
Dark Times Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Even in the darkest times, people find things that are joyous."
"If my stories, my work can somehow help them through those dark patches, that's more than I could have ever hoped."
"You were the only one there for me in my darkest times."
"Trust in the power of dreams to deliver you in these dark times."
"This show gave me a glimpse of light in this dark time."
"Lean on him, he will be there to help you in your dark times."
"It's a reminder that in the darkest times, kindness can still shine through and connect us all."
"Artists thrive in the darkest times throughout history."
"Within the darkest moment comes the healing."
"In that almost unimaginable period of darkness and desperation, the legends of King Arthur emerge."
"Overwatch became the light humanity needed in its darkest hour."
"We're in a dark time, and I beseech you, and listen, I beg my brothers and sisters to not be used as dark matter for Satan."
"A Beacon of Hope in the darkest hours of the night."
"In these times of darkness, I'm actually really grateful and thankful."
"We are headed toward very dark times. That was all in the backdrop in my thinking about what we as legislators need to do."
"In the darkest of times, hold onto the light within you."
"Hope sometimes is the only thing that carries us through our darkest moments."
"Even if we get to the darkest period in our lives, just know that there is a glint of light waiting to shine brightly."
"The dream SMP was such an unexpected source of joy and entertainment to come from a time when the world was just in a really dark place."
"We're headed to some very, very, very dark times."
"Even in the dark times, we are walking toward the light."
"President Arbenz wasn't a communist but some of his close allies were."
"You've got to enjoy the darkness to enjoy the light."
"You might be in a [ __ ] situation right park me where uh what you love and uh what you love and appreciating value right now is on a dark end."
"These are dark times, but it's all for the Most High God's glory."
"Even though it seems like it when you're going through the darkest times."
"The American superhero is going to fade away. It's unfortunate because I feel like we're living through the darkest times I've seen."
"Take my light, it will guide you through the blackest times."
"We live in dark times... dark comedy is hilarious..."
"If you find yourself in Dark Places, I'll be there with you."
"There's an energy of nobility here... even in the darkest hour, we should always endeavor to do our best."
"Just because you're in a dark place doesn't mean God is done with you yet."
"The best connections are really the ones that solve as a friend in their darker hour."
"Free speech has always prevailed. We're in a very dark period in global history, but people will always find means to express themselves."
"Hope is crucial; it keeps us going even in the darkest times."
"Be the woman that you've always wanted to be. No one can take that away from you."
"Let's walk in Victory even in the midst of perilous and darkening times."
"You do kind of pull people out of dark spaces."
"The world can be beautiful even in its darkest moments."
"For in the hour of our darkest days, hope is rising."
"Anything that anybody can do to get healthy in these dark times is really important."
"I feel like Melanie was manipulated and taken advantage of in one of the most difficult and dark times in her life."
"I wholeheartedly recommend having a nice glass of whiskey to get you through the dark times."
"This is the hour, the darkest place, Dante's Inferno, the devil's maze."
"I was going through a dark time at that time. Xanax was my thing."
"You might find yourself in a dark place right now because of the choices of your own, does that disqualify you from the shepherd finding you? No, it does not."
"It really is a dark time right now, and so that is actually the Crux of the comedy in this is that just because of the dark time don't we, we can't escape, baby, we cannot practice avoidance."
"I was thinking that I was trying to think in my mind who would do something like this but it was a fleeting thought because then it was just this dark, sorrowful time."
"There are happy times, and you need to enjoy those happy times because the dark times always lurk just around the corner."
"You have been through some very, very dark times."
"His memory was a comfort in Dark Times."
"Through my darkest days, you're with me. Yeah, you have always been my strength."
"God raises up individuals to enlighten his fellow man at, you know, in dark periods of history."
"You've brought sunshine into one of my darkest days."
"You can get through the dark night of the soul, you can get through those terrifying times."
"Dark clouds would shroud the sky, casting a pall of gloom over the once majestic Hogwarts Castle."
"In the darkest moments of my life, He was right there."
"Remember who was there for you in your darkest times."
"In the dark times we live in, we all have to find some sort of amusement and enjoyment from something in the world."
"Good evening, B. It has been a pleasure meeting you again after all these years. Take care of yourself; there are dark times ahead of us, but I think you will fare well."
"The satisfaction is at being able to help people in the most darkest time in their lives."
"She held me down during a very dark period during my incarceration."
"Please keep doing what you're doing, you are what kept me going through the darkest of times."
"It's nice to be able to help people. I'm going through a really dark time right now, and knowing that if I send them that, it might somehow help."
"That got me through some dark times, man."
"The human story is an incredible one but at present, it does feel like we're in a dark chapter."
"I have a feeling Nynaeve's gonna go through some dark days."
"When I've been in the darkest point of my life, these were people who showed up in my life."
"We will all live through dark times. To paraphrase Bertholt Brecht, even in Dark Times there will be singing: about the Dark Times."
"They cared for me during the dark times, never judged me. They were just kind."
"This period of my life started out as something very positive; I quickly spiraled into one of the darkest periods of my life."
"People leave when situations get really dark, and Mark chose to stay and be by my side, and that is so beautiful."
"I'm facing the darkest period of my life, and I could really use some love and support."
"It was like one of the highlights of that really dark year was just being able to find comfort in this story."
"In these particularly dark times, the best medicine that we can all take to feel a little bit better is, of course, laughter."
"Even in the darkest moments, don't let mental illness write the end of your story."
"They have just brought me so much warmth in a time that has felt quite dark and quite cold."
"Even when the times seem darkest, I am there to uphold you, to fortify your spirit, to bestow upon you a peace that surpasses all understanding."
"Echoing the artist's own experience navigating some of the darkest days in human history."
"God often will give you a promise or prophetic word not for when things are going well, but through those dark times."
"You could be pulling people out of some of these dark energies or helping them get through some kind of shadow energies or tough times in their life."
"You held my hands when times were dark."
"Even in your darkest times, you were being held, you were being watched over."