
Waste Management Quotes

There are 343 quotes

"Trash is an analog concept. There's no trash in a forest."
"You end up swimming in garbage. This is a huge issue."
"I don't think of myself as an environmentalist, but I just do the stuff that I know is right. I don't want stuff to end up in landfill."
"We can't recycle our way out of this problem."
"To burn or not to burn, that is the question. Whether it is wise in the earth to bury the junk and plastics of outrageous convenience, or to take energy from a sea of troublesome waste and by burning end them. Sorry, Shakespeare."
"The best garbage is the type that never occurs."
"The circular economy exists to make sure these items find a home and keep it out of the landfill system."
"We recover almost ten times more energy from a given amount of waste than is recovered from a landfill."
"Trash is like one of those things that you put it outside and forget about it. I think everybody should know what happens to what they get rid of."
"Fixing our planet isn't just about climate change, a key component is waste management."
"Dump a plate of nuggets into the trash, you feel like a champion, really you do."
"Hopefully what I'm sharing helps us to be a little bit more mindful about the environment and the waste that we create every day through our beauty routines."
"The world produces more than 2.3 billion tons of municipal waste each year."
"Seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously."
"Controlling fridge gases is one of the best ways to fight the climate crisis."
"It's a huge waste and a bad thing for the industry."
"Nuclear power and waste... looks less dangerous and more promising than ever."
"Toilets that can convert [ __ ] into energy."
"Stop dealing with trash. Leave trash where it belongs, in the dumpster at the landfill."
"The global waste management market was valued at 1.61 trillion US dollars in 2020."
"On top of that, they're also becoming these just garbage wastelands."
"We can reduce the amount of waste we're producing by canning our own produce."
"Pack out what you pack in and don't leave any trash behind at your campsite."
"It's a win-win as we receive the waste from them for free and they don't have to pay anymore to get rid of their mango waste."
"There's no waste from what we're doing, full utilization of this."
"Working on minimizing waste is already a huge step in the ethical direction."
"K-cups need to be thrown away. You can't recycle K-cups as far as I'm concerned. But even then, there is just plastic and you can easily use a reusable K-cup."
"Food waste is a huge problem in North America."
"If you take just one third of the food that's being wasted right now and brought it to the people who are food insecure, we could eliminate hunger."
"There's a lot of promise around utilizing waste for future reactor fuel."
"The waste isn't a problem, all right? It remains radioactive, it's highly regulated, and there's never been an accident with it."
"We cannot sustain taking stuff from our environment and putting it in a hole in the ground forever."
"I can think of a few better uses of time for the police officers than guarding dumpsters of food that's not yet bad."
"Keep your city clean and functional - waste treatment is a necessary part of city planning."
"We're here to keep your waste out of the landfill." - Tom Eggman
"Better trash equals less trash. That's a good way to say it."
"We're the fastest growing waste startup in the state of Texas."
"Support zero waste businesses...taking responsibility for their waste."
"Food waste is gross. Let Loamy save you a cold trip out to the garbage can."
"This is material that's sitting in the forest that really would have no other outcome other than to be burnt."
"Wasted crop is perhaps the most apt, indicating there was at least the intention to do good."
"Having a backup whether that's wag bags, biffin bag, whatever, and also like planning ahead for digging your hole, it's clutch."
"France recycles about 96% of its nuclear waste."
"Turning waste into ethanol: a solution to both environmental and energy challenges."
"Fashion brands should be responsible for their waste."
"Responsible disposal of hazardous waste is a basic community need."
"This is what if and here's what would happen if we sent our trash into the sun our planet is filling up with garbage yeah at the rate we're going by 2050 we'll be dealing with 12 billion tons of plastic sitting in landfills."
"We are carbon negative versus leaving the piles in their current state as they are."
"Find where they're making this garbage and shut it all down."
"Yeah, I moved into a new house because I was in an apartment, and uh, the house uh, apparently doesn't have a trash like a trash like pickup."
"From all those returns, there's now nearly 6 billion pounds of landfill waste generated a year."
"And we should find ways to repurpose and make the most out of it."
"Garbage management has also been improved in City Skylines 2."
"Composting is a way to convert things like food scraps and yard trimmings into fertilizer instead of sending those things to landfills."
"Scientists have found that microorganisms like bacteria fungi and actinomycetes can help get rid of waste plastic on Earth."
"Clothing is one of the biggest contributors to landfills right now."
"One of the most impactful ways that you can prevent waste when we talk about food is to compost."
"Food must never be wasted. Food can never be wasted. Food is that important. It is that essential. No matter what, don't ever waste food."
"If we want to take something out, let's be responsible about it."
"This unit has very little trash and it's one of the best units we've had."
"Waste Management, a pretty safe industry, people always pay for waste management."
"EPA will ensure that all waste is disposed of in a safe and lawful manner."
"The holidays are upon us, food, friends, family, and cleaning. Our loved ones can be a bit messy, and more mess equals more waste."
"Trash is disposable, but maybe it doesn't have to be."
"By recycling, you are not only conserving resources but also helping to keep unnecessary garbage out of landfills."
"Every year, 90% of materials come from the ground and end up in landfills."
"Grow a few herbs in pots, don't feel bad about just throwing away basil."
"Most of the stuff that we're pulling out, at least the stuff that we're throwing away, is at least 30 years old, 40 years old."
"Unlike coprolites found at sites where waste was deliberately managed, the feces from the cave reflects a nomadic population."
"We seriously need to start regulating our waste output."
"All of the nuclear waste we've ever produced in the united states can fit on a single football field stacked 50 feet high, it's like vanishingly small amounts of waste."
"If we continue on this trend we'll just have more landfills and eventually the whole world will be a landfill."
"Zero waste is a philosophy that essentially aims to produce no waste."
"Americans alone throw away 500 million straws every year."
"Reduce and recycle. This lot generates compostable and recyclable trash."
"You should pay attention to what you're throwing away and giving away."
"Nothing goes to waste if you just don't put it in the bush, something's gonna eat it."
"Across America, dairy farmers have dumped countless gallons of fresh, perfectly usable milk because there is no one to buy it."
"I feel as though from all human life is here absolutely this is a rubbish tip of the site potentially maybe the rubbish tip but it's telling us all about how they lived."
"A good indoor composting system: reducing kitchen waste."
"I feel terrible throwing out food that's gone bad sometimes. Do you ever like hide it like, oh in the garbage so that no one else knows that I wasted this food?"
"New forms of algae will be used to lessen the waste and break down plastics in the oceans."
"We recycle it. Sorry, that was a question I'm just answering. I've figured it out now. We do have garbage service and recycling pickup."
"Four Ocean picked up 25 million pounds of trash over the past five years."
"Carnitine can help balance that it cleans up some of that metabolic waste."
"Thanks to Lomi, I only have to take out the trash once a week and it's hassle-free."
"In permaculture, we try to say waste from one system is the feed for another system."
"It's trash and shred, not trash and recycling."
"We're thinking a lot bigger these days to provide a real solution to the fastest-growing waste stream in the country and the world."
"Banana peels, chicken bones, and leftover veggies soon won't be allowed in most California trash bins."
"We do our best to keep the waste to a minimum and we make sure to recycle packaging as much as we can."
"I miss garbage work sometimes, it's very meditative."
"Composting is a simple and effective way to nourish your plants, improve your soil, reduce waste, and fight climate change."
"The earth is not infinite and that we can't just throw stuff away because there is no away."
"This is definitely a commentary on society and how we're producing a lot of trash and we're running out of places to put it."
"...a bin that once filled... can apparently compress the trash inside such that you can just carry on dumping stuff inside of it."
"We put on the 20 yard bin and we put the bags inside the bin."
"Common recommendation is three by three by three or one cubic yard... can you get away with less? Yeah, it just requires more management."
"Everything that's not hazardous gets shredded."
"This collapsible garbage is ingenious."
"The slurry goes through this channel all the way to the napia grass."
"To assure quality compost, don't add meat, cheese, and bones to your pile."
"...reduce the energy costs by 74 percent in the treatment of this kind of waste."
"I loved the joke aimed at airline companies that throw so much waste at you on flights."
"The big issue is that there's not a dump here."
"The city's waste management system will be highly automated, utilizing technology to sort and recycle waste, significantly reducing the per capita waste production compared to traditional cities."
"The best part about out here: we don't throw food scraps over in enclosed Harbors or busy areas or anything like that, but when we're out in the middle of nowhere and it's not going to wash up on someone's Beach like organic stuff goes out the window."
"It's been incredibly helpful to get rid of lots of grass cuttings and waste from the garden."
"Recycling the trash is taking itself out."
"We could literally empty every landfill with the energy surplus from nuclear fusion."
"Most people are like, 'Oh, we have to dump,' and we're like, 'Yes, we get to dump.'"
"If your garbage is rather large like this one is and you're putting lots of live or wet garbage in there, it'll build up."
"'Surprisingly, human waste isn't the only thing these workers need to be wary of...'"
"The type of garbage they're looking for is organic waste."
"I don't separate stuff, I don't sort of put there's a cans, there's the paper, you don't do that, you just throw it away here."
"We simply don't produce any because we don't take any organics."
"Dispose of your garbage properly, not in the fire pit."
"The thing that I like about Waste Management so much is that the free cash flow growth is very predictable and steady for this company."
"The cleaner the water a city has to begin with, the less problems it will eventually have with disposal of its wastes."
"Biogas plant: every household has waste, but thanks to a simple solution, it can become a gateway to self-sufficiency."
"Make sure what you are allowed to recycle and what recycling centers actually accept in your local area."
"Textile waste has now become a huge environmental issue."
"Waste is an efficient source of energy. Waste exporting countries paid 36 euros per ton, bringing in more than 50 million euros."
"Sweden wants to go further. It hopes to reuse 100% of its waste within 3 years and have no landfill sites."
"Solid waste can be disposed of through landfills, incineration, or recycling."
"The energy from waste facility, what a great thing to do with the rubbish."
"500 to $700,000 for the amount of trash these things keep from going into the ocean. These are a bargain, and I think every city in America should have at least one of them."
"I've never been able to look inside of a trash compactor... they always put the good stuff in trash compactors."
"Recycling, in South Africa, we just have one big black bin, we chuck everything in there."
"Every day the US creates 76 million pounds of plastic and only nine percent of that ends up being recycled."
"The mountain is now littered with rubbish, empty oxygen tanks, and corpses. The question of how to deal with this problem is more relevant than ever."
"What we're trying to do is clean up the waste generated by the fish."
"...the strengths of the Berkeley method is that it can handle tremendous volumes huge volumes of waste and it does it quickly."
"A circular economy is the actual solution to the waste crisis."
"Garbage trucks are trucks that are used to pick up garbage."
"That is one of the things that I will never understand is why people store dirty mattresses. Just get rid of it. Why pay to keep something that is garbage?"
"Environmental degradation is a con due to overpopulation and lack of a long-term waste disposal system."
"Garbage sorting is becoming more and more popular all over the world. Now even birds are involved in preserving our planet."
"Babies mean diapers, lots of them. Diapers mean trash, correct?"
"I'm going to try and do aerobic digestion in this tank."
"Mismanaged waste is the real issue."
"This concludes my presentation on the new recycling system system any questions um even the even your intentionally foul paper yes oh and that bin is for everything else that's it so you put in all that work and you're just throwing it away."
"We take all the material and all the packaging and all the stuff from everything that we buy, make, produce, use, consume, and we stick it in this special plastic bag."
"Recycling is when we take paper, plastic, glass, and cans and allow them to be turned into something else instead of thrown away."
"Here's the waste management tree. Not only are they cleaning up your waste but they're setting up a beautiful tree here at Hershey Park."
"Sometimes it's past and we have filled up the second bin. We're a family of two adults and two kids, and it takes us roughly three months, I would say, to fill up this one bin."
"We have to stop dumping our garbage where the poor people of the United States live."
"Worms can recycle your garbage. It's only five pages. It's free on my website. Just download it, take a look, but I think it'll answer a lot of your questions about how to set up a small worm bin."
"That is going to make a big big game changer down here in the landfill."
"Air space is the name of the game when you're landfilling."
"As humans settle higher up in the mountains, they create more garbage. This garbage attracts rats and rats attract snakes."
"For years, landfills have been the most popular waste disposal method, but time may be running out for the solution."
"This technology is being practiced in over 80 countries worldwide, diverting millions of tons of garbage from landfills and turning it into rich healthy compost."
"You can put them in here and then once your trash bin is full, you can pull this out, dump it, bring it to your trash can at home, dump it out, put it back in, and then fill it up with trash again."
"It takes a big team effort to get rid of all of our waste."
"If you do want to spend a lot of time off grid... learning how to deal with your waste... is going to be really useful."
"I decided to track my waste to find out where it actually ends up and this journey led me somewhere that I did not expect."
"Use your stuff up and you're gonna feel bad if you let it go to waste."
"Recycling: reduces landfill, reuses materials, but requires sorting and can lead to contamination."
"There's dumpsters full of hamster shavings that get generated as this material gets milled down."
"The group aims to eliminate the practice of waste burning and introduce the use of shredded dry leaves as an organic mulch."
"Using dry leaves as organic mulch is beneficial in improving soil quality and serves as an alternative way to manage waste."
"Theoretical basis: Waste management theory aims to prevent waste from causing harm to human health and the environment."
"Reduce, reuse, recycle: minimizing resources, products, and waste."
"Nuclear plants produce a relatively small volume of solid-spent nuclear fuel that can be controlled."
"We have safely figured out how to transport nuclear waste."
"It is fair to say we have safely figured out how to transport nuclear waste."
"I've broken their stranglehold. I have arranged for Mr. Ogden to dispose of my rubbish, so the monopoly is no more, and as far as I'm concerned, the matter is closed."
"Being wasteful is a poor mom mindset, absolutely. Absolutely, I don't care how much money you have, if you're wasteful, that's a poor mom mindset."
"What to do with waste and so one story that I heard about actually there was a documentary made about this Finland had this idea to create this 3 mile long tunnel."
"Remember if we don't buy these items, the storage unit facility actually just puts them in a dumpster and it goes into a landfill."
"This is a great example of the trash cans that have to lay in, especially in the fairy tale forest. If you have trash, literally, there's like air sucking it in. That's amazing."
"A skimmer leverages the electrical charge of bubbles to our advantage to collect and remove organic waste."
"A healthy microfauna population like copepods and amphipods will process waste throughout the tank."
"I always carry an extra large Ziploc bag, I put my garbage in it, suck all the air out, close it up, and it's very easy to pack out your garbage."
"Garbage collecting is one of the deadliest jobs in the United States."
"The German recycling system uses different bins classified according to the color system."
"We're from Waste Management, who has been in the case management business for over 50 years."
"Working with the government on a project to help solve the country's waste management problems."
"It's given all of this product a second life that would have ended up in a landfill."
"Our company is working to fix the issue of trash piling up on beaches all over the world."
"We're a leading specialist in waste recycling management, and we take it very seriously."
"It can literally look at a big messy pile of garbage and pick out materials extremely exactly."
"My personal goal is to keep things out of the landfill."
"Compost is when you take all the food that's about to go bad, pile it up in your backyard for all the worms to eat, and they turn it into nutritional food for plants."
"I'm very pleased with how they are conscious about waste and all of that."
"Lomi takes care of your food waste so you can spend time on things you actually enjoy."
"This could be a huge potential to reduce our MSW stream, reduce what goes into landfills by recycling and by composting this organic matter."
"We really need to learn how to dispose of our waste in a more responsible manner."
"Recycle is the third one, so it's even better to reduce your consumption overall, reuse what you can, and then recycle as almost like a last resort."
"The garage trash compactor turned five 20-gallon cans of trash into one small cube."
"Waste management and recycling services play a crucial role in preserving the environment."
"It's important that humans dispose of their waste in appropriate ways."
"How has waste management changed over the past century?"
"...we work with cities to be able to clean up cities and make sure that we are safely managing the waste that is generated."
"...we are starting out to partner with a lot of other cities to be able to transfer some of the learnings that we have seen from traveling this BSF waste management project."
"Turn your food waste into dirt with the press of a button."
"It's criminal not to use it; it's a long process, so if you leave everything in the trash bins, it will be very sad."
"Food waste is becoming a major concern."
"What we're doing in the headworks is we are taking out the big stuff, all of the things that are actually heavy enough or large enough to settle on their own."