
Speculative Fiction Quotes

There are 330 quotes

"He describes a world where society is significantly advanced by technology beyond our current understanding."
"By this point, I think in part six, it's really ramping up the dimensional travel stuff."
"He is after all the God Emperor of mankind, the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful immortal, moving silently down through the centuries."
"The Emperor may well be operating on the principle of being a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"This is a very different future where people don't use magic anymore; they have other strange powers like technology instead."
"In the world of the SCP Foundation, it’s entirely possible you might wake up and find that everyone around you has died, or that the world’s been consumed by an evil, unseen force."
"Maybe escaping this other king maybe like hiding outside of space and time because that's not inside space and time right so maybe it was this whole time."
"The news spread like wildfire: the angels had betrayed humanity."
"If you’re designing a futuristic fictional setting, you don’t have to answer all those questions, but I think you should."
"Maybe Neo ascends to where the dead from the matrix get reused."
"My covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that has gone out of my lips."
"Hitler's flight to New York is escorted by supersonic jets and greeted with German victory celebrations like those in occupied France."
"We have some very solid rules here that describe how this universe operates in regards to time travel and parallel realities."
"Every second we don't come up with a way to neutralize SCP-3812 is one second closer to existential catastrophe."
"I want our story to be filled with... maybe a story about a world where talking AI is normal..."
"Pre-thought, pre-crime...that's Minority Report."
"We now know that quite a few alternate timelines have been created."
"The multiverse already has our minds racing about the different possibilities we could see in the MCU."
"One of these sounds much more appealing than the other controversial hot take but living in warhammer's equivalent of a Utopia versus living in its nightmare version of a dystopia actually kind of sounds fun."
"SCP-001 does yield one answer to that important question: What is the most dangerous creature in the universe?"
"If deep blood proves the existence of vampires, then whose existence will the Imagine Breaker prove?"
""Elsewhere in the facility, the researchers, guards, and anomalies working together had defeated the dark forces of Amazon."
"Kauru sees humanity in the long view, a species using mass extinction as a deliberate means of attempting to reach the next evolutionary stage."
"You might possibly have a single overmind, the Space Turtle, but more likely some equivalent to an ecosystem rather than a single organism."
"Somebody is going to be, at least one person's gonna die in this. Don Cheadle, I'm looking at you."
"It's like Dead Space. Humanity's reach will be infinite."
"Zone fruits might actively avoid the world government."
"It's an asset dump movie where former president Donald Trump disappears for a millennia only to return to Earth after it's been conquered by the space-based Illuminati made up of a bunch of hideous aliens."
"Those wondering what series creator Scott Cawthon thinks of all this fan-made rumor and speculation surrounding his creepy bear jump scare generator might find an answer..."
"I think if they ever get around to doing that first ruse they should do them in alien form on sixsome that would be pretty cool."
"These two hooded figures come from the same species that has remained widely unnamed."
"The hooded creature is going to be something far more sinister than the alternates and the intruders."
"It's just a lot of fun to read about an imagined a future earth filled with unusual yet oddly familiar animals that have descended from organisms we can see around us today."
"The more you run through the theoretical scenarios of the Imperium coming into the possession of an STC the outcomes start to look similarly Bleak."
"I like to consider that there could be a pocket Empire of humanity that has retained some semblance of the former Golden Age."
"Another Earth - a strange reality where we find a duplicate Earth."
"I love how they've basically created an entirely alien species out of sentient rocks."
"Time travel is undeniably going to be part of the future books."
"The Air Force is working with the draconians and their Fourth Reich allies out of Antarctica."
"Moxie must have never been created in Maine in the Fallout universe and instead them was created."
"On Callisto, why do people die for fondness? That's your protocol."
"Alien spin-off series." - Highlighting the potential for spin-off series focusing on specific alien races.
"It feels like we're in the first part of 'I am Legend,' where she's talking about the cure for cancer, and then the next scene, it's three years later and Will Smith is driving through the apocalypse with his dog."
"Is this the end of House Targaryen? Pretty much they're trying to say that Daenerys is dead and then Jon Snow is probably not going to father more children so effectively it's the end of House Targaryen."
"A very new type of TNA... some saw the beginning of the end."
"The honey beast itself is just one large and mutated honeybee."
"If this is any indicator of what lies below the streets… Amoni-Ram might be the key to pushing humanity into the future."
"To believe there can only be a single outcome to the struggle against N'Zoth would be to ignore the lessons he was trying to teach us."
"The orb: answers to every question, endless obsession."
"What if it's Daenerys mid-season they get King's Landing like she is on the Iron Throne and then Jon Snow was like okay congratulations but also we need to worry about what's happening beyond the wall now so then they gear up for that."
"There are just so many possibilities when it comes to the mythical figure of the Emperor of Man."
"The two shows are connected. One Punch Man could be a far future version of the My Hero Academia universe."
"What if we go to Mandalore and all this bombing created a Mythosaur Godzilla who now rises underneath?"
"Imagine a world where your lifespan isn't a mystery."
"Hands down the dread, the realism, the sheer magnitude, and how dire the future of humanity is fantastic minus another sin."
"The end result could easily be the death of our human representatives."
"17776 is a narrative story set in the future about football and immortal humans."
"A secret wars scenario, um, I think is highly likely. I think we're highly on this path, and that would be an inter-um-dimensional type of story."
"Black Ops 3 actually has an interesting premise."
"Afrofuturism is how we survive the unsurvivable."
"I love how like the spaceships even have old CRT monitors it's like even in the future 300 years from now CRT monitors were only 10 years ago."
"It’s a world that looks much like ours, but the rules of the world render it almost unrecognizable as if we were seeing a disturbing, heightened, offsetting parallel Universe of ourselves."
"I think Moon Knight teaming up with the new Black Panther would be fascinating."
"Dystopian fiction is a great look at how not to be."
"Taking our place in an intergalactic federation."
"Alternate history is always fun, but it must be borne in mind that a lot of apparently simple scenarios would in reality require massive changes to the timeline."
"True peace would be created when an immortal evil would rule over the world."
"Devil fruits are essentially stories embodied and could a story change the world?"
"Schaefer explained, 'Dutch's last phone call mentioned some kind of a rescue mission near the Colombian border. Something happened down there. Something that ties into the murders...that THING - all of it.'"
"Maybe the Dunwich monster isn't just one specific being... maybe it's a bunch of different pre humanoid beings across the world."
"The Indigo tribe it almost seems to be very similar to that... where like the Indigo tribe ring basically just takes over them."
"SCP-4036 is not about a single person, but rather an entire nation of the anomalous."
"Imagine if this vault opened and people left it and populated the world."
"Palpatine is the key. That's all that matters."
"There is no upper bound that limits how powerful [Slaanesh] could become."
"Using a speculative situation to flip a mirror back at humanity."
"Science fiction and fantasy will soon be the new norm."
"Love, Death, and Robots exist as a fiction... to gratify our time and energy investments."
"Philip K. Dick: Philip had written to say that he thought he might be what is referred to as a star person..."
"The culture on Mars by this point had become very anti-earth."
"This Golden Age lasted for a very long time indeed but sadly it could not last forever."
"The end of the temptor species would come as a result of a stray Comet which hit their world and obliterated them before they could reach their full potential."
"How about giant leeches that crawl their way through a system of flesh and water?"
"Remember in the future when Dinah was talking about the Mark of Four?"
"Humanity discovered Earth 65 million years ago – rewriting history or revealing a cosmic origin story?"
"You must take into account how your innovations, technology, magic, or science affect the world."
"Star Trek is a post-scarcity liberal order that might actually be achievable."
"I believe there's a Galactic Federation. We're not allowed in it because we're [ __ ]. Because Earth is [ __ ]."
"Shanks versus his own father... could Zoro versus figarland be a potential endgame matchup?"
"Basically, if you're a fan of Triana or if he is sure leave brick frog and tangible fancy watch Ward the pirate Captain Sky Pilot Truck release cat clops wariana we most likely won't be focusing on them."
"If we suddenly had Fallout technology, what the big, in my opinion, what the real advancement in the Fallout universe is, is the miniaturization of nuclear power."
"Maybe there's multiple versions being played in multiple different universes and multiverses."
"Moscow is in an alternate future where the Soviet Union wins."
"Dragon vs Akainu is a massive possibility after this chapter."
"Dr. Wondertainment's motives remain vague, despite 'innocent' toys aimed at children."
"The sea Stone chair... Grey Joy is just tipping his hand."
"Humans today now live in a post-apocalyptic world."
"Who really is Olli? It's believed that Olli is actually the Prototype emulating this character's voice."
"Maybe Vision is gonna get to keep one of the reality stones and stay alive. That'd be nice, wouldn't that be nice?"
"What if I told you this reality was only one of many?"
"Professor X of the X-Men is controlling Steven Strange, you guys suggest."
"We are heading towards an Attack on Titan version of Ragnarok."
"Monsterization possibly starts once his armor comes off."
"One wonders what stories Serling would tell in this day and age. What would he make of the dawn of the Internet, the war on terror, the surveillance state?"
"The vaccine that kills God is such a powerful premise."
"I love future technology and speculative stuff."
"I think it would be really cool if Kang shows up in Quantum Mania and he's like, 'I'm gonna create the mutants here in the 616.'"
"Nature is probably going to find a way, as it always does, you know, even if sometimes it needs a nefarious Silurian to help it on its way."
"It's kind of a mix of Hunger Games on Mars and Game of Thrones."
"Realism worked, characters grounded in the real world despite the ridiculous fantasy and science fiction elements throughout."
"The driving question behind the production was this: Can we come up with the novel Tolkien never wrote?"
"The Wheel of Time turns and ages come and pass, but what does that really mean?"
"What does it look like when women run the world? What does the country look like? What happens to the defense? What happens to the military?"
"Do you think that the wiki is anomalous in itself?" - The endless fascination with the SCP universe.
"For all we know, the theory could keep going." Perhaps all the stones were a combination of Galactus power. Destroying them all unleashed him back on the universe. It's certainly possible.
"What if Vader still lost to Obi-Wan, but his body never caught on fire?"
"If all of the Orks were truly to band together under a single banner and be aimed at Holy Terra itself, it could spell out the end times for humanity."
"One can only imagine what other possibilities and changes may have occurred within the timeline if Rebuta Gilliman were the one to bring Angron into the Imperial fold."
"The veil of secrecy is to be considered broken regarding SCP-6004."
"It's going to be a somber victory, every time we've imagined someone taking the Iron Throne."
"SCP Foundation: where magic, science fiction, and horror are real, but contained and protected."
"If Thanos does snap his fingers and the universe is rebooted somehow a reality changes which I think is probably a pretty good idea we're gonna see changes and that's okay because ten more years of the same would be cool."
"You are seeing an alternate timeline which hopefully can deliver a lot of the catharsis you as a fan desire."
"What are your thoughts on the Museum of Technology and what do you think of the major historical differences between the Fallout universe and our own due to the divergence?"
"No one would have believed in the early years of the 21st century that our world was being watched by intelligences greater than our own."
"Perhaps the real Natasha is likely alive out there, being held prisoner by the scrolls."
"Perhaps Natasha comes back from the soul realm and has to deal with some intense PTSD issues."
"Tony's vision may be the most compelling out of all of Scarlet Witch's mind games."
"The second Tony grabbed the scepter, Ultron was inevitable."
"Ultron thinks we're monsters. What's wrong with the world?"
"The nightmare of chaos seeps into the minds of mortals on distant Rim worlds or the bowels of Hive cities."
"If it were to decide that its new purpose was to bring its version of 'peace' to every life on the planet, there would be little the Foundation could do to stop it."
"Love and fire and treason seem to be in Dany’s future, and Jon Snow could easily be a big part of that."
"What if Cthulhu existed today? It's not too far-fetched to say he likely does."
"In the Marvel Universe, look, I'm a big fan of the movie Snowpiercer. If you could drop Thor and Captain America onto that train, how would they survive?"
"I wonder if they're people who died in the actual world and these are just weird Android copy things."
"I mean, it's pretty much that. It's Nathan Fillion as this, I don't know, he's not quite like a space pirate."
"Hard work pays off. Not sure if some of them might be aliens, maybe robots."
"I'm pretty sure the sidekicks are supposed to have their own special abilities as well, right? They're not just some random Fox from the woods."
"This drama will make you think that maybe just maybe there really could be another world out there."
"This doesn't need a fictional world with new discoveries... while and truly be a real thing almost."
"What if I told you there was a Fourth Kind of sage mode?"
"Thanks so much for watching Part One of 'What If Harry Was In Slytherin?'"
"With everything we've taken a look at today, there are so many unanswered questions about evil Morty and his plans."
"The hive city of Ferrograd had been chosen to store vast quantities of dark age of technology weaponry of the nuclear kind."
"What if that ice planet is best been frozen over?"
"Dettore: there is more than one... fabricating a plan in the interest of researching a god-like entity."
"If there was one thing humans could get rid of in this world it would probably be viruses, but you know what they definitely would want to get rid of and make sure they don't happen at all? Zombie viruses."
"The mushroom said to me once it said this is what it's like when a species prepares to depart for the stars."
"Imagine a world where death could be cheated. Is it the same? That is up to your philosophy."
"What kind of metal was Thanos' sword made out of that it could crack and break Captain America's shield like this?"
"Maybe all of the ancient weapons are like that, maybe there's an avatar of Pluton, an avatar of Uranus somewhere out there in the world."
"I hope you enjoyed this video. Don't forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe if you're interested in speculative evolution, weird obscure science fiction, and other things in a similar vein."
"This was a brutal chapter, and yet something else might be going on here, something that could change everything."
"Camp zero cleverly explores how the intersection of gender class and migration will impact who and what will survive in a warming world."
"Thankfully, we do not have the scientific or medical knowledge that would produce such a being. But there has been fictional speculation."
"This whole series addresses what if people have been asking about for years... what about when they go out and they just... they're saving the world but they're just doing it any which way they want to."
"Just shoot her and patch her up on the ship. I'd like to see you try. It might just come to that."
"What do you think is waiting for us in the Star City? Well, peace hopefully."
"The MCU falls under the realistic category even though the universe is filled with Androids, aliens, and wizards."
"Everyone begins talking about aliens, and a teenager theorizes the pods have roots underground connected to the main tree, which killed the crops."
"One of the things I really like about Niven’s writing is how he thinks of uses that might develop from a new technology beyond the obvious."
"After all, the chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one he said but still they come."
"George Orwell couldn't have imagined that technologies available today are actually in use in China."
"What if Subject Four is actually gone forever because of serum overdose?"
"Even if it was in the Old Republic, it's still... it could have been something completely new."
"It's fun to think that these creatures might actually be archivists maintaining a documented record of everything happening on this planet."
"The saddest part of all of this is no matter how long it goes on for how great the show gets... The Mandalorian is all about the formation of the First Order and their rise to power."
"If ghouls are such a force in the Wasteland, shouldn't this phenomenon have been present in the pre-war world as well?"
"An entire town where its residents are androids based on famous television characters."
"So here we can assume that these pruned Loki's aren't actually dead."
"I think one of the coolest things we could do with Star Wars is to take it to a whole new time period."
"Do you see right here where it says 'can assemble across time and space'? That is very important."
"Who would win: computer ants or the Dragons?"
"She's definitely going to be trouble if she gets her hands on Titan power."
"The doctor likely went to Tartarus, the prison where Muscular was being held, and most likely stole or copied Muscular's muscle augmentation quirk."
"The universe ends today, and that is very exciting."
"If the multiverse is the multiverse then there could be loads of different storylines going on at the same time."
"Raffo, I like the way you're theorizing. I have said before that there are multiple non-human vessels in the Cosmere."
"I truly do believe that it's going to be revealed sometime that all for one is Deku's dad."
"Black Mirror is coming back for a sixth series."
"Wouldn't it be interesting if we took the purge idea but we put a black family in the middle of that world?"
"What would the name of Thor's and Captain Marvel's hypothetical son be? Ooh, a Hugh Jackman maybe-man."
"One where policing has been privatized, replaced entirely by the ACN or Anti-Crime Network, an organization funded by the government and run by a billionaire industrialist."
"Imagine someone else in the future or the past had or will have or will have has had the Kronos Codex and they use it."
"Maybe Lovecraft was right about all of this."
"This truth that I've discovered might quite literally be the ending of Boruto."
"But we can't let the hive mind think it's gotten the best of us because though it may have beaten my Flames I forgot one thing capitalism always wins."
"Could what we see in the show resemble our potential real future? Let's find out."
"He brought up the burning of Prospero by the Space Wolves and asked if Caliban would face a similar fate at the hands of the Hounds of Fenris."
"I've never read a book like it where every single page venge is introducing some idea that is so huge it could take up its own novel."
"Humanity began its counter-attack, the salvation of mankind from Extinction now seems to be in the hands of strong Hunters."
"It's not hard to believe he traveled into the future or back in time."
"Ever since this story came to light, it's not hard to believe he traveled into the future or back in time."
"That's telling you that when that angel that crashes it comes to earth like a falling star is not going to come like a comet it's going to be in a craft guys."
"There's an infinite number of realities. Morty was literally freaking out."
"Honestly, I think that Pratchett is a genius. He's one of the most skilled writers of speculative fiction that has ever lived."
"I don't think you're going to see the alien in Prometheus 2. I think he's playing games."
"The concept of uplifting isn't just confined to humans bestowing intelligence upon other earth animals."
"Think about the ecology and the ramifications of having that creature present."