
Divine Encounter Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"We are looking forward to that day when we shall see him face to face."
"And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid."
"Seek Him until he lets himself be found by you."
"I saw God... I just knew in my being it was God... But Jesus was -- I knew it was Jesus. He was the right hand side of God."
"God wants to encounter you right now, wherever you are."
"Welcome to the fire. When you get close and want to live for Him, want to please Him, want to honor Him, want to exalt Him, want to draw near to Him, then heaven opens up and He lets you find Him."
"The veneration of saints and their relics are among the earliest practices within Christianity and in fact was one of the primary expressions of Christianity in its earliest centuries."
"At the end of that road, you will see one of two faces: either you will see the beautiful face of Jesus Christ or you will see the horrific face of Satan."
"I called out to Jesus, and to my complete surprise, he came surrounded in brilliant white light."
"You're going to have an encounter with God where you're going to be marked by God forever. You will never be the same again as you encounter God and as you encounter His presence."
"What you know about God determines the depth, dimension, and level of encounter you operate with."
"I met a man at a place called Calvary; he was dying on a cross of wood, that man was God."
"I had an encounter with God many years ago." - Personal spiritual experiences.
"For us, the greatest pleasure and the greatest vision on that day of judgment is to see God Almighty with your own eyes."
"Our Lord came to him. He'll come to you. He came to where he was."
"This is the closest experience I've had to making contact with God."
"As soon as you meet the father all of the sudden you actually get to learn from the truest Source you get to meet you get to learn from God himself."
"They're declaring that we are standing in the presence of the Trinity... and our God is holy."
"When we show up expecting something from God, he always meets us."
"When Jesus Christ appeared to me and He said, 'Go bring my people back to me.'"
"When those moves of the Holy Spirit begin to stir on the Earth, that's the time Heaven touches Earth."
"The presence of God will fill you and come to right where you are."
"We're going from visitation to habitation and it's going to be as quick as a vision."
"This is your moment. Jesus walks in this room and touches you. You are healed, and the fire of God is upon you."
"I was sitting on God's lap like a little kid, and I never wanted to leave."
"When was the last time that you entered into the spirit and encountered the presence of God?"
"Jesus is waiting right past this very thin veil and that he is loving that we are coming to meet with him."
"The faithful 'shall stand before him' and 'see his face with pleasure'."
"The most precious moment of my physical walk was experiencing the spirit of God, showing me all that I really was."
"If you want God to visit you... you've got to be ready."
"Keep going higher... make room for the glory."
"Entering into Christ's presence so that I can gaze upon his face."
"We've all fallen short of the glory of God, yet Jesus meets us in our mess."
"The first thing I want to pray is that everyone viewing have their own experiential knowledge with God."
"You walk into the presence of God, you will be changed, I guarantee it."
"In those moments where I was broken, that's when I experienced God."
"That's where he found God looking right back down on him."
"Now we can have encounters with the Word of God, encounters with the Holy Spirit right here in our homes."
"God is a woman and I have personally met them face to face."
"God always meets us at the level of our expectation."
"Reclaim your power; bring your ideas to life."
"When the human being realizes who he or she is, he finds God."
"If you'd like to ask God to come into your life right now, if you'd like to ask Jesus to save you and change you, to forgive you and bless you, to bring you into an encounter with the living God, I want you just to raise your hand."
"When I entered into God's presence, it was love and light. I experienced His grace, His mercy."
"God responded to Moses, 'I will let my goodness pass before you.'"
"Run swiftly toward holiness, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord."
"Lord, when you place your hand upon me, I knew that I would never be the same."
"It's more than prophetic, it's like a kiss from heaven, it's like an intimate brush with the reality of God's compassion and love."
"The Holy Spirit gives us new eyes to see... so we can see Jesus and our lives transformed."
"Suddenly and suddenly there came a sound from heaven."
"We're not transformed by our efforts, we're transformed by beholding the glory of the Lord."
"I have found what was missing from my life. God has just spoken to me. I have decided to turn my life over to my lord."
"It was said that in the moment just after waking, some of them would meet the goddess Hathor herself."
"Many of them saw the face of the Savior."
"Joseph emerged from this room full of light."
"Men passed out, some had to be touched to get strength, very few people could stand in the presence of an Angel and it didn't affect them."
"Moses's face was radiant because of the traditional idea that this was a physical reaction to having seen, spoken, and embraced God."
"Here's the lord of the universe has come to sit as my Divine appointment to serve me communion."
"The living God met me in that incarnational space."
"You knocked on the right door today because everything you need is in the presence of God."
"I will never be the same. I've touched your grace, my life is changed."
"Maybe, just maybe, God will speak something to you so incredible today that you'll be talking about it years from now."
"Encounters are an elevation, a means of ascending the realms of God."
"Finally, we need to come and have an encounter with the father's love."
"God meets Moses but Moses did not access that Dimension by himself."
"He was now convinced he had met Jesus face to face, that God had brought him back from the dead, and that therefore he must be the Messiah."
"While the women were looking for Jesus, Jesus was already looking for them."
"When Jesus walks into a room and touches people, everything changes."
"I knew it, and I knew that God knew it," he said of his initial encounter with deity.
"I know this wasn't the best of encounters, but I like to think that it was God's way of blessing me with a tiny glimpse of what is really out there."
"Every second of the search is an encounter with God and with eternity."
"Come encounter the power of God, be set free, be healed, be baptized in the Holy Spirit, have encounters with Jesus."
"God revealed himself to me in a dream in a way that utterly blew my mind."
"48% of people having near-death experiences experience the same God they encounter the same God of Light and love who is personal who knows them who gives them a Life review."
"I saw Jesus, and he was a man, but I could barely tell that he was a man. He was just completely filled with light. And there was kind of his entire chest area that's where this light was beaming from."
"An encounter with the Lord is an encounter of truth."
"We actually heard the voice, where we were together with him on the mountain, the Holy Mountain."
"I truly believe that I have seen my angel."
"I was immediately taken into a trance-like encounter with God... it was one of the most phenomenal encounters of my life."
"If you would worship Him with everything you got, a Holy Ghost habitation is about to hit your house."
"The Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him in his closet."
"God met us, God spoke, and His glory filled the temple."
"Sometimes no is better than a yes. So whatever happens, I did my job, I worked hard, I brought it, and now it's up to Netflix to make the decision."
"For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved."
"When you come in contact with the Holiness of God, it will show you exactly how you stack up."
"God never said nothing here's what he did he just brought him in contact with his Holiness."
"When the church ever loses sight of the Holiness of God everything else will go down the drain."
"Divine encounters, those genuinely rooted in the sacred, should elevate your spirit, leaving a residue of serenity."
"Now you see Him in the scriptures and say wow, this is my God."
"Moses said, 'Please Show Me Your Glory.'"
"The glory of God came upon me at a time when I had nothing left."
"God will show up in a way you could never imagine, and you ain't gonna want to stop."
"I feel like the Lord is going to meet you right there today."
"God's going to meet you in a place outside of the way."
"I saw the top of God's head like wool, not the face. The fire, the glory was ever-woman-to-be wool. And his hand came out and got that little box."
"Faith is in the place of desperation, and you will find Him in that posture."
"May God give you all heartburn. May he give us all spiritual heartburn where we hear him speak."
"God is going to meet you in a place where only like you will know."
"I believe that God is going to show me His glory each and every day of my life."
"I believe you're going to get the same response that Moses did when he said, 'Lord, show me your glory.' God said, 'I will.'"
"But it's a place, yes, it's a place of suffering, a place of joy, not the kind of joy in Heaven, but the joy that comes, 'I have seen Him. My soul has seen the Lord God.'"
"I belong to Jesus, even if you want to go to another religion, sit down and cross your legs and deep breathe all you want to when you get through deep breathing he's coming after you."
"I wanna see him, look upon his face."
"Have you ever had a moment when you were completely overwhelmed by the grace of God?"
"Jesus will meet you wherever you are, but he'll love you so much that he won't leave you there."
"There is nothing that takes the place of a personal encounter with God."
"...mine eyes have seen The King The Lord of hosts..."
"The greatest news that you will ever hear is that you can touch God today."
"I've had some times in my life when I've seen the glory of God."
"...encounter God... the top of the ladder..."
"Jesus welcomes you if he isn't taking you himself, sometimes he does take people."
"May is promising to be a month of fasting, consecration, and encounter with God."
"Let the cry and let God take you up into his glory and bring you into the realm where all things are possible to him who believes."
"May you encounter the God of Elijah."
"I fell on my face and I heard a voice of one speaking."
"Will we be silent or shout with joy when we first look at His face to face, caught by the eyes of Amazing Grace?"
"He was carried by light to a certain place, and this was when he saw Ahura Mazda, the wise Lord."
"You don't ever get to the presence of God, taste the goodness, have the abundance of life that God wants you to experience without that I deny myself, I surrender, I crucify this flesh."
"It became the best day of my life because I met the King of Glory."
"Only by faith and love are we able to glimpse Him as He passes by our shelter in the cleft of the rock."
"Once we see God, it's eternal delight, because we don't take enough time to ponder what it means to see God face-to-face."
"Suddenly, John found himself in the very throne room of God."
"No man has ever turned toward me and me not met him there."
"It's a now moment for God to encounter you."
"Every time Jesus appeared to me, he's brought Shalom, he's brought peace."
"Their hearts were changed; they awoke unto God."
"Our desire every week is for you to have an experience of meeting God and feeling His love during our worship."
"It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared."
"Receive my present at my hand; for therefore I have seen thy face, as though I had seen the face of God, and you were pleased with me."
"It's salvation to the uttermost, absolute ultimate experience."
"When you encounter the presence of God, you will encounter the purpose of God."
"Wonder and awe, and because they simply said, 'I want to know more, I want to look into these things,' God met them."
"You will never be the same; something is about to come from heaven."
"Prepare us, Lord, bring us to Jesus and bring Jesus to us."
"Look no man in the face till thou hast seen the face of God."
"When you start to have some encounters with God, you realize this world has nothing to offer."
"I am undone; for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts."
"God first appeared to Abraham in Shechem and gave him the promise that he would inherit all the land."
"In the year of King Uzziah's death, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and exalted."
"When God invades your life with a supernatural touch, it's something you will remember."
"Moses, when he met God in a burning bush, took off his shoes, he saw the glory of God."
"Have you had a true and saving encounter of grace with the living God?"
"This time, God, we want to experience your presence, breathe on us, have us have a Holy Spirit encounter not just on January 1st but for the rest of our lives."
"The most powerful ego death experience came as a confrontation with Kali."
"The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham."
"I heard the voice of God for myself for the very first time; it was a powerful experience."
"Church is a preparation for that encounter with Jesus Christ, that encounter of love."
"Bliss is putting it mild. Utopia feeling, putting it mild. How could you adequately explain a god experience? You can't."
"When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand upon me, saying, Fear not."
"I remember just feeling the love of God for the first time."
"You have to have an encounter with God."
"What would happen if the Lord showed up in your room and said, 'Don't leave until you're filled with power'?"
"Jesus will visit you in the night watches."
"For I have seen God face to face."
"The most powerful thing you will ever see in a Christian Church is a sinner coming to an altar, bending their knees, and crying out to God."
"Therefore I have seen thy face, as though I had seen the face of God, and thou wast pleased with me."
"Get expectant, get excited, get ready to have an encounter with the Holy Spirit."
"I approached close to the gods above and the gods below and worshiped them face to face."
"God wants to reveal Himself to us, but we have to make time for that encounter."
"What matters is not me finding Christ but Christ finding me."
"The Lord said to Moses, 'Behold, I shall come to you in a thick cloud...'"
"God came to me in a profound way, out of the clear blue."
"Do you want an encounter, a fresh encounter with God?"
"Can you hear Him, the rider on the white horse?"
"Nobody comes in contact with the presence of God and remains unchanged."
"Moses had numerous encounters with God on Mount Si, culminating in the momentous occasion when he received the Ten Commandments."
"I declare I'll never be the same again, I felt you touch me tonight."
"It is an encounter with the living Lord that begins to happen."
"I've had an encounter with God that I don't know how to describe; I'm having trouble putting it in words."
"I have seen the face of God, yet my life has been preserved."
"The altar is the place where God meets men."
"And I saw the Lord, and He stood before my face, and He talked with me, even as a man talketh one with another, face to face."
"God is going to meet you in the act of obedience."
"I was lost, but even in my lostness, God came and found me."
"Don't waste any opportunity to be with Jesus."
"For I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been delivered."
"I have seen God face to face, yet my life is spared."
"So he called the name of the place Peniel, saying, 'For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.'"
"All true ministry is simply an overflow of your encounters with God."
"There is more in you, and I will not rest until I fully encounter the more of God."
"If there's only going to be a few that actually encounter the Living God, I want to be one of them."
"When you see the face of God, you will die, and there will be nothing left in you except the God man, the God woman, the heavenly man, the heavenly woman, the heavenly child."
"The skin of his face shone because of his speaking with Him."
"An angel of the Lord appeared to him standing at the right of the altar of incense."
"The further you stray from the liturgy, the less you are going to know God, because God meets us in the liturgy."
"What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed."
"Moses entered the cloud; he went up on the mountain. He was on the mountain forty days and forty nights."
"I just said, 'Jesus,' and He said two words. He said, 'I am.'"
"When the most divine man who ever lived pops into your life, you don't just sit around."
"Every encounter with God changes us."
"God appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush that was not consumed by the fire."
"I absolutely fell in love with God thirty years ago on the Transfiguration Mount in Israel."
"At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me and them which journeyed with me."
"I met the power of God, and I realized all these things that I'd been studying... they were not nearly as powerful as this love poured out for me."
"We may be searching, but it is God who finds us."
"The middle season is where we meet God in a brand new way."
"God Almighty appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan and blessed me."
"For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered."
"You are blessed; these things I didn't read them in a book, I sat with Him."
"When you have an encounter with God, it will change your life."