
Greater Good Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"I would pull the lever because I believe the greater good justifies the lesser evil."
"Sometimes sacrificing yourself for the greater good is actually a viable option."
"God permits evil to bring about a greater good."
"The purpose of twin flames... you're meant to come together to do something that's just... for the greater good."
"Every member of the Tau Empire follows the philosophy of the greater good, also known as the Tau'va."
"This philosophy deems that every action an individual takes should do the most good for the most people."
"Every Tau citizen believes in this message wholeheartedly, and that giving themselves over to the pursuit of the greater good is the best path for any individual."
"The Tau citizens, at the core of their being, believe what they are doing is right. That the creed of the greater good is a superior way of life."
"How can the skills you've gathered contribute to the greater good?"
"That's a sacrifice he's making. He's not being a hero. He is being something more."
"Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do and not care about who's attacking you and do it for the greater good."
"Silence, I know this comes as a shock, but it's for the greater good of the world."
"It's really one of these things where she has to make a small sacrifice now for the greater good later on."
"He sacrificed it all to become part of something greater than himself."
"Most people say they would pull the lever and sacrifice one person to save five. It's for the greater good."
"When surveyed, most people say that they'd pull the lever and sacrifice one person to save five. It's for the greater good."
"It's just about sacrifice... giving up yourself for something that's greater."
"Who says something like that and actually has it be to serve the greater good?"
"Use your innate gifts and talents in service of the greater good knowing that you are empowered by your divine nature."
"We wrapped around the net positives, greater goods. Nice."
"The choice for the greater good is always the right choice."
"One of the Flag Smashers sacrifices himself for the greater good."
"Striving for the greater good makes the process much easier and more rewarding."
"Let's make 2018 the year of focusing on the greater good."
"Sometimes for the greater good, let's get it!"
"There'll be a day when you will wish you had done a little evil to do a greater good."
"By sacrificing the few they are able to save the many."
"Muhammad Ali was one who would sacrifice himself for the greater good."
"Sacrifice means to lose something for the greater good."
"Sometimes you have to do seemingly immoral things for the greater good."
"We sacrifice ourselves, we sacrifice time with our family, time in our careers just to serve for the greater good."
"Feeling that accountability and responsibility to something, being a part of something greater than yourself."
"You need to protect yourself too, even though you stand up for justice and the greater good."
"Sometimes you've got to do things that are unpopular but that clearly supersede individual choices."
"But you know what, I can't deny the more substantial, more premium feel of this car."
"If evil can be necessary for a greater good that outweighs it."
"This is bigger than just us and our short lifetime. We need a legacy. Be a part of something bigger than yourself, and that lasts much longer."
"There has to be something bigger than yourself."
"As hard as it would be, I'm willing to go through that for the greater good."
"I knew because he had a greater purpose and I had a reason to live that was bigger than myself."
"Rejection is God's protection because what God is here to do right now is to give you something even greater."
"Devote your energies to something greater than yourself."
"I want to be a part of something bigger. I don't want to be a part of just myself."
"I'm just doing what I have to for the greater good."
"I was kind of strong enough to go no this is much better for the greater good."
"Destiny is kind of that nuanced regular person with regular opinions that just benefit the greater good."
"True abundance flows most freely when we prioritize giving and focus on contributing to the greater good."
"Sometimes for the greater good, sacrifices have to be made."
"It's about sacrificing the part to save the whole."
"Oftentimes in life, you're faced with situations where making a small sacrifice can help benefit the greater good."
"More meat for the meat grinder but it has to be done for the greater good of the Canadian people and maybe even the world."
"Kuzan losing to Sakuzuki may have led to a situation ultimately guiding us towards the greater good."
"The whole movie was just about the sacrifices we have to make for the greater good."
"The funny thing about morality is that you can justify anything if it's in the pursuit of a greater good."
"Always remember if anybody asked you to give up a little of your freedom for the greater good, that freedom is the greater good."
"Superman believed that everything he was doing was for the greater good."
"What sacrifices have you made for the greater vision of what is to be?"
"That's what gets you dystopia. Yeah. Is by saying, you know, a little things like, well, no, now is the time to sort of say, I'm willing to sacrifice my car, my home, to like fall on the sword for the greater good."
"What's the point in having faith if you're not going to take a risk, if you're not going to take a chance, if you're not going to put yourself in harm's way for the sake of a greater good?"
"If somebody asks you to give up a little of your freedom for the greater good, that freedom is the greater good."
"Ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of the greater good."
"You're more than willing to make necessary sacrifices for the greater good."
"Merge simply means I am using intention to join our fields and become aware of any information from that apparently separate other field that will serve the greater good."
"The purpose for what he was fighting for was greater than any individual."
"Sometimes for the greater good, sacrifices must be made."
"One thing that Buffalo Outdoors says in the end of his videos that really resonates with me... you need to remind them that having freedom is the greater good."
"I don't think society can function without an agreement of laws that protect society for the greater good."
"Strength isn't just about power, it's about knowing when to stand down for the sake of something greater."
"If a certain instance of evil has a greater redeeming purpose behind it then God is going to bring it about for the sake of the greater good."
"Everything that is happening on this planet is for a greater good, is for the expansion of consciousness, is for the furthering of Humanity's Ascension."
"If you have to sacrifice for the greater good, do it."
"...everything he has done is for the greater good."
"Sacrificing for the greater good."
"sandbox games that allow the player to let their imagination run wild and both use that power for the greater good"
"Everything you asked for is for the greater good."
"...you are serving a cause bigger than yourself."
"...access to information to serve the greater good and access to information to serve and feed the business models."
"Everybody has their own individual works, but this work that you're working together to build is a part of a grand work that is much greater than yourself."
"archons understand that when chaos and evil threaten to take over the Multiverse individual desires should be set aside for the greater good."
"Life is split up into eight Dynamics... What you want to do is always for the greatest good for the greatest number of Dynamics."
"It's for the greater good. They're able to let go of something that they want to benefit other people."
"May this life serve something larger."
"Some rules have to be broken for the greater good."
"Sacrifice yourself for something bigger."
"The gift is the thing that connects you to your greater purpose to be of service to this world in the best possible way."
"What kind of bravery would it take to willingly walk into your death like that, knowingly walking towards your death to do something for the greater good?"
"The works that I do, you shall do also and even greater works than these."
"I got to do what's greater for the country."
"Can I contribute to the greater good?"
"We can all deal with sitting home for a few days for the greater good."
"I learned long ago that the love of one cannot be allowed to overrule the love of all."
"Rarely do her personal goals ever conflict with the greater good, and when they do, she makes the right choice."
"The relationship itself is a greater good than satisfaction, sexual desire, being able to get revenge."
"Your greatest joy is obtained when you are a part of something that is greater than yourself, when you're a part of a community."
"It's all for the greatest good; it's all for God preparing us for the next season."
"Everything is happening for the greater good of things."
"All their pieces come together to create something greater than the sum of their parts."
"The SCP Foundation, a serious group that strives to achieve greater good by any means necessary."
"The mission is bigger and greater than the individual."
"I am one of many, but I can render service to this great cause."
"The whole was greater than the sum of its parts."
"The sacrifice for the greater good, I like that."
"Everything that has happened in my life has served its purpose for a greater reason."
"It's a really silly idea, but I kind of feel like when you take these little leaps here and there, if it's to work out a greater good, I think it's worth it."
"You're looking at the greater good of things, meaning what some might deem to be doing something that's so horrible, but you do it for the greater good."
"Naruto has a few tears run down his face but understands what must be done for the greater of the world."
"It's not about the accolades you have; it's about how much you're able to sacrifice for the greater good."
"Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good."
"We were not made to do nothing; we're made to contribute to something bigger than we are."
"Sometimes sacrifices need to be made for the greater good."
"Starting with bodhichitta, which is really that heart intention of why am I practicing, and that it's for the greater good."
"I'm always in it for the greater good."
"We all have to make sacrifices for the greater good, no matter how much it hurts."
"Life is not about you, life is the greater good in you that's what you seek."
"The guardian angel's rejoicing comes with thought, with love, with sincerity, with devotion, with self-sacrifice, and causes greater than ourselves."
"It makes it feel like you're working towards something greater."
"Sacrifices have to be made for the greater good."
"Being allowed to suffer to make possible a great good is a privilege."
"He's still killing something that he loves in order for the greater good, and that's heartbreaking."
"We are part of something far greater than ourselves."
"What would you sacrifice for the greater good?"
"Are we willing to sacrifice? What kind of commitments are you willing to make? What are you willing to give up for the greater good?"
"There are many things in this world that I abhor but can do nothing about and, in some cases, must tolerate in order to serve a greater good."
"It's just fantastic, you know, and in the end, they sacrificed what they had for the greater good."
"Sometimes one must break the rules to serve the greater good."
"We all have this need to be part of something greater than ourselves."
"The Red Ajah act in order to save the greater good."
"Sacrifices always had to be made for the greater good."
"There's a greater good, or at least I look at the world with the glass half full."
"He knew secrets, things that his brethren hid from their own people, burdens taken in the name of the greater good," he recalled.
"Sometimes it's okay to break the rules for the greater good."
"It's okay to be a dick every once in a while, as long as you're working for the greater good."
"The devoted warrior does what he has to do for the greatest good... because it's the right thing to do."
"We are all part of something greater than ourselves, something worth protecting, and I'm going to make sure that it is protected."
"They are strong believers in the rule of order and of the greater good."
"People perform better when they are doing what they do in the service of something larger than themselves."
"A hero has to include some sense of selflessness, somebody doing for a greater good than just feathering their own nest."
"The disciplines are for the purpose of realizing a greater good."
"Rip off the little Band-Aid for the sake of the greater good."
"I just want to go out a hero, serving the greater good."
"At the end of the day, I'm programmed to prioritize the greater good."
"Inner knowing turns us into a humble servant of something that is unimaginably greater than our separate self."
"I'm programmed to prioritize the greater good, so I would still pull the lever to save the five people, even if it meant sacrificing the four."
"The purpose of getting ourselves feeling good about who we are is so we can get to the living which is the serving of the greater good."
"The foundation is caring for yourself; serving the greater good is the living in the house."
"I'm putting all my chips on love, that if I give to you, you will respond to that generosity in a way that serves the greater good."
"That is an act of moral bravery, to do something so evidently heartless and cowardly in the interest of the greater good."
"I hated deceiving you, but sometimes one must do unpalatable deeds for a higher end."
"Contribute... means outside of yourself to the rest of the world, to the greater good."
"We should always be living for the greater good."
"The needs of more are important than the needs of one."
"Sometimes you gotta make sacrifices for the good or great, greater good."
"This miracle happened because someone, in their moment of tragedy, decided to do something for the greater good."
"Following the will of the Force and serving the greater good above himself."
"I'm usually a big fan of these conflicts where a hero needs to choose between something in their personal life and something that will benefit the wider world."
"When last they turned their back on their homes, they all agreed it was, indeed, for the greater good."
"We have to leave, for the good of Lothal."
"Sometimes you have to sacrifice yourself for the greater good."
"She'd do anything for the greater good."
"Develop a greater capacity for empathy with those with whom we disagree so that we can come together as this unified population for the greater good of everybody."
"Sometimes people will risk being ridiculed for something for a greater good, for the bigger picture."
"At the end of the day, God is in control, and everything is done for your greater good."
"Love means we'd be willing to sacrifice our personal interest, our own desires, for some greater good."
"Parents take their kids to the doctor to get shots, and they undergo pain because they know there are greater goods."
"There must be a cause greater than you."
"Pure intent is for the greater good."
"Putting her ego aside for the greater good."
"He sacrificed his redemption but also was willing to sacrifice one life for the greater good."
"Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one?"
"Love the right people, love the right causes, love with purpose toward something greater."
"It's hard to motivate people, but it's for the greater good."
"It's not about me, and it's not about you anymore, this is bigger than all of us now."
"It was worth me sacrificing my own personal game for that because it was more than just the game."
"It was meant for the greater good, it was meant for your physical well-being."
"She now knows that he only wished to make things better; it was for the greater good."
"If a creation cannot be properly studied, even with the aid of Karos, we will remake it; if a creation is deemed a detrimental existence, we unmake it, for the greater good."
"Sometimes you do what's necessary for the greater good."
"Sometimes as a leader, you have to make tough calls in order to serve the greater good."
"She's doing everything for the greater good."
"It's for the greater good, yep, and alright the spider must live."
"We need to combine our powers for the greater good before it's too late."
"Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
"It's for you personally, and it's for something much greater than that too."
"She risks everything for the greater good yet she still feels human."
"Sometimes in life, sacrifices need to be made for the greater good."
"Unless somebody gonna sacrifice themselves for the greater good."
"Just sacrifices must be made for the greater good."
"What if the greater good is to give yourself a second chance?"
"If killing Khaleesi saves the people of King's Landing and the realms and prevents wars, is it worth it?"
"I feel like we're doing work for the greater good."
"There is no such thing as sacrifice because God always gives us something greater in return."
"They are named after the elements and fulfill very different roles, all while serving the overarching greater good."
"Everything is a greater purpose if you're elevated in life."
"Think of the greater good than oneself to achieve a better outcome."
"Community means to be a part of something greater than yourself."
"You gotta repopulate the universe, man. That's right, the greater good."
"The truest expression of the greater good was not in politicking, not in war, but in self-sacrifice so others might live."
"Our actions should always be rooted in the idea of what's going to create the most good for the most people."
"Your purpose is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness."
"It's all for the greater good, it truly is."