
Hidden Feelings Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"I don't show it, so you don't know how special you are to me."
"This person shows a willingness to love them to be loved, even if they have to keep that part hidden."
"Your person has deep hidden feelings for you."
"You do want this person but you're not letting them know that."
"I feel like this person has deeper feelings for you than they may lead on but it's gonna start with something very sexual."
"They're not really communicating how they're truly feeling about you."
"There's always feelings there that will make it more than friendship."
"Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you, I have self-esteem issues but I keep it hidden."
"Your person has an entire love letter's worth of feelings going on about you beneath the surface."
"Just know that whether they're gonna admit it or not, they're thinking about you too."
"Someone has true feelings they have not yet revealed to you."
"They might be obsessing from afar, admiring you secretly."
"They really want to let you know how they feel but they're shutting their mouth and keeping their feelings to themselves."
"They just have like this everlasting love for you underneath the surface."
"They hide behind something, emotional baggage."
"Never underestimate how much I love you. I might not show it, but you really are my one true love."
"He's hiding his true self, wearing a mask. He really wants to reveal how he feels about you, Divine Feminine."
"You feel good about this, but there's something you're not saying."
"This person might have been trying to stay away from you, but they're about to take that mask off."
"I give my heart and no one knows that I do; it's for you."
"Your person has a lot of love for you, but they're trying to be undercover with it. They're not showing you exactly how they feel, but they're really hurt."
"They're holding back their love for you, they're holding back their emotions for you. It's all pent up, they're acting real calm and collective, but honey, that's the last thing that they feel, calm or collective."
"Some of you, this person is in love with you and too afraid to tell you that."
"I hide my true feelings, but that's part of why you can feel it."
"There's a lot that's being worked out under the surface right now. There's a lot going on in your person's mind which hasn't been expressed."
"They're stuck on you. They wouldn't show it honestly. They feel a little burned or they feel, I mean, I guess that's what happens when, you know, our ego gets bruised."
"I like you more than I'm letting on."
"It's like they're trying to act like everything's fine, but they do think about you. They're just hiding it."
"They think about you quite a bit, and they're obsessed with you. They might try to hide their feelings, but they can't."
"They feel deeply connected to you but won't admit it."
"But Wes is secretly loving it, he's all about having a war with the opponent."
"The way you linger on her when she's looking, the smile you faked, the quiet dreams you keep to yourself."
"Who knows what the hearts conceal and what the tongues will not reveal."
"This person thinks about you a lot. Maybe they haven't revealed their feelings, but they still have them."
"Most of all this person doesn't want you to know they are obsessed with you. They don't want you to know they're thinking about you. They are hiding their emotions, they're hiding their feelings."
"This person is constantly thinking about you, they feel very guilty even if their actions don't show it."
"Your person hides the fact that they're truly deeply in love with you."
"Your person wants you to know that they have hidden feelings, they have feelings that they're kind of protecting, that they're not really letting you know about."
"You're going to be able to express yourself emotionally because you have hidden feelings."
"They admire you deep down, even if they won't admit it."
"Look beyond immediate appearances to see spiritual truths and to look from the outside. This person may look very stable, but they're really good at hiding their feelings sometimes."
"This person loves you and wants to go all in with you, but they're not revealing all their feelings."
"Your hidden enemies are in love with you. They cannot let go of you."
"They could be someone who's hiding their attraction to you."
"She tells him that she hates the male she's with. No one knows it but that she hates him and that he disgusts her."
"This person is trying to make it seem like they don't care but they really do care. They feel so lost without you."
"Throwing stones is not always a physical action. Or you could be talking all nicely on the outside but you can be hating the other person on the inside and throwing stones."
"Approaching original violence is the silence where you hide it."
"Winston, is it possible that you're a closet romantic?"
"They feel for you much more than they show."
"Please forgive me for not showing myself because I don't know how to face you."
"Look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide."
"She tried to hide her feelings to not be vulnerable, but deep down she wants a life with Wu."
"I'm in love with you, I may not be showing it in 3D, but I will."
"They care about you more than they let on or more than you even think."
"I'm sorry for hiding my feelings for you."
"They act or pretend like they don't want to be with you, but they really do."
"Someone here is secretly admiring you."
"You can show your tears that you've been quietly hiding to me."
"They ask you how you are, saying that you're fine, you're not really fine, you just can't get into it because they would never understand."
"You don't see the room in my heart."
"The meaning of my tears that are reflected on the mirror is the color hidden under my smile, blue and grey."
"They love you here, that's what's hidden, this person is so in love with you."
"You may not be able to show it, but it is there in his heart."
"It's always been you, crushing heart space awakening, they are hiding how much you mean to them, fear of abandonment."
"This person feels a lot deeper for you than they are actually ever going to admit."
"A lot of times we smile and we try to appear as though we're having a good time, and what you must understand is that a lot of times it's an illusion."
"Deep down inside this person really wants to reveal their true emotions for you."
"I'm hiding the fact that I'm lost without you."
"It's like your deepest feelings coming out, things that you really kept hidden."
"I want this love way more than I show."