
Superman Quotes

There are 677 quotes

"Superman's evolution saw him become far more than a simple powerhouse, just as Superman's iconic 'S' became a sign of hope."
"Maybe Superman, like All Might, smiles because he's a hero. Maybe Superman's smile was worn because he genuinely enjoys being a hero."
"Superman's character is the fact that Superman is not so easily corrupted."
"Batman recognizes the strength of Superman not in so far as to make him punch really hard and fly fast, but is the strength of Superman's character."
"The story of Superman is a beacon of hope. It's the prescriptive ideal of how we should be."
"We have to be better, and you, Superman, were supposed to be the best of us."
"In actuality, Superman is a chill-ass dude. He grew up as a normal kid on this planet."
"Superman: a symbol of hope in oppressive times."
"Superman's legacy: expanding mythos, iconic villains, and the introduction of Supergirl."
"A Superman game doesn't have to be complicated."
"DC, just make a Superman game already. It's time."
"Superman does everything. I don't know if that it's kind of a cheat [__] to pick that guy."
"The world changed when Superman flew across the sky."
"We got lucky with Superman who shared our values."
"Steven Spielberg directing a Superman movie... It's just crazy."
"Superman is a character that does not need an ounce of introduction."
"So by this simple tally we see that not only did Jonathan Kent raise a good kid he raised a hero he raised the greatest hero the world has ever known."
"Superman: We need a heroic, hopeful Superman."
"I loved seeing Superman in the Snyder cut coming back with the black suit and just being so intense."
"Superman is a direct reflection of our society, everything that we as humans strive to be."
"See, I personally think Henry Cavill is a great Superman and it's honestly a shame that he's not down to reshoot footage for the Justice League Snyder cut."
"Superman shows what the best of humanity can be, and that’s a cool thing to celebrate, we’re not too cool for caring."
"So now the reports are that Cavill is officially parting ways from the role of Superman."
"Superman is overpowered but again that's actually some of his appeal he is just the boss."
"They need to stop making Superman Jesus because that's kind of what they've been doing over and over again."
"Superheroes have matured over the years and so be nice when people are revisiting Superman in many retcons and dare I say reboots."
"You can't take on Superman he is just so strong."
"As soon as I see my guy Superman's my favorite comical character as soon as I see my guy saving a Bus full of kids doing Superman things I'll be sold on it."
"Superman is the most famous superhero on the planet and also one of the strongest."
"Superman is arguably the strongest hero in the DC Universe."
"Zack Snyder was the guy to direct that Superman movie that I have no doubt about."
"I think Superman fits really well on TV especially these days."
"I don't hate the idea that Superman would be framed for something 'cause like Stephanie in the comics Luthor does it all the time."
"You know what, I'd still like to hold out for one more Superman movie."
"Superman has been absorbing the yellow sun radiation since he was a baby, making him more powerful than any other Kryptonian we've ever seen."
"Batman: 'We need Superman'... he's the big gun."
"But the biggest reason that I’m excited for David’s Superman, is that finally, for the first time in history, we have a Jewish Superman."
"The main reason for Superman's voyage was because of the destruction of planet Krypton mirroring the planet Vegeta."
"This story again is a true love letter for Superman and demonstrates why Superman is easily one of the best superheroes ever created and a true beacon of light and hope."
"Nuclear Man has weird powers. He's able to levitate Lenny just by pointing at him. Superman has telekinesis power."
"At least they were trying to make a Superman movie unlike Zack Snyder."
"It's a great contribution to the mythology of Superman and his adventures on the small screen."
"Superman's stories are best told when there's a way to kind of bring him down to humanity's level and make it look like he's really not that different from us."
"We've never seen Superman humiliated and violated in such a way in an internment camp in the Eastern Bloc by some pretty screwed up guys."
"Superman is an ideal. Superman's an extraordinary thing that lives within our hearts."
"When Richard Donner's Superman released in theaters, it was a message to Hollywood."
"It's kind of cool introspective deconstructive stories with Superman in them that make him more interesting."
"Christopher Reeve remains the only real Superman."
"Superman should symbolize hope, truth, justice in the American way."
"To me, this Superman movie had beautiful nods to every sort of aspect of Superman."
"Doomsday did the unthinkable, he killed Superman."
"A blend between the darkness of Batman and the hope of Superman is what it would take."
"Superman's journey to reconcile his Kryptonian heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent and what it means to be the embodiment of truth, justice, and the American way in a world that sees kindness as old-fashioned."
"A celebration of Superman's more bombastic and larger than life elements."
"Superman's greatest trait wasn't his superhuman strength, but his willingness to help others."
"What if Superman had decided to fly down, rip off the roof of the White House, who would have stopped him?"
"Superman's Metropolis is an elseworld story and a kinda crossover between Superman and the 1927 film Metropolis."
"Superman the movie pioneered new filmmaking techniques and made people believe that a man could fly."
"How do you do? My name is Superman. Oh boy am I glad to see you!"
"Superman being a father is probably the best thing they could have done with the character."
"Superman is the living embodiment of hope and kindness."
"The ice cave looks like Superman's Subterranean Fortress of Solitude."
"The best Superman stories inspire people to stand up for themselves, offering a beacon of hope in dark times."
"Superman represents the best of what humanity can be."
"Kryptonite itself already has an interesting history, first developed for the Superman radio serials and later transferred into comics."
"Superman isn't just a lifeless brooding God; rather, he's just a hard-working kind man who was born with these powers and shown good morals by the right people."
"Superman is more than the powers; it's about the person inside."
"Superman is about winning by being the better person and just because he's strong, it doesn't mean he can solve every problem with it."
"That is the point of Superman as a character: to show that humans can be nice, that people can help the world one step at a time, not through revenge or violence, but by being kind, civil, and doing what they can to be better people than yesterday."
"Superman retired from being Superman, he is just chilling out on the farm and doing his own thing."
"Life will be hard... but Superman always shows me there's a hope for a better tomorrow."
"This is probably the greatest Batman Superman story that I've ever read."
"If you're somebody who's got this perception that Superman is boring or he's just too overpowered to ever really have a challenge, this is the book that you need to read."
"You get to see the way that other people look at Superman."
"Superman is a great character and there's a reason why we still know who he is even 80 years after his debut."
"The character of Superman doesn't need to be adapted to be relevant to modern audiences; the ideas and values that he stands for are still relevant, important to this day, probably more so than ever."
"Superman is always going to be relevant, no matter how hard the studio tries to spin the character into whatever twisted version that they think works."
"All-Star Superman is easily one of the best Superman stories of all time, earning its place on our list and proving yet again that he is the world's greatest superhero."
"Not as cool as Batman but always the man of Tomorrow."
"Superman's first appearance was in Action Comics number one."
"The Flasher Studio Superman shorts are widely considered some of the best pieces of Superman media ever made."
"Clark learns that he needs to find his own purpose and decides to become Superman."
"Superman's obviously considered a hero in this for what he's doing."
"Superman has some qualities that I really appreciate in a superhero, which is that he doesn't use violence as a first form of defense."
"Superman is stupid naive super if anybody had those powers and they were smart than like everybody would have renewable energy."
"'I teach you the Superman. Man is something to be surpassed. What have you done to surpass man?' - Friedrich Nietzsche"
"The Superman is the man who lives all that the will to power will secure for him, lives it to the full."
"That showed him Superman wasn't pure evil with potentially his last breath he asked his killer to save someone else."
"I'm a big believer that while Lois Lane loves both I think that she should fully fall in love with Clark Kent first."
"Superman is permanently 30 and should be recast like James Bond."
"So, Greg will be Batman. Sure, I was saying Green Arrow for Greg. Yeah. And then, uh, Joey's, I mean, Joey's obviously Superman. We get it, Joey. Who's that?"
"Superman and Lois turned out to be one of the best live-action DC shows ever put on the CW platform."
"Seeing Clark be a father is honestly one of the best things about the series."
"There is actually a healthy, stable relationship between Clark and Lois that is present throughout the entire course of the show."
"So far, this has been the best adaptation of Superman in the past handful of years."
"Superman fans rise up. Our time has finally come."
"We're really living in a timeline where there is a severe lack of Superman adaptations that accurately capture the essence of the character."
"This adaptation is easily the best live-action modern take on Superman by far."
"The man of Steel walks with a saunter, exuding calm confidence that appears to resonate with the bears."
"Batman is where I'm at. Superman isn't cool."
"Superman is supposed to be our hero, our Beacon of light, Our Hope in the entire DC Universe."
"Evil Superman is a Trope that I'm tired of."
"The problem with Superman is people find a more interesting evil."
"I'll meet you there. I really like how the book is playing up the fact that Batman is utterly heartbroken that Superman is on death's doorstep."
"Superman was willing to work with Luthor in order to stop the Justice Lords, claiming that as bad as the choice was, it was still better than the alternative."
"Superman had Noble intentions too but he was also trying to protect us. The only difference between you and Superman that I can see Mr. Wayne was that Superman was a far more competent dictator."
"The Titans are alive and they're in Superman's Fortress of Solitude."
"Superman looks below, the city, the world, is screaming."
"This is a job for Superman to pull people out of their despondence, to make them feel less alone, to give them confidence in the future."
"Superman Never Kills that's another thing from the comics"
"Superman will always fight for truth, justice, and the American way through themes such as hope and perseverance."
"Whatever happened to the man of tomorrow? Well, nothing. We just left him behind, and it's time we find him again."
"Superman should always choose the man or the human over the super to still inspire us."
"Batman gives up his entire crusade because apparently Superman had a mum."
"This tale is very much taking the slot of 'we need a Christmas story that talks about good intent, feeling good about Christmas, and coming to terms with liking charity and gifts and stuff, also have Superman in it."
"It's the first taste of a villain that actually can compete with Superman."
"If the intention of this entire story was to remind the world of just how great Superman was, well, it's hard to argue they did anything less."
"Superman issue 75 was a monumental success, selling an estimated 4 million units and becoming both the best-selling comic book of the year and also the highest-selling Superman comic of all time."
"I just love Superman. I mean, a classic hero, and Christopher Reeve was just the best."
"DC Rebirth, if you are a Superman fan, this is the best time to be a Superman fan in comic books."
"Superman's conflicts are internal rather than external."
"Superman was raised and given his ethics by two ordinary working-class farmers."
"All-Star Superman is a must-read for fans of the Man of Steel."
"Batman Earth 1 and Superman Earth 1 in particular resonated with so many people."
"The power of Superman is that all the anger and the rage that we as people would normally feel... he turns it into hope."
"For all its high concepts and its fantastical elements, All-Star Superman tells ultimately an incredibly human story."
"It answers that question that a lot of readers have probably had or people wondering about Superman."
"Is inherently hopeful and it's avatar as Superman."
"Truth and justice has no better champion than the Man of Steel."
"Superman's computer matchmaking skills are 10 out of 10."
"But beyond its place in the growth of the DCAU, World’s Finest is just a fantastic Batman and Superman story."
"I just don't like the idea that without Lois Lane, Superman's just an aggressive angry abuser whose wrath knows no bounds."
"And as far as endings go, the one we get in "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow" is about as good as it gets — the best ending possible, for the best Superman ever."
"Announcing Henry Cavell back as Superman was enough to save the movie and get fans' attention."
"Nobody beats Superman. That's the point. He's Superman."
"...Superman pretty much made a standard for superheroes ever since his debut in Action Comics 1."
"...Superman has just flat out become one of the most important characters in fiction and all of Pop Culture."
"...you would be hard-pressed to go anywhere in the world and find someone who wouldn't recognize Superman or his Crest..."
"...Superman is the goat when it comes to important superheroes... there's no arguing Superman's importance to comic books..."
"Superman is definitively the most important superhero in all of comic books. That's not an opinion, that is a stone Cold Fact."
"Superman has quite literally changed the landscape of fiction in general ever since he made his debut in Action Comics 1 in 1938."
"Superman was already more than forty years old when I was born, so as long as I can remember he’s always been pretty much as he is now — the granddaddy of ‘em all, the superhero of superheroes."
"Superman stops mid-fight to go and save others."
"Superman represents the dream that we can be better that we dare not to be cynical but earnest, endearing, hopeful, and resilient"
"Man of Tomorrow should be the ultimate tale of good parenting."
"Superman should inspire, and the movie's climax should emphasize that perhaps Superman and Metallo are in a final battle while Lex Luthor watches from his ivory tower."
"Superman is a pillar of altruism opposing Lex's cynicism"
"You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. Something that no one else can ever achieve."
"Superman does not exist in a vacuum. The characters around Superman are as important to a story about Superman as Superman is."
"A movie that reminds us Superman isn't struggling to be good, he's instead struggling to convince everyone else to be good."
"So while you’re pondering our Question of the Day, which, of course, is: do you prefer Superman with our without the cheekbones?"
"Nicolas Cage is obsessed with Superman. He's got memorabilia from everything."
"I even love the cheesy flying effects, which are obviously a homage to the old Christopher Reeve Superman movies."
"Richard Donner's Superman started it all."
"Roberts got away, Superman's like, well, look, I did one good thing today."
"That boy needs Superman as a Daddy, I'll tell you that right now."
"Superman disagrees, crushing the helmet."
"That's why Superman is sometimes people say, 'Yeah, you know, I could relate to him, but he's just too good.'"
"Superman's death Changes Everything about comic book death."
"That's stupid it sucks he's an All-American boy he would love it here screw Krypton I'm gonna make it really unappealing."
"...also when Clark does meet back up with the kids and he stays there before he goes to bed he's talking about Lois and how awesome she is and he's like I think I'm gonna tell her who I am I want to move things forward right and I want to tell her who I am"
"I think a lot of people talk about the legacy of Christopher Reeve, you know, he wasn't just Superman but he was also an incredible guy, wasn't he?"
"The best versions of Superman I have ever seen."
"A good Superman story is not about can he beat up this bad guy, it's about what choice is he going to have to make when his principles are on the line."
"What's my favorite moment? Man, I think I'm gonna go with the Superman reveal."
"Superman: the original superhero."
"Clark Kent is perhaps the most important and special character within the mythos of western culture."
"Superman believed that everything he was doing was for the greater good."
"Overall, Superman: The Animated Series is a really tight show. Consistently, the show supplies great writing, fun action, gorgeous music, well-developed characters, and a sincerity that just makes you want to keep watching."
"If Superman tanks, isn't that pretty much the death certificate of the superhero genre?"
"Welcome to Metropolis, the town of Superman."
"This is like the quintessential optimistic truth justice in the American way kind of Superman that we don't get anymore."
"It's a bird, it's a plane. No, it's Superman."
"Oh, I love her, her and Superman are just like my favorites."
"Batman v. Superman's number 2. I liked it. It was solid. It was funny, it was good."
"The Super Museum: An entire museum dedicated to Superman."
"That's the best imagery of Superman we've seen since Christopher Reeve on the screen."
"JJ Abrams wrote maybe the best script of all of the movies that didn't get made, right? With the Superman flyby, and he—it was brilliant. I mean, JJ Abrams is a genius writer."
"It was what I always wanted to do with Batman and Superman—get off the planet. Let's invent a new society, new people, new characters, everything new."
"He's Superman flying around the world at the equator to reverse the spin of the earth and turn back time."
"Just like dating Superman. It was like complaining about Superman not coming back for dinner because he's off saving the world. You felt so selfish complaining about it."
"Superman's story is one of a refugee, a child who lost his home left to the mercy of alien people."
"Superman's journey from humble Kansas farm boy to the world's greatest superhero is a gradual one."
"Superman ultimately is just a regular guy trying to do the right thing."
"We all need Superman because we all need hope."
"Superman's stories are about hope triumphing over hopelessness."
"We shouldn't give up. We will always need Superman because we will always need hope."
"Superman's greatest power isn't his strength, speed or flight, it's his quick thinking and resourcefulness."
"Superman's adventures are epic in scale and cosmic in how spectacular and admittedly quite silly they can be."
"That's why he is Superman. He's a goat, geez."
"...making the legend of Superman the archetypal superhero and not just Western pop culture but around the world all the more lofty and confusing..."
"Superman did what Superman would do, he made the horrible choice to kill Zod because the only other alternative was letting Zod kill tons of other people."
"Geoff Johns encapsulates the adventure of Superman."
"Superman leaps into the tornado because he can't be hurt."
"I loved that moment when he was turning away from her... he went from Clark to Superman."
"Finally, a freaking Superman omnibus!"
"He's going to be like similar to Superman I'm guessing he has the charisma you can tell by his face."
"Superman's first appearance came in June of 1938, a time when the world needed hope arguably more than ever."
"Superman arrived on the newsstands to offer a mixture of real-world hope and fantasy that was needed by so many."
"Superman isn't a God sent to Earth, he's a kid from Kansas, an immigrant raised by humans as a human, using his gifts to protect the home that he actually has the power to save."