
Divine Touch Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Receive peace in your soul, receive clarity of mind, receive a touch from heaven."
"It's time that we surrender so that God can use us and we become vessels that God can release power through."
"Just ask Him, 'God, touch me, touch me, touch me again.'"
"May you just see, feel, and know that He touched me."
"Everything you touch is powerfully transformed. I pray I experience your powerful touch in my life."
"I feel like I've been touched by heaven and that's an awesome responsibility."
"Just a touch from the King changes everything."
"Every touch from the Holy Spirit is treasured and wonderful."
"As many times as you need it he'll touch you again."
"He's been anointed or he's been touched with evil just as ISA Alice rasoolum has been touched with goodness"
"It's not about manifestations per se... we want God to powerfully come in and touch your life in a life-changing way."
"Just one touch from God is better than a lot of information."
"It's not dependent upon a man or a woman's touch. What it's dependent upon is the touch of Jesus."
"...God's got his anointing resting on you. Whatever you're feeling in front of your computer, that's the touch of God and the anointing of God."
"Your life on earth is a testimony that heaven has touched you."
"May the same Holy Spirit touch your life today, touch your circumstances today, touch your situation today. May everything that has stood in opposition to God's will in your life feel the effect of the executor of the will."
"What qualifies us to be used of the Lord is not our degree, but has the Lord touched you?"
"Everyone who touched him was made whole."
"He touched me and made me whole. He touched me and made me new. He touched me and things fell off me."
"I felt so light, and I felt that the Lord had totally touched my life that morning."
"Holy Spirit, fall fresh in this place."
"I find my joy waking up that God touched me and said, 'Hey, it's another day. Let's go!'"
"If God ever touched down anywhere on this sphere, it was in Egypt."
"Touch every single heart, touch every life in the name of Jesus."
"The Holy Spirit is touching you now, and it's time for freedom."
"Go in a new strength, for I have touched you."
"Only one touch from God can change your whole life."
"If I'm honest with myself, I must admit that the Spirit has touched me more than once, and the testimony of the Spirit is real."
"My prayer is that they would pick this up, that they would have curiosity, and that God would touch them in his power as they read."
"The basic need of man is to somehow touch God."
"I've never been touched by a priest, I've been touched by God."
"When God really touches you, you walk different."
"One touch of living water and the whole tank was declared to be clean."
"I've been touched by the Master's hand; that's the miracle."
"God's supernatural lays his hand on only those who hunger and thirst after his word and do it."
"Last time was not the last time He laid His hands on me."
"Once that was dealt with, now His touch is free to heal her."
"The spirit of God will touch your heart, that you'll grow in Christ and grow in a knowledge of his word."
"A hand touched me and moved me upon my knees and the palms of my hands."
"We need to sing our freedom song. Oh Lord, we need a touch from you."
"God wants you to know physically, not just spiritually, His touch, His pleasure on your life."
"The anointing is God's touch on your life."
"The power inside them is growing, or mutating, they've been touched by a god, they've converted to a religion, they had a vision."
"One touch of the fire of God, and all your iniquity is now removed."
"Your life is touched by God, that's coming out clear as day."