
Subculture Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"Dark academia is a social media aesthetic and subculture characterized by a love for learning, arts, and literature, and finding beauty in darkness."
"Initially seen as a cult phenomenon outside of the show's traditional demographic of young girls, the bronies have since grown into a widely recognized fandom subculture."
"And hating on furries is the latest hot trend, yeah, I think this one's got a bit of staying power."
"I think weird core and liminal stuff has a fascination with nostalgia."
"Skateboarding and punk rock at that time went hand-in-hand... it was an attitude thing."
"Rap music is not just music rap music is a subculture hip-hop it's a style of dress an attitude a look a language it's more than just music."
"It's always weird when your subculture goes mainstream."
"Building a doomsday bunker is a whole subculture that people are constantly getting into."
"That's almost the same role that Rocky Horror itself served in years past—a welcoming place for an exotic, ostracized crowd to express themselves."
"Being a sneaker head in 2021... It's fun and it's weird, it's entertaining."
"This was pure unadulterated underground youth culture in its rawest form."
"The emo Guild is not gonna like this, they'll know that I have a weakness... I might be kicked out of the emo Guild no!"
"The Hells Angels were buying LSD crystals from Bear and tabling it up themselves."
"There's like a little bit of gatekeeping where people are like, 'I don't want other people to be like thinking they know about the thing that I'm super into.'"
"In a world that was particularly hostile, ballroom was a place of power, celebration, support, fantasy, and family."
"Setting up a new subculture... utterly unique."
"Success is wonderful, absolutely, but remember the other aspects of life. Remember that word: fun."
"These more kind of transgressive outlier weird toys that feel like we're somehow like we're punk rock."
"Hate against alternative subcultures is now considered a hate crime in seven different police forces across the UK."
"As much fun as it is to look back at emo and kind of laugh at the goofy haircuts, I think we should also acknowledge that it made a real difference in the lives of a lot of people."
"People who have gone in and out of goth do not assume that everything has gone terribly wrong in their life."
"Wearing that hat is like a bat signal... a secret code or a secret handshake."
"But in the Kink world it's called pup space or puppy space. It's like being on drugs, everything kind of melts around except for you and your partner."
"I'm like a shark in the ocean, I got a taste of blood. I got a taste of what the graffiti life is all about."
"They're people who feel completely alienated by mainstream culture and even by most of metal culture."
"A rebellious subculture has become mainstream."
"The satanic panic really made me who I am today."
"Despite their dire circumstances, the resilience of the human spirit is evident in the culture they’ve built for themselves, the tunnel walls painted with elaborate graffiti art and pieces of furniture designating rudimentary 'rooms' in the gloom."
"This secret network of illegal catacomb adventurers are known as 'Cataphiles'."
"I hate rules when it comes to businesses and companies and I hate rules when it comes to subcultures."
"D&D is a game composed of the people who play it. It's a community, you could even call it a subculture."
"This fake emo Broken Side is real emo... if you don't know what I'm talking about go read the comments."
"If you wear skinny jeans, you enjoy skinny jeans, kudos to you. Like, you are a part of another subculture, a subgroup of fashion that actually enjoys something that the masses have kind of rejected, and that's really, really cool, honestly."
"I just don't see how people like who are become Air Jordan 1 collectors or want to be part of sneaker culture like don't realize that hey in sneaker culture we make jokes we have fun."
"There's a sense of community amongst cannabis enthusiasts."
"The whole point of furry was it's supposed to be, you know, like an escape and a fantasy."
"Why don't we dress like this? Look how good he looks as a steampunk person."
"David has become a famous cyberpunk and he has gained a strong reputation amongst other cyberpunks."
"Growing up and being involved in the DIY scene... hardcore shows and metalcore shows were really the only shows that you can get into if you were under the age of 18."
"Smartness, it's a way. It's your inner self. It's the way you portray yourself. That's what makes you a mod, what makes you a rocker."
"Thank you, Elder Emos, for making me a part of the Nostalgia economy."
"The so-called Elder emo is really just the angsty sibling of the Disney adult."
"You are not a poser if you are a part-time goth or alternative person."
"Goth had that weird through line of rage, like 'more human than human'."
"What began as a subculture is now omnipresent."
"The misfits may have been the forefront of horror punk and the band that anyone inspired by the genre will point to as a strong influence."
"Furries literally prop up modern society."
"What started out as a mission to explore America's most Lawless Town ended up being a surprising look into the dark heart of a Californian subculture."
"...I'm not going to let anyone decide who I am or who I'm not... I love it all that's why I oriented towards skateboarding and punk rock because it was like all the Styles all the hair styles..."
"Embrace the freedom to dress up and be as crazy as you like on the goth scene."
"Street punk and oi began in the early UK punk scene and actually started with oi on its own."
"Creating an alternative viable subculture to the predominant culture."
"Be grateful for any popularity, coverage, attention the goth scene gets."
"There's no shortage of cars, motorcycles, scooters; love scooter culture."
"I mean I've met with pimps I've met with guys that sell fentanyl I've met with Kia boys"
"It's both comforting and frustrating to know that no matter how bad society gets as a whole, skateboarding will always be popular to a handful of people."
"Despite the rules we made such a fuss about, Fight Club continues growing at an exponential rate."
"The roots of scene kids go way back to the mid-90s emo scene."
"He fell in love with the emo girl."
"You hear this so often with any kind of subculture. People would say, 'Oh, skateboarding is dead now in 1992 or 1999,' but nothing is dead."
"This is my kind of content. Over-intellectualizing some sort of random subcultural thing that was never important in the first place. I am genuinely excited too."
"There is another way like I thought I was trapped but turns out there is this whole subculture that has figured out a kind of a more optimal path."
"She's definitely not like a normie."
"Cottage core, dark academia, goblin core."
"Symphonic black metal: so much more than just Emperor worship."
"There's something special about this kind of music made by people who were spin kicking and moshing."
"I love weird core it's a really Niche subculture on the internet."
"Punk wasn't just a publicity gimmick. It already had a steadily building audience amongst young people."
"a whole subculture of watch people out there that know what they're doing"
"It's not just the football, it's a whole subculture."
"To the outside world, this was antisocial. To those within the genre, black metal represented belonging, a haven for those ridiculed by everyone else as misfits."
"Twice every year in April and of course around Halloween, so-called Goth weekends are held, when all things Gothic are celebrated."
"When we go on our travels... we always meet like the cool guy in that town that has like the great collection and makes Comics themselves..."
"I think there needs to be this exchange. You know, skateboarding's a great example because if it had stayed the subculture that it was, it would've been this really great secret cool guy club."
"There's this huge underground culture."
"I hang out with so many gym rats that I forgot normal people don't associate belt with lifting."
"I didn't believe it until I had a roommate call himself one and he was serious about it."
"The first bit of mainstream recognition for the subculture they belonged to, made by skaters, made for skaters, as authentic as it gets."
"Skate TV: the authentic voice of the skateboarding subculture."
"Remember, goth is a label created by a scene outsider, and for years, it was rejected by all scene participants."
"I've lived in this weird world where there's no new goth music at all."
"Lolita fashion is its own existing subculture and has been for literally decades now."
"Everybody you know back in the earlier days back when I was like in you know talking about bleach and stuff it seemed like there was just a way more drama with anime users."
"This subculture later spread to Ukraine and Belarus before seemingly disappearing altogether."
"'The general neutral version of goth girlfriend is part Noir.'"
"It was like the rave scene as a whole."
"Change keeps things fresh, especially when the backbone of subculture is based on music, literature, fashion, art—you know, basically everything that makes life good or well tolerable."
"There's something very different and unique about you. You might be into a certain subculture, a certain movie, or a musical genre that requires people to dress a certain way."
"You cannot create a subculture until you cut off the sewage pipe. You have to stop the mainstream culture from poisoning the groundwater."
"How do we rebuild among the ruins? How do we create a subculture in which our children can live healthy fulfilled lives?"
"...it's really as far as you know death metal, it's the pinnacle of the scene."
"I've been following the Greek epic heavy metal scene for about 10 years now, and I ended up watching the fantastic Greek heavy metal documentary called 'Metal from Hellas.'"
"That festival lineup is jam-packed with all things true and epic metal. Up the Hammers and Keep It True, those are the two important festivals for this genre of music that people from all over the world make pilgrimages to."
"There's like an underground version of like an Ewok death cult."
"The most successful creators tend to define their own subculture instead of molding themselves into existing ones."
"...and then obviously I know about true Norwegian black metals."
"I'm tired of everyone. Thrifting's not a subculture anymore though, it's mainstream."
"...there's a lot of subculture groups that are being ignored."
"So, all these Gothic Girls, they're having pentagrams, upside down crosses, they're wearing all this like 'Satan's my daddy' stuff. Like, I've seen this, dude."
"It's not the subculture West Side barbell I fell in love with."
"There's this whole subculture that exists where a lot of these folks, they're highly educated, they have they make good money, but a lot of them have either retired in their 30s or are working remotely part-time."
"It's like if you smash Twilight and Cottage core and then throw in like grunge, that's sort of the vibe that we're going for."
"Being a furry is about comfort, it's about how comfortable you want to be."
"Gyaru is about rebelling against stereotypes and biases."
"I said that some gaylers use the term Hitler to refer specifically to anti-galer Swifties."
"All of a sudden, you had a whole army of metalheads getting into hardcore."
"Gyaru is both an aesthetic and a subculture."
"One of the things that I loved about skateboarding and punk rock and hardcore is that before there was an internet, we created an internet."
"I think there's a real subculture in Australia for cars, and in particular Land Cruisers. And you kind of throw that and say we're going to put it underwater and involve a dive team..."
"I love plaid skirts, they're absolutely precious and they work really well when I want to go for my more punk aesthetics."
"The entire subculture was a way for marginalized Japanese women to collectively beat back the societal expectations of them to be subservient, docile marriage fodder for white-collar salary men."
"It's probably the purest deep dive any studio has or now will ever take into the absolute uncut id of the closed-off, gatekept comic book store nerd core elite milieu."
"I think a lot of what people interpret as snooty BDSMers is just really passionate nerds who are very protective of their subculture."
"Nerds are gonna nerd, geeks are gonna geek."
"With the advent of the internet, subcultures could grow around small independent bits of entertainment."
"These fans would often be referred to as Bronies, which basically means Pony bro."
"Closed species kind of have this subculture in their own communities, a little island in the middle of the ocean."
"The puffer jacket has seen a great variation of uses - from a practical piece of exploration equipment to a high-fashion garment that represents being a part of a particular group or subculture."
"I love this look; it's definitely a soft nod to some of the J-fashion subcultures like Decora."
"Alternative subcultures have so much potential for amazing DIY stuff."
"It allows people to build these communities of like-minded individuals. It is a subculture."
"Here we see a pair of goths drinking Monster Energy."
"In the 1950s, tattoos were synonymous with tough guys, ruffians, rebels, sailors, military, dock workers."
"I think all the Styles, whether it's the Rockers, the mods, the punk rockers, it's a kind of feeling there has to be something coming from the street."
"Electric hot rodders look different than traditional ones, it's different, a lack of tattoos, but these guys are really clever."
"It's another fun kind of documentary, and I think one of the only ones that really kind of captures that place in time and that kind of small niche scene."
"Japanese laws once prohibited vehicle modification of any kind, and enthusiasts were forced to operate illegally before creating enough influence to push their passion into the mainstream."
"When the Hippie culture came and devoured all other subcultures, a new attitude began to emerge, of a culture that sees itself as superior to the dominant culture, and wants to break away from it completely, or even replace it."
"The Teddy Boys appeared on the scene in 1953, and within a couple of years they had music to express their divergence: the rock'n'roll that came from America, and provided an abundance of thrills, elations and fun."
"A Juggalo is an open-minded individual."
"Downtown was always the land for the anarchist and the political left, the decisively outer edge, those who live in the margin."
"I was like in the punk hardcore scene... we were having fun going to punk shows."
"For me, these subcultures are something that I love, and I think people who also are attracted to them should feel free to experiment and feel welcome in them."
"Subcultures are a beautiful thing, and we should be open to sharing them with people that are interested because that's how they grow."
"It's a popular subculture for a reason because a lot of people relate and a lot of people like it."
"As a philosophy graduate, it's all about the subculture that are really into literacy, poetry, think Dead Poets Society, think kind of secret societies and thought leaders."
"Gyaru is a fashion style and subculture that originated in Shibuya, a district in Tokyo, Japan, back in the 90s."
"If you're into costuming or subculture fashion like Lolita, goth, steampunk, Edwardian, or Victorian sort of choices, then this is a wardrobe must-have."
"Snowboarding wasn't cool to everyone else, that was one of the coolest parts about it."
"There's a hipness to cyberpunk, it's still very much that youthful expression of where does this lead."
"Straight edge feels like it's on an upswing lately."
"It was one of the first instances of a subculture where anyone was welcome."
"Skateboarding is a certain language, and not many people understand it."
"In culture, you could create your own subculture which is yours."
"It's amazing to see that besides the lowrider bicycles and the real lowrider cars, now we have like a whole new category, the RC lowriders."
"It becomes a little mini subculture... We're all together in this, right?"
"There's so many versions of goth, and I think a lot of drag queens have a little bit of goth in them."
"We need to have an open mind and be more accepting of the different ways that people get into and associate with the goth subculture."
"Lolita fashion is a subculture in Japan that is primarily influenced by Victorian clothing as well as costumes from the Rococo period."
"The weebs and the geeks will inherit the earth."
"Gothic Lolita is what it sounds like and is probably the most universally known of all J Fashions."
"I love cybergoth so much, and I miss it dearly."
"What happens in the floating world stays in the floating world."
"You can still be a Lolita whether you are a lifestyle Lolita or if you wear it once a year; you're still valid, you're still a Lolita."
"Sigma male is a slang term used in masculine subculture for popular, successful but highly independent and self-reliant man."
"I think creating makeup for a subculture makes a lot of sense especially when that subculture uses makeup to create its image."
"I'm forever a subculture stan and an apologist for this palette."
"We'll have like a whole Prius racing gang and we'll just rule the streets."