it's so fucking expensive, really..."
"I always talk about all the time like I, yes, I do love certifications I love trade school I love Community College."
"The value of Ivy League education is in the screening before the education starts."
"If you gonna go get four years in education come out with a job making six figures. Come out with a job making $80,000 a year. $40,000 a year? Forget you, you can be an assistant manager at McDonald's."
"The fiery torches of learning cast back the tides of ignorance."
"The 'College Wage Premium' vastly undersells the value of their degree."
"Please, if you feel like education is worth it, stay in it."
"You're qualified to pay for them" - your degrees do not confer the kind of qualifications that you imagine, but they do at least qualify you to pay for them.
"You're not necessarily paying for the education, but for the opportunities and the connections."
"I feel like if you're going into business, college almost isn't worth it. It's about who you know and what you know."
"Don't underestimate the value of a good sound worldly education."
"Knowledge without application is completely useless."
"Education is cool and creativity is cool... those two enable everything else."
"Education is an investment in the future, and upon that cornerstone, we must build."
"If I knew that I had to work in a factory after graduating from college, what's the point of going to college?"
"Your education is something they can never take away from you."
"Are we actually creating value from our higher education system in this country or not?"
"These are among the most intellectually valuable and also tuition-paying, full tuition-paying graduate students in the United States."
"Degrees aren't going to be valuable in the next several several years... traditional schooling isn't going to matter."
"If you really want to climb the ladder, an education can never be taken from you."
"I think the concept of vocational education got a bad rap."
"One of the biggest things that I've learned about education is one of the people that I've interviewed did a really deep study."
"Learning something is never a waste of time."
"Our students are yearning to come back to campus. It has reaffirmed the value of on-campus instruction."
"Education is more Sure Fire guaranteed that you have possibilities open to you."
"Hot take: College is 90% not worth it unless you're going for a career that requires extra school on top of your four-year degree. That's a hot take in general."
"Learning about cryptocurrency is worth more than investing thousands of dollars."
"We have not done a good job of reminding generations of students of the value of free speech, open inquiry, due process."
"Your portfolio matters more than your degree."
"There is nothing more valuable to you than investing in your own education."
"Education can change your life, so start your journey today."
"The wage premium for bachelor's degrees has skyrocketed over time."
"The knowledge of self makes one take on the great virtue of learning."
"If something bigger happens with this show or we can make more money and give him an actual job, he will drop out of school and work for us."
"Education is freedom, education is uplifting of the human soul to the purest light of truth."
"There are a few earthly things more beautiful than a university... a place where those hate ignorance may strive to know, where those who perceive truth may strive to make others see."
"The humanities are more of an education than the rest."
"Education is very important. Whether you're in a trade school or college or wherever, extra education is great."
"Computer science: god-tier degree, gateway to financial independence."
"Your wealth is built through your financial education, not just your school education."
"Even if I study or don't study, I'm going to be wealthy. The knowledge I have is enough to make me earn."
"What they did is what good parents have always done, they've invested in education."
"Diplomas don't do the work, only getting knowledge does."
"You have to spend money to make money. You have to invest in yourself, right? When you invest in college you don't make that bread back right away."
"I tell people all the time, if you think education is expensive, try ignorance."
"A college education is the key to the American dream."
"I made this. It might not work. Want to try?"
"Every course that MIT teaches is free. So what's the quarter million dollars for? The piece of paper. The proof."
"That's why you learn more from literature and stories than you do anywhere else."
"You can't take knowledge away from somebody."
"Education is never wasted, and it is not about the degree; it is about who you become in the process."
"The real value of a real education...has almost nothing to do with knowledge and everything to do with simple awareness."
"I think a mentor is like infinitely more useful than you know four years of school."
"Nothing can overcome the power of knowledge after all."
"Education should be the greatest pleasure and job ever."
"Employers are pretty apathetic to seeing a data science certificate on your resume."
"Education is everything, education is freedom, education is the uplifting of the human soul to the glorious light of truth."
"You have the education, you have the smarts, you have the drive."
"Because education can never be taken. They can steal a lot from you but not that, not knowledge."
"For the average person, getting a college degree is worth it."
"The more you learn, the more you're going to make or the more you're going to earn."
"Americans are becoming less convinced that a college degree is worth it."
"A smart person is just someone who wants to be educated, that is smart."
"For the past 3 years me and my team have put our Blood Sweat and Tears into building the best membership site that will actually impact your life in a positive way."
"Education is how long are you waiting for that job after."
"The main thing that gives me hope right now is classical liberal arts education."
"Earning a college degree is one of the most impressive and greatest accomplishments of life."
"Knowledge is power. The more you know, the more you can do."
"Education and learning and being smart, that stuff is cool."
"School's always gonna be here, bro. This opportunity won't be."
"Life doesn't end after school, nor should your education."
"There is no such thing as an undignified path to a physics degree."
"Life is about education, not enjoyment; the joy of learning is the joy of life."
"Don't waste your money on a gender studies degree."
"I quit college. I promise no one here. It's just a waste of my [expletive] time."
"Out the gate I'm actually a college dropout at this point, but um, it's been a while since I had like a teacher-teacher. This is actually my professor finding my channel which might be worse."
"My entire life, my dad has pushed me and encouraged me to get an education, and my mom has taught me how to use it."
"Having a relevant degree means this position will come with higher pay."
"Imagination is more important than education."
"People like to downgrade and say, you know, like I have a college degree, I would not be where I am without a college degree, I'll let you know that right now."
"Black folks, we get these degrees and we get all this education, and we still may not always get the salary we deserve, the opportunities we deserve, or get to work for the companies that should be opening the door for us."
"Don't join for the free laptop, join for the education."
"I remember back in 1974, I paid 1200 bucks for a 10-month course... every day, good deal."
"If you went to college and learned all this stuff, you can survive and thrive."
"The most powerful weapon you can use to change the world is education." - Nelson Mandela
"All knowledge is worth having, all skills are worth having."
"Education is not just having certificates... somebody can finish secondary school, train himself with the exposure of the internet, and become a great person."
"If it wasn't for its education, you would not have these inventions at all, period. End of story." - Dave Wawa
"A college degree today is equal to what a high school degree used to be back in the day."
"A degrees are still valuable so really think about the college."
"Their striving for that all-important piece of paper the Diploma that they believe is their golden ticket to a successful career and a happy life and their suffering the consequences but they don't have to."
"If you put in the work to learn, you will make it happen plain and simple."
"College is not necessary for success but college does teach you some intangibles that are very hard for you to have if you don't go to college."
"What you make of your education will decide nothing less than the future of this country."
"A woman with education respects a man who made himself rich without the student loan debt."
"It's not about the degree, it's about who you become in the process."
"Teachers should get paid more than what they get paid, they really should."
"Encourage your children for education and wisdom have the power to transform families and entire nations."
"College isn't the be all and all for a great life, but higher education is a big part of many people's lives."
"We can take those things and we can be educated, we can be informed by that process."
"I'm gonna go back now, why? Because you may be like, 'Mario, you don't need school anymore,' but it's like a lot more mentally stable."
"Adults with a bachelor's degree earn an average of $2.8 million during their careers, $1.2 million more than workers with only a high school diploma."
"The smartest investment you can make is in yourself and in your education."
"Education is more important than anything. I pray for wisdom, I don't pray for money."
"There's power in education there's power and knowledge and there's power in the experiences."
"A more educated Sim is a more profitable Sim."
"It's like taking out a student loan to earn you a degree."
"Education sector is an asset, not a liability."
"A degree will not help you land the job or it might help you land the job where you don't even actually really learn much."
"Being educated is overrated. It's much more important to be funny."
"A STEM education is a challenging climb, but once you're at the top and you get to see that view, you know that it was worth it."
"Teaching is a noble profession, but just because it's a noble profession and a calling doesn't mean that they shouldn't be paid what they're worth."
"When you enter the workforce, experience and ability are more important than educational background."
"Only you can decide the value of a specialty course."
"Knowledge is power, but it truly is."
"Life's more important than education sometimes."
"Majority of the time people push that upon people you know you know how many you know records do you really hear on the radio where they said something like really positive like going to college or something like I'm being serious."
"Your schooling doesn't matter at all. The only thing that matters is your portfolio."
"I think there's a lot of value in education, however, it's currently overinflated."
"One additional year of education causes wages to increase by 0.54 US dollars."
"Education's great, but experience and mentorship take it any day of the week."
"The Montessori three to six curriculum... has been worth every penny and I am so incredibly glad that I did."
"The capital T truth is about life before death. It is about the real value of a real education, which has almost nothing to do with knowledge and everything to do with simple awareness."
"As radiology techs, we make a lot of money if you consider the amount of training that you go through to get this job."
"A college degree meant guaranteed income."
"I felt like education was the best way to do that."
"He celebrated the extraordinary power of education and its potential to shape civilization."
"He gave me a good education, and I might have been a better scholar at the present time had I not neglected my studies."
"The nature of that struggle was the highest form of education because they got to know themselves."
"Get as much education as you can."
"School is important, everybody. School."
"College education is more important than just learning skills for a job."
"Never let your schooling get in the way of your education."
"If you've got education, you've got some kind of training, some kind of knowledge, somebody will pay you for that."
"Education is freedom, education is liberty, education for me personally is everything."
"Just learning this one feature paid for the price of the class."
"The fact that I got a quality education here was so very, very important."
"Experience, in my opinion, triumphs education."
"Sometimes people don't appreciate how much education teachers have to have and continue to have."
"The camaraderie of the guys who were there and the intelligence, you definitely had people who were more well educated than the average soldier by a couple of years."
"...the value of a real education, I mean we can all be here and talk about things live and it's free... but if you want the whole story and if you want the full teacher support, that's where education is really quite important."
"Any education is better than none."
"I didn't go to law school for nothing."
"Getting an education means so, so, so much because by the time y'all get older, you're not going to be able to do nothing without that education."
"One additional year of education is associated with 55 cents increasing wages."
"The things that you're learning are not just useless things; they're extremely important even to modern science, modern physics, modern chemistry, modern engineering."
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste, and it's a beautiful thing to invest in."
"They need this place, the school stays."
"It's not necessarily a bad degree, the degree itself is worthwhile."
"Do not take your education for granted, go to school, graduate, make a future for yourself so that you can make a future for this world."
"Most important thing is not what university you went to, but your academic competence."
"Your education is far more important than the red car I drive."
"You should look at it as a way to get a free education, not that I'm gonna make it."
"I think about what they get in an education at University of Georgia, it's pretty valuable."
"Education was the most important thing in a child's life."