
Humble Beginnings Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"This is a story of ordinary beginnings, extraordinary determination, and the unwavering belief that even the humblest among us can rise to greatness."
"I showed up in LA... making coffee and copies and deliveries. You have to start at the bottom."
"My father always donated money to Saint Jude even though we lived in poverty. Got to keep the tradition going. Humble beginnings."
"We all have to start somewhere, right? Mine Valley really started in a former whorehouse."
"Truly being self-made, having humble roots and beginnings, does allow someone to see the world differently."
"People look at us as celebrities; we were still just some little broke kids."
"Success requires enduring humble beginnings to create mighty empires."
"Stephen was at the time 19 years old, he's a twin, he was born to humble beginnings."
"From such humble beginnings are great things made."
"His success can be traced back to humble beginnings and his journey through various startups."
"Both have humble beginnings and advanced through their respective fields."
"Epic things can indeed come from humble beginnings."
"Look at me, I come from a little Austrian village."
"We come from nothing and we work a lot to be here."
"I didn't start with a thousand, two thousand. I started from zero."
"I found a baby wrapped in clothes in a manger."
"When I met you, I was a doorman, I was shoveling [ __ ] at the dolphin."
"It's crazy to think that we started this business selling t-shirts from our truck."
"Everybody has their humble beginnings, starting point. You don't start with your dream job."
"We were nothing, we had no subs, really, nothing."
"Minecraft really does have humble beginnings."
"Don't despise small beginnings because that's where the nucleus of it all is."
"The story of Travis Scott from his humble beginnings in Houston."
"God can do a deep thing with a shallow start."
"I think this is like kind of the first thing I built here... not that impressive."
"She comes to California and she really starts with really humble beginnings."
"Good players have played in humble football grounds."
"Lamborghinis started out making tractors."
"It's always good to find out about brands that actually came from really humble beginnings."
"I used to cold call from my mom's basement back when I was sleeping on a mattress on the floor."
"This guy who came from a very very humble background was able to build something that has meant so much to so many millions of people."
"Coming from a relatively humble background, he was really a formidable exposé of the art of military skill."
"Though destined for celebrity, James Dean came from very humble beginnings."
"It's hard-earned, and I have an understanding of how hard-earned it is, you know, from those humble beginnings."
"If you saw where I grew up...1850 Log House...no bathtub...like Coca-Cola...none of that."
"I came from nothing, from nowhere."
"We didn't have anything, my dad made his own home and inside the house we only had one bed and one table."
"The Goodwill is a big deal to me because when I was in college and I had zero money whatsoever, I always said when I got big and I got successful I didn't want to forget where I came from."
"There is a place that God will always take you, amen? There is a map that God will always direct you to, and that place is in the place of humble beginnings."
"I started at the bottom of the hill actually I started in the mid..."
"...nor did he start from the lap of luxury."
"Courage from humble beginnings in Tijuana, Mexico."
"Kimy used her position to advocate for the less fortunate, remembering her own humble beginnings."
"I came from nothing, I’ll tell you that. It was a blessing."
"I started off with a pedal bike and a trailer and I knocked on people's doors."
"People who come from humble beginnings often turn out to become decent people."
"I just can't believe this all started with just one quarter."
"I came from nothing, absolutely nothing."
"Like, when Rob asked me to be on Fantasy Factory, I literally was scrounging change up to go to McDonald's."
"The Messiah had come, and although he was born in a humble barn and not in a fancy palace or the best inn, God's kingdom celebrated in a most amazing way."
"We built this place over the course of a couple of years with next to nothing because we're poor people."
"Its origins however were humble and unassuming."
"I'm saying so that's that's his humble beginnings."
"Elvis had become the king but it was from the humblest of beginnings"
"It warms my heart because this little old South Carolina girl, you know what I mean, trying to make it."
"Neither me nor my horse has a pedigree but he's taken me where I'm wanting to be."
"We came from nothing, and we know very well what it is like to come from nothing."
"We came from the bottom, the struggle is real."
"It's a blessing, you know, we really started with nothing."
"Two men from humble origins could never have imagined what impact their achievement would have on the world."
"We've all worked hard, most of us come from nothing."
"We really come from nothing, they see the growth."
"We have very humble beginnings for how the project actually came together."
"Love was God born of Jewish kin, just a carpenter with some fishermen."
"I didn't come from a rich family by any means; I think we were pretty poor."
"Work your way up. There's nothing wrong with starting at McDonald's or driving Uber. Get your feet wet, make some money, and climb up."
"I started with two trash bags and three comedy clubs. If I never do any more than I did right now, I'm successful."
"Aren't those noble sentiments? Isn't it wonderful that somebody can come from so little and achieve so much?"
"He came from nothing, no money, just riding on a little island in Sicily."
"He wasn't born with a silver spoon; he had no spoon."
"...from humble beginnings in their old studio dance practice room to selling out the world's largest stadiums..."
"From humble beginnings to the dazzling heights of stardom, she continues to inspire aspiring actors and actresses around the world with her remarkable story of success."
"I'm the one who's came from having like a normal job so I just really appreciate even being here most of the time."
"Life was really, really tough... I grew up in a very humble background."
"We all came up from a situation where we didn't have a lot of food."
"We started in a washroom and conquered the world."
"God again had chosen a humble house right here on Azusa Street."
"I didn't start with bags full of money; I started with none."
"Nobody shows up to their first open-mic in a Maserati."
"I never came from a rich family, but I cannot complain."
"Before he became known as a movie star, Brad Pitt worked as a chauffeur and even as a chicken mascot."
"California Chrome's humble beginnings: his mother, an $8,000 mare they purchased out of a race; his dad, a virtually unknown California sire that they bred to for $1,500."
"I'm not from a rich family, I grew up with holes in the floor."
"Bill Hewlett and David Packard started working on small electronics projects in a rented garage using $538."
"I started with pretty much nothing."
"They had come from small places to accomplish big things."
"We work hard, and just want to encourage you that you know we came from nothing, we came from less than nothing."
"One where people have an opportunity no matter how humble their beginnings to succeed in life."
"God has revealed his glory not in a palace, but in the humility of a humble manger."
"Your beginning might be small, but your later days shall be great."
"We come from really nothing, you know what I'm saying, and to have opportunity with life-changing."
"Talk about a lowly place where greatness came from. Incredible."
"He came from these humble beginnings and to this day is the greatest recording artist ever."
"His early years were anything but glamorous, a far cry from the stardom and acclaim that would define his later life."
"The mightiest oak tree was once a little nut."
"It's amazing how two little barefoot boys come out of there and do what they did is amazing."
"She believed in me when I had nothing."
"Not bad for the daughter of a cashier and a janitor, huh?"
"I grew up in a family that wasn't exactly wealthy."
"I remember when I was just a nobody; my dreams never mattered to nobody."
"From very humble beginnings, mighty oaks grow."
"We didn't have a lot of money growing up and every comedian says that, but I really mean it."
"Their beginning was really humble."
"I come from very humble beginnings, I'm a self-made man."
"I came from modest means. I want to give back to the country."
"It's okay to start from somewhere, bro."
"We really started from the bottom, we really got it out of the mud."
"We grew up really poor... my grandmother went fishing every day to supplement our food supply."
"I grew up with Christmases with no presents and birthdays with no presents, and I was happy."
"It's a small beginning, it seems very small, it seems very humble, but it doesn't mean that it can't lead to something great."