
Otherworldliness Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."
"I want to take you into a zone unlike any other, a place where light fades, darkness flows in, time loses all sense, and action causes reaction."
"Vespertine to me is so gargantuan and so otherworldly that it's in another galaxy."
"If I find in myself a desire for an experience which nothing in this world can satisfy, the most likely explanation is that I was made for another world."
"Our rules and logic simply do not apply here."
"If you find in yourself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that you were made for another world."
"From the first moments you lay eyes on them, their zombified almost mummy-like skin and unnatural body design make them appear otherworldly."
"Some of you are old souls longing for something beyond this world."
"It felt like another world, unnerving unreality."
"My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would certainly strive that I should not be delivered to the Jews. But now my kingdom is not from hence."
"Rainbow Road is like it's out of this world."
"Lang Mo wasn't a part of this world, rendering it incapable of causing harm to him."
"I think everybody can tell that sometimes you're in another realm but I think that's what's interesting about you... it's otherworldly, you know what I mean?"
"This place is truly a different world."
"Maybe those girls, what they saw was connected to what I saw maybe the reason why those men in suits came up and they were so adamantly scaring me not to ever talk about this and I was at gunpoint maybe that was otherworldly when I saw."
"I need everyone to stand clear of the portal. Yeah, don't need anyone else to be accidentally beamed into another dimension."
"It's something from beyond, where things aren't like they are here."
"It was like walking in another dimension."
"We are royal Falcons, our spirits are from another place."
"Other world has a deeper significance in a number of cultures."
"I just feel like I'm from outer space."
"Our hero was meditating; it was as if he had plunged into another world."
"Life is nice, it feels like you're in a different world."
"Being transported to another world and of rooms like these being almost an assault on all your senses."
"It's heaven out here, it's an entirely different world."
"The suit is slightly metallic and very glossy, so when the light hits it, it looks almost otherworldly."
"The astral world is populated by a large number of entities, just as the physical world is."
"The kingdom of mine is not of this world."
"Right now it gets dark and you look up, and it's another world; it's just beautiful."
"Have you ever felt like you don't quite belong to this world, as if your soul resonates with a realm beyond the physical?"
"If I find Within Myself a desire in which nothing in this world can satisfy, the most logical explanation is that I was meant for another world."
"The love that emanates from them is otherworldly."
"If I find in myself a desire which nothing in this world fully satisfies, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."
"It's almost like watching another world."
"It really is like stepping into another world."
"So take me away to some other place."
"They are splashes, droplets of idea that have spilled from the sea to eternity, summons to the other world."
"My kingship is not of this world."
"Dreams are proof of the existence of the other world."
"When you enter inside the shrine, it's like you're lifted up to another world."
"Fellow citizens of the kingdom of God, pilgrims of this world, strangers professing that our inheritance is of above and not of this world."
"Experiencing the perils and new realities that impose guests as outsiders establishes why our main characters are so fearful of this new world."
"You are aware, I believe, that there is at least one other world besides this one."
"I'm not made for this world; I'm made for another world."
"The world holds its own plane in our ecosystem that is unique; there are other worlds that exist beyond this one, other realms."
"The Zoo was just a crazy place where once you step foot over that threshold on that bridge, it's like a different century, a different time zone, a different world."
"If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world."
"It seriously feels like another world, like don't you reckon?"
"We are strangers and pilgrims in this world, we are aliens, our source of supply and life comes from above."
"It's unreal, isn't it? It's like it's another world, mate."
"If I find in myself a desire, which no experience of this world can fulfil, then I must conclude, I was made for another world."
"It was as though she'd been in another world."
"If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world."
"It's the only country I've ever been to that feels like I've stepped into another world."
"Escaping from North Korea is not like leaving another country. It's more like leaving another universe."
"This is where the wind can't touch, the space between worlds."
"There is definitely something magical and otherworldly about Venice."
"This island is so remote... it just feels like this other world that you essentially just show up on."
"Our hearts belong to you and not in this world."
"Pisces is known to have careers that are more resembling things that are not of this world because we're done with this world."
"It feels like you're in a completely different world."
"And I can't feel at home in this world anymore."
"If I find within myself a desire, which no experience of this world can fulfil, then I must conclude I was made for another world."
"Yes, there's another world connected to our own."
"Your life must be a living demonstration to other people that though I live in this world, I don't belong to this world."
"Shadow High actually has the potential to expand the fan base and might even appeal to folks looking for something a bit darker and more otherworldly than Rainbow High."
"It seemed like they were from another world, or they had created their own world."
"For what we meant by romance, there must be at least the hint of another world; one must hear the horns of Elfland."
"It sounds kind of otherworldly and haunting."
"A new kingdom is Jesus' Kingdom which is not of this world."
"The dreams had rules of their kind, and everything that happened inside was clear, as if he had entered into a new world."
"I can hear you; I feel like I'm in another realm, another world."
"Earth's just not the place for an angel like you."
"It's strange, it's otherworldly, but it has its own logic."
"I am the King of the Jews... but my kingdom is not of this earth."
"And though their world seems far, it is only a step away."
"I will give you new life, but in another world you will know no one."
"My kingdom is not of this world... My kingdom is from another place."
"It truly felt like you were with them, experiencing a different world."
"I am Lord, and I do have a kingdom, but it's not of this world."
"If I find in myself desires of which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world."
"Live freely in that other world not obligated to do anything."
"Galactus works because his morality is so alien."
"If I find longings in me that nothing in this life can fulfill, the only logical explanation is that I was meant for another world."
"We want to experience something that has that kind of otherworldly or out of this world kind of vibe to it."
"The veil is thin right now, and Spirits are very near to us in this Earthly plane."
"Pilgrim, there are other worlds than these."
"Time is fluid in the spirit world."
"I want to see another world," she said.