
High Vibration Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"When you let go of baggage, it's going somewhere for its best and most highest vibrational good."
"You can choose a higher vibrational perspective and you can choose to be in that high vibration."
"You're definitely going to be high vibrational the month of July, feeling a lot of gratitude for things that are going to be taking place."
"Joy is a vibration, it's a very high frequency."
"Love is the highest vibrational state that you can experience."
"Our mastery comes in knowing what's happening at that 3D level and despite that, still being able to hold a high vibration." - Pam Gregory
"It's the only way that we're going to give a higher vibration to the planet Earth and raise the energy and create the planet that we want which is full of love and gratitude."
"The uplifting and optimistic presence of high vibration individuals naturally encourages others to open up."
"David Hawkins identified 17 levels of consciousness, with enlightenment being the highest."
"The higher you vibrate, the faster you'll manifest what you desire."
"You need to deserve success, wealth, and health by vibrating at a higher level."
"During this eclipse, many of you are going to be receiving infusion of high vibration divine light."
"Vibrate so high that any evil entity feels uncomfortable in your presence."
"Everything you do, as long as you find the path to the higher vibrational experience, allows your soul to evolve."
"We really got to get into a higher vibration as a people and really realize that we need to love and respect each other."
"You aligned yourself or something here and you're in this real high vibration energy."
"When you're vibrating high, they almost cannot attach to you."
"If we can do that, we've proven that we're already in the highest vibration."
"You are aligning with truly beautiful magical High vibrational realities some of which others have never even allowed themselves to visualize let alone experienced before."
"When we look into divine partnerships... a lot of people meet those counterparts when they are in the period in their life where they're also very high vibrational."
"This connection has a lot of growth, love, fulfillment because there's love high vibrational energy in it."
"Transmuting and alchemizing energy... puts me on a vibration where I almost feel untouchable."
"Don't be afraid to let go of the old, whether that's activities or people. Cut off the toxins and make room for what's higher vibrational."
"They will try to avoid conflict at all costs because keeping their vibration high is very important to them."
"You've got this very high vibrational Earth Angel type frequency."
"You're a role model in their purpose with high vibration."
"I think that we can all agree that help is, innately, a high-vibrational endeavor."
"Everyone has the potential to be in a high vibration how you get to a high vibration is by filling your body with feelings such as gratitude as love as compassion."
"Stay in Good Vibes... keep your vibration High, make sure you're choosing to listen to music that is high vibrational."
"You are choosing not to operate as a person who is trying to resist and rebel against reality but rather work with the programs and experience in order to define a more positive High vibrational experience for yourself."
"You're at a higher vibration, you know your [__] worth."
"Moldavite is from a meteor crash; it's a tektite, not technically a crystal, it's from outer space."
"You're operating at a high vibration, you're operating with love and light."
"You're vibrating very high, whether you're a man or a woman."
"Thank you, most high, for keeping us in a high vibration."
"When individuals of high vibrational states come together, they create powerful vibrational fields that can uplift entire communities."
"We are vibrating really high, we love each other more than we have ever."
"Stay sweet, vibrate high, high as the sky."
"When you are full of love and you're high vibrational, those dark entities can't even access you."
"Keep your vibration way, way, way up."
"Keep your thoughts and your minds high and high vibration, surrounding yourself by people who support and care about you."
"You are love, that's the highest vibration to be in."
"Align with high frequency vibrations such as those associated with love, joy, and gratitude."
"You're simply living your life, having these new values be your values, and these values are truly a high vibration; they're coming from your heart."
"Peaceful people get things done because they honor the sanskaras that are coming from a higher vibration."
"I'm focused on keeping all this on a high vibration, you know what I mean? Like it's time for us to stay elevated."
"It would be very hard to convince me that man and woman coming together to unite is not the highest level of vibrating on this plane."
"When you got a very high vibration, people will start to recognize you for that."
"Your natural vibration, your natural set point, is to feel high vibrational energy through your body a majority of the time."
"You're going to start to glow, you're going to start to radiate that, and people are going to have to just meet you on that level."
"If you get too lost into the physical... your spirit will create and manifest a circumstance or situation that is high vibrational."
"You're thriving, aligned, very high vibrational."
"I am ready to receive, I am ready to be high vibrational and receive all the abundance."
"I feel like your vibration is just so high, you're loving on yourself and pampering yourself."
"Being in a high vibration is very, very important; it absolutely changed my life."
"Unconditional love is the highest vibration when you refer to love."
"You have to create your reality, you have to always vibrate at a higher frequency."
"Love is the greatest healer and is the highest vibration of all."
"A high vibrational person knows that everyone has something to teach them."
"Since you were a child, you naturally vibrated higher and you raised the consciousness of everybody around you just by being yourself."
"Keep your vibrations high, do not look back."
"You are debting things that just don't serve you and you're doing this by vibrating at a really high level."
"Now that you've had an awakening... you are in this high vibrational state and you are feeling so strong and so good and so healed."
"Love conquers all, or you have this energy of just high vibration."
"Your soul is just one of a kind; it's high vibrational."
"You're in a more comfortable, high vibrational, powerful place where you've always belonged."
"You're about to get the high vibe version of what you are truly supposed to be with."
"Meditate and contemplate on the Piscean Neptune high vibration, what is best for everyone in the matter of forgiveness, love, faith, truth, kindness, compassion, do the right thing and it will be returned unto thee."
"I'm grateful for your life, for you being alive, for you pursuing your life at its highest vibration as its best, most amazing, fulfilling version."
"When you have that wisdom and knowledge and you have a high vibration, you're called because you're chosen to take this path now."
"Rare divine love has come into your sphere of influence; this is a high vibrational love and so familiar it is recognized immediately."
"You being at peace with yourself, this energy of love, the highest vibration of them all."
"It's like pretty stellar though with the Two of Cups and Four of Wands, I mean, that's kind of the love that people want, higher vibrational love."