
Microcosm Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"A public school in the United States is a microcosm of the United States because it encapsulates in miniature the characteristics and qualities of the nation."
"What's happening in Florida right now is a microcosm of what's happening to the larger nation."
"We're just a microcosm of the big macrocosm."
"Real estate is like a microcosm of what's happening in the rest of the world."
"Soon, we’ll be able to dive even deeper into the microcosmos."
"A prison is nothing more than a microorganism of society."
"Tulsa is a microcosm of everything that has happened to us in this country."
"It's like a little world within a pocket in the world."
"Human beings are microcosms replicating the macrocosm of the universe."
"It's like a microcosm of the real world."
"It is a miniature world, one manor house, one farmhouse, a vineyard, a field of potatoes, a field of wheat, a cherry tree, an orchard; it is one of everything, so it is in a sense an ark."
"Einstein recognized that quantum mechanics was extremely good at predicting how the universe around us behaves on a small scale."
"My garden is a microcosm of the world at large."
"Skypia is a microcosm, I think, of the entire One Piece story."
"The market itself is sort of like a microcosmic version of life as a whole."
"Family, especially our immediate family, is to us the world in microcosm."
"These passages were aligned with the most elegant shops so that such an arcade is a city, even a world in miniature."
"Even in the smallest of places, an entire world may exist."
"This closure reflects the microcosm of the current economic situation in China."
"If you split every atom, you will find suns and systems in it."
"The world is composed of countless tiny spheres, so minuscule that they need to be magnified millions of times to be visible to the naked eye."
"The laws that are written in the stars, the laws of the planets and fixed stars, the macrocosmic laws, are to be found again microcosmically."
"The universe of the human body... to be called a microcosm, and the universe of the great face to be called a macrocosm."
"This is a microcosm of your life."
"The principle of the law of Correspondence tells us that what is true in the macrocosm is also true in the microcosm, and vice versa."
"Every tiny grain of the powder contains the whole model universe in it."
"This year has kind of been like a little microcosm of life."
"Queens is like a mini microcosm of the world."
"Saturn, with all of its moons, is a perfect micro solar system."
"Little villages are simply a microcosm of the entire universe that we live in."
"Nico feels like its own little Universe, feels entirely self-contained."
"Man, the little world, is in every respect a replica, a copy of the great world."
"On earth, there are little images of the world that we can understand, a little cosmos, microcosm, that reflect the order of the divine."
"Every fraction of a second, every atom of matter contains a fragment of his hidden life and his secret activity."
"The macro is in the micro, the micro is in the macro."
"Whole worlds can exist inside something so small."
"The human body is a small Universe; Sun, Moon, everything is there in this, all the elements are there."
"The family serves major function; it is a mini society within itself, it is a nation within itself."
"Every single person is a microcosm of the macrocosmos and each one of us therefore has the capacity to affect the world."
"A family is a nation in miniature."
"Man was regarded as a microcosm, a little world, a concentration of all the laws governing the cosmos."
"Our consciousnesses are literally microcosms of that original consciousness."
"California is a microcosm of the United States, which is a microcosm of the world."
"It really does take you into another world, the microscopic world."
"The human body... that he's a microcosm of the macrocosm."
"Man... is a microcosm, a little cosmos."
"All that life, all that happening in the tiniest little flower, amazing."
"The tabernacle and the temple... are microcosmic images of all creation."
"We are a microcosm; we can be either a miniature heaven or hell."
"The universe was a great being, and that man was a miniature universe."
"Each one is a self-contained world."
"Our words and our faith affect things down to the microscopic level, down to every part of the atomic structure."
"The human being is a small universe, and the universe is a large human being."
"Infinity going towards the small and infinity going towards the large both exist."