
Sports Politics Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"This is prizefighting. The politics in mixed martial arts and boxing have kind of skewed us away from the fact that you're putting a big pot of money on the table and you're getting the best guys to go for it."
"It's just mostly politics, man. A lot of, and the fans too, man. The fans, I feel like they discredit a lot of fighters."
"The business of basketball starts to come into play, the politics."
"Football fascism: Manchester United are not allowed to sign wingers."
"Politics has everything to do with football because football is the people's game and politics affects people."
"Our future is grim. The Glazers won't leave until the club is on its knees."
"This is where we see those fractures that form between Jon Jones and the UFC."
"Ultimately, nothing came of this minor controversy."
"Prost knew how to play politics... Senna was horrible at it."
"He basically is just a bulletproof vest for the Glazers."
"This is our warning. In 10, 15 years time they're going to try to do something that resembles some elitist league."
"I'll just be singing Glazer out, you know I mean, I'll be doing that mate."
"Arsenal out of proposed European Super League."
"The power of the fans has been not just Manchester United fans, but I think domestically, I think that the big six clubs have all come together." - Jack
"United fans should boycott the games, including watching the games online. A statement needs to be made." - Vinnit
"The Glazers are the enemy. Let's use all our energy on removing them. Let's not waste it on the manager or players. Focus on the root issue."
"NFL teams hide behind the league to avoid Kaepernick's collusion charges."
"I think these clubs think this is a done deal. It's done. I don't think it is. I think supporters up and down this country can stop this." - Jamie Carragher
"The way this club is run is a disgrace, the way they acted in the Super League, I mean, I know for a fact that there's players in that football club that can't stand the board."
"The decision to focus on those four clubs meanwhile has upset a number of others, non more so than al-shabab..."
"Why conflict sport with politics? Why don't you keep them separate? You know, because when you start managing things like this, that's showing your weakness. That's how weak your foreign policy is when you couldn't manage the relationship that way."
"I hope Paul George sleeps real good at night. I hope Kawhi Leonard sleeps real good at night knowing they got a man fired that was the most successful coach in Clippers history. That's fact."
"We've stopped the breakaway. The Super League is dead."
"The reason they pulled out the Super League is because of the global impact of fans saying they're not going to put up with this."
"I cannot trust those people again. They tried to destroy our football club and they're still in charge of it."
"Arsenal fans are a bunch of do-nothing cry babies. March on the stadium, cancel Chelsea and City games until Kroenke and Arteta leave."
"People were immediately pissed because ex-49er Colin Kaepernick was still going unsigned by an NFL team."
"Being snubbed from the playoff, that's a hearing now. But the fate of your future, that's it. If you don't have that, you don't have anything."
"The politicization of sports will damage the spirit of the Olympic charter."
"The Glazers don't care about the fans that love this football club."
"Manchester United fans have always been Glazer out."
"Jaden Sancho will be bought to pull the fans away from the Glazers."
"This isn't about being anti-baseball, it's about being pro-fairness, pro-competition, and anti-monopoly."
"It's unfortunate to see this pound-for-pound King just gets stripped when it's not really his fault."
"No pure football fan would sign up for the European Super League."
"Lots of people who work at the breakaway clubs are disgusted by what is being done in their name."
"So now they're going to equate trans women to black women in sports? You track it here, you see what they're doing?"
"The European Super League is not a competition. It's the WWE. It's wrestling."
"The vast majority of United fans do want Qatar, but the vast majority of mainstream journalists and certain ex-players are not so sure."
"The Super League makes me want to throw up, but the Premier League I love, and I don't want it to die."
"I hope that one day football fans realize that we are the enemy of ourselves cuz it's our eyes they want. If nobody watched football, there would be no Super League."
"We're being played and manipulated, and it's not for the benefit of the fans or the club."
"Football clubs built by the poor, stolen by the rich. It's a sad day for football."
"For him to be alive when we've done this, shame on you. Shame on you, Ed Woodward. Shame on you, the Glazers."
"A super league where only a few are allowed to participate will be a breach of the community in solidarity."
"The key to this is the players... If the players revolt against, the Super League might not happen."
"The World Cup bid exposed Qatar's power play, validating the idea that rules of fair play don't apply when money talks."
"I believe Dillian Whyte should be getting a shot in the time period that has been promised by the WBC."
"I think the politics certainly played a role, but I think most of it was them playing off-cycle and also with no fans it just tuned people off."
"I will continue fighting against the glazes until they do not own our club anymore."
"If there is a potential deal going to happen then we should all want the Glazers to go anyway."
"Some people in this story, Tom Brady and some other football up well-known athletes have said that Colin Kaepernick is good enough to play but just people don't want to sign him because they don't want to take the heat."
"If LSU wins the SEC, the folks who dislike him for non-football related reasons would at that point have to just shut up."
"Wouldn't it be cool if, like Messi and Ronaldo took a stand against the Super League and demanded transfers?"
"Football gets involved in politics, it's about image."
"The Glazers are waiting for the Super League. When it comes in, it's money money money."
"We will continue to protest until this vile family are removed."
"There is a massive war, there is a huge fight that begins today for the soul of football, for the future of football."
"That's just like, oh yeah, the idea that like Florentino Perez, he's lit, he's seen Chelsea and Man City just like face down UEFA and say no, we're going to do what we want."
"We decided together with Lewis to protest, to launch the appeal, and to withdraw the appeal."
"Ronaldo could be one of the biggest impacts on the Glazers Out movement."
"Sir Alex Ferguson sabotaged United to protect his legacy."
"As football fans, we were appalled by the attempt to set up the European Super League."
"Four people on the Chelsea board, none of whom are Chelsea fans, took Chelsea into the Super League."
"Manchester United sort of just say to Real Madrid, 'As far as we're concerned, you don't exist. We're not going to deal with you. We don't want any of your players, and you're not having any of ours.'"
"Until we get the Super League, says the number one waffler, we're getting the Super League from the looks of things."
"But quite clearly it's to claim back some ground, some territory on UEFA on the European super clubs who dominate the financial landscape."
"The Super League, no mention of Europe. Corporate interest will lead to these games happening everywhere."
"In 2010, I marched to Anfield to get the last greed the owners out of our clubs and in 2021 I'll do it again, FSG have gone too far now."
"Wow, Texas and Oklahoma are expected to declare their intention to leave the Big 12 as soon as 24 to 48 hours."
"Karting: Pure driving, pure racing, no politics, just real racing."
"These have been bullying the club for 15 years, and finally, it took the slap in the face of the Super League."
"We're seeing the decimation of women's sports through an ideology that appears to have no regard for human nature or the differences in human nature."
"I think cricket has been hijacked by a few countries recently and I'm not too happy with that either."
"You don’t lose the Stanley Cup for 3 decades while supplying 43% of the league's players and half of the North American viewership. Without some serious, systemic, fuckery going on."
"Dana White Privilege is very, very real."
"There is potential for a big NBA lockout looming."
"Let's all give a round of applause to the new CBA making players not care about the regular season even more."
"Only way to get rid of Glazers is to stop merch, season tickets, United scripts, MUTV subscription, hit them where it hurts."