
Systemic Critique Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Everybody has a highest soul's purpose; it is a lie from the system that we are meant to be worker slaves doing things that in the long term are pointless and meaningless."
"Marxism says that the problems of capitalism are built into the system and if you want to solve them, you have to face the fact that the system itself is the problem."
"Understanding that this system is the ultimate problem is also a way to handle DEFEAT in struggles for reform."
"The system works exactly the way it's designed to work."
"We're in a moment when people have finally said 'F the machine, the system is broken and we don't care about you anymore.'"
"This case really raises deep questions about the system, not just one actor or two actors in the system."
"Let's teach that to the Next Generation and let them appreciate it, including the fact that our system allows condemnation of our system, not just criticism."
"Could you imagine if people had healthcare in this country? I mean, I guess it would probably just undermine the entire religious system, wouldn't it?"
"The only security we have in life is for us to take responsibility for ourselves because the system is broken, no one's coming to save you."
"Welcome to the world of legal claims. Welcome to the law. Welcome to copyright. This is the dark side of copyright. This is the injustice of copyright."
"If there's an antagonist of The Wire, it's not drug gangs or crooked cops, it's poverty and the unmitigated capitalism that creates it."
"What are you going to do with your own life so that you can free yourself from these tyrannizing systems?"
"We're going to become aware of the value of the truth from telling them it's time roll only become more and more aware and the more they become aware the more dangerous we are to this system. The system is going to fall."
"Fundamentally, the system is broken; the only way to change things is for more democracy."
"It's righteous indignation at a system that's killing us."
"Let's go build a better future where we don't depend on these broken systems of enslavement."
"It feels like I'm being chained to a cog in a wheel being tested on my willpower and patience."
"Together we can shine that big beautiful spotlight of accountability and transparency back down upon that very system."
"As long as our system exists as it does right now, there are ways to do it better. There are ways to do it worse. Mandatory detention was authorized first by Bill Clinton."
"Our immigration system is built on a carceral framework."
"In a system like that, it's basically a closed system where relationships become all the sizes. If you don't have a relationship to Trump of trust, you're not going to get in."
"I love it because the fool can actually show a system that is in need of change and step into that system unknowingly and kind of just poke fun at it."
"Knock him out. Go around the system is my thing. The system didn't work. The system didn't work for me. It doesn't seem to work for a lot of people."
"I think this speaks to a systemic weakness... within the entire structure of the system." - Andrew Axelrod
"We have to come together at some point and say, it is unacceptable for me to watch other people suffer, and then blame it on them and then never question the system as a whole."
"I just look at it more like, it's a system that's messed up."
"Young people are feeling over both political parties, over the entire system of politics."
"Unions are really the only way that we can fight back against the system that has hollowed down everything good in this nation."
"There is no system that's going to free us. It can't be done without your participation."
"We're tired of the mundane, passionless careers we've been shuffled into as a result of this orchestrated debt-based system of rule."
"The new world isn't built through running away from burning buildings and the crashing Babylonian system."
"At the end of the day, one of the reasons I really liked Ryan Beard's video on this topic was that they focused on the importance of blaming the system not the individual people within it."
"Our immigration system is built on a carceral framework. It's no accident that challenging how we approach both these issues are considered controversial stances."
"The existence of billionaires just like the existence of a homeless person is the perfect symbol that our system is fundamentally broken."
"A restrictive, oppressive, greedy system designed to force everyone to pay up."
"Some aspects of Snape's backstory demonstrate the cruelty of the system."
"I vote purely for chaos because I think the entire system is rotten down to its core."
"It's not about demonizing rich people, it's a systematic problem."
"You should not destroy yourself in a system that you don't feel can work anymore."
"The greatest trick this system ever pulled was convincing you there was no chance for you to resist today and this week we learned otherwise."
"Shido is the perfect representation of this systemic reality... a person who manipulates everyone around him, who truly has no friends."
"We must unlearn the ways we have been forced to exist within what is considered normal and begin to imagine the ways we can flourish outside these pressurized systems."
"When we assimilate into white supremacy, we leave the structure intact and none get free; when we stay fat, we free ourselves and others."
"We are not too big to fail to the central bankers, to the bankers, to the Jamie Diamonds of this world. We are just the right size because what are we gonna do if they can divide us?"
"And when they do, the very foundations of this broken system will tremble."
"Be mad about the system, not the person who played by the rules and won."
"These systems are simply not designed to truly help people. They're just not. The system is designed to protect the system, that is its real core function."
"The whole system exploits the pain of black people for profit."
"You shouldn’t have to be convinced that both parties in this political puppet show are owned and operated by the same interest."
"This entire [ __ ] has run amok and should be rethought from the ground up."
"It's an indictment of our system, our species, that that's the extent we have to go to."
"Themes of political distrust, different political systems, and rebellion are the core themes."
"This process and almost everything about it is undemocratic."
"What have we all been talking about for the last couple of years? Pretty hard, which is the dollar's everything."
"People under the age of 35 think this entire system is so rotten to the core and so rigged they want to see it broken."
"People are hungry for something else, and it's the system itself... that is keeping the people from being able to express their will."
"Debt is not my friend, the system is designed to keep you broke."
"It's impossible for me to have a good apple bad apple conversation when this isn't about good apples bad apples, it's about systems."
"I'm not an all-or-nothing kind of guy. I will not hate on the system nor will I love the system."
"Be mad at systems and not people, these people have been tricked to be mad at the absolute wrong systems."
"He exposed all of the ways that this party establishment mobilizes to destroy candidates like him."
"This is the first time that these people are actually getting heard and that is an indictment of the entire system all the way around."
"No system is perfect, democracy fails often. The only system that truly takes care of the people."
"Neo had a chance to recognize that he was a trans woman, that he came out and recognized the problems of the system, not just as a trans woman but the entire world was wrong."
"If you use reason to argue back you're participating in a system that was created by white men in order to exclude women and racial minorities from being able to argue on their own terms."
"So if you get out of this report lawful investigation with a few irregularities the rule of law in this country is dead."
"The system was never made to benefit or lift people like me."
"The system has become an addictive drug and you've got to break away."
"Mgtow is not about women... It is about the system."
"I love me some finely aged systemic analysis."
"Either the individual comes first or systems destruction."
"Until you have a complete paradigm shift... they don't care about voters... they'll just manipulate."
"The basic idea is that our system, our society, our government, our economies are all wrong, that they are exploitative, they're oppressive."
"I have a chip up my shoulder against the system that allows that to happen in cities that were not even taking care of the people who are here already." - Jimmy Dore
"The prison industrial complex, as we know it, that [__] has to go. It's run like a plantation system, it's run like a genocidal concentration camp, and that has to go."
"Bitcoin is the solution to all of the problems of the traditional financial system."
"Physical silver, Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin will act as a silver bullet against all the things that are wrong with this world."
"If we see it in medicine or the universities or the corporations, we've got to fight."
"Resistance must be directed at the entirety of the corporate state."
"The system is not broken, it's working as intended."
"Why have we not questioned the system we live under?"
"We should not be the slave of our economic system. The economic system should serve us."
"We can't imagine the end of capitalism, but that's the work of culture producers."
"Over time capitalism has spun wildly out of control, transforming rapidly from a force for positive social change into a brutal system of oppression." - NonCompete
"It's all about finding that healthy balance."
"President Donald Trump is a disrupter to a bipartisan cartel that was destroying our country for 40 years."
"They learned how to take down their parents' and grandparents' financial and political systems."
"If we do not remain engaged, if we do not stand and speak, if we do not fight back, we will find we've become captives, slaves in a system that cares nothing for us, our children, or our well-being."
"If you keep using the Master's tools, yo ass gonna stay in the Master's house. Period."
"The left has to build consensus that the current system is failing."
"Crypto's all about self-sovereignty, control of your own money, understanding how the game has been rigged for people in most societies for thousands of years. This is the first money in human history that basically people can start controlling."
"It's not just a conflict of interest, it's not just wildly improper conduct, it's a joke and America, the American legal court system is on trial here and the International Community is laughing its heads off."
"You know, the system is so well set up to benefit individuals like this that they can, everything they do wrong, they usually charge the opposition with it."
"Bitcoin provides an incredible way to escape the tyranny of this very evil system."
"The system is what's broken right and so what's happened is that more and more black families as I just quoted that statistic from from a few years A couple of years ago 16.1% homeschooling are taking it upon themselves."
"College is a scam... let's make it not a scam anymore."
"The whole system is totally insane when you really stand it." - Mike Maloney
"I think we are in this moment where if we combined a clear opposition to the brutalities of our current system with a bold forward-looking agenda that is not nostalgic but addresses the simultaneous and overlapping crises that we face..."
"We need to focus on the whole damn system being guilty as hell."
"There's no alternative, but of course, there's an alternative. Every few weeks, we're trying to outline an alternative that doesn't have to be this way."
"It's time for a sharp turn. The system's broken and it's revolution time."
"I feel like it's such a... his character is kind of saying something about the system."
"Technocratic approaches like Andrew Yang's channel anger back to the same place."
"This is why so many people lean left at a young age because they see the system as totally immoral and corrupt and they're right"
"Fujitora's plan to abolish the warlord system shakes the future."
"To compete in society, you must enter into an arena full of killers, and the system will make you believe that it's both your fault that you're there and your fault for all the bad things that happened to you."
"You don't want to just be the person that's here that's supporting the system making everybody else rich."
"Congratulations to those who made it through the tough times."
"Capitalism is an incentive system... left to the will of the individuals gaming."
"What we've done now is we've tried to eliminate all of the loss and prop things up and we don't have the creative destruction we don't have jupiter's law taking effect."
"The system does not work for you, the system works against all of us." - Rashad Richard
"Image Comics rebelled against the entire system that supported the industry."
"We live in a system where they're still holding out with a few remnants that remain who are still eager to be bought off with symbolic rewards and symbolic benefits and we ain't going for it over here."
"It's only a gotcha if you buy into the system."
"The system is there to make us forget; it's remembering the true nature of reality."
"Blind irrational faith in a system that you are actively trying to dismantle at the same time is just dumb."
"The system's rigged to protect these criminals from the consequences of their crimes."
"It's adorable when I see people still holding out that hope that the system is real. Oh no, it's not real."
"In a single-payer system, you would actually have more choice in terms of care providers."
"Our health care System itself is incentivized to actually make more money doing more stuff rather than making people healthier."
"I blame the con artist... we have built a system that tells young people to go to college for no reason."
"We deserve better, a system that's self-governed."
"You can't claim you're for peace unless you're willing to disturb it."
"It's inequity that is driving the destruction of this system." - Critique of wealth inequality and its consequences.
"You can't stay being in this because the emperor works for the devil, babe."
"Stop focusing on tactics and gaming the system."
"Our criminal justice system is only criminal; there is no justice."
"Jesus calls BS on broken systems and bad stories."
"You can criticize a system that you're a part of."
"Because we're not part of the system we exist as a non-absorbed entity we are a problem."
"Once you started develop a systemic critique of the conditions that leave so few choices for black men like yourself."
"Focus on your goals and protect yourself against the system and everything that is just there to oppress."
"Is it immoral to break the law in an amoral system?"
"If you look at this system and you see that you have no real options, you understand exactly how you end up in a moment exactly like this."
"I turned my hand into a fist and flipped the bird to the system."
"Matthias starts questioning the crest system and uses a fireball spell with his fourth crest."
"They say to us that we must be concerned not merely about who murdered them, but about the system, the way of life, the philosophy which produced the murderers."