
Financial Crime Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Our criminal system is also supposed to be going after true culprits who make our democracy less safe, who steal literally billions of dollars from the public and private."
"This was one of the biggest and most notorious Ponzi schemes out there."
"The men and women who duped would-be homeowners, who defrauded the American investor, need to be identified, prosecuted, convicted, and thrown in jail."
"When we're talking about hundreds of millions of dollars worth of alleged scams like this is serious it's not internet drama it's dangerous."
"Sam Bankman Freed as we now know was operating something like a 30 to 40 billion dollar crypto Empire out of the Bahamas."
"They take action against two meme stock wash traders. The SEC asserts that the defendants unlawfully gleaned more than seven hundred thousand dollars through a wash trading scheme that targeted exchanges and offering market maker rebates."
"White collar financial crime is not a victimless crime. When the well-connected break the law to take in more money than they are entitled to, it reduces resources to working people, to regular people, to small businesses, and to taxpayers."
"Criminals have stolen close to 100 billion dollars in pandemic relief funds."
"This is just plain old embezzlement, old school."
"JP Morgan's metals desk was a criminal enterprise, U.S. says." - Bloomberg headline
"A story of glamour, greed, and a global scam worth $15 billion."
"Where in the world is Ruja Ignatova? The $15 billion hunt is still on."
"I figured out how to create these fictional people with fake social security numbers."
"No one is above the law. White collar financial crime is not a victimless crime."
"The gang was said to have gained control of several village banks – including the four that had frozen up - by illicit means, sold financial products through their platform, and set up shell companies to hide where the money had gone."
"Financial cybercrime is exploding; the hackers, some of their teens, are making thousands if not millions and are rarely getting caught."
"This wasn't just... they got paid... these valuations were so extreme that they went from these subjective okay it's mushy to it's absolutely fraudulently criminal."
"As the layers of the onion begin to be peeled back, it was discovered that a widespread fraud had been perpetrated."
"It's high crimes against humanity that have been going on in our financial arena."
"We need to increase our cooperation with the private sector to identify the financial flows of this illegal money."
"That's fraud, that's theft, and that is embezzlement."
"Charles Ponzi was an Italian con artist and swindler who worked in the United States and Canada."
"Even pleading guilty to fraud and insider trading, Huang was still seen as somebody who could make them buckets of cash."
"This is all a game to them for money laundering."
"Don't [ __ ] give it to them. Credit fraud is a big, big thing that you do not want to get involved with."
"The world of money laundering normally conjures up imageries of shows like Ozark or Breaking Bad."
"Criminal fraud is a crime that involves a scheme to cheat or deceive another individual or entity in order to obtain a financial gain."
"The U.S. is really the top destination for dirty money."
"This summer an AP analysis found that fraudsters potentially stole more than $280 billion dollars in pandemic relief funding."
"The report chronicles the DOJ's settlement of money-laundering charges against HSBC for 1.9 to billion dollars. Despite the bank's case-dispositive admissions of guilt, no individual was ever prosecuted, nor was the bank itself."
"Blatant criminal - if this isn't enough for Gensler to see, I don't really know what else he needs to see."
"In truth and in fact the perpetrators of the debt relief scheme did not settle or consolidate the victim's debt certain participants also falsely told victims that the victims had qualified for a government grant."
"It's difficult to imagine a world where money launderers don't take advantage of Bitcoin."
"You stole 40 million dollars. You're a scammer, you're a con artist. You betrayed your community. The reality is you aren't that guy."
"This is one of the largest economic crimes in history."
"Money laundering: taking illegal money and making it legal or making it look legal."
"Fraudsters who inflicted losses on Italians as savers should end up in prison for a long time."
"I think this will probably go down in history as one of, if not the largest financial crimes ever. The size, the scale."
"There's millions of dollars being stolen on a daily basis, and if there's no attention brought to it, it would be that many more millions of dollars stolen from innocent people."
"Smurfing Technique: it's basically micro-trafficking... using small denominations of transfers and transactions."
"Why would you commit financial crimes over six dollars? Is that really worth losing your business, your life, your freedom over?"
"There is much work to be done regarding Financial crime in the Greater Los Angeles metropolitan area."
"Absolutely, it is a mantra 'follow the money' for those dealing with any form of financial crime."
"This man Samuel Bankman Freed giving the jury a reason to convict not just we have met the elements of the crime that the judge is going to charge you with but there is real harm and real impact and real people are out actual money."
"The impact of first party fraud is in the tens of billions of dollars in the U.S. only."
"Two fraudsters can easily rack up bills as high as 80K."
"We're going to be a midwife of the world's dirty money, we're going to help launder it, we're going to help whitewash it."
"Frauds like these have scammed tens of billions of dollars out of individual investors and institutional investors alike."
"How strong the financial crime evidence is really shows how weak the circumstantial evidence is."
"I love movies about financial crimes and shady stuff going on in Wall Street."
"Placement, layering, and integration are the three stages of money laundering."
"Lifestyle choices are considered the number one motivation for fraud."
"Is he a victim or is he a killer trying to cover up a long list of financial misdoings?"