
Commendation Quotes

There are 1231 quotes

"What a play, well played honestly just well played."
"You are one of the most respectful creators out there."
"His work ethic is legendary, his leadership is phenomenal."
"It's actually phenomenal, bro, and I want to commend you on that because I think people will constantly go at humans who have experienced a level of trauma that they never will without being able to understand how that changes a person."
"I commend you for coming in front of a camera and saying that."
"Kulu amazing game, you know the fact that you made something like this and released it for free is unbelievable."
"This sweater, this whatever feels like it weighs a hundred pounds, it is such incredible quality."
"That's a good pitch, dude, great pitch, that's clutch."
"She has done a remarkable, remarkable job as first lady."
"The experts are impressed by your extensive food preparations which will keep you and your family sustained for a."
"It all makes sense to me and I want to commend you for putting together these uh just this disclosure series and doing this because it needs to get out there and it's like we're just dropping the information."
"Too brave for his own good, great chin no doubt about that."
"shinzo actually acted like a hero in that moment and should really be praised for it he used his head"
"Do the right thing, you know? He's doing the right thing."
"This was an absolute [ __ ] pleasure he said donate to saint jude's it's where the rest of my money goes what a [ __ ] king dude."
"You're talking about one of the greatest players there's ever been and it's still a fantastic player as well."
"Love that! That's a great serving highlight."
"Mr. Beast was just playing completely perfectly."
"The vast majority of police officers are heroic men and women."
"I applaud every sister that's unafraid to do it."
"We deserve to be salty, but you guys are just staying awesome."
"A timeless classic worthy of its regal title."
"Absolutely great Bruno Elijah's done a wonderful job."
"They went hard on that one, they really did."
"Props to AOC, seriously. That's an actual quasi mature thing to do."
"A really impressive showing I think from Smurf."
"Let's get into it. Good job Obsidian, good job."
"After Gwen's arrest, Bill was especially praised by the Phoenix Police Department for his handling of the negotiations."
"Hats off, literally and figuratively, to Mr. John Rocafort being such a worthy champion."
"That's a testament to what those guys built."
"Job well done to Rebecca Valentine. This is an excellently reported piece."
"Congratulations to all the amazing artists in this category." - Honoring achievements and talent.
"I commend Mr. K for displaying an intimate understanding of his state's laws."
"Seth's another one who's always got a good thing to say about people."
"Credit where it's due, brilliant move from Cameroon."
"For a free game, I don't really think it's bad. I think you've done a good job putting some stuff together."
"Instead of being persecuted... he should be commended... looked at as an example to emulate."
"If you play this game and don't spend Roblox, you're actual legends."
"Kudos to the guy who's made this horror game, seriously."
"Bob Muller is one of the finest people and public servants this country has ever produced."
"Jermaine Lucier: 'Prey is as worthy and badass a Predator movie as we've seen since the original.'"
"Part of the reason why we always congratulate and glorify successful lane role swaps like ambition like xiaohu is because it's so risky and difficult."
"Kante is the MVP in this team. Kante's literally so good, bro."
"It obviously goes to show that you're willing to explore other ideas, commendable."
"I think I would give it two I think the third spot number three is Mortal Kombat 11 and I think it absolutely deserves to be a top fighting game of the year absolutely."
"You've got to give so much credit for that goal." - "Having the balls to try that is huge."
"I salute you for your honesty and your level of transparency, sir. Real talk."
"If this was a real interview you would have absolutely passed with flying colors."
"I commend both of them, the therapist is being brave, she's taking a leap, and I commend him for going with it."
"This is probably one of the smartest things that has been done in a very long time."
"Workers and resources: Soviet Republic, astonishing!"
"Colton appreciates Eddie for making the right decision."
"The soundtrack is probably the best part of the experience, a commendable effort on all three fronts by the artists involved."
"Your Anatomy is super strong and your digital painting skills are really solid."
"The work that you've been doing... really is quite Brave."
"He's driving great, he's driving so so well, it's just fantastic."
"Fantastic job our Hats go off to you guys and if there's more people to chase go get them."
"Can we give it up for Cheese for sure for the run, there's a lot of nerves, a lot of pressure, but really good job."
"It does feel like a natural evolution of that world, and I can only commend it for that."
"Chris handled it better than anybody could have handled it."
"Absolutely earned it, just an unbelievable performance."
"You're an inspiration to me so I just have to commend you because your work ethic and dedication and like commitment is very inspirational to me."
"I think she's the best actress of her generation."
"I truly commend her... through the appropriate means and I feel like that's all that matters."
"I think what was good is that she really never gave up right until the end."
"One of the kindest, nicest, most gentle people in politics."
"Above all, he was one of the kindest, nicest, most gentle people in politics."
"This was special. You got anything else to say about it before I move on, Luke? No, this is just one of the most amazing fights I've seen in some time."
"Fantastic drive from him, my driver of the weekend without a doubt."
"Leonardo DiCaprio manages to shine as the titular character."
"This is a very brave thing to be so incredibly open."
"Rio Ferdinand cheers nice work, that's very nice."
"All props goes to Stacey Abrams and Fair Fight for a lot of work that they've been doing."
"I think she did a phenomenal job on not only the execution of the setup but also the decoration aspect as well."
"Anybody who's transparent about their use, you know kudos to them."
"Many of us don't have to, but what you're doing is brave, it really is."
"I'm not going to lie, that's a pretty stellar start."
"Thalia's pronunciation was almost flawless throughout."
"Looks amazing, high hit power, high pursuit, high awareness."
"You gave basketball to the world. If the mark of a person's life can be summed up with a question like did you give more than you took, man you gave so much." - Stav
"The developers deserve serious commendations for the little details that make it great."
"Florida's done a really good job... I honestly think that Florida's done a really good job."
"Detroit... I still think they're being run quite well."
"Your stick-to-itiveness and tenacity are commendable."
"Three minutes later they announced they bought Bungie for 3.6 billion. And might I add they did a spectacular job of it."
"I commend her efforts to improve the health of Americans across this country."
"He's got such a deep bag of tricks he's so consistent."
"I will say it, probably one of the top three commentators ever to touch a microphone."
"It's brilliant, it'd be completely brilliant. I did not have that in my predictions."
"Absolutely incredible by all the racers here."
"Makes my heart swell to see someone with your history has turned his life around and is doing such great work. God bless you."
"Jesus came to the servants that served him and said, 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant.'"
"Thoroughly well done, that's massive for Chelsea."
"You're on the right path and you're doing a great job."
"You really showed a lot of initiative today."
"I applaud them for moving forward with their lives."
"Definitely a good head on her shoulders, that's for sure."
"I just want to congratulate Senator Mitt Romney for voting his conscience and character."
"The Lord of sargo City commends Mrs. Windsor for her efforts."
"I do have to commend Nvidia for pushing the boundaries of computer graphics."
"I'm so impressed with how much you've been raising him like you've done an amazing job."
"I agree with him on and and I've given him credit a couple times on the show he says he does not take over Pac money he's a very very very rare Republican who doesn't take corporate Pac money."
"Very smart guy, very good guy, and a very fair guy."
"Red Bull have done an absolutely fantastic job."
"Kokushibo commends Muichiro's spiritual strength."
"I'm glad you did that, Broden. Good instincts, good reactions, good job."
"I commend you on that, man. I commend you on that. Well on, man. Well on. Fair play to you, man."
"South Korea's response was simply remarkable."
"Jesus said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.'"
"Parents of the year uh goes to Cody he's such a great parent."
"Prime Minister Netanyahu has been one of the most formidable and courageous political leaders of our time."
"There are no words to describe how well she did."
"Charles is a great guy... he's definitely a bright guy."
"It's very important that we had an actor and someone that's that has autism and I think you did a brilliant job."
"To almost everybody's surprise, dude handled it with a level of class and grace that was really unheard of."
"Unbelievable job there Pokimane, 20 points for you!"
"Not a lot of people would do this and shows genuine passion."
"We just have to commend her and appreciate her for wonderful for the wonderful job that she she did today and for the courage and the audacity that she has to stand for the truth."
"Commissioner Adam Silver has done an incredible job."
"They should be commended for the work they've done on it."
"What you're doing with your platform here it's very informative you're talking about some things that are really important and so I commend you for that."
"Kudos to George Weah for demonstrating uncommon leadership by conceding defeat."
"This is the best class card for good reason."
"I think they've gone beyond the call of duty."
"Shout out to our teacher Damien Haas for doing such an excellent job!"
"This is a fantasy story. Fair play for Leicester, absolutely superb."
"These people are literally putting their entire reputations on the line... they need to be commended."
"She may have missed a few battles, but she didn't miss many." - ARNOLD OLSON
"Overall, though, this is fantastic; so many new level opportunities were created because of this thing, and that's definitely worth praising."
"One hell of a game, man, one hell of a game."
"Thad Williams: doing a great job as the Schmoedown commissioner."
"Shayna Baszler and what she's doing is fantastic."
"It's one of those things where I enjoyed it so much I would be tempted to do the extra shifts which I think is praise for it."
"Kudos to Elizabeth Olsen, she absolutely knocked it out of the park."
"You've come a long way in a short period of time."
"He's put in months preparing for the fight... let's have a round of applause for the heavyweight champion of the world."
"Beautiful timing to blitz right there. Beautiful."
"Props to the fucking Cologne crowd, they've shown themselves so far to maybe be the best crowd in eSports."
"He didn't make a single mistake, that brilliant."
"It's like honestly, I want to just hand it to Sarah Gaul for doing the Lord's work."
"Absolutely spectacular work for Team Liquid."
"You're a legend! Oh, I can't think, that just works straight away, that's ridiculous!"
"The staff across the NHS have done an absolutely brilliant job."
"Commend our dispatchers, officers, and fire Personnel for their quick response to confront the threat."
"You're wise beyond your years, not just speaking, but you really understand what you're doing."
"What an impressive kid this is, this is an adult and his parents did a great job raising him well."
"Congratulations to Trial Site News for your amazing work in health as a human right."
"Levi praises Armin for making a hard decision to keep his comrade alive."
"Good for the school resource officer for doing the right thing."
"I think a lot of respect is deserved for Misfits with their run obviously."
"La Knight, I'm gonna put him into the great category as well..."
"Grayson Waller, I'm gonna grab him and put him into the great category as well..."
"Being able to have differing views come together and talk is commendable."
"Congratulations, agent. You'll be highly commended for this."
"That CHP officer definitely going to get a gold star."
"Use your heart, which you already have, and you're great at that."
"Wonderful job, Dollar 261-210... beautiful and well done."
"Anyone who has the guts to get help in any capacity with mental illness should be praised for their efforts."
"Twenty five thousand nine hundred Finnish deaths and one hundred twenty six thousand nine hundred Russian you got to give props to the Finns on this holy cow look at this lob sighted victory."
"Laudable: worthy of high praise, commendable."
"They're a smaller team trying to do these big-ass games, and for that, you have to give them props."
"Props to them, that was a really cool strategy."
"You're handling it very well even though it's a lot of pressure."
"You kick butt Robert, best legal analysis on the u-books."
"My hat is off to you for always being so honest and truthful with yourself."
"That's leadership, Lou, and that's the leadership of President Donald Trump."
"Well done drafting this bill guys, you did a spectacular job."
"The Coast Guard did a really good job. I think it takes a special breed to be able to do this every day. To all the coasties out there, I thank you very much."
"Factorio should be added to the list of those good words."
"You're doing a really good job... guiding the Next Generation... loving, kind, generous, and very intelligent as well."
"He's doing so well this year... amazing season... fair play to him... amazing."
"Big ups to Britney Spears' father for doing the right thing."
"This is an amazing country. It's the best country. It really is."
"I cannot fault him today. David Luiz has been rock-solid throughout."
"All ships, you fought with valor this day and proven yourselves worthy of the Imperial Navy."
"Frankly speaking, good on them because they're pushing really hard."
"Thank you for going over there and standing up for this girl, it's very brave of you."
"Germany has been widely praised for its efficient response to the virus."
"She was a fighter for life... she did a hell of a job out there."
"That was one of the better drives I've ever seen."
"I do think that if there is one guy that can play multiple roles, it's Perkz."
"Guys, that was amazing, incredible, wow Nicola!"
"You'd be a great sheriff because you always get your man."
"What you do isn't easy, but you guys do such a great job of keeping us laughing and smiling."
"Jang Yukan commended Yi Yun as excellent and unveiled him as a prodigy in martial arts."
"JJ overall has had an incredible performance throughout the series."
"You must be so proud of that, that genuinely looks incredible."
"He did a great job here i really do think that that this officer shows some really incredible professionalism in that gun fighting aspect he did a darn fine job i think that he showed some really good work beforehand as well."
"They just wanted people to more easily be able to play this thing again and that is pretty damn commendable, you know?"
"He's getting contracts based off the fact he's just a wicked bloke, and I think that's incredible."
"Very impressive run by Linkus." - "Very impressive run by Linkus."
"Brave deeds, friend, taking the fight to oblivion itself. I salute you."
"For this year, Tyler Myers has been very good for Vancouver and impressive."
"Graceful and impressive, so very well said, graceful."
"You guys are saving lives out here, you guys are doing some amazing amazing stuff."
"I think it's an incredibly brave thing to do."
"I commend her. That's some incredibly scary [__] to do for its time."
"I applaud your decision, family is important."
"His name is Tyler Coleman, Hollywood, you got a hidden gem here."
"They took over the map so quickly, well played."